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Posts posted by Sabotage!

  1. Considering the Horns of Hashut have the Cultist Keyword and are listed next to the Warcry bands in the table of contents/have a profile similar to Warcry bands, they will almost certainly be a Warcry band. I imagine there is a very good chance we see them as the reveal coming up this week for Warcry. Not sure if it will be an individual box, or if they will be in a boxed set.

    Angrypanda could definitely be right about the Legionnaires being a Warcry band too - could make for an interesting boxed set or could just be a few new boxed warbands. A new boxed set seems little off with how recent Red Harvest was, though I suppose GW might have decided to take Warcry the Kill Team route.

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  2. Really love the Skaven, and I do enjoy the Elves (particularly the leader and the Crossbow one). A bit bummed we didn't get to see Malerion's Elves, because I'm very curious to see what they look like, but as primarily an Underworlds player (well I play Blood Bowl too...), I love this boxed set. To me the warbands are a huge improvement over the previous starter/season (the first I picked up nothing from).

    Mechanically, I hope they get rid of the darkness objective hexes, as I feel they really hamstring a lot of warband's special mechanics (ones that weren't particularly great in the first place too). Also not very excited for MORE keywords, the game has so much design space already I don't feel like more special rules are needed.

    Either way, two thumbs up from this guy.

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  3. Kind of interesting that they teased what appear to be three bands for Underworlds in the previews (Witch Hunters, Umbraneth, and Skaven of some sort). I wonder if we would get three warband reveals? GW is usually really good about not putting any art out there of things they aren't going to reveal very shortly (or are already released/revealed).

    I know it's kind of a pipe dream and very unlikely, but with the cost of the Underworlds starter this season taking a pretty dramatic price hike and what I have heard was pretty poor sales, I wonder if they will change their release plan with Underworlds? Maybe take the price up to 125 USD and release a "season starter set" with four warbands and four game boards, and then just release card packs until the next cycle starts? It would give Warbands equal rotation time in the Championship format and allow them to market each starter as a multiple player game.

    I don't know, just throwing ideas around.


  4. 13 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    I'll admit as a lifelong cat owner my eyes have a bias on identifying those shapes as cats immediately, but on top of the excerpt @Baron Klatz posted being a mechanical reason, it'd be a simple way of creating a Witch Hunter for AOS that isn't entirely a throwback to Old World. 

    They definitely could be cats (as a lifelong dog and cat owner, I do agree with you the silhouettes definitely look more like cats), and you are right that it could be a way to distinguish AoS Witch Hunters from those of the old world. My first thought was that they were probably dogs, because they are often seen with Old World Witch Hunter bands. It's kind of hard to say though with AoS. I feel some factions are totally turned on their heads/wild totally new ideas (Kharadon, Idoneth, etc). and others are just doubling down on Old World style (Fyreslayers, Chaos, Most of Soulblight, etc).

    Either way I'm really excited to see some Witch Hunters (or just Order Humans in general) in Underworlds.

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, novakai said:

    My hot take is that Be’lekor get shadow demons sometime in the future since he has been active in Ulgu since AoS started and was the one who hire Skaven assassin in BR and everything in Harrowdeep is actually related to him.

    also base in the 40K rumor there is suppose to be a daemon update and the shadow demon in AoS are rainstorm daemons in 40K or at least that my theory.

    This would fit with Be'lakor's history. He was known as the Shadowlord back in Mordheim and basically created a giant aura of darkness emanating from him.

  6. 3 hours ago, novakai said:

    I think what’s going to happen is that they tease one warband tomorrow, one on Thursday, and Friday is the full reveal lol.

    but since this a new box set they probably want to maximize their community engagement for it despite not having a big reveal. 

    I really hope this is the case. If we get all these tiny teasers with no pay off by the end of the week I would be pretty irritated with the Warhammer Community staff.

