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Mike Burgess

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Posts posted by Mike Burgess

  1. 4 minutes ago, a74xhx said:

    When I got home last night and looked at my army, I had exactly the same idea. Either a Treelord or Drycha. But without the platform. I think with a little modding you could get space for a 32mm base into the single large claw of Drycha/Treelord. Pop a magnet in there too for safety. Plus the model base is the right width (100mm) and they are about the same height (13cm). With some cleverness maybe even end up with something that is still usable as the original model too.

    But, I can't see myself doing this, unless I somehow end up with another SC box.

    I bluetackked some wyldwood tree bits last night too (I've got lots of partial trunks where I've cut up and modded trees for the woods). Might have a way forward with it. Not sure yet. 


    Exactly the plan... The Treelord could still be used as a Treelord. The platform would be removable.

  2. On 4/9/2019 at 7:53 AM, Ruhraffe said:

    As we are discussion the vortex: Does anyone of you got an idea on how to kitbash/convert/diy a vortex for sylvaneth? I find it odd to say the least for a Sylvaneth to summon a vortex out of a stone platform with skulls and throne upon a choas symbol and a skull. Quite the opposite of what sylvaneth stands for. 

    Maybe bend some twigs and glue them to a base, with wyldwood leafs on top and a green glow on the bottom of the base or all around the twigs?

    I'm planning on converting a Treelord holding a stone platform with both hands, which the Branchwych can stand on.

  3. On 3/29/2019 at 7:37 PM, Aezeal said:

    Allegiance: Sylvaneth
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran
    Alarielle the Everqueen (600)
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Drycha Hamadreth (280)
    - Deepwood Spell: Verdant Blessing
    Branchwraith (80)
    - Deepwood Spell: Verdant Blessing
    Branchwych (80)
    - General
    - Artefact: The Silverwood Circlet 
    - Deepwood Spell: The Reaping
    Loremaster (140)
    20 x Dryads (200)
    20 x Dryads (200)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Scythes
    Balewind Vortex (40)
    Umbral Spellportal (60)

    Total: 1960 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 101



    Allegiance: Sylvaneth
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran
    Alarielle the Everqueen (600)
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Treelord Ancient (300)
    - General
    - Trait: Gnarled Warrior 
    - Artefact: Briarsheath 
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Branchwraith (80)
    - Artefact: Ranu's Lamentiri 
    - Deepwood Spell: Verdant Blessing
    Branchwych (80)
    - Artefact: The Silverwood Circlet 
    - Deepwood Spell: The Reaping
    30 x Dryads (270)
    10 x Dryads (100)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Greatswords
    Household (100)
    Gnarlroot Wargrove (130)
    Umbral Spellportal (60)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 98



    Allegiance: Order
    Alarielle the Everqueen (600)
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Treelord Ancient (300)
    - General
    - Trait: Gnarled Warrior 
    - Artefact: Briarsheath 
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Branchwraith (80)
    - Artefact: Ranu's Lamentiri 
    - Deepwood Spell: Verdant Blessing
    Branchwych (80)
    - Artefact: The Silverwood Circlet 
    - Deepwood Spell: The Reaping
    Loremaster (140)
    20 x Dryads (200)
    20 x Dryads (200)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    Household (100)
    Gnarlroot Wargrove (130)
    Umbral Spellportal (60)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 88

    For an all comers small tournament?

    I like the first list. It's similar to what i've been running and I have had great success so far. Drycha with flitterfuries + branchwych bomb is great for mortal wound spreading, then I pick off the models which took the most damage with Alarielle. This is what i've been rocking:

    Alarielle the Everqueen (600) Throne of Vines

    Drycha Hamadreth (280) Verdant Blessing, Flitterfuries

    Branchwraith (80) General, Warsinger, Acorn of the Ages, Regrowth

    Branchwych (80) Silverwood Circlet, The Reaping

    20 x Dryads (200)

    10 x Dryads (100)

    10 x Dryads (100)

    6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (320)

    Forest Folk (140)

    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Umbral Spellportal (60)


    Total: 2000 / 2000

    Extra Command Points: 1

  4. 1 hour ago, Carrion King said:

    We won one!!!! Fantastic to not only meet but play @DantePQ  Great player and already looking forward to the rematch at the finals! Deepkin on the rise people!!!! See you at High Tide!

    - Darling of the Deep




    Awesome win, congratulation James!

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, DantePQ said:

    I don't get this complaining about Deepkin they are powerful and very cool army to play with it. I love it as even spamming Morssar in Fuethan isn't auto pilot and forces to pick your targets carefully and plan everything in advance. 

    Considering points

    Eidolons are overpriced a little 20-40 points decrease would be quite handy

    Maybe Reavers should get 20 points decrease 

    Leviadon would need 80-100 decrease to be viable 

    And Sharks like 40-60

    But I don't see such dramatic point changes. 

    Heroes are fine especially Tidecaster. 

