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Posts posted by xking

  1. 14 minutes ago, willange said:

    Actually, I don't think it does.

    IDK had one of those boxes and all they got was a foot hero (which seems to almost be the expected minimum this edition).
    I'm not sure what is meant that "kruelboyz" got a broken realms box... since they didn't and even Kragnos wasn't a broken realms "box".
    Also Nurgle had a box and only got a hero.

    If it were true that would mean that Tzeentch, KO and FEC were ALL up for lots of models too.

    EDIT: I think we can take it as a given that Seraphon, Tzeentch, KO, FEC, Slaanesh and Seraphon are not ALL going to get new stuff beyond 1 hero model in this edition.... I'd love to be wrong, but that seems like asking a lot.

    EDIT 2: Oh yeah and OBR, Skaven and Beastmen all had Broken realms boxes.   There were 16 broken realms boxes and only 2 of those were for a repeat faction which was CoS.

    IDK and firesayers were robbed.


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  2. 9 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Easily done.

    let’s take the skaven,

    and let ‘em go nuts.

    there is no reason for sigmar he is after all a useless god, he is just waiting to get his army of automatas working in unity following his orders no matter the cost.

    he is literally the thousand sons all over again

    Lol, your insane rat god will never achieve anything lasting. It's not even accepted amongst the chaos gods, the four look down upon you're pathetic rodent god.

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  3. 2 hours ago, KingGatorboy said:

    I would argue that in this universe there is still a sort of order of power of each of them in AOS though. Sigmar is still not stronger than Dracothion and Teclis couldn’t properly make life unlike the all of the other aelven deities of the game. (Not that Teclis isn’t strong)

    I would say Sigmar is stronger than Dracothion. Gorkamorka knocked  Draconion out with one blow, Sigmar then got into a fight with him for several days straight. This conflict literally alter the geography within part of the realm of beasts.

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  4. 19 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    I think that we are not talking about the same.

    When I'm talking about a killing a god, I'm just talking about changing the whole society around that god and break the narrative that they had before that god was killed. 

    I don't know if any of you played Dark Souls o Elden Ring. But to put it simple, the lands of this games were plagued with gods. They had entire cities, societies and orders following them and their offspring. But still, some of them died or were killed and that changed all their followers. Some of them become mindless zealots (coff..coff fyreslayers). Others wanted to reach the status of new "gods", knowing that they can be killed. Other wanted to conquer their lands.

    That's just an example of how can GW use their AoS gods. The Imperium already had a similar backstory, Fyreslayers and Kharadrons had something like that as their background too.

    But AoS is an ongoing narrative, you don't need to use that kind of stories as background, use them as a campaign. BR: Morathi was loved and acclaimed by everybody, just don't stop with  one book, just believe in your work!

    You mean the shattering in Elden ring. I don't know what that has to do with Age of Sigmar, nor do I believe it is suitable for this setting. The gods being around is its thing, it's a Greek,  Norse, Egyptian Clash of the Titans setting.


    Also you should read up on fyreslayers lore if you think they are Mindless. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    Well there is dead dead and mostly dead.., I thought Grimnir was shattered not destroyed. I'm not well read on AoS lore, mostly focused on KO,i have to say the world building improved a lot in their book between 1st and 2nd, there was a greater sense of the society generally and I have enjoyed some of the BL short Stories around them too. My sense of of things is that AoS is beginning to mature into a deeper setting. I was a WFB player from 1st ed and that world was so deep and rich but it built up over years. AoS definitely suffered from an awkward initial release and has changed direction since. I hope it will continue to mature but I can see were the problems are, the setting being so big and full of possibilities you need both the overarching story and the smaller, personal tales, WFB was a smaller setting as well so that made it easier as well as being a very settled one. 

    Grimnir was indeed shattered, his Essence trapped in gold. But as the fyreslayers use it, they free that essence to once again coalesce. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Emmm... that's exactly what I don't want to see. An edgy (and anecdotal) case of a God of Death being on hollydays without any impact on the game, battletomes and the story.

    What is death to a god? Even grimnir is starting to resurrect. Even many of the underworld deities may be returning with nagash temporarily out of the way and with the anvils of the heldenhammer spreading their faith among the underworlds once again.

    I will tell you this, in the realmgate wars Bahamut was killed by the Celestint Prime ( he's also kind of resurrecting through King brodd )

  7. 7 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    That's not true!

    A dead god means a lot: a legacy, his worshippers, his societies and his deeds and achievements are going to still be there, perfectly prepared to be explored and breaking the rule of "one king with followers", because that king is not longer there.

    A good example, as you said, are the Fyreslayers. But what about something more fleshed out than just a few lines in the battletomes?

    Let me try, an entire Empire that lost their God? This Empire could then be twisted by their most religious group and become exactly the oposite of what their god wanted. Hey, that sounds familiar!

    Nagash has been killed several times. 

    • Like 3
  8. 15 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    World building can also be continued on the community pages and not behind a wall of Black Library books. Some essential pieces of information about characters or a race should not be hidden like that. I would actually like it if they made a Wiki style community page where u can read all the basic information about the Realms and Races/Gods. Someone cant be expected to read all battletomes and books to know whats going on in the game. Things like Thondia and Broken Realms are a good addition imho.

    You mean like the AoS lexi?

    • Like 3
  9. 5 hours ago, Landohammer said:

    Took an army with 5 Gossamids and new Durthu to a tourney this weekend. I would have fielded Lady of Vines too but my Echoes boxes arrived a week late so I had to paint and assemble the gossamids the night before :S

    Managed to go 2-1. I played Stormcast 3 times in a row lol. Beating two lists with 4+ stormdrakes. My loss was to the guy who took second. He brought Judicators with hurricane bows and a ****** ton of annihilators and just shot/mortal wounded me of the board top of 1. I had like 1200 points left going into my first turn :S. Still had a blast tho.

    Thoughts on new warscrolls.

    New Durthu is an absolute power house. He single handedly killed 4 stormdrakes and 2 celestant primes over the course of a weekend. He is a model your opponent has to plan their entire strategy around. I naturally gave him the Frozen Kernel in winterleaf, so its likely we will lose that combo in the new book. But as long as you keep him near a woods (and keep a CP for all out attack) he will do his job.

    Gossamids as expected, did absolutely fine. No more, no less. They are nowwhere near the boogey man people claim them to be. I really enjoyed fielding them because they offer some diversity to slow tough trees. I plan to bring at least 5 in every list. I tried to keep them in awakened wyldwoods to block LOS. 

    Overall I am really optimistic for our new book. I know the price hike on Kurnoth is going to hurt, but potential battleline unlocks and the spite riders are going to make this army very fun. 


    I aplode you good sir, well done.


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