  7. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    Are they merging two season into one?

    because as I believe it currently is, Harrowdeep is only slotted 6 warbands base in the card numbering. This new starter set is the last of this cycle

    If I remember correctly the rumors were from someone who had a "list of upcoming warbands" so it could be that they span this season and possibly the next, because you are right - this starter set should end this season (at least if i have been interpreting things correctly - I have been very disappointed with this season in general and haven't bought anything from it). I'd love to see the Starter contents this week. It is supposed to be out in Q2, which we are already in, so a reveal wouldn't be too much to hope for.

    I'm really hoping the starter is Malerion's Elves vs. Witch Hunters (CoS needs some love), but I would also be very happy with Malerion's Elves versus Eshin Skaven - who doesn't love Ninja rats. Honestly everything that has been rumored (I guess aside from the faction getting a 3rd warband, since we don't know what it is) sounds much more appealing than what has been released thus far to me.

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  8. I know I am a day late to the part, but those Witch Hunters are fantastic. Combined with the Witch Hunter from Cursed City, that is three new Witch Hunters in a short span of time from GW. Can they please return them to being an option for CoS? Or better yet release a full Order of Azyr Warband for Warcry?

    I need more for my Mordheim addiction! (Also I would play the heck out of all of them if they ever get Warcry rules)

  9. 4 hours ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

    Speaking of Underworlds warbands, just noticed the article today said we will be seeing previews for Khagra's Ravagers this week--hype!

    Yeah, I'm pretty excited for that. It's a shame we won't get them in January as was the initial release schedule though. There hasn't been an Underworlds band I have been nearly as excited for.

    In terms of Dead and Divine. I think we will probably see either the Underworlds band of Vampires, or an Undead Warcry band, either of which will give us a hint to the upcoming AoS faction. I'm thinking Divine will be two fold and probably show off new Ecclesiarchy miniatures for Sisters of Battle and an Order of Azyr Warband for Warcry.

    Why so much Warcry? Because the game is pretty popular, GW has been pushing it, and we have no outstanding previews at all for what is coming next for the game. If you look at the map in the Catacombs book, I'm guessing most of those icons on it are factions that GW is planning on eventually making warbands for.  Also Vampire Hunters/Order of Azyr would fit in really well as a Warcry band.

    Why so little AoS? GW generally doesn't like to hype up or reveal a new army when a major release for that game system is around the corner. We could see a new Broken Realms book previewed I think.

    Just my two cents anyways.

  10. 7 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    I'm with ya mate. I would prefer Classic Vampires instead of Vampirates.

    While I am pretty okay with the idea of a Vampirate with an undead crew (mostly because I think zombie sailors are cool), I'm thinking this particular vampire will be more of a "rakish" duelist type with some sabres, a billowy white shirt, etc. I definitely do not get Blood Dragon vibes for the silhouette though, the weapons are too renaissance, and not medieval enough in style.  I guess we'll know in a few months.

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  11. On 11/28/2020 at 5:41 AM, BrocknerTheBear said:

    As cool as bonesplittaz would be....and as likely as they are....I rather hope its spiderfang instead 

    I like Bonesplittaz pretty well, but Spiderfang would be way more interesting to me. Bonesplittaz I could probably pass on......but goblins on spiders? That's an instabuy.

  12. Thanks for the insight folks! I think I will just go for it and keep the scheme across the army,  assuming I'm not mixing in things from other armies it shouldn't be too confusing. Good point on Drukhari Mitgas, I hadn't even thought of that. I knew I had seen a similar scheme somewhere that i enjoyed....hahaha.

  13. Hey folks,

    I've been seriously contemplating putting together a Slaanesh army this next year (Loving those Painbringers, the Fiends are some of my favorite AoS minis, and if the Slaangor to be released are anything like the Underworlds one I am hooked). I want to add in some Chaos Warriors, as I love the miniatures and played Warriors from early 5th to the end of Fantasy. They also seem to fill a niche in the Slaanesh army that is missing (durable anvil type unit). The issue I have is that I don't really want to paint them purple or pink (I have painted a lot of purple in my day and I'm not a big fan of pink armor). I was thinking of painting a very dark blue (Incubi Darkness), washing the armor green, and then doing a Kabalite or Sybarite green edge highlight. I'd do the cloaks in purple or a teal. Do you folks think that would look too Tzeentchian for a Slaanesh unit?

