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Everything posted by Austin

  1. Honestly looks like a tire to me. I hope soon (maybe this weekend!) we are full versions of all these models. I felt for a second like complaining about the rumors to reveals ratio, but then I realized that was the definition of #NewGWProblems.
  2. I hope it stays that way also. Sorry for all the off topic! Back to vampires riding lions while wearing cheetah pelts!
  3. I humbly submit that of all the retcons perpetrated by GW, that one wouldn't be too much of an issue haha. I certainly hope it's AoS related. But hope...even though this is NuGW, hope frightens me.
  4. As I was trying to figure out if the Lion did wear lion pelts, I stumbled across a picture of Sanguinius with a lion/cat pelt on his shoulder. That of course is a whole different can of worms haha. But really, lets all hope for Undead cat pelt wearing vampires.
  5. Haha yeah it's possible, but the lions on Caliban didn't look like the lion in this new rumor pic.
  6. It could be The Lion, but that would be taking his name a bit literally, even for GW. I'm not aware that El'Johnson ever had a lion pelt, but happy to be told otherwise. Maybe Aelves?! The only factions hinted at getting new models lately have been Aelves and Skaven.
  7. I really doubt we will see new releases for AoS until July/August (probably August) if the rumor about 40k 8th being released on 8 June is true. Considering that the KO have at least one more week of releases after this one (flying guys right?), maybe they could fit in a small release? I mean I certainly hope we get more stuff, the wait for shadow elves or any Death love is killing me, but I just don't think its likely.
  8. Has to be zombie rat ogres for the (must be) forthcoming Deadwalkers battletome. Surely death is next. Maybe? Possibly? Ok fine skaven.
  9. In his latest post on Atia's blog, Hastings said he knows of the shadow elves and Skaven. Though he didn't say when. And lately, even the most reliable rumor sources have been off.
  10. I hope you are right, but I think it would be hard to have a ton of AoS factions coming out along with the rumored new edition of 40k. Don't get me wrong, I really really want all the things you mentioned.
  11. Yes. I guess what I am asking is are you wish-listing vs contributing to actual rumors. Because you keep not answering that question, and I think its a bit misleading if you are just saying what you hope comes out. If you do know things, then great and thank you for sharing what you know. If not, I would say maybe be more careful in how you word things.
  12. So do you actually know what is coming up? I know someone asked that earlier, but I didn't see an answer. Its cool to speculate, and I certainly agree that GW has an amazing brand to draw from, but you are saying things that imply you have actually seen upcoming models. Maybe you don't mean to be doing that?
  13. I can check later for the cite, but Atia said on her blog something to the effect of "you are going to love the new Nurgle beastmen." It's also been in various rumor discussions on bolterandchainsword.
  14. I think Nurgle is coming soon anyway. Haven't multiple sources talked about Nurgle Beastmen? Although not an AoS source per se, the latest Gathering Storm book really foreshadowed Mortarion having some new plans which were almost complete. Hopefully AoS wouldn't be left out of a general plague release!
  15. Release info says no new models. I did always hope for blood hounds though.....
  16. Where is the Cthulhu aelves thing coming from? I mean, I would love it if that was part of Death.
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