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Posts posted by Gilby

  1. Just to throw a spanner into everything...


    "This ability allows the number of models in this unit to exceed its maximum size.’"


    Doesn't say, "When using this ability." Just that you can ignore it. As written that means SaSA lets you ignore everything to do with maximum unit size. You could jank your 10 pinks up to 100 pinks. I do not think that's intended and wouldn't play that. But just a case for this needing a proper rewrite.


    I'd like something like:

    "Blues and brims added to this unit by this ability are not counted for maximum unit size or Rally. If this unit contains no pinks no pinks can be added by any means, if this unit contains no blues no blues can be added by any means. In addition when claiming objectives 2 blues count as 1 model and 4 brims count as 1 model, rounding down."


    Then can just look at number of pinks when trying to figure out how many you can return. And gets a bit of a nerf which they probably need.

  2. I've probably gotten tangled up in changes... but how does Archaon get added to a Tzeentch army now? He's not in the faction table. He's above ally points. He's got the Khorne and Nurgle keywords so can't be coalition right?


    EDIT - Never mind! Just read StD errata! 

    Page 88 – Archaon Add: ‘WARMASTER: This unit can be included in a Blades of Khorne, Disciples of Tzeentch, Maggotkin of Nurgle or Hedonites of Slaanesh army. If it is, it is treated as a general even if it is not the model picked to be the army’s general, and you can still use the army’s allegiance abilities even if this unit is not from the army’s faction.’

  3. I'd look into having a way to kill your own pinks to generate some blues (an endless spell).


    Also wanted some advice, how many enlightened should you wait for before folding 6 back? Was thinking of running 2 units of 6, as whilst it'll mean I never get to bring as many back, it does give me some redundancy and splits the enemy's focus. Thoughts?

  4. 32 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    What strikes always strikes me as a bit weird is the way their judgement from afar is worded: "... inflicts d3 mortal wounds and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound/save roll)" - kinda reads as if special abilites like Nurgle's couldn't be used here either (of course they would but the way it's worded it sounds as if no save ability (including Disgustingly resilient) was allowed)

    A save roll is the roll you make to save an inflicted wound  using the save characteristic (adjusted for modifiers). Disgustingly resilient, death save, etc. isn't a save roll it's an ability that prevents or reduces damage. See Skarrbrand's rule on total carnage for an example of where this is distinction is made.


    All that rule is saying is don't make the wound/save roll for the successful hit you just made.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 1/20/2019 at 4:29 PM, Sumanye said:

    But you don’t go by the newest one though.  The last FAQ makes this explicitly clear, you go by the warscroll with a date, which is the one in the app.

    edit:  the warscroll says Sep 2018 btw, also when BoC was released right?  So it’s not clear that the book is even the newest.


    But it doesn't explicitly state that it has to be published by GW, so by this logic I can just post one I made up on here with today's date and then everyone has to use that? :P 


    On 1/20/2019 at 7:35 PM, Sumanye said:

    The date in question for the FAQ is the date on the warscroll, not the date of publication ;)


    But, yes I agree it is likely a mistake.  +2 to hit makes the Aviarch bonus useless, and sadly, +2 to hit still doesn’t make Skyfires more attractive than Enlightened tbh :(




    Doesn't say that the date has to be written on the warscroll. It says "Warscrolls with a date of publication." A warscroll in a book has the books date of publication as the date the warscroll was published.

  6. 15 hours ago, Olincay said:

    I just dont see us saving up the points fast enough, unless you oppnonent is another tzeentch or death army. 

    The one Tzeentch off fight I had actually resulted in less spells than normal as we just unbound each others. As much as I want the fatepoints I want a gateway to the face even less.

  7. On 8/5/2018 at 11:58 PM, Olincay said:

    Jusy saw the results from Blackout18.

    Top tzeentch was 5th, with 1 more in top 30. 

    Anyone have any details on the lists that were taken? 

    Pretty intrigued to see what's in them. 


    On 8/6/2018 at 10:49 AM, obmik1 said:

    Have you had many games with your changehost? I'm wondering how it actually fairs this edition.

