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Posts posted by DantePQ

  1. I think Book for every God is cool (that would mean 5 books as Horned Rat is now of Chaos gods) as you can field Mixed Chaos army using Chaos Allegiance abilities and imtems. But more books is some kind of a waste. I would rather prefer faster cycle of new book - for example new Blades of Khorne book with extra units etc in few years then another Choas Book. 

    I think AoS is too bloated with factions right know and merging them in bigger factions is only solution to change that fast and maybe release AoS 2nd edition in few years with refreshed Battletomes. 

  2. I agree with Killax here - merging is the best solution especially with factions that fit together - like Darkling Covens or Shadowblades. Also folding smaller factions into new factions make sense. I think merging Shadowblades with DoK would make great sense(but I doubt it will happen) but that's only one example. 

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  3. Why everyone is so into argument that Order got more then Death it's true but Dwarf player wasn't interested in Sylvaneth etc. Order is huge and will get more models then other factions but there are hardly any Order players usually.This argument is flawed. There are number of factions that unlike Death have dated minis and didn't get anything in years. Death got Shadespire (which could be used in AoS) got new hero and are getting huge BT soon that's a lot combined with their great and quite new range. 


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  4. 27 minutes ago, NurglesFirstChosen said:

    Anyone have an idea of release dates for death and daughters of khaine? 

    Not yet :(

    But I guess both are conncented to Malign Portents so quite soon also not very big releases:

    - Death is Battletome so only some repacks, dices

    - DoK is 99% 3 boxes + BT 

    So both could be one week releases

  5. Morathi has some kind of snake form because of her "tormentor" which could be Slaasnesh but looking at the trailer she is 100% againt Slaasnesh and it falls in line with her Malerion backstory and make Elves Eldar alike - now they are not fighting wich each other but against common enemy - Slaanesh which makes perfect sense with ET and AoS fluff in mind. 

  6. Quite easy

    Mortali as a new Behemoth/hero

    Tenebral Shard or even maybe even Mistweaver 

    WitchElves/Sisters of Slaughter battleline 

    Blood wrack shrine /avatar 

    1-2 new units 

    Even more “older“ kits like Doom wrack Riders

    As it's clear that Morathi is some kind of Khaine follower as he is dead God. 


    And what happened to Malerion and CThulu Elves?  Quite interesting story arc as well with Tyrion being once Avatar od Khaine. 

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  7. 24 minutes ago, Sadysaneto said:

    er... stormcasts

    yep but Stormcast are poster boys releasing new Huge Death BT with no minis (as rumored) and then releasing new BT which is Death with new minis woulde be horrible move, especially with some many people waiting for Cthulu Elves (whichj is rumored to have Morathi as some kind of dual kit)

  8. It doesn't make sens for simple reason, 

    Such faction would be folded into BT Death with new minis to support BT it doesn't make sense to release BT Death and then few months later to release new Death faction especially with BT having abilities,artefacts etc for mixed Death armies. 

  9. Death minis doesn't make much sense, waht Death need is good rules they have huge range and one of the newest with new rules I think GW wants to push what already has and Death range is fairly new and in line with AoS. 


    I really hope that two Aelves factions is true and makes also much sense for GW with multiway kits give me those Shadow and Light Aelves :D 

  10. I can easily see two Aelves faction being Light Aelves and Shadow Aelves 


    Shadow Aelves could easily be Cthulu/marine Elves 

    Also there is possibility that they will release kits for both for example a box of infranty that you can assemble as Shadow/Light Aelves, Shadow Aelves could get Malekith/Malerion + Morathi, Light Aelves will get Tyrion/Teclis (as one model or two) 

    quite easy move :

    - GW will sell minis that could work for both factions add some units they still have for both armies and here you go 

    Shadow Cthulu - Malerion, Morathi, Mistweaver,repacked hero new elite infrantry, new elite cavalery, monster and repacked 1-2 Corsairs/Bleakswords/Witch Elves

    Light Elves - Tyrion, Teclis, some kind of hero maybe even Mistweaver,repacked hero, new elite infrantry, new elite cavalery, monster and repacked 1-2 of WhiteLions/Pheonix/Pheonix Guards/Eternal Guards/Skycutters 

    that would be 2-4 big kits (Malerion, Morathi, Teclis, Tyrion), new infranty, new cavalery, new monster or ship or whatever, repacked boxes, 2 BT (or even one big BT like Nagash with 2 faction and possibility to field them as one) . 

    • Thanks 1
  11. The problem is that AoS seems to be in a pretty bad shape recently. I guess GH2017 was a big letdown, I think that changed were pretty bad and with no new releases it's bad. 

    Also there is a problem that some armies doesn't have much answer to let's say DoT. 

  12. Shadespire is great but I'm sick of those Stormcast and Khorne, I guess other factions will be some kind of Orks and of course Death which is confirmed. And it's getting boring, are we getting any new AoS factions at all ? It's been a while and I know Nurgle has many fans but another Chaos release is just ultra boring, he already had two Khorne releases, Tzeentch one and now Nurgle ? 

    Where are Elves, Free Cities, Death ? 

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  13. 7 minutes ago, Baardah said:

    Know about them, I just don't like it. As an offshoot faction maybe, ok, but what AOS needs now in my opinion is regular aelves. Now what regular aelves are in the mortal realms I don't know, but I do not want em to be chaos worshippers....shadow aelves is fine by me but no chaos please  I find it odd if they bring on shadow aelves and they have no affliction to malerion which is the deity malekith turned into as far as I know...

    as I said. It's my opinion. I understand I'm in a minority :)

    Exactly, and Malekith was always against Choas (unless he wanted to use them as allies to conquer Ulthuan) also he got a little better with End Times, so Shadow Kingdom suits him well as it still could be cruel and dark but not evil per se. 

    I guess some Slaaneshi Aelves could show up in Disciples of Slaasnesh or whatever Slaanesh battletome will be called (1-2 units + one hero + maybe Morathi as Drycha size named leader) that makes more sense then whole Slaaneshi Aelven faction. 

  14. 48 minutes ago, wayniac said:

    Very interested about aelves, dark aelves in particular.  They were my original army in 5th edition.  If they get a cool gimmick and aesthetic I might jump on that, but it will suck beyond suck that they are still in Order (although hopefully a newer tome will mitigate it with specific traits/artifacts)

    And why is that ? With End Times it was established that Malerion is against Chaos and now those Shadowelves are presented in the fluff very Eldar alike they are not evil but interested only in their own agenda. And they don't belong to any other alliance also when they chips are down they will fight against Chaos

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  15. 4 hours ago, Aryann said:

    I expect they will "only" reveal Shadowspire at Adepticon. It seems to be a big thing for them, with planned expansions and they will give all the spotlight to that new game, without any distractions. Aelfs will be shown further in the year in my opinion. It is also to close to Duardin release. 

    Oh I doubt that, I don't know what they will show but they've been making huge deal about Adepticon so I doubt it's only Shadowspire I think it will be huge and in line with old GW policy to show new minis and snippets for unreleased armies (back when Alessio and Andy Chambers still worked in GW) wild guess :

    - showing Shadowspire - how core set work along with new minis for expansions

    - showing new AoS faction (wild guess Aelves), maybe info about some kind of Battletome only release as well

    - some wk40k stuff (maybe 8ed edition announcement) 

    - new game (there is huge number of options - Talisman, Mordheim etc, etc)

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