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Posts posted by azdimy

  1. On 6/30/2021 at 5:40 AM, Enoby said:

    Now, just to check, do our units actually have "Champions" - they have upgrades (e.g. Painmaster) but they're not titled "Champion" in the same way Blood Knights are. 

    I'm 99% sure this is just a 3e wording change to be addressed in the FAQ, but it's worth keeping an eye on. If we do lose unit champions, then maybe Synessa does have a use...

    Since it makes us a winner in this edition according to todays warhammer community article. It s safe to say they are all champions which does make Synessa ability a corner case

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Eternalis said:

    Hum... Here in France that's not the case AT ALL. Many LGS are struggling and are angry at GW politics.

    You don't know how many boxes you'll get to sell, they are expensive as hell (way more than some other brands), you're forced to have some boxes (you know, the boxes no one wants to buy) in your store or your contract with GW is canceled (and of course you're forced to pay for them...).
    Many french stores decided to stop doing a discount on GW products because they couldn't handle it anymore, and because of that people buy more and more on Wayland...

    Here, GW told LGS that a second run of production will be made for a release in November. LGS told their customers that because they were only able to pre-order 10 boxes for the July release, people could order a box for November if they're not in a hurry.
    The problem is : LGS didn't know they'll only get 10 boxes before they tried to pre-order them, so they had to cancel many people orders... People went mad and just ordered it on GW website.

    How is that positive for any "small" LGS? You don't know what you'll be able to sell because GW politics is all about their website and official Warhammer Stores.

    GW pulled a similar tactic in my area in the USA. My LGS was told he would be allocated 30 dominion boxes and had all his preorders allocated and the week when the gw website preorder goes live, he was told he would only be allocated half and the second half would come some months later

  3. The rr 1s and +1 bravery from Volturnos are fantastic, the +1A command ability in turn 3 is still worth making it your general but not mandatory. My games feedback with him playing with aos 3.0 rules is that is a lot more survivable now with heroic abilities

  4. So , as I work toward having a legal list again, I am building for the first time some hellstriders and discover that the kit gives you the option for a banner bearer or an icon bear while the rules let you have both. How do you work around this knowing that bits store are a thing of the past where I live and I m not very good at conversions but I can do some simple ones. Any idea?

  5. 8 minutes ago, MothmanDraws said:

    Right my joke posts about "what if slaanesh 2.0 wasnt pointed for 3.0" came true, therefore lets make another joke prediction 


    -The main FAQ update is just 3 notes on spells like one we saw

    -depravity summoning units all go up by 2-3 DP each

    -Sigvald locked to pretenders

    -Lurid haze TP cannot outflank Monsters

    -Twinsouls have range adjusted to 1"


    Are you a rules writer? If so make it stop please. The community is already on it s knees and has been for a while now

  6. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    GW is just doubling down in their approach of summoning allegiance abilities paid for into the unit cost within the faction and unfortunately the Slaanesh players are the one suffering for it

    • Thanks 1
  7. Here is the list I am working toward for a 2 day event in September as I lost all my battleline units I was using in my lists thanks (not) to the new coalition rule

    Slaanesh Invaders

    Warlord battallion
    1 extra enhancement (amulet of destiny)
    1 extra cp once per battle

    Keeper of secret 420
    Command trait glory hog
    Sinistrous hand
    Progeny of damnation spell
    Amulet of Destiny

    Chaos sorcerer lord 115
    Battle rapture spell
    Rod of misrule

    11 blissbarb archers 180 (BL)

    Dexcessa 280


    Hunters of the heartland battallion 1:
    10 chaos knight w lance 340

    5 slickblade seekers 230


    Hunters of the heartland battallion 2:

    5 hellstriders 135 (BL)
    5 hellstriders 135 (BL)

    Endless spells:
    geminids 80 cast on 6+
    Aethervoid Pendulum 65 cast on 6+
    Free  Triumph: inspiring (+1 to wound)

    39 models
    110 wounds

    The idea is to maximize command point generations and generate DPs quickly with predatory spells that the list can reliably cast

    The loss of BL role for our S2D units mean I looked at chaos knights to replace my now shelved chaos warriors. With 2in lances, the coherency does not seem to be as much of an issue as I had  anticipated provided they face the ennemy hawkwardly sideways. They can tank and it s a good unit to charge /retreat if the unit survived /rally and charge again. Too bad they last euphoric killers

  8. 1 minute ago, Verminlord said:

    So am I reading this right? These free battalion abilities say you can "Receive" the command without it being issued. Does this mean you can use the Unleash Hell more than once in the same phase with the battalion?



    Currently rules a written , I would say yes

    • Thanks 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Lurynsar said:

    I don’t see a specific clause that you cannot duplicate Enchantments. In fact for Triumphs it specifically says “If you are allowed to take more than 1 triumph, you can pick the same triumph more than once if you wish”. This implies that you cannot duplicate others. 

    However spells and prayers are also Enchantments and obviously you can take those multiple times to get more spells/blessings for you army. 

    So rules as written as far as I can see, you could take the same Artefact on different, non Unique, Heroes by selecting the Artefacts of Power Enchantment more than once. You can take multiple Triumph, Spell Lores and Prayer Scripture Enchantments given their very nature and usage. You are limited however to 1 Command Trait as that’s spelled out in its rules. 

    edited to add - Mount Traits aren’t listed with further detail other than being Enchantments, as such likely refer to the book for the Mount Traits being used to see if such limits exist. This could also be the same for Artefacts in the battletomes. 

