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Posts posted by DantePQ

  1. Why would anybody expect anything more ? GW doesn't really tease AoS2.0 Battletome updates like - Fyreslayers,Sylvaneth, FEC etc - they just release them and I doubt there is anything huge coming up for AoS in summer - June is contrast and GHB2019 so it's already huge for AoS, July is WarCry another huge AoS universe release. I'm sure they will sneak in 1-2 Battletomes updates over the summer for AoS - (for example Ironjawz and Seraphon) + Sylvaneth is coming. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, JPjr said:

    I didn’t expect scales, or indeed a tail, on the new IdK Endless Spell but I trust the designers to do us right.

    Are new endless spells even coming ? I think they would release them along with Forbidden Power or GHB. 


    6 minutes ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    You mean one more each, right? Because four each seems unlikely. Death doesn’t even have four factions.


    Yes my bad ;) it's 1 for each GA my guess is 

    - Soulblight or something new for Death 

    - Teclis "soup" light Aelves for Order

    - Everchosen/Std/Darkaoth for Chaos 

    - Ironjawz Sylvaneth alike release  or Ogros combined for Destro.  

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  4. 14 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    Lot of talk about elves & co. But what's about the StD that we long spoke about for a probable release this summer?


    During AoS preview Q&A Studio Team was talking that Archaon wont be sitting back while Nagash is doing his stuff. I think Everchosen/StD/Darkoath BT is for sure coming in 2019 as there are at least 4 more BT coming up each for every GA.

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  5. I think otherwise - with their focus shifting to releasing BT in some kind for all factions it makes  sense to release two Gloomspite-alike armies for Aelves

    1) Hysh Aelves - realistically how many kits there are in GW store ? 

    - Skycutter(which could go to Free Cities BT) , Pheonix, Dragon 

    - Pheonix Guards, White Lions 

    - Chariots 

    - Dragon Princes

    - plastic heroes,mages and Loremaster 

    Throw in models for Teclis, Tyrion, (as they are heavy on heroes thanks to plastic kits), 1 cavalery kit with 2 unit entires, 1 elite kit with 2 entries, 1 battleline kit with 2 entires + terrain + endless spells. That would be pretty amazing. 

    2) Malerion Aelves 

    - 1 kit for Battelines (Shards, Bleaksword, Spears)

    - 1 kit for elits (Execs and Black Guards) 

    - Dragon, hydra, chariot 

    - Cold Ones

    - Corsair 

    - Assassin, Fleetmaster, Sorceress

    Throw in model for Malerion, some kind of big hero/monster kit , 1-2 kits for elites with 2-4 entries, maybe extra battleline kit + terrain + endless spells 


    It's win-win for GW :

    - they unify all those micro factions (maybe giving them even Allegiance abilities Spiderfang alike) 

    - players that already have Aelves will buy new stuff 

    - new players will buy older kits which will sell like hot cakes as majority of them is fairly new 

    - gives both armies a lot of options and unit entries.  

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  6. So much whinning 

    1. DoK aren't that OP, they do require a lot of skill to play well. SCGT results show how great Jack and Ben are as a players, there was no other DoK in Top12 and those top two were played by decorated players. Also Skavens, FEC and Nagash aren't worse some may argue that FEC and Skavens are better. 

    2. All changes DoK need is

    - Hags up to 100-120 

    - Witch Aelves up to 120/300 

    - Heartrenders up to 100 

    - Stalkers down to 120 and batteline with Medusa 

    That would be enough, it would nerf Hags so it would be difficult to take more then 1 and Witches. Most armies will go up like 100-140 pts and that's a lot for such army. 

    Or that talk about changing Temples etc not gonna happen. 

    • Confused 1
  7. Whinning is really bad, Slaanesh is getting brand new BT, with a lot of stuff - 2 smaller heroes, huge KoS kit, Mirror thing unit, endless spells and terrain and people are still complaining. Even after getting new Fiends and another hero in Wrath&Rapture. 

    This is  standard AoS release - you can always take Slaves of Darkness with Slaanesh mark for mortals. There are many armies even 2.0 with much more limited choice of models/units entries. 

  8. AoS will anyway get a lot of love in 2019 and it's only April I think it's safe to say that we will get :

    - Slaanesh Battletome 

    - Darkoath Battletome which maybe expanded Everchosen or 100% new army but I think it could be combination of both. 

    - Sylvaneth, Ironjawz updates

    - Forbidden Powe expansion

    - GHB 2019 

    We could get much more updated books - BCR, Seraphon and KO and more new armies. If Darkoath, Slaanesh (and maybe Gutbusters) and updated BT are updated I think it could be Aelves not Death as Death got brand new army in Nighthaunt and I doubt they will get another "brand new army" 

  9. I don't think so there any chance for exsiting armies to be expanded anytime soon(sure some armies might get new small heroes like Khorne, FEC and Skavens). The best bet for Fyreslayers is one big Duardin BT.  I think GW wants to bring all older armies up do date - so combined Duardin book somehow works as they could "refresh" KO, Fyreslayers and Disspossesed at one time. 

    That's why I think Wanderers could be folded into Sylvaneth with new endless spells for Sylvaneth. 

  10. I think they could go many ways, I believe Malerion's Aelves will be 100% new army BUT let's remember that both Malerion and Hysh Twins want to "save" Aelves so there is possibilityto fold factions with newer kits into them but I think they will have huge release nonetheless. I doubt they will be like Daughters of Khaine. I expect Deepkin alike releases + maybe some older kits. It is quite easy to fold for example Swifthawk Agents (1 kit of Skycutter)and Pheonix Temple (2 kits) into Light Aelves.

    The same with Malerion Aelves I could see Black Guards/Executioners, Dark Riders, folded into his force. 

    But I also think folding Wanderers into Sylvaneth (for example with option to make Wanderers only army with specific Allegiance ability) is awesome idea. Such moves would reduce greatly number of Aelves mini factions.  

  11. I that was the plan to bait him into charging all his eels into my line. If Cauldron survives(and I am math guy as I was high stakes poker player) I win. It didn't. 

    We both gambled to get a win(as his charge was big gamble too) , also James used terrain and shipwrecks great so I was afraid that if I stretch my force he can single out my units in second turn as it wasn't possible to keep them all in range of Bloodshield. Also he had a lot of CPs which coupled with second turn High Tide and Hysh CA wasn't looking good. James played it extremely well. 

    And I was one roll of 5++ from winning this. Long term it is good strategy but it didn't work this time. 

    But maybe at Final I will get revenge as my army worked like a dream, I had almost 9000kill points and won first 4 games with 2k kill points major wins across very different battleplans and realms.

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