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Posts posted by henin

  1. 3 hours ago, DantePQ said:

    Yep but Seraphon didn't get post GH Battletome with items and lores. 

    All new Battletomes follow the same pattern (even DoT which is bigger but there is no rules for Chaos Warriors for example) with mix of older and brand new units :

    - items, magic lore

    - certain playstyle 

    - less flexibility in army building considering number of units, but those units may have differents uses in certain Battalions. 


    I think it is much easier to balance Battletomes that way. I doubt we will see huge Battletomes with huge number of units. 

    That is true sir! Well, with the Tomb Kings Battletome still not released yet, I cannot say much of whats on it literally, but I did help in putting my own efforts into the project and know exactly what the Battletome's main goal to do: officially it is merely an expansion of the microscopic lore that the TK have in AoS and taking the official legacy warscrolls and putting them together in an aesthetically up-to-date manner :) In addition to some fun rules that will give them Time of War rules, battleplans, Battalions, all based off the other Battletomes and some fan-made rules bringing back old models that we love and have a lot of fun with. This all was simply started as small fan-rules that Tyler started making for fun to play with his own army but has incorporated and grown to be a community effort of sorts and together with some artists and other members of the TK commuity he has taken on this project to put a home for his TK and all others who wish to have the deserts as their home too.

    Here I wish to do the same:

    -Develop Lore for Bretonnia

    -aestetically update all current warscrolls of bretonnia

    -develope some time of war, battleplan, and allegiance rules.

    -incorporate some fan rules of models that were lost together as a community

    -but above all I just want to do something to support my brother really :) and therefore the brets because I hold them close to my heart as well!

    So you are correct my friend! Officially the goal is to merely work with the battletomes already out and bring Brets into AoS as a true force that (suposedly) is (potentially) stil around in Lore (possibly as much as tk was lol)

    But yes this is merely a fun project for the fun and love of the hobby and this army :D 


    7 hours ago, Davariel said:

    I actually think focusing on Gilles rather than Louen would be the way to go if you're looking for a "legendary king" background figure.


    Okay, I'm the one getting inspired now xD

    Thank you for all that, It was actually very inspiring and informative! This is exactly what I am hoping to achieve!

    I just went through the Sylvaneth book and saw how they handled Durthu, and read that it is not Durthu himself in literal form, but rather some kind of "tree lord" taking on his essence and soul to be as he was. Though, in rules he seems to be pretty much Durthu. (anyone care to make the comparison?)

    I think Focusing on Gilles might be another way to handle the king. 

    I was also thinking of the Pocket the Lady had set for the Brets, I feel it can be used as their home-realm among the world of AoS. Which as such could also (in lore) incorporate anyone else who resided with the lady's favor, animals, forests, sylvaneth, elves and those of the like. More brainstorming to get the thoughts going :) thoughts? Opinions?

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  2. On 3/3/2017 at 10:53 AM, Oppenheimer said:

    This is great. Bretonnia really needs it. The order allegiance ability is pretty useless for them. Their banners give the nobles rerolls already and Louen makes them immune to battleshock so they really need an upgrade in that way.

    Thank you. I feel like Bretonnia Had so much potential for new cool and original content/lore/rules unique to them but they never had a chance.

    After reading some more I read that during the end times the lady had a sort of realm where she created specifically for the brets and in the apocolypse she had her daughter bring all the remaining brets to her new created realm and saved what was left of Bretonnia. I feel this is one key part in Lore that can help forge this Battletome background.

    On the conversation of the King. It seems he did "die" but that is not a problem the way I see it, if we are going to try to stick with lore as best as we could. I am merely brainstorming here so other ideas and opinions are welcome. The same way TK solved the problem of "Settra is Incapacitated" issue, I think can be done for the Brets and their king. By name, it will be the "next king" or a viable replacement for the lore but the rules will be literally the same because rulewise it is still the original king. As shown here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3IzQocsfEp_WXFPbXFFVXNHVG8/view

    just an Idea anyway to get things going and maybe get people enticed and understand what We might be going for this project.

    Hope That I get someone to join the team soon. If I might ask someone to help me in the right direction to spread the word on the Brets main forum, where to post it there, please do!

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  3. 6 hours ago, Davariel said:

    As someone whose first warhammer love was Bretonnia I would be overjoyed to see this happen :)

    A great opportunity here (background-wise) would be to explore the lives of the "regular humans" often asked about. Unlike the Tomb Kings (who have a fairly unique society that could be brought forward into AoS relatively unchanged) I think a Bretonnian tome might work by looking at human society more broadly, using their generic fantasy status as a template for a variety of kingdoms (perhaps with their own quirks like Sylvaneth Wargroves or Stormcast Chambers?) rather than trying to come up with a "New Bretonnia". You could do a lot of interesting stuff with this - perhaps even looking at some of the people who were left behind when Sigmar abandoned the realms and using that as a starting point to explore some of the questions raised by the End Times (and never really given the treatment they deserved) regarding honour, faith and identity...

    Just my few humble thoughts, anyway. Looking forward to see what you do with this project!

    Thank you for your comment!

    Yes! I want to look at everything in detail and see what might have been left behind or what might have not been answered in the End Times to put together something that is unique to the culture that is Bretonnia. From what I understood there were things revealed in End Times or in the transition to AoS in Lore that the Lady is some sort of Goddess that used to be an Elf Goddess or something of the sort. That is something I would like to explore further as one of the options and see where it could lead. They are very loyal to their kings and the Lady. I plan on further continuing my research on them since I am not as familiar with their lore as undead.

    I am hoping I find a couple more people that can compliment the group in creating this because I have limited skills. I am capable of designing and creating digital art, but it only goes so far. So if you know of anyone who might be interested please let them know of this project.

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  4. Hello Everyone! 

    My name is Henin and I hail from the lands of the Tomb Kings! :P If you have not heard, there is an incredible project going on for tomb kings where the TK are getting their own fan-made, unofficial Battletome, complete with artwork and lore as well as some unofficial additional rules put together by the community to play for fun with friends: http://theendlessdeserts.blogspot.com/p/what-are-endless-deserts_8.html 

    I have come to love the new world of AoS thanks to this project (personally). I may not be completely happy with the lore but I enjoy the game and love the dynamics and creative encouragement it has. With that said, I keep hoping to see a similar event from the Bretonnian community, but have yet to see this. (based on my research, I could be wrong and if I am please point me in that direction xD [seriously do please])

    My brother and I started playing and collecting warhammer models some time before the End Times began. When they began the changes, me and my brother were hit hard since we had barely just finished getting the hang of the game and then suddenly it does a 180. All our efforts were crushed especially since both our armies seemed to be thrown out by GW (Him playing Brets and me playing TK). For me it is not simple to remember and learn such a complicated game as it was in warhammer 8th edition. Though, eventually I gave AoS a chance and came to love it, but honestly it was thanks to the efforts in the TK community that I now came to love it. 

    I really want to somehow do the same for my brother and the Brets. I want to try to put together some kind of team and put effort into creating something like what the TK have for their own game for fun! To support the community. Put together an AoS Bretonnian Battletome with all kinds of fun stuff for all to use and enjoy~

    So please, if this is something you are hoping to see, and/or have something to offer such as artistic skills, game knowledge, photography skills with epic models and anything at all that can help get this project in motion, please comment or message me. I want to see what the community has to say and if their is any desire for this to happen. 

    Thoughts? Opinions? Ideas? (be sincere please)




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