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Posts posted by KillagoreFaceslasha

  1. On 9/18/2019 at 2:55 AM, Malakree said:

    That is incredibly poor judging, a game should never end halfway through a round. It means the judges didn't say "play till the end of the round" soon enough.

    Call the judges over. If you complain and they give him a warning, then you complain again they should stand and watch the game. If they spot him cheating while watching then it's a DQ.

    A lot of this sounds like both tournament inexperience for you and the judges/TOs. Really ****** when it happens tho 😥

    The issue is that current IJ warscrolls are not worth their points. Compare a KoS at 360 to a cabbage at 440, it's similar across the entire army.

    End result is that the bomb is our equaliser. We're looking to do enough damage with it that we can win the pillow fight in later turns.


    There was a lot of messes with the judging, yeah. I still remember that, in the third game, one of the judges told me that 'you must select a spell target before rolling' when the opponent raised the issue (i think he was from 40k) and that I, thus, had wasted my last cast roll because I had chosen an invalid target and could not use the spell, all because I had muttered that the spell would target a unit of trolls 13'' (max for spell was 12'') away. That, coupled with me being beyond exhausted made me not bother. 

    Truly... it was a disgusting fight. Him winning because I flubbed a casting roll to teleport to his objective was the salt to rub the wound.

  2. So, I think it's time I comment on the tourney I went to this weekend.


    1) The first game (battle for the pass) was against LoN. Won iniatiative, and decided to go first. Went and held objectives. We grinded each other until the first half of round 4. by the end of his 4th turn we were 14-12 in my favour and before I get to do my turn the judges tell me to 'simulate' it. Long story short? my opponent wins... because of reasons. Without me getting to play *my* 4th turn he magically gets another 5pts, winning by judge fiat.

    2) The second game (starstrike) was against slaanesh. I lost initiative and had to go first, so I decided to back down 2-3 inches. He  moved the same. We roll off I win and make him do the saddest double turn ever, as he cannot reach anything. Positioning carefull and unleashing a +10 attack waaagh! I kill the 60 daemonettes and enrapturess, leaving only a contorted epitome and dual keepers. He wins initiative, and murderfucks my megaboss. From there it is a battle of attrition, as I manage to outscore him by the end of turn 5 while barely avoiding a tabling.

    3) Game 3 (can't remember, hold 2 objectives by the end of round 3) was... *something*. My opponent, once I ended checking up, turned out to have cheated left and right. he used missile weapons both in shooting and meelee, wanted to shoot out of meelee and misused a lot of his abilities to his advantage, let alone fudged his dice and wounds and counted failures as succeses or made only a single roll for his special saves, regardless of my dmg stat. He was also an incredibly poor sport, as he had to question every single move I made (he had to interrogate every single ironjawz player when I did my waagh... twice), despite having both *my* army book and the ghb at hand (and I mean literally, he didn't let it go). he was overall a miserable experience and the fact he ended up winning (which he wouldn't have been able to had he played the hag correctly) was just the salt upon the wound.


    I guess it was a fine event, but marred with souring elements.

  3. On 7/16/2019 at 1:44 AM, Scott_K said:

    So... you could hypothetically wipe out your opponent's army, play one or more battle rounds by yourself, and still lose.  That's absurd.

    One should play the game and mission, not build the brokennest build and instawipe the opponent and call it win.

  4. 5 hours ago, JPjr said:

    Haha, oh man, you're livid, think how the people who have spent months on it will feel. Ah well, ****** happens. I once printed up 10,000 flyers for a club night and only realised when I got them back that I'd forgotten to put the date of the event on them. I'm sure it won't ruin people's long term enjoyment.


    Are you a hundred millions' worth company distributing to a market of 46 millions of potential customers? Was there anything else substantially wrong? Did you make any takers pay 40 euros for each of those badly printed leaflets?

    As @VBS notes the quality of their translation is beyond the pale.  There's around 250 cards that are just outright different from their meant intent. There's multiple bits where the rules are outright different from mistraslating (like only being able to play up to 3 power cards per round!).

    But this one takes the cake as it's literally the cover.

    • Confused 1
  5. This is making the rounds around the net 



    And I can't help but feel ADB did quite a misstep. Sure, it's 'joking' but about half our group is going to jump using their pre-existing armies ( twp IJ , DoK,  two SCE, and NH). Am I supposed to even think that half the playerbase is doing it wrong?

    • Like 1
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  6. 3 hours ago, Kasper said:

    It really depends on what you expect to face. The loadout on your heroes sounds very squishy to me, so it probably wont be a great time against shooty lists.

    Neither the Ironfist ability or spells refer to the start/end of the hero phase, just that both happen in the hero phase, so the turn of events is up to you.

    So, what relics would you recommend? I'm kinda banking on smashing their lines from the get go, though I guess it's not 100% guaranteed.

