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Posts posted by DantePQ

  1. 7 hours ago, Zerthin said:

    Where do you get those Malerion Dragon-Elves?  Do you base them on old 'Malekith got fused with his dragon' rumour?  If yes please stop repeating it. It was something Spikey Bits /BoLS/some other unreliable source at that time started based on picture next to Malerion/Ulgu description and was never true and got debunked many times already. 

    If you heard it somewhere else - please do share. 

    Also: Mistweaver and Tenebrael Shard were either prototypes of how Dragon-Aelves would look like (and let me tell you there's nothing draconic about them) or they got scrapped and upcoming (hopefully at some point) Aelves of Malerion will look nothing like they do (and will actually be dragon aelves like on the picture but it's not something we know and managing expectations is key to not being disappointed later on)

    About Aelves of Ulgu


    "Those taken by Malerion and Morathi were not humanoind in they way they once were, for they had been changed irrevocably. The first had bat wings, fine horns and long dextereous tails, their devilish appearance hinting at at ordeals they had endured in nether-realms...."

    Also I remember that I have read elsewhere about Malerion's Elves and they were desribed that way as well. Maybe they are not exactly Dragon-Elves but nothing alike Mistweaver for sure. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Yoshiya said:

    Whilst the scales might be a bit in the large side the hints could be for the new Keeper of Secrets. If you look at the current seekers of Slaanesh, a number of them have scaled backs, and if you look at the heads on the new Fiends you'll see a scaly area behind the eyes.

    They don't look quite the same but assuming the scale on the Keeper is a lot bigger this could be part of a scaly section on them (maybe a tail?)

    I don't think that Slaanesh is coming anytime soon-ish, 

    I think it will be Wh40k release - first Wh40k with some kind of new deamons, Fulgrim, and then AoS with Keeper of Secrets/named keeper (I think N'Kari is possible especially for AoS) but who knows :D 

  3. It depends I started to play heavy-competitive Deepkin a lot recently and I love playing them (got a little burned out with Daughters of Khaine - as I've played over 200 games with DoK ) so far I am 4-1 (played against Nurgle, Arkhan+Zombie Dragon+ Grimghast LoN , Deepkins, SCE and DoK) I only dropped game against DoK - but its horrible match-up for Deepkins and I played really badly as well. 

    Both Dhoim-Haim and Fuethan are great, and it's nice to reverse tides with Tidecaster general but it's nice to use Volturnos CA as well. 

    I have Aspect of the Storm in every list as he helps a lot and his ability to retreat&charge and really helps in "Three Places of Power", but I am still torn what item to give as Doppleganger Cloak is quite bad with High Tide, Ethereal Amulet is nice and so is Cloud of Midnight. But I got to look through item list to decide. 

    So it's quite "safe" to buy 

    - Volturnos/Akhelian King

    - Tidecaster

    - Soulscryer 

    - Morssar

    Those units will find a place in every Deepkin Army.   

  4. Ok so I have played my first game with fully painted Deepkins and it was a blast as their playstyle is very different to DoK army lists that I have been very successful with. 

    My list 

    Dhoim Haim


    Aspect of the Storm with Doppelganger Cloak 


    Tidecaster with Steed of Tides 

    9 Morssar 

    6 Morssar 

    6 Ishalean 

    I've played Scorched Earth against Plaugebeares heavy army (2x30 Plaguebearers, 2x20 Plague Monks, Guo, 2x20 Maruders, Furnace, Sorcerer, another hero) 

    I won it by the end of 5 turn, I was happy to win scenario that was so objective based. Made one mistake that costed me Volturnos. 

    Oh and I lost all five initiative rolls and still felt quite comfortable ;)




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  5. So my second Snake unit is done, I will have some more Lifetakers to be able to field 20 strong unit in the future but army is pretty much done. 

    It's for my almost Snake-exclusive army I've been playtesting (it heay competitive) -

    Hagg Narr

    Bloodwrack Shrine - Shadow Stone

    Morathi - Shroud of Despair

    2xHag Queen (Catechism of Murder, Blessing of Khaine)

    2x20 Blood Sisters

    10 Witches(double knives)

     5 Heartrenders


    It's working like magic - combination of Blood Sisters with Mindrazor and Shroud of Despair is amazing (especially with realms spells) is just AMAZING and with such big units it's easy to get them close to +1Bravery terrain, with Realms spells like +1 to damage, or reducing enemy armour, or some bravery debuff. 



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  6. I still think that nerfing HaggNarr is much needed, more so then Hags or Witches (maybe increase Hags to 80 and Witch Elves to 120/300) 

    I've played many games with Draichi Ganeth and Khailebron and it is how this faction should be played - it's strong, fluffy and balanced against other armies - it's still very strong. 

    HaggNarr gives you ability to soak up absurd amounts of damage and make DoK very tanky, just nerf it to re-rolls of 6++ and DoK are very fine and powerful. 

    Also DoK have many mechanics to avoid damage in other ways - Doppleanger Cloak, Sisters of Slaughter pile-n, Lifetakers ability maybe taking some allies, HaggNarr is the main problem as it gives DoK huge defensive possibilities (probably the best in the game) along with huge damage output. 

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  7. I think the best way to nerf DoK is to 

    - change HagNarr 5++ to re-rolls of 6++

    - increase Hags to 80pts 

    - drop horde reduction for Witches. 

    HaggNarr change alone will do the trick 

    Also maybe drop Blood Stalkers to 100 pts for 5 and make them Battleline with Morathi as general won't chanee their usability much but maybe they will see some play in some lists. 

    It will make HaggNarr still playable because extra survivability is always nice and hit re rolls are good but will kill any 5++ units with rerolls of 5++.


