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Posts posted by Still-young

  1. 27 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

    My God. I didn't imagine that Darkoath would get everything together in one box and with their own tome...

    I may have to skip Callis and Tome and send back Sekhar and her beasts for this... Glad I've not yet opened it while working on other models.

    It’s not their own tome, it’s a supplement for Slaves to Darkness Ala the Ironjawz one recently. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    I'm assuming that thing is a new chaos spawn? The kit probably needs an update. 

    It looks a bit deliberate to be a Chaos Spawn. Right amount of limbs, everything in the right place etc. 

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  3. It probably goes between the two side bits that the skaven are pushing, and then the bit with two pins ejecutor pointed out goes up from there. 

    On the rear of the sprue those long bits each have 2 holes that seem about right spacing wise. 


  4. 4 hours ago, Matrindur said:

    I don't think we'll see SA yet, they probably still have stuff to reveal and I wouldn't expect the army set before everything is shown off.

    Kill Team, Warcry, Underworlds are probably more likely, with Kill Team the highest since the Night Lords half of the next box where revealed back in November already.

    Legions Imperialis could also get some more stuff, not necessarily the new stuff that gets their rules with the book released next Saturday but the old Titanicus and Aeronautica kits from the core book that still haven't been rereleased.
    Especially the missing Titans/Knights and the two discount boxes announced back in August would make sense since the newest book has a rules portion specifically about Titan/Knight battles.

    I don’t see why the Solar Auxilia box can’t come before they’ve shown everything for them? It’s not like there’s a book in the box that will reveal models they’ve not shown yet, and the rest of the SA plastics will probably come over a few months, I don’t think it’ll be a one drop release like a 40k army. 

  5. The Warhammer World Open Day reveals last year were relatively small (Arks of Omen Farsight with the Farsight and Snikrot models, and Hedonites of Slaanesh and Blades of Khorne with their respective single hero models). Nice stuff but not like a full 6 system reveal show.

    10th 40k got announced at Adepticon last year with a Terminator and Termagant shown, I’d imagine the equivalent for 4th will be this year. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Garrac said:


    He’s said they’re coming, I don’t believe he’s said this soon? I could be wrong but the Solar Auxilia battle group will barely be out by then, and it took almost 2 years for the first non-marine plastics. I really don’t see it that soon. 

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  7. 12 hours ago, Garrac said:

    Adepticon usually teases a Big Thing for june (Horus Heresy on 2022, 10th edition on 2023) and then some stuff for 40k/other games later on summer. The preview of 2022 even teased CSM, whom would come much later down the line.

    What I expect from adepticon 2024 is:

    -AoS: Dawnbringers 6, 4th ed

    -40K: orks, custodes, imperial agents, legions imperialis stuff

    -30k: mechanicum

    -The Old World: Dwarfs

    -Warcry: new roadmap

    -Other specialist games: something

    -Lord of the Rings: nothing

    But I'll make the wishlisht on a further notice when the date is nearer

    There’s no way 30k will get Mechanicum this quickly after Solar Auxilia. 

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  8. 7 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    It looks like some handmade terrain for a background. The crystals are pretty similar to the ones from Underworlds Primal Lair. Especially the most dense one.



    I think they mean the model behind the rocks. 

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  9. Not that it really makes any difference but I’ve just been looking through that 7th Skaven book from 2009 and noticed the HPA model wasn’t in the book, it was actually from a slightly later wave in 2011 along with the warp lightning cannon:


  10. 4 hours ago, TheMawr said:

    Its not "that" new, afaik its older than the Savage orcs/goblins, the ogre kingdoms and (40k) grey knights range... for a comparison.

    Are you thinking it came with the Skaven end times releases ? Or are you just used to GW times for new and old ? ( yes, then its actually fairly new, Especially when it comes to Jes Goodwin's pet projects XD.)

    Nonetheless it still holds up pretty well, and most of the kits of that era are still in rotation even with range updates ( chaos chariot, ghouls.) so there is a good chance its not updated, but still remains.


    Funnily I myself didnt think of skaven when I saw that picture, despite it being quite likely now that you point it out.
    It could be a spiritual succesor to the old forgeworld vermin lord, so a similar design, but not a verminlord obviously.

    It’s only older than a few Ogre Kingdoms kits, not the whole Ogre Kingdom range (although it being 2009 puts them a lot closer than they were in my head, GW really came on pretty quick with plastic kit quality). I think the HPA holds up really well for being 15 years old. 

    edit: I agree with Swamp Trogg, I think that Skaven wave really holds up today. I’d be happy if Clanrats stayed, I’ve already said in here somewhere how Stormvermin are probably my single favourite WHFB unit kit, the Screaming Bell is still great. That was a really good release. I still have the army book somewhere. 

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  11. I always have intentions to paint but I don’t actually enjoy it much so don’t do it very often at all. I’m hoping to change that this year and actually get at least a force of something painted up. So far I’ve done 2 test models haha

  12. 1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

    This looks like a rat face... i need to take some rest...


    I dunno if it’s just 2 spikes and one is damaged, but they’ve always looked a bit like styalised eagle and bear faces to me, which makes me think order. 

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  13. 8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Curiously we got the dwarf dice leaked and we are getting O&G releases first instead.

    Was the "leaked" roadmap confirmed in the event at some point?

    From what I can tell, the leaked roadmap was actually someone’s guess for what the roadmap would be that was then shared around as a leak. 

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  14. 7 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    I expect the lack of roadmap for aos may just be because there aren't gonna be any army books until 4th now and 40k has one with a lot to go still. For me, overall I thought the whole show was great, I don't really care for 40k currently but kroot and mandrakes are awesome. Don't like the hh militarum guys to be honest, guard have always been my least favourite 40k faction though they're just so generic and uninspired imo, even compared to space marines, while overdone to hell they still have some unique design elements. Loved all the aos stuff though 

    I think the Solar Auxilia are anything but generic tbh, they have bike chain backpacks for crying out loud :P

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