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Everything posted by Sabotage!

  1. How much are the Battleforces normally? 170 USD if I remember right. As someone who might be starting Deepkin next year that could be pretty cool. Kind of a shame no King model and two Allopexs vs 1 and 2 sets of Eels, but I'm not really a competitive player and I like all the models.
  2. Agree 100% on this. I loved that Fantasy had no "main" faction. I really hope the next starter or boxed set is something without Chaos or Stormcast. Orruks vs. Free Peoples, Dwarves vs. Vampires, Deepkin vs. Skaven, I don't really care, just something to show off the diversity of the game. That said new Orruks and Free Peoples would make me super happy.
  3. I personally like Stormcast, but I do agree they have a very large range and it would be nice to see a few years of other factions getting releases before we go back to them. By the sounds of the rumors we should be pretty good for a while with Moonclan, Darkoath, and Slaanesh looking to be the next factions released. Then hopefully we will get another couple destruction or death releases.
  4. So I maybe wrong in this, as I don't really follow 40k, but isn't the new Necron model in Forgebane just a Cryptek with a different equipment loadout and not a new unit? Because GW does this all the time (and sometimes doesn't even release these models outside of boxes). Slaanesh will be almost definitely be a major release and will include the new demons, a new KoS, and I'm guessing two new mortal units (at least), alongside a few new heralds. I'm just thinking they will not release a battletome until every unit in it is available individually (or releasing in a few weeks), which tends to be par for course for GW barring this weird Ork release with Speed Freeks and the GSC army that you still can't get abberants outside of a large boxed set. That said, you are very right, this is really all just speculation and GW can really do whatever they feel like. For all we knows we will be getting AoS Brettonians next.
  5. Yeah, GW doesn't like releasing boxed sets and then reboxing them right away. I can't recall a time they have ever done that, though that doesn't mean it hasn't happen. I could definitely see a Khorne release coming and it's something that I hadn't considered. In fact, if we were to get a Battletome closely (like a few weeks) behind Wrath and Rapture I would actually put my money on a redone Blades of Khorne, since with plastic Flesh Hounds and a Herald they would have pretty much a full plastic range and GW wouldn't have to release anything alongside the book, until they eventually rebox the flesh hounds and herald down the road.
  6. I agree that the Fiend and Herald will be before Christmas in Wrath and Rupture, I just don't think the Slaanesh book will be released until they are reboxed, and GW generally takes a while to rebox stuff in boxed games. Genestealer cult still doesn't have reboxed Aberrants, the Silver Tower stuff took quite a while, etc. I think we are looking more at something like Silver Tower compared to the Tzeentch book, which had a bit over 6 months between them. Because if they release Wrath and Rapture before Christmas (which seems likely), there is no way we will be getting a Slaanesh Battletome and all the associated goodies before Christmas.
  7. I'm thinking we'll see both Moonclan and Darkoath first personally. I think GW will want to give Slaanesh a big release with a lot of storyline support, a boxed set like Blight War, plus they will be getting new Fiends, a KoS, a new Herald, several new heroes, and probably a couple mortal units. I think they will make a big summer campaign deal out of it (which would be awesome).
  8. This breaks my heart. I want to see the Moonclan stuff (even if it isn't coming out for a few months), so I can decide on whether to start Moonclan or Deepkin for my project next year. I'm guessing we'll see something beyond Wrath and Rapture, but I'm not sure if it have anything to do with AoS (probably the last Necromunda gang). I'm also thinking that Wrath and Rapture will have stand alone rules like Betrayal at Calth and those type of GW releases, and Slaanesh proper won't come until they rebox the models from Wrath and Rapture 6 months to a year down the road.
  9. I think the reveals are coming tomorrow, GW has a seminar thing that is half an hour long. I'm not sure why the Undead got spoiled early.