    Similar to my thoughts, I think these are the points drops I would make:

    Sea: 380 (-60)
    Storm: 340 (-60)
    Volt: 260 (-20)
    King: 220 (-20)
    Foot characters: Fine
    Thralls: Fine
    Reavers: Fine
    Leviadon: 320 (-60)
    Eels: Fine (Maybe 200 for Morrsarr at a push?)
    Allopex: 100 (-40)
    Battalions: 20-40 point drops

  6. 1 hour ago, wardrock84 said:

    thanks and you think this can be competitive? in nautilar?

    I expect you'd go 3/5 games with it, it's such low model count that it would be scenario and match up dependant. People with low rend/mortal wound output would hate this list.

    Most people agree the aspect of storm and leviadon are notably inefficient for their points in modern AoS when you start to compare to newer armies, but I was trying to work within the models you provided. Havn't looked into enclave, magic items or spells as thought you'd have fun with that 🙂

  7. 4 hours ago, wardrock84 said:

    Hi, sorry to disturb you but i need some help with my idoneth list . I have my first turnament in 2 weeks and i dont know wich list built, if you have time too help me its very nice.

    My miniature are 

    - Volturnos / King

    - Leviadon




    -10 thrall

    -10 reavers

    - Eidolon ( 2 aspects)

    - Allopexe

    - 6 morsaar

    - 9 Ishlaen

    - Tide caster

    So i see you talk about a reverse fuethan list its very viable for tournament? What i need to build this list? Have you an exemple of a list reverser tide fuethan?

    Thanks you very much for helping me

    You don't have a high model count so you would be looking at a very elite army. I don't think its actually possible to run the reverse tide list with your model collection as you would need atleast 3x10 Thralls/Reavers for your battleline. You could run something like this that would be able to compete at some level:

    Vulturnos, High King of the Deep (280) - General
    Isharann Soulscryer (100)
    Isharann Tidecaster (100)
    Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Storm (400)

    10 x Namarti Thralls (140)
    6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (320)
    6 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (280)

    Akhelian Leviadon (380)

    Total: 2000 / 2000

  8. 8 hours ago, Drillz said:

    My list and would like some input


    Allegiance: Sylvaneth
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy
    Alarielle the Everqueen (600)
    - Deepwood Spell: Verdant Blessing
    Branchwraith (80)
    - Artefact: Ranu's Lamentiri  
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Branchwych (80)
    - Artefact: Acorn of the Ages  
    - Deepwood Spell: The Dwellers Below
    Treelord Ancient (300)
    - General
    - Trait: Gnarled Warrior  
    - Artefact: The Oaken Armour  
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth

    30 x Dryads (270)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)

    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Scythes

    Gnarlroot Wargrove (130)
    Household (100)

    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (40)
    Prismatic Palisade (30)

    Pretty standard and solid Gnarlroot build, main thing that looks out of place is the spells. I'd have verdant on the ranu's, regrowth on the acorn and throne of vines on Alarielle, this will allow you to cast those endless spells far more effectively as well as buffing her warscroll spell. Ranu's verdant is important in your list as a surprising amount of damage will come from your rousing the woods so you want many of them down.

    On a deeper level, I don't think you need Alarielle in Gnarlroot and are better off just taking more scythes/dryads maybe turning one of the units of revs into another unit of dryads to help you with objectives in a low model count army.

  9. I would say they are middle of the pack for complexity. The army has a separate army wide mechanic every turn of the game. There are quite a few buffs eg auras for re-rolls, bonuses when charging, different damage profiles depending on the number of wounds you are fighting, command abilities that only work on specific turns of the game etc. 

    I would also say if you forget some of these rules while playing you should still get a decent performance out of them.

    You could tailor your list to have less special rules, the first list I outlined is good for this, the turtle is a big pointed model with only one simple special rule. 

  10. 36 minutes ago, Greasygeek said:

    Hi all

    This young fellow(age 14) I know is about to start a 1000pt deepkin army. Usually I would be his go to guy to help build a list that looks cool and plays pretty smooth. A list that can win games despite not being tournement worthy. But thing is, I have never faced the Deepkins on the battlefield so I know nothing about them except for some vague rumours. So what should he build and why? Please you experienced fishhandlers, lend me your assistance. 

    Info we play in a community where matched play and narratives go hand in hand. We go competitive too but the rule of cool seem to prevail for the most of times, which of course IMO also puts tournements out of the question.

    Hi there,

    If you want a list that looks cool you are in safe hands with Idoneth Deepkin, the entire range looks incredible! One of the great things about this army is that almost all of the warscrolls can be put into a list and are solid. Of course there are a few stand out choices (Morrsarr eels) but it is one of the few armies where you could select your warscrolls at random and still end up with a reasonable army.

    I have tried to write you a couple of lists, but without trying to sound cliche I would recommend what ever models your friend likes the look of. Some people love the turtle, others love the eidolons etc.

    The first list has a nice mixture of models, the 2nd list is what I think a strongly competitive 1k list would look like. But I do think there are quite a few other options.


