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Posts posted by Praecautus

  1. 25 minutes ago, Candlelight said:

    What price tag should I expect? I'm worried GW is going to milk it as much as they can. I expect at least $200 and that's a big no for me and our group.

    It’s 60 minis or so plus card stock etc. Thinking BSF was £95 Gw price I would think at least that but maybe more like £120 which puts it in the same bracket as eg Nemesis, Eclipse, Gloomhaven and Fosthaven

  2. Looking at the tiles they seem to be two sided (not unexpected), with one side being cobblestone in the look of streets and others looking like rooms. So maybe a combination of city exploring with buildings and maybe the option to make internal dungeons (or other interesting outdoor dungeons) You could combine this with other sets (hammerhal in particular) and make some quite interesting maps. 😀

    One possible gripe with the set and There does seem to be a limited number of basic adversaries - skeletons, zombies, bats, rats, - with some bigger mobs thrown in so it could get repetitive if it’s a long grinding game. However, the diversity may not be an issue, games like Nemesis and Zombicide manage with a similar number of basic adversaries coupled with interesting ways for rules to interact keeping it fresh. Adversary cards expansion would also help a lot.

  3. Well done everyone. Great to see the projects coming together.

    I have been mainly painting aliens and various things. Some images below of the current state of play. All Xenonorphs from aliens painted and only a few intruders left for nemesis. I get to work on the humans characters for both games next, much more interesting.





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  4. I’ve been finding it really hard to focus on working on my AoS armies. This has got to the point where I have painted 1 unit in the last 6 months for my Khorne army. However I have massively  enjoyed  taking on mini projects, usually around a board game. There are so many fantastic ones out there.

    I have recently been playing Nemesis, a semi co op alien style sci ri horror game with my son and autistic nephew, both 12. They have absolutely loved it, my nephew was leaping around the kitchen in excitement. When my nephew is round for games day, they spend the day playing computer games and planning their nemesis strategy.

    I am looking forward to new warhammer quest and I expect it will be in my collection. I do really like  seeing the cool models for all the ranges come out. I know I won’t get to paint or use most of the releases, but I love seeing what GW come up with. The underworlds warbands look like a good way to work on some cool stuff with out getting sucked into another 2k army I can’t use.

    And, hey it’s getting lighter. The northern hemisphere is on thdownwave of seasonal viral infections, vaccines are being rolled out, new medicines are being developed. We have got over every pandemic before. That Khorne army may just get to reap some more skills yet

  5. 6 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Oh I love this idea!

    I feel like a unit of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Twinsouls Band would be a nice looking unit that can say Hello, Goodbye simultaneously!

    Also Later Elvis as Lord of Gluttony and  Shalaxi Liberace!  So many possibilities! 

    Amazing. Had not thought of those.  There are so many options especially from the 70s and 80s to draw on for inspiration

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  6. I have had a thought for some time about making a rock n roll thene Slaanesh army and This may be the time to do it.

    I wanted to make the keepers in the style of Rock/music icons eg ziggy stardust, Freddie Mercury, prince. The rest of the army would be groupies done in the style of other groups eg Kiss, ABBA, Kate bush and so on.

    Not only would it be fun but I get to quote Led Zeppelin- they’ll give you every inch of their love

    Whats not to like?






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  7. I started 2020 discovering and introducing Zombicide invader to my local gaming club. 

    During the first couple of months I Had several games with my Khorne army and started work in a slaves to Nurgle army and tried to finish off Rogue Trader.

    When lockdown started, like others, I lost a lot of motivation. I recall I was painting some gellerpox and just stopped. I put the models and paints on the cupboard and couldn’t bring myself to buy other slaves models.

    For several weeks I didn’t do very much in terms of GW hobby. I did however discover the world of board games - purchasing several of interest, including Talisman and some expansions, memoir 44, undaunted Normandy, eldorado, and the big three of Star Wars Rebellion, War of the Ring and Nemesis. I played a lot with my son and the simpler rule sets were much easier.

    I got my hobby mojo back and painted all 153 Star Wars minis, coinciding with Empire strikes back being on the big screen and the mandalorian starting.

    Our club reopened and I introduced Rebellion and some other games to the club prior to the second lockdown. 

    The reopening drove my desire to build a new Khorne slaves army (Nurgle is on hiatus for now) which I have completed a squad of Khorne warriors, one of my favourite painted units at the moment and they came second on our local GW painting competition on Boxing Day.

    Sadly lockdown has hit again but I am still managing to paint through the Khorne list and also drove some virtual hobby groups to form. So my social nerd network has grown.

    I am now looking forward to the Slaanesh release as I have been planning a rock and roll themed Slaanesh army for some time. 2021 may be the year that project starts.

    TLDR - list motivation, did some nerdy stuff and feel motivated again. Some random hobby pics











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  8. On 11/30/2020 at 1:28 PM, Praecautus said:

    Finish my Khorne warriors and something else which is yet to be determined. Possibly a chaos lord on manticore

    It’s going to be a chaos sorc on manticore. The sorceror is painted so just the beast to go, it’s ordered. The other rider will be kit bashed to a chaos lord on daemonic Mount 

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  9. On 10/25/2020 at 8:32 PM, Fyrithil said:

    Hi all, 

    Just picked up AoS after I stopped playing 5th Edition years ago. I did a few months of painting about a year ago and for that I picked up a Khorne Bloodbound box (the one with the Skullcrushers). We recently got a new group together to pick up the game and we are now working towards 2k points lists. I'm still doubting between Khorne mortals and Idoneth Deepkin, but since the Deepkin need an update (at least that is what I understood from reading up on them) Khorne is now option numero 1.

    Since I have no clue about the game itself (I read the core rules and the Khorne Battletome) I was hoping to pick your skulls about my idea of a list. It doesn't have to be ultra competitive (we are just playing friendly games) but it would be nice if it can compete at a local GW store tournament once we are allowed outside again.. Since the hobby is expensive l tried to build the list using an efficient method.

    Onwards to the list:

    Chaos Lord on Manticore (280)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Hew the Foe 
    - Blade & Lance
    - Artefact: Gorecleaver 
    Bloodsecrator (120)
    Bloodstoker (80)
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    5 x Blood Warriors (100)
    - Goreaxes
    5 x Blood Warriors (100)
    - Goreaxes
    10 x Bloodreavers (70)
    - Reaver Blades
    5 x Chaos Knights (160)
    - Ensorcelled Weapons
    5 x Chaos Knights (160)
    - Ensorcelled Weapons
    3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (160)
    - Ensorcelled Axes
    5 x Skullreapers (180)
    - Goreslick Blades
    5 x Wrathmongers (140)
    Gore Pilgrims (140)
    Hexgorger Skulls (40)
    Wrath-Axe (60)
    TOTAL: 1990/2000 WOUNDS: 139

    Only thing I feel it is lacking would be a block of 10 Chaos Warriors. Using both Skullreapers and Warmongers since I can build them from 1 box using the legs from the 5 Blood Warriors that come with the Start Collecting Box I need for the Bloodsecrator. 

    Any input would be much appreciated! 

    While I love manticore lord, and this build in particular, he does not add a lot to your units. I would consider switching him to a lord on krakadrak or lord on daemonic Mount in order to buff the knights. Both will do well with hew the foe and gorecleaver.

    If adding chaos warriors then you need 15 to keep them above the magic 10. I struggle to see them getting into your list at the moment with out some serious  adjustments. The big block is useful but goes against the multiple small units which is so good for Khorne especially as you have skull crushers which form a good brick wall.

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