  10. It's a Mummy, they are the "big guys" on Undead teams.
  11. Looks like the Undead BB models were spoiled on the German FB page. Excellent looking models and as a BB player I will definitely be picking them up. Could be nice for a Skirmish warband with a bit of conversion.
  12. Oh shoot, that's a good question. I think we'll probably see DoK or IDK and possibly Sancrosect and Nighthaunt, but those are just my thoughts and anyone else's guess is as good as mine. I think they usually show them off late November.
  13. Yeah, they definitely have showed off/talked about a lot of stuff for the rest of the year already. I'm expecting at least Wrath and Rapture, Blackstone Fortress, Blood Bowl and Necromunda by the end of the year (fortunately I don't play all those game or I'd be broke). That also doesn't include all the December releases like new Start Collectings, Battleforces, Terrain bundles etc. that normally come out- though model wise those are nothing new. Spiel is a big board game convention in Germany that has been going on for quite a while. GW has just recently got involved with it over the last few years.
  14. Oh definitely. It drives me nuts when people take speculation and start selling it as fact, all that happens is that people who aren't following the conversation super closely are disappointed when they find out that their faction of choice is not released next. I'm guessing tomorrow at Spiel we'll see the Troll warband, the next Blood Bowl Team, the next Necromunda gang, and maybe Blackstone Fortress (I mean it is a board game and that is kind of what Spiel is about). I think there is a pretty good chance we will see the next AoS army to come at Blood and Glory in a few weeks, though I doubt we will see it until next year. At least I imagine Blood and Glory will be the place to show off the next AoS stuff, as GW will probably be saving 40k previews for the 40k Weekender.
  15. Oh man, I hope they show the Troll Warband at Spiel. I'd love to see what the unrevealed models look like. I think a lot of the Moonclan coming next stuff comes from speculation more than solid information. I imagine a lot of this has to do with: 1). They have a Malign Portents model 2). They are the only W: UW faction with miniatures unique to W:UW (there are no other armored Squig herders in the game and GW commented that it is a peak of what the future of Moonclan will be in one of their community posts). 3). The troll shares a lot in common with the Fungoid Shaman, is accompanied by a flying Squig and many believe he belongs to Moonclan. He was also revealed before he was announced to be part of Warhammer Underworlds. 4). GW doesn't generally release miniatures that show future concepts well in advance of releases of that faction (the only real exception I can think of are the Malign Portents models and Silver Tower) as they don't want third parties making something similar ahead of time. As they have already shown two concepts that are definitely unique to Moonclan, and at least one (not counting the Squigs and what not) that very likely is. 5). Destruction has got very little since AoS has been created. So I think there is some basis to the speculation (I personally hope so). But again, really anything could happen.
  16. It's definitely interesting, because nothing on the front of the box really correlates to a pink snake. My first thought was Order Serpentis, but I don't see anything on the box representing them. It could be a new faction, and as such GW didn't want any of their art on the cover though. Who knows though, I think you're right and we'll just have to wait.
  17. I'm pretty sure the Anvilgard Kraken over the hammer is the Scourge Privateers symbol. A Kracken is much more fitting than a snake and the Anvilgard boxed army was mostly Scourge Privateers.
  18. That got a good laugh from me. Technically Blood Reavers and Kairic Acolytes are normal men too (I think, I'm not a huge fluff buff). It would be nice to see Order humans though, so there is kind of a point of comparison for everything else, ideally they would have been released already and replaced one of the three Stormcast Chambers. Anyways I won't get started on that tangent. The new game from Wizkids has me interested. 1-4 players and 60 minutes, I'll have to look into the designers other games, because that player range and time is perfect for me. In regards to the box cover I do think the skull is Freeguild, but I don't think the snake is Scourge Privateers. I'm pretty sure Scourge Privateers are using the Anvilgard Kraken over the Hammer symbol 2nd to the right. The snake could be OrdO Serpentis? No idea really.