    Enclave: Mor’Phann

    Akhelian King (240) - General, Merciless Raider, Cloud of Midnight 

    Isharann Soulrender (100)

    10 x Namarti Thralls (140)

    10 x Namarti Thralls (140)

    Akhelian Leviadon (380)

    Total: 1000


    Enclave: Dhom-Hain

    Vulturnos, High King of the Deep (280) - General

    Isharann Soulscryer (100) - Dritchleech

    3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (160)

    3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (160)

    3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (160)

    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)

    Total: 1000

  11. 10 hours ago, Frowny said:

    Finally getting myself to 2000 points and looking for some list advice


    600 Alarielle- 

    300 Treelord Ancient - Warsinger, Acorn of the ages

    80 Branchwraith - Ranu's

    80 Branchwych - Circlet


    270 Dryads x30

    80 Tree revenants x5

    80 Tree revenants x5


    200 Kurnoth Hunters x3


    100 Household

    130 Gnarleroot



    Chief questions

    what I do with the last 80 points..... Thoughts? I really want to fit in more dryads if I can manage it somehow, but I guess just summoning may be enough. 

    would I be better with the gnarled warrior combo on the treelord rather than the more supporty one?


    This is the exact list I have been running to date with the addition of cogs. I think you want to leave 20 points spare to try and get a triumph. I think that can be important in that list due to Alarielle being so swingy. re-rolling hits/wounds/saves on a critical combat can make a big difference. Re-rolling amour saves from cogs is great and if you summon a 2nd set of scythes the +2 charge through a woods means you have a constant threat. Would be good to know what spells you have selected. 

  12. I'm currently experimenting with endless spells in Gnarlroot and will be trying this out tonight:

    • Treelord Ancient (300) - General, Lord of Spites, Moonstone, Regrowth
    • Branchwych (80) The Silverwood Circlet, The Reaping
    • Branchwraith (80) Ranu's Lamentiri, Verdant Blessing
    • Branchwraith (80) Throne of Vines
    • 20 x Dryads (200)
    • 5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    • 5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    • 6 x Kurnoth Hunters (400) - Scythes
    • 3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200) - Greatswords
    • Gnarlroot Wargrove (130)
    • Household (100)
    • Balewind Vortex (40)
    • Umbral Spellportal (60)
    • Chronomantic Cogs (60)
    • Purple Sun of Shyish (100)
    • Total: 1990 / 2000

    I was running Alarielle but I think i'll get more value out of the 6 Scythes (assuming she summoned 3 to make the maths easy). Purple sun is really just for a bit of fun but think it might have some legs, the casting cost might cause frustrations with consistency. I think cogs is useful for the re-roll armour save on the TLA and also to keep that threat of throwing 9 hunters in on +2 to move and charge.

    Obviously the biggest concern is having 490 points in battalions and endless spells. Might have too few models on the table.


  13. Any thoughts or advice on this list?

    Vulturnos, High King of the Deep (280) General

    Isharann Soulscryer (100)

    Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Storm (400) Sword of Judgement 

    20 x Namarti Thralls (280)

    20 x Namarti Thralls (280)

    6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (320)

    3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (160)

    3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (160)

    Total: 1980 / 2000

  14. 1 hour ago, IndigoGirls said:

    At the time, I completely forgot cogs confers a defensive bonus to the user and it seems that re-roll would be wonderful on Alarielle (a surprisingly squishy 16 wound model).

    With the change to mystic shield, defensive cogs on Alarielle is glorious. I actually used that ability far more than any other benefit from cogs, you just need to be clever with your positioning, thinking ahead about where Alarielle will be when she charges and not giving the enemy the ability to manipulate them.

    • Like 1
  15. @DantePQ That looks absolutely fantastic! Real underwater vibe about them, I am looking at doing something similar but was struggling. The plan was to create a normally 'over water' colour scheme then add blues/greens into everything to make it seem under-watery (hope that makes sense)

    • Like 1
  16. 20 hours ago, wanderingrogue said:

    I'm fully of the opinion id be taking 10 man units even they wernt battline. they are that good in my opinion.


    in fact i even take them still when I'm messing about with a king general and have access to eel battleline .

    they are critical to IDK regardless of battle line restrictions

    That's a fair point. My only comment would be that there have been plenty of eel spam lists without Thralls that have performed well at tournaments.

  17. Again just to re-iterate I am not denying Thralls are good, although I think they are on-par with most equivalent battleline for their points e.g. Dryads, Judicators. They are just considered a tax when without the battleline restriction you would take something else.

  18. 1 hour ago, wanderingrogue said:

    I'm not sure how anyone sees thralls as a tax *confused*

    In a lot of lists they can be considered a tax if you want to take a Tidecaster general. This means you cannot take eels as battleline.

    No-one is saying Thralls are bad but if most people had they choice they would take other options in the books over thralls if they were not in there to cover batteline. Especially as to cover battleline you would need to take 3x10 rather than 1x30 , meaning you don't get the horde point reduction and any buffs are less effective.

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