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Posts posted by Praecautus

  1. 30 minutes ago, drkrash said:

    I'll offer a bit of an alternative take on this.  I don't disagree that the lower parts of the table are overall better.  However, before the meta changed and my BTs were getting shot off the board, my Tyrants list often saw Blood Tithe at Round 2 to be around 2 and then at the start of Round 3 to be 8 or more.  I often didn't want to "waste" it, so I summoned BTs a lot.  I concede that I don't think the tactic would work as well anymore.

    Unless Tithe changes significantly as a mechanic in 3.0, add me to the list of people who would love to see our extra points not go away when we spend tithe.  That alone would add significantly to our tactical options.

    I’m on the list of wanting extra tithe to stay too. It does hurt to see it go, so I am of the mind set to spend it as opposed to saving up. However I play a mortal list.

    Summoning a thirster into a thirster list will work as you have the synergies in place. But in a non thirster list it’s awkward as there isn’t much to really make it shine. I play mortals and it’s rare I will summon a thirster I also try to close my eyes when I remove this unspent tithe.

     It’s for that reason that I always bring a priest with sacrifice to bump my tithe up a point or two so I can increase the options of what I spend it on that gives me good utility. There are some good targets for sacrifice eg Riptooth gets yiu. 2-3 tithe, any unit on 1 wound is a clear target to get 2 points also.

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  2. Nice write up and army.

    I see you tried to summon a Bloodthirster as a tactic. It’s usually a bit of a trap - wasted tithe, missed value in the start of the tithe table, thirster on his own is a bit meh and easily shot off. 

    The early part of the table is very good value, being able to move or attack out of sequence is great. There is good value in early summons eg 5 blood thirsters is technically 1 tithe point as you will get 1 back when they die. Flesh hounds are a great summon and blood crushers a good roadblock.


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  3. 9 hours ago, Tommy said:

    Looks great! Just one suggestion I’d make would be to go for a nice solid base rim, even if it takes a couple more coats, as it can really helps the model itself stand out! 👍

    Oh yes that is on the agenda. The base is not quite finished. So yes the rim will be dryad bark when done, plus some wash and things going into the agrellan earth

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  4. Ok do Aliens the board game is completed. Am really pleased to have it done, so satisfying seeing a complete set together. It was fun to paint, I learnt about painting faces, yellow and the use of nuln oil gloss. I also learnt that for this scale of mini don’t fret about picking out every single detail.

    I have now started the slaves direchasm warband. Making the leader Khorne marked to join my growing Khorne army. So far just done her face and hair 




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  5. Another Khorne player, another request for updated Valkia please. My wallet is ready.

    I would like ama exciting new Khorne bloodbound chaos lord in the 2-300 point range, it’s a gap in that range.

    For idoneth, my other army, I would like a heavy armour unit, eg crab men. Some endless spells would be fun eg seaweed clumps (slow movement) whirlpools (deal MW to horde units as models are sucked in) lobster pots which kill enemy models but regen Idoneth. More killer octopi 🐙 🐙 🐙 
    There is so much potential and fun to be had - transport whales, killer penguins, stunning jelly fish, defense barnacles, sushineth 

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  6. As others have said hero cards and mob cards and mechanics are different, so without houseruling you may not be able to easily mix and match.

    For the tiles though, there is no reason you can’t. In fact I have been thinking about using the city tiles mixed e hammerha tiles to create custom dungeons and adventures in the city. Would become even more exciting w silver tower tiles thrown in.

  7. I have Gloomhaven Jaws of the lion and it has a very similar mechanic of city events in between missions. Only seen 1 or 2 so far and they buff of hurt you, nice little mechanic to have. Good to see GW learning from the wider board game community as there are numerous amazing ideas out there.

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  8. I aim to finish off Nemesis, I have the queen and 6 crew to paint

    If I make it then I will move on to the Queen from Aliens and then start the marines

    I also need to make a storage solution for the Aliens models

    Here are the last models from Feb, the two breeders from Nemesis. It’s a simple scheme but for playing pieces that is fine



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