  19. I'm thinking it the bottom of a sword hilt for a Blackstone Fortress character. My other thought is that it could be a new human faction with a feathered picklehaube. I could see Ironweld Arsenal's new look having Picklehaubes. That said, I don't think we have a lot of buzz about anything human coming out for AoS.
  20. @novakai Yeah, sorry I meant Blood and Glory. I'm not much of a tournament guy. I'm pretty sure Blackstone and Wrath and Rapture will be shown off there, but also probably a studio preview for the next AoS army (which my gut says will be Moonclan, but I could be wrong). Honestly I don't think Slaanesh will be coming out for 6ish months if only because when they release new products in a boxed set it usually takes them about that long to repackage them. When we get the repacked Fiends and Heralds I'll bet we will get the new KoS and Slaanesh stuff. I also think Darkoath and Slaanesh will be released closely together and be part of a big story shift away from the Nagash theme and back to Chaos. I'm not sure we'll get anything for December other than the usual boxed armies and maybe some new Start Collectings (which would be wonderful). @Caladancid I think you are probably on to something. I know the specialist games studio has said many times part of the reason for slow roll outs of BB and Necromunda stuff is that they have to find space in the production schedule. There was also the rumor that Moonclan got pushed back to release Beasts of Chaos, which is a considerably smaller plastic production project than a whole new army.
  21. Something of interest I saw on Dakka yesterday was apparently the new Blackstone Fortress game is either going to be out the weekend of the 40k weekender, or will be up for preorder. So with Orks getting the first week of November and Blackstone possibly getting the last, It seems unlikely we will get any more AoS stuff this year, unless you count Wrath and Rapture or those rumors of another few Fyreslayer boxes are true. I'm guessing at Wrath and Glory they will show Moonclan for January though.
  22. @Fisher KIng I'm really thinking it's Grots also (I'm really excited to see what GW does with Moonclan). I'm hoping the goblins get lots of bugs and fungi monsters to accompany them into battle (and I think Fungus monsters are almost a given, considering the Troll shadespire band). Aesthetically I think that would make a really cool army. It would be really cool for the Moonclan to have big centipedes and the Spiderfangs to have big spiders. A lot of people on Dakka seem to think it's a Keeper of Secrets claw that is armored, but unless they photoshopped the interior of the claw out (which is a possibility), I really don't see that happening. It could be something from a Slaanesh mortal too I suppose. I'm really leaning towards Moonclan though, because of the rough craftsmanship. I think Slaanesh would like something a bit more elegant.
  23. I have a feeling that is almost definitely Moonclan based on the look of the armor on the new Squig Herder for Shadespire. The Fungoid Shaman has a centipede on the top of his stave, so I'm thinking it may be armor plating on a giant centipede. Of maybe some sort of sickle type weapon/ herding tool. There is also a possibility it is something for Slaanesh. I don't think it is anything from Underworld Season 3, because that's almost a year away, and it would be unusual to see something that far out.
  24. @Lucky Snake Eyes Good to know. I probably won't be playing super competitively, but it seems like factions that haven't gotten any battletome support yet often leave a lot to be desired. Hopefully when Darkoath comes out the book will be more than just barbarians and the Slaves will get wrapped into it. My vision of a Chaos army is something akin to the old "Hordes of Chaos" which included various units who followed different gods (or undivided), joined by beastmen, ogres, and trolls united by a leader or leaders. It seems that kind of build is discouraged under the new rules, but I suppose it's best to wait and see what happens with Darkoath.
  25. I like the two current Darkoath models okay, but after seeing the Shadespire artwork my thoughts became "Oh cool, generic uninspired barbarians that exist in every fantasy game ever made." I'm much more a fan of the StD stuff, even if the models are super dated. I always thought of Chaos Undivided as more slavering masses of Beastmen, followed by ranks of disciplined Chaos warriors and rampaging marauders. Not a bunch of generic barbarians. I imagine Chaos Undivided to look a lot more like this (also it shows it's not that hard to convert awesome looking marauders and warriors):
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