    I mean, I know you can paint your units however, and say they have whatever mark (barring them having god-specific symbols and what not), but I would like to avoid confusing my opponents and would want something that would look nice with the rest of the army.

  14. I mean I can understand why people would be disappointed with the Lumineth not being High Elves and what not (though I don't really have a problem with the Lumineth), but I don't understand why Slaves to Darkness are being questioned by say "it's not fair they just got resculpts." From a lore perspective though it makes sense. Arachaon won, which is what caused the end times, and as such his culture survived. He didn't have to rebuild his forces from scratch or re-engineer the way his recruit worked, or even go as far to make a new race from scratch. He just said "Oh cool, there are humans (and apparently Elves, Dwarves, Ogres and what not)" once they fall to Chaos I will do what I always do with them.

    TLDR: There was literally no reason to reimagine Chaos Warriors from a lore perspective or otherwise. This is also taking into account they are probably the single most iconic thing from Warhammer Fantasy and one of the most recognize fantasy concepts of all time. High Elves, Wood Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, etc. are not unique to the Warhammer universe and GW wants unique entities from both a recognition and legal stand point.

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  15. 1 minute ago, Mitzrael said:

    "Of course, we couldn’t showcase such a magnificent character without also giving you a peek at some of the forces he’ll be commanding."

    If I understand this correctly, Sigvald will be commanding more forces. Maybe Slaanesh mortals is the whole new army for this year, Like LRL for the previous one? I also think I am starting to collect a new army or at least a small force of nice models ;).

    Hoping to see the next BR book at BL preview. I wonder if they release another batallion boxed sets alongside. Would be great.

    I'm personally looking forward to seeing those Slaangor in all their glory.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Games Workshop don't release things on the basis of fairness or equality for their ranges though. They sell what's good for the IP,  and the Slaanesh centrality of that has been obvious since the release of second edition. 

    Storytelling and Lore will always sell more for GW than equal representation on the tabletop. Always has been the case, always will be. Theres zero reason to ever expect in either 40k or AOS for there to be anything approaching parity in faction representation. The fiction is what drives the product and no popular story has ever been about 15+ protagonists equally. 

    Right, which is why Chaos is the 2nd largest Grand Alliance. Chaos is the primary opposition to the forces of order, and has been since WHFB. Not to say that Death and Destruction aren't important, but Chaos has always been a central pillar to all the narratives of GW universes. It's the most enduring concept in the history of their games.

  17. I'll be very honest, I'm not a huge fan of the current Daemonettes either. That said I love the new helmeted infantry, the Slaangor (assuming the look anything like the one in Direchasm), and the newish Fiends are amazing. Combine that with I can use Chaos Warriors in the list? That's pretty darn appealing to me. Whether or not I take the plunge is debatable, because I really don't have time for army level games.

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  18. 12 minutes ago, Doko said:

    They are slanesh daemons who cares the details. Im not complaining that a specific lodge of fyreslayers didnt get nothing per example.


    Daemons are daemons and i get that slanesh isnt khorne,but slanesh daemons or mortals?its the same slanesh

    Slaanesh players have been waiting a really long time for mortals.  The rest of the Chaos pantheon has pretty robust mortal ranges. Let them enjoy their releases.

    Saying that Slaanesh doesn't need new releases because other Chaos factions have plenty of choices would be like saying "Fyreslayers don't need more models (which they desperately do) because the Kharadon range exists" or "Deepkin shouldn't get anything because Daughters of Khaine got a new hero this year."

    I know it's a bummer than the Cities of Sigmar factions have gotten essentially nothing, but it doesn't make other factions releases into the game any less noteworthy and useful.

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