    Decided to crack open my Ogor book and immediately found this “The same HERO cannot have more than one mount trait, and an army may not include duplicates of the same mount trait.” Assuming it’s the same elsewhere then Mount Traits cannot be duplicated even when taking multiple Enchantments. I did not immediately find such a rule on Artefacts in the Ogor book. Perhaps Soulblight will give us the answer there as it’s meant for this edition that has no restrictions that I can find in the core rules. 

    Thank you for finding all these, i heard from I believe facehammer that we could not take duplicate of the same triumph in one of their show but you quote something that contradicts that. Maybe the ghb is where the limitations are? 

    I am hoping artifacts in the core rules get limited to one per army as facing multiple mega gargants with 5+ ward saves makes for not very interesting games at the moment

  10. 30 minutes ago, Praecautus said:

    Hello wet-elf fans! I am hoping AoS 3 may not be the whirlpool of doom I fear it could be and looking to spruce up my armies. I have a roughly 2k Idoneth force that was built for fun/fluff reasons I am  looking for some inspiration on how to get it AoS 3 ready. Happy to buy models if needed

    Akhelian king


    aspect of the sea/storm (not fully built)

    soul render


    2x10. Thralls

    1x10 reavers 

    6 eels

    2 allopex 

    elathains soul raid so I have a crab!

    I have some potential allies

    5 khinerai w deepstrike

    Random stormcast


    Is the option still buy more eels? Or is there something more fun?

    I very much like building synergies with units and firing out fun combos or tricks

    Probably nore eels. But Gotrek with his point decrease and access to the nee heroic abilities seems to be a very good ally. In Ironarch he can even benefit from the Tides. With the smaller board, the vanguard battallion and the ability to run and charge turn 2 you can probably send him wherever you want and he won t budge

    • Thanks 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Fyrenn said:

    Question...  i'm not sure if this is worded exactly the same as 2.0 or not.  But I noticed this about paired weapons in the 3.0 core roles (pg 14):

    "Some models are armed with two of the same weapon (often referred to as paired weapons). When this is the case, the Attacks characteristic for the weapon will already take the extra weapon into account, or the model will have an ability to represent the model dual-wielding"

    I'm that guy who was always asking about slaangors, so i'm just wondering if this is something that is worded the same or not as before; it seems that Slaangors do not adequately fit the description from the book.  IE; they do not have an ability to represent they are duel wielding, yet the attack characteristics do not indicate dual wielding either (because the unit champion has it (singular) and uses the same attack profile.

    Might be pointless, but I was wondering if that's something worth sending to the rules people for clarification?  Or if the assumption is ... yeah, the attack profile represents dual wielding. the champion is just extra awesome and fast and attacks in a whirlwind as if he had two blades in one hand!



    I did ask that question to the rules team via email upon release of our battletome and never got an answer

  12. On 6/18/2021 at 9:29 AM, Molkaice said:

    So reading the warscroll for shield eels it doesn't say "+1" to their save if they charge but that their save becomes a 3+ so technically wouldn't they still get the +1 to the new save anyway?

    As written yes,  that s a good for us as it means 2+ defensive eels are still a thing

  13. On 6/18/2021 at 9:24 AM, Rhetoric said:

    Oof, did the Soulscryer really need to go up?  I’m not sure the threat of deep strike is worth it anymore considering the shrunken table size.

    He looks solid to me being a priest he now comes with 3 prayers and can use 1 a turn and dispell  1 endless spells or 1 invocation

  14. Is there any room for chaos warriors and chaos marauders in a Slaanesh list now that they lost the batteline keyword under our allegiance? I m at a loss when I see that to make a list I need like 4 new kits and the list won t be good anyway. This makes me really unlikely to play Slaanesh in the foreseeable future as I am a pretty slow painter. I will just slowly work towards it while I play another army I already own. Who knows, by the time I have 3 good size battleline units the army may be decent?

  15. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    You don't need to kill a Bastiladon with mortal wounds, you just needed to reduce it to its first bracket (3+ wounds) to change the save to 2+ and make it Rendable.

    Good luck getting any spell through playing against Seraphon and Stomp did not exist in AoS 2.0

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Zeblasky said:

    Errrr, guys, a sudden realization - an unrendable 1+ save is gone. There are no words about saves not being able to go down to less that 1. Bye-bye Bastilladons.

    That s one of the first thing I checked when the core rules were released. Good riddance. Some armies with no mortal wounds had no answer to it when all the seraphon players in my area would take two,it was 100% unintended despited gws faq saying the opposite and was way too complicated to explain to new players why it worked that way

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  17. 8 hours ago, Kaylethia said:

    I see it as 'up to ten is free', so I think it would be one reinforcement in your example. 

    Remains to be seen whether it'll be 1 reinforcement to add models equal to your minimum unit size, or if reinforcement starts counting at 10 models and allows you to add ten more.

    I think it s pretty clear. Do you really believe you could bring a unit of 3 to 9 without any reinforcement point?

  18. 10 hours ago, LeonBox said:

    You must have rolled super well! 20 marauders with axes, assuming they can all reach, put through 3 unsaved wounds on Sigvald statistically. With flails, it's around 2. I'm counting only marauder horde bonuses and not any other buffs, of course. 

    You are right, statistically it should have been about 4 wounds but he rolled poorly on his 4+ after save

    The unit had hand axes and shields

  19. 2 hours ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

    He’s still a seeker missile that the opponent is forced to allocate resources to destroying. Because if not killed after that first attack, he is going to delete anything he touches. 

    But he s no different than what he is today. I ve killed Sigvald before with 20 marauders in one go no problem. To me he s still an overcosted 6 wound hero ay 260pts

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