    Not sure what was in those 2 lists unfortunately. Came 33rd with changehost though, first time actually playing Tzeentch or AoS2 as well. Got a bit lucky with some scenarios and match ups. Managed to win 3/5 games even though I was practically  tabled in 4/5 of them! It's lacking any threat in combat, but not sure it ever had that before? Think I'd do better with some more diverse summoning options to play with.

  8. So, was wondering if I could get some advice on the following list.


    Lord Of Change (380)
    - Artefact : Mark of the Conjurer
    - Lore of Change : Bolt of Tzeentch

    Herald Of Tzeentch (140)
    - Staff of Change
    - Lore of Change : Tzeentch's Firestorm

    Herald Of Tzeentch (140)
    - Staff of Change
    - Lore of Change : Unchecked Mutation

    The Blue Scribes (140)
    - Lore of Change : Bolt of Tzeentch
    Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch (160)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Magical Supremacy
    - Artefact : Ignax's Scales
    - Lore of Fate : Treacherous Bond

    10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)
    - Lore of Change : Bolt of Tzeentch
    10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)
    - Lore of Change : Treason of Tzeentch
    10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)
    - Lore of Change : Fold Reality
    10 x Brimstone Horrors Of Tzeentch (70)
    10 x Brimstone Horrors Of Tzeentch (70)

    Changehost (180)

    Chronomantic Cogs (60)
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (40)
    Soulsnare Shackles (20)


    Plan had been to take turn one, use the umbral portal and throw all my spells and endless spells into the most important part of my opponent's army. And generate like 12 fate points doing that. With the recent FAQ limiting the portal to one spell I decided to remove it and give LoC another spell with the cogs and the extra fate points as he always rolls a double (so 6 a turn from him). I'd also hoped to use the Curseling to steal/unbind endless spells and get them myself (but that has been quite rightly removed as an option too). I'll still use him to steal and unbind when I can cast the spell myself though.


    Plan is still to use the geminids and shackles to try and tie down the board a little. Use the brims to deny space/bubble wrap and basically sacrafice pinks for blues->brims whilst generating enough fate points to put down more pinks.


    So in light of that does anyone have any suggestions of what I could do and any minor tweaks? What is my biggest weakness/oversight? Feels pretty glass cannony to start with and with the portal gone I'm not sure it's even a cannon anymore! :D

  9. On 7/27/2018 at 12:39 AM, geekbrewer said:

    So I could take StD as mark of Khorne, Slaanesh, or Tzeentch and they would be allies.

    No, you can take them, unmarked/Khorne/Slaanesh as allies. When marked with Tzeentch they are no longer allies as they're part of the DoT.


    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, NemoVonUtopia said:

    I just realized a cool use for the exalted deathbringer when facing death armies that have a lot of bravery shinanegans. Since it let's other units to use his bravery until the next hero phase it will work against shooting type attack that target bravery, also it would negate bravery modifiers unless they are in range of the deathbringer too which seems unlikely considering that most things I remember that penalize bravery have a short range. 

    I've occasionally brought an exalted deathbringer as a bodyguard for my general but I may try bringing him when i know I'll be facing death armies.

    Think it's the reverse of what you're thinking. It lets them use the EDB's bravery characteristic "instead of their own". Modifiers would still be applied to that, however if the EDB has a bravery debuff they'd still get to use his characteristic as written on the warscroll (so without debuff).

    • Like 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, SpiritofHokuto said:

    I really hope that this is the case as I was really looking forward to playing and painting up my FSWB.

    If it isn't I wonder what the point in writing, "An army can include a warscroll battalion of a different allegiance to the rest of the army" and everything following it was. As practically every battalion plus the units in it will cost more than 500 points making it a redundant comment. As it is an FAQ it is also likely to have had less proof reading than the rules themselves (which as the FAQs prove have enough of their own context and phrasing issues).