  8. I think it's hard to balance it with such a unit like Eels as they are so point efficient. 

    I think that GW came up with really awesome unit in Thralls as in vacuum they are amazing, that they were afraid to make them flat out broken with more syngergies. And that's a problem as infantry armies live and die on synergies. In Deepkin there are none, as you would have to write Namarati only synergies. 

    But what's good is that unlike other armies there is a possibility to fix it with points for example make Reavers 100-120 pts, Lotann and Soulrender 80, Leviadon 300 and Allopex 100-120 and there would be more viable options.

  9. Yep that's a problem if you want to go spell heavy those spells got to be reliable and IDK spells aren't also they are not universal enough to build an army around magic, but I guess it's just internal balance problem - Eeels are so good/point efficient that they limit design place that's why Thralls aren't getting much love. I'd love to have some spells that effect only Namarati 

  10. I think the problem isn't Tidecaster as his/hers spell s pretty good, but magic in Deepkins isn't just reliable enough you got one spell for 100 pts which is standard but and Aspect has two spells (without bonuses to cast)for 440 and it isn't enough also Deepkins do not have signature spell like for example Midnrazor. 

  11. It depends how much Snakes you wanna run. 

    I've played with semi-Snake heavy army (Bloodwrack Shrine, 20 Blood Sisters, Morathi) and had great success with it, but as for now I'd recommend 

    Slaughter Queen, 2xHag Queen, Morathi, 30 Witches with bucklers, 2x10 Witches, 20 Blood Sisters, 5 Heartrenders it doesn't have any extra CPs but it can be played around or just cut one HagQueen/5 Snakes out of it for extra 1 CP, other option is to use 10 Blood Sisters along with combination of 70 Witches. 

  12. I think many Idonenth players play badly because of High Tide, I am recently playing Deepkins as much as Daughters of Khaine and they are awesome army to play with a lot of nuances. For know it's Eeel Spam Alpha Strike list just because I wanted something different from DoK. High Tide is a awesome bonus but what I observed is that other Deepkin players in my community just want to survive until High Tide but I guess it isn't how one should play Deepkins. 

    I think Dhoim-Haim and Fuethan are the best enclaves, Ionarch is nice but I found Deepkins magic underwhelming. 

  13. Slaughter Troupe is only viable option as far as competitive play is concerned, but in army lists that I run second artifact isn't that great but ability to go about 4 drops is great if you need it and give you more flexibility. Slaughter Troupe ability is also nice. 

    Cauldron guard could be good as well if you're going for alpha strike with Cogs. 

  14. The biggest problem with competitive Deepkin is how badly they match-up against Daughters of Khaine , as I play DoK myslef the easiest games were against Deepkin as they can't handle combination of immune to battleshock and high number of attacks, as Deepkins have almost no tools to deal with Morathi in small form and Hag Queens. With hardly any shooting and quite weak offensive magic it's an uphill battle from the start. 

  15. I think we can only look at point cost and possibility of being batteline considering Blood Stalkers, DoK isn't getting any new models/rules for a long time ( sure we can get Shadespire warband somewhere in the future) and GW won't just change the warscroll unless it's really abusive. 

    1) point cost - 120 would Blood Stalkers be more viable ? Probably but still much worse then 10 Witches, SoS or 5 Heartrenders

    2) role - unconditional batteline - along with 120 I could see a role for them. If they are batteline with Medusa General it's much worse as Medusa isn't great general. 

    As unconditional battleline for 120 pts they could work in some builds, temple nest becomes quite nice possibility but they will be far from auto-include but a nice option to have.  

  16. Blood Stalkers are a unit that could change a little dynamic how DoK armies play, but there is a problem - GH errata can't fix them they should have 2 attacks with bows each for 160 and that would be interesting but synergy with Morathi isn't good as she's hardly your general, another option is to decrease their point cost to 100-120 with option for them to be Batteline with Medusa/Morathi as General - maybe then some lists would run them but still there would be better choices. 


    Speaking of HaggNarr I had a lot of success with them winning some tournamets but know I am heavy playtesting DraichiGaneth alpha strike list and it's working amazingly well. Khailebron is also very good but it needs specific army building. 

  17. I doubt there is any possibility for Slaneshi Aelves, as we already had two Elves factions and they are quite dark lorewise + there are Malerion Aelves coming sometime in the future. Not to mention Teclis and Tyrion Aelves. 

    I think it's terrible idea to overflow AoS with Elves. 


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  18. I playtested Aventis with comet and he's much better choice then Aspect of the Sea as Comet is amazing and he has better offensive spells but you need Ionarch for him to shine as he is really can take advantage from +1 to cast/unbid and Tides as he can dish out some damage. Also cover save helps to keep fim safe from being sniped out. 

    But I found him most successful with Morssar alpha strike - cast a comet and then alpha strike those extra mortal wounds really help. 

    Considering Thralls and Reavers - problem with them is how Deepkin are designed, they don't have many synergies with artifacts, spells, rituals etc you can hardly buff them. And when going infantry heavy you need some kind of shooting, buffs and synergies. I think Lotann is a missed opportunity for sure, Soulrender ability is cool but won't help much. 

    Reavers are useful as filler in Tidecaster's armies (to Reverse Tides which is crazy good ability) but they do not synergize with Thralls at all. And it won't change with General's Handbook as it can for example make Reavers 100-120 pts and make Lottan and Soulrender 80 but it won't help much. 

    That's a problem with Deepkin right know they have two playstyles : bunkering on objectives and alpha strike and half the army doesn't work as well as Eels with those playstyles so Thralls, Reavers, Allopex, Leviadon, Lotann, Soulrender won't see much competitve play. 

    It's only Eels + changing parts. 


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