  7. Been thinking for this list:

    Megaboss on mawkrusha with fist and choppa, choppa will be Metalrippa's Klaw for Rend -3. He will have prophet of gork for that sweet 30% chance of getting a 6. 420pts

    Weirdnob shaman with the 6+ ignores wounds and MW relic. 120pts. (he has the teleport spell.)

    Megaboss with +1 damage relic on the choppa. 140pts

    Allies: 2 fungoid cave shamans 180pts


    3x3 units of goregruntas. 420pts.

    10 ardboyz. 140pts

    20 ardboyz. 280pts

    Bloodtoofs+Ironfist battallion. 240pts

    Extra command point. 50pts.

    1990pts and 3CP at game start, plus a potential extra 2 per round if dice help me.


    Also. Can you use the ironfist ability after the teleport spell?

  8. On 4/8/2019 at 4:32 PM, Scurvydog said:


    This right here sums up my #1 issue with IJ. Having a fun balanced game with them is hard, either they get steamrolled by most competent lists or objective grabbing, or this happens. The allegiance ability also cements the point that it is a snowball army, so either you have no fun getting rolled over or your opponent has no fun.

    The entire stacking mechanic seems broken by design, but is the only really viable way to go, as the IJ warscrolls are underwhelming by themselves.

    I would not have gone back and adjusted attacks, you even end up losing anyway to an opponent who made the wrong plays. If a 2k DoK list loses to a 1,5k IJ list, then that is fully deserved no matter what. Although I know what you are trying to do, then take the win fast and play again ;)

    There are so many ways to counter play the whaaag mechanic which is why IJ lose so much.


    On that front. We had another match him and I. Also part of the campaign.

    Only with 1300 vs 2000 in his favour.


    I did not win.

    I *wiped him*. Major victory by holding the key objective. 710 points lost vs 2000 destroyed. Today was a good day to be a greenskin.

  9. So a bit of an AAR. Today I did a match in an ongoing local league. Killagore's Ironjawz fought against the daughters of khaine. 

    This was a special scenario where the victory dependend on the control of 3 objectives at the end of turn 5, positioned in a vertical line in the middle of the battlefield. Deployment was three triangles, one big triangle that would go from the middle of the board to a side's edges and another two triangles that would start on the opposite side's edges and would end at the middle of each quadrant (so a bit like a salient). The mission had two twists:

    Units would have +1 attack in CQC and they'd also gain +2'' of movement and +1 to their run and charge rolls. A scenario that favours meelee, to put it shortly.

    My list was as follows. 

    Killagore Faceslasha (megaboss on mawkrusha). 440pts

    2x warchangers, one with da goldentoof (+1 bravery for IJ, -1 for enemies within 18'') and and another with big boss pole (no battleshock within 12''). 160pts

    Gazzgor Skurrymarshal. Fungoidcaveshaman. 90pts.

    3x10 units of ardboys with big choppas. 160ptsx3= 480pts.

    One unit of goregruntas for 140pts.

    An ironfist battallion. 180pts

    1490pts. 1 additional CP and relic for the campaign.

    My opponent fielded the following.

    Bloodwrack medusa. 140pts.

    2x slaughter queens. 200pts.

    Bloodwrack shrine general. 220pts.

    20 witch aelfs. 200pts.

    2x10 blood sisters. 560pts.

    2x5 khinerai 160pts.

    2x5 blood stalkers. 320pts.

    1 avatar of khaine. 180pts.

    For 1980pts. 3 additional CPs for the campaign.

    You'll notice a bit of disparity in points. Rolls haven't been that kind to me and the match was 1500pts of ironjaws vs 2000pts of Daughters of Khaine. A bit of an uphill battle but I had a plan.

    I end up deployment first and do the reasonable thing. 

    I go first. 

    And this way you'll think I've gone insane, that I am giving up a game deciding factor. But both armies are pretty far away, as I've deployed pretty back within my lines and I do go even further back, forming a defensive ring with my ardboy units to protect the general and gruntas. Why I am doing this?

    Because his forces are split on two sides on the board. And one turn of movement will place them within the chokepoints of the middle board, where there's more scenery. Also my shaman plays a key role? This little ****** here? He gives a command point a turn on a 4+. He's worth 90pts, while CPs are priced at 50 each. And he farmed me 3 of them, one each round. Truly a godsend.

    Only two units manage to get within charge range. A bit more than a third of my army perishes in the meelee, though I swing back a few casualties and wounds against the witches and the avatar.

    Now it's my moment. Mass charges all over the board, my entire army is in CQC. I activate my command ability. 

    Six times. 

    Thanks to prophet of the WAAAGH! I rolled 3 sixes and 3 successes with 7 units. I got +9 attacks.

    I slaughter the avatar of khaine with tree ardboyz, triggering the ironjawz' special ability of skipping activation order a la 40k. A goregrunta fights and slaughters a medusa.