  12. Are we sure about the FSWB thing?

    p6 of the designer commentary:

    "Warscroll battalions that share the same allegiance as an army can always be taken as part of the army, and if they include any allied units, these units do not count against the limits on the number of allies the army can have (or against the points limit that can be spent on allies in a Pitched Battle). An army can include a warscroll battalion of a different allegiance to the rest of the army, but if it does so the units in it do count against the limits on the number of allies the army can have (and the points for the battalion and the units in it count against the points limit that can be spent on allies in a Pitched Battle)."


    The, "units in it do count against the limits on the number of allies the army can have", surely refers to units that are not part of your armies allegiance? Otherwise you're spending ally points on your own battleline (can Tzeentch even ally Tzeentch?). I think this is the way you're meant to read it given the context of the previous section talking about how allies don't cost ally points if the battalion is the same allegiance as your army.

    As everything is Tzeentch then you're just spending 160 ally points on the battalion as an ally?

  13. 7 hours ago, TheAdequateWargamer said:

    Not a fan of the model. In an army of daemons having a motor powered throne (or wheelchair of khorne as i overheard someone call it in jest a while ago) doesnt quite fit the aesthetic to me.

    Currently trying to convert it so its more like a chariot being pulled by a jugger, but then also replacing the juggers head with the big maw part. Not sure if my greenstuff skills are good enough to do it justice 

    Greenstuff a Bloodletter playing a flaming guitar instead and go full Mad Max! Stipple a little Runefang Silver around all your model's mouths and wrap a few with tiny leather harnesses and masks... this is sounding like a better and better idea. Putting a Bloodthirster in a gimp suit isn't going to make him less scary.

    • Like 1
  14. 38 minutes ago, AaronWIlson said:

    I mean that's just the case for a decent Tzzeentch build these days.

    If I counted the points right you could swap a Magister for a Chaos Warshrine? Also have the potential then to look at swapping one of the 10 pink horrors for something like a Changeling for some deepstrike summoning or Blue Scribes for the rerolls and another endless spell (cogs maybe for another spell or to let the Acolytes get onto objectives as the move lasts until the next hero phase, so would stop before the opponent can use it).

  15. 1 hour ago, Killax said:

    But I feel like in some odd way this is more of a confirmation that Khorne is now specifcally designed so you cannot beat Nagash, Slaanesh, Stormcast, Fyreslayers, Archaon, Morathi or maby even Destruction? ...Uh yeah, thanks for that a lot GW..

    Or even another Khorne army going by number 8 on the list! ?

    But yeah, it feels like Tzeetch and Slaanesh got a system that counts things they'll be doing anyway (spells and taking/dealing wounds), whilst Khorne gets to choose to use it's allegiance ability or summoning. The equivalent would be Tzeentch having to give up a fate dice for each unit it summoned or Slaanesh having a 4th host to choose from that just gives summoning . Seraphon at least have to choose between spells and generating points for summoning, but still get there board wide unbind so loose less by putting their Slann right back in the corner and can still do the teleporting thing. If Khorne got to start with 8 bloodtithe points I'd be happier! ?


    With the sheer amount of endless spells though it seems like it's going to be non optional to start including a wizard like gaunt as a way to dispell them if you miss an unbind and as a way to potentially bring one (like the cogs) yourself. Something like this maybe?


    Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster





    Gaunt Summoner (Everchosen ally)

    5 Bloodwarriors

    10 Bloodreavers

    30 Bloodletters

    30 Bloodletters

    Gore Pilgrims

    Chronomatic Cogs



    17+3D6 inch charge range (if cogs work) on bloodletters. Take the mortal khorne command ability to reroll charges to units in 8" to your stoker and have him sprint after them. If you roll a 1/2 on the run and think you're not going to make it you can use the extra command point to make it a 6.

    Will simulate the murderhost a bit, but with 6 drops you'll probably just get tabled in half of your games by endless spell spam...

    • Like 1
  16. On 4/18/2017 at 11:54 AM, kaintxu said:

    I can understand your point about it, but until less than a month ago, bloodletters were provided in 25mm so it is nto like I'm trying to play the system. I already rebased from squared which I understood, but now again?

    I've been buying them with 32mm bases for more than a year. Since around the time the chaos grand alliance book came out, where have you been getting them on 25's? 

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