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Everything posted by Sabotage!

  1. Leaked pictures of models and sprues aren't really rumors though, they are pretty much confirmation barring excellent photoshop work or 3rd party manufacturers people are claiming are GW . There maybe rumors surround those elements (for example, people may speculate Slaanesh is coming out next because of the fiend sprue sighting). Currently there is a rumor that Fyreslayers are getting an update in November, people are discussing those rumors and whether or not they have validity based on GWs past history, speculation, etc. I think that's fair use of a rumor thread. Speculation on rumors is part of why they are rumors, GW even puts out incomplete pictures of models every Tuesday to give the community something to speculate on. Wishlisting is entirely different (and often baseless speculation). That would be me jumping into the thread and saying "Soulblight Vampires really need an infantry unit to be viable." Which has no base and therefore would not belong in a rumor thread. I'm not trying to be finicky, but I think you are coming down a bit hard on people for discussing rumors, which is what the thread is for.
  2. Thank you both for your replies, I definitely appreciate the feedback. I wasn't aware that Khorne and Tzeentch didn't ally, I thought Tzeentch and Nurgle were enemies, and Slaanesh and Khorne were. Though admittedly I haven't followed the AoS fluff that closely and am basing most of my assumption on Old World fluff. That is a good point Kenshin on the Dark Oath minis, maybe they won't even be able to devote to a god at all. I'm not really looking for a super competitive army, just something that functions fairly well within itself, so I'm not super concerned about missing out on the "must have battalions." Generally I'll just be playing pretty casually with friends and my wife, but based on your the feedback you two have given I'll probably just go with Disciples of Tzeentch. I like the army quite a bit, and that way I won't have to worry about having an underdeveloped army or my army getting invalidated when the Dark Oath book comes out.
  3. Hey all, My wife and I are starting AoS painting projects for the new year and I'm having some issues deciding on an army (she is firmly set for Nighthaunt), and Slaves to Darkness are a faction I'm pretty interested in (Moon Clan being the other, but I'm waiting to see what the new stuff looks like). My main issue is that I want to build a Tzeentch/Khorne mixed force and use the artifact that gives your general all the Chaos keywords. However I noticed that the Darkoath heroes are also Slaves to Darkness, and it has me concerned that when the new Darkoath book comes out that StDs will be folded into the book and have a new set of artifacts. If that happens I'd end up with a pretty disjointed army. Do you think it would be better to do a mono-god force and just use their respective battletome (IE do Disciples of Tzeentch and just use mostly Tzeentch StD units) to reduce chances of have an army that plays in a disjointed manner?
  4. While personally I would like to see something new in November for AoS (barring the few new Slaanesh demon models), I would be happy with an update to Fyreslayers or Ironjawz. Somewhat recently I assembled Ironskull's Boyz and also converted a couple Brutes into Black Orcs for Blood Bowl, and while doing so I was thinking "You know, the Ironjawz have a really great range, if only they had a bit more variety in their book I would start an army." Seriously, I would almost certainly pick up Ironjawz if got one more dual kit and maybe another large kit for a total of three more unit option. The problem with some of those earlier Battletomes is they really don't have enough unit options to give much variety in putting the army together. With exception to the Unique Character and Ironskullz Boyz, Ironjawz have a grand total of 3 units and 4 characters (one of which is just a mounted version of one of the other three heroes). Fyreslayers aren't much better, with a few more heroes, but only three units. In short, I think some of the earlier tomes and their associated armies would sell better with a more complete army like Nighthaunt/Deepkin have. Even changing their allied point allowance from certain factions could make them sell a bit better I think.
  5. Agreed Overread, I would appreciate seeing new stuff for AoS too. Plus the Cult release could be really small and just include a repackage, a new character, and a book. That is good reasoning Hollow, as we have recently got two new Aelf factions (Though DoK were a pretty marginal release....three kits and a book?). So maybe the Aelves are off in a he distance. To be fair, Destruction and Death are the alliances that could really use some cool new armies, off the top of my head they have only got one each since the game came about (I'm not counting writing a book for existing models). A new plastic Herald is a possibility in the boxed set. I don't think we'll see the full Slaanesh release until mid next year though. I think that will include cultists of some sort, some "elite" option (Tzaangor, Blood Warrior, etc.) , probably one more dual kit, and the new KoS. I imagine we'll seen Moon Clan, Darkoath, and then Slaanesh. To be fair, I'm just happy as long as we don't get anymore Stormcast or Nurgle from GW for a few years.
  6. I think we'll probably get Wrath and Rapture at the beginning of November or December (GW doesn't do full army releases or anything really substantial in December other than bundles). I also remember hearing that Khorne will also be getting new models. I fully expect the only new models in the box to be the Fiend (which looks great), and plastic Flesh Hounds for Khorne. I don't expect the Slaanesh mortals/ KoS until quarter two or three next year, due to Slaanesh being a major plot point. I think once Slaanesh is released we will get Malerion's and Tyrions Elves as the following armies, to complement the narrative of Slaanesh being free. As much as I'm looking forward to Malerion's elves, it makes me skeptical we will see those cool Free Guild from the artwork anytime soon (AoS needs more normal humans). I'm assuming we will get Moon Clan in November or January and Darkoath the following quarter (if we get Moon Clan November, Darkoath will be Q1, and if we get Moon Clan Q1, we will get Darkoath Q2. My guess at GW's schedule is: October: Orks for 40k, we will probably see some previews at Spiel of what is upcoming. November: Necromunda Delaque, Blood Bowl Team, Genestealer cult codex + aberrants and gunslinger character, Blackstone Fortress, possible Moon Clan. December: Wrath and Rapture and bundles. January: Moon Clan if they haven't been released yet, otherwise no idea.
  7. I don't know how many of you have seen the film "Mandy," but I'm hoping the Slaaneshi mortals looks like the bikers in that film. Think Cenobites meet Mad Max. Realistically they probably will just be androgynous scantily clad cultists. The Mirror Guard picture someone posted a few pages back would be cool too.
  8. It will be interesting to see if they can fit Slaanesh into this year. I don't think they will, as the last two times GW released big god projects they released the 40k equivalent (Death Guard and Thousand Sons) within a relatively short time of the fantasy release. My rough estimate for the rest of the year (based on pure speculation) are: July: Nighthaunt/Stormcast, Kill Team and new 40k Terrain August: Genestealer Cult (which will probably pair in with Kill Team a bit), probably a few last NH/Stormcast products, and The Space Wolves Book, Titanicus September: Orks (probably a relatively big release as they have a lot of kits that are not in plastic and there has been a lot of rumors buzzing around for new models) October: New AOS army (my guess would be Moonclan Grots or the new Humans) November: New AOS starter products that were previewed on Community, new Start collecting packages. (Maybe another 40k release) December: Lots of bundles and what not (GW doesn't release new stuff in December very often) I think next year we will get Malerion and Tyrion's Aelves early (first two quarters) to set the stage for Slaanesh and when they wrap up the Nagash storyline they will do some sort of Chaos storyline with Slaanesh being the big Summer release and Darkoath coming in the Fall (or vice versa). That's just my best guess though.
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