    At this point, it... it didn't feel right to just go and remove the enemy's army without interaction. And my opponent is a fairly neat guy. So I felt bad and backtracked a bit, striking a compromise. I had not spent 6 CP, but rather 3. I would keep the attacks made from the one unit and model that had already fought, but the remainder would count with only +2 attacks instead of +9. 

    The fight keeps on, my Mawkrusha boss, even without those extra 7 attacks, wipes out the block of 10 blood sisters. 

    My boss takes a pounding from bloodsisters and queen. The third turn begins with me getting the double turn. I organise another mass charge but only waaagh! once to keep things reasonable, despite having 4 CP. I commit the fatal mistake of splitting attacks. I fail to kill the queen with a single wound left. And she finishes my Megaboss. The fighting continues, casualties fly across the third turn. The khinerai descend and the two units combined finish of my wounded shaman, whom's taken 2 rounds of shooting from the two stalker units (seriously, that guy was amazeballs). I regroup and organize countercharges, I wipe the two khinerai units in combat and the stalkers (previous round mainly) save for a unit leader. 

    At this point we are down in the single digits of models. But he still has the cauldron. Long story short? He wipes out my force as he's left with a single queen at 2 wounds and the cauldron with a single suffered wound.

    Having had the extra attacks would have cemented my victory, as both the other block of blood sisters and witches would have been wiped out in that round without any retaliation, but I still think I would have won otherwise had I concentrated attacks on the queen, rolled a bit better, or piled in differently back in the 2nd turn. Alas, I am too much of a softy.

    • Sad 1
  10. Just found this on TG, so take with metric tons of salt.


    Hi guys, some tasty Warcry leaks for you. No reason to believe me, I learnt about all this last night and thought it was too cool not to share. I'm from Bristol and several of my clubmates are old friends with the main rules designer on Warcry and have been testing the rules for ages and are talking pretty openly about the game now it has been announced.

    Warcry is exactly what people have guessed and pretty much fantasy Kill Team, warbands of 4-20 models, rules for narrative/campaign, matched and open and is set in the Eightpoints (series of realm gates to all different realms, some controlled by the good guys, some by Archaon, Shyish gate controlled by Nagash, Beasts gate by Destruction), all being fought over by the various sides. This is a cool setting because it allows boards from different realms to be combined, justified by huge f-off realm gates linking them up.

    Factions are not limited to just Chaos and the amount of avalible factions is pretty much everything avalible in AoS. It seems to differ from Kill Team in two major ways, the first being that Commanders are part of the core rules, not an expansion, and every force is built around and must contain one hero (no more, no less), with the narrative of the game being built around the retinues of mighty champions, and psychic powers (magic), not being in the core game, with no warband options for wizards or any other models able to cast spells. Expect the first main expansion to be magic flavoured with endless spells and full rules for every avalible wizard mini.

    The amount of models and factions avalible is staggering, with pretty much every non cavalry, monster or wizard/priest mini avalible in plastic listed for its faction (I didn't check thoroughly, but there were no Finecast options listed for skaven at least). Flyers like Kharadron endrinriggers and Stormcast prosecutors were available, and squig hoppers/boingrot bounders and skyfires seemed to be an exception to the cavalry rule.

    The factions I counted are:
    Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Slaves to Darkness (marked StD troops can be included in god lists, to help out Tzeentch with their lack of non magic user heroes I guess), Beasts of Chaos, Skaven,

    Stormcast (interestingly for Order there are rules for a couple of Stormcast heroes leading warbands from other factions), Fyreslayers, Kharadron, Dispossessed, Free Peoples, Seraphon, DoK, Deepkin, Sylvaneth, Wanderers, Exiles and Highborn (these last two being grouped together names for the DE and HE mini-factions)

    Legions of Nagash, Nighthaunt, FEC

    Gloomspite Gitz, Ironjawz, Gutbusters, Bonesplitterz
    Interestingly all the Shadespire/Underworlds warbands have unique profiles and rules, I think this is supposed to build on the popularity of Shadespire and tempt people who exculively play it to try Warcry.

    The starter set is apparently different from Kill Team in that it contains all new models, with a Darkoath warband lead by a Varanguard on foot taking on you guessed it, Stormcast. As these models are brand new, their rules were not being playtested, but the guy playtesting did seem to know about them. Expect the Stormcast to be lighter armoured and agile/gladiator looking. Interestingly it was mentioned that as Archaon's agent the Varanguard hero can lead any Chaos Warband, much like some Stormcast heroes being able to lead any Order one.

    Expect the range of boxed sets on launch to be huge, following the same model as KT, with a flood of warband and battlefield boxes using existing minis and scenery coming out with exclusive cards in them. One example of a warband box given was a Dispossed one, featuring a Warden King, Ironbreakers and Irondrakes, so potatosacks rejoice I guess.
    Anyway, beilve what you choose to, that's pretty much all I remember (I've never played KT so didn't ask specific rule stuff), I'll be back if I learn any more I guess

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