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Posts posted by xking

  1. Kragnos could be beast of chaos, maybe part of that group of beastmen that became more enlightened in the realm of light.  But being beastmen, they are made out of chaos and got clapped by the  surrounding aelf/humans.   

    Kragnos does not have any chaos symbols on him however, but he looks more like a beastmen/gor .

  2. 58 minutes ago, Doko said:


    In end of times when karl franz died,sigmar entered to his corpse to figth for a time.

    In aos we have some stories telling us that celestant prime was a big king and hero of the old world and have gal maraz,so it isnt ofitial but many people think he is karl franz


    The celestant prime is a king who was born the the age of myth(or in the beginning of the age of chaos).  He is not karl franz

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  3. 3 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    Cities of Grungni

    Cities of Grimnir

    Cities of Valaya

    Cities of Taal

    Cities of Morr

    Cities of just thinking for yourself without enslaving yourself to any gods, thank you very much

    "Cities of Grungni" = karaks(destroyed by chaos) , maybe when we get a Dispossessed release.

    "Cities of Grimnir" = play Fyreslayers

    "Cities of Valaya" she is dead or missing

    "Cities of Taal"  - a god that does not seem to be into cities, he also does not seem to be that powerful considering his lack of agency. 

    "Cities of Morr" - Morr is dead, there is the underworld god 'morrda' however. But he seems to be hiding from nagash.  


    "Cities of just thinking for yourself" = Play Kharadron Overlords(sky ports) and even then, their existence was only possible due to the breathe of Grungni.

  4. 1 hour ago, LuminethMage said:

    Lumineth seem to play a similar role to Stormcast in Settler's Gain. Could be that Settler's Gain is a new type of City of Sigmar, without a Stormkeep. Probably because it's save enough now to make such settlements in some regions. It looks very much like the Lumineth are the rulers of the city, not a city council assisted by Stormcast as in the cities we have seen so far. 

    The writer doesn't mention anything about appealing to Stormcast for example in the text, and there is a little bit more information on Settler's Gain in the Soulbound RPG which also doesn't mention anything about Stormcast. 

    Lumineth didn't ask for Stormcast help during the Age of Chaos (and prevented them to do things in some cases), so it might be that in some of the realms, especially with new cities, the Stormcast just don't play that much of a role. 

    It's likely, it'll be clarified once BR Teclis is out. Settler's Gain has been mentioned several times now, so it likely plays a role there.


     Stormcast did not exist in the  Age of Chaos

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  5. Grand Alliances  are coalitions of factions who share a overall philosophy and goal.  They don't even have to like each other.  

    Such as Order wants to be free from the evils of the dark gods and   build their civilizations , they don't want to be Undead under the control of nagash and they are not rampaging Destroyers who want to fight or eat everything 

    These factions can come into conflict with one another, either due to their moral views, how they go about spreading and growing their civilization. Or do to their individual faction or sub-facion's goals.  

    Conflict can even occur within the same faction. such as between the knights Excelsior and the hallowed Knights.  

    Read the fyreslayers lore, They are without a doubt order, they are a complex civilization. The only reason they are mercenary at all is to resurrect Grimnir. You can read there lore on the Lexi

     sylvaneth are also order, believe it or not they are a civilization. composed of various Glades, Kingdoms and Clans. they also represent natural order.



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  6.  Silent People are Destruction because they are most likely base off  locust.  They will awaken to feed and they worship beastgrave.  There is a reason why the Seraphon are trying to stop the prophecy and blow up beastgrave.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Random said:

    I certainly enjoyed the exploration of a cult worshipping an ancient god. I'm a sucker for these kind of stories, and that's what kept me reading. What I didn't enjoy was the utter mediocrity and predictability of it. It may be good book for someone who doesn't read much. Also, "its not for you" is a very nonsensical argument to make just because someone didn't enjoy a book that you personally liked. I like Horror, Warhammer as well as cult based stories, etc. I just didn't particularly like this book.

    I dropped Anathemas, as the stories proved to be too tropey and standard for my tastes. Not a single story I read was original, and I just found it pointless.

    Next on the list are Lady of Sorrows and Overlords of the Iron Dragon, which are promising as I loved all the books of Clint Werner I've read so far.

    So are you liking AoS books/lore 

  8. 2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    I would love Stormcast to get some more angelic behemoths in their army. Not the pretty renaissance depictions of winged human,s but the surreal and terrifying ones described by Ezekiel. I actually think such designs would make for cool endless spells.


    I also think that an Angelic Death army in the style of Renaissance depictions of angels would be amazing as it would better explain why living people would worship Nagash in hopes of being blessed upon death. 


    all types of angels are in the bible. some of them look like normal humans and some of them have six flaming wings.    Could do some interesting things with stormcast  

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  9. 13 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:


    :PJust kidding. My friend @xking I am no rumormonger and I only posted what could be Belakor's plot in my mind.

    I think the Realmgate Wars and the esthablishement of Free cities were GREAT victories for Order (per the StD battletome they regained at least 10% of the realms). The many alliances and treaties made with Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth, Kharadron Overlords and even some Idoneth Deepkin enclaves were victories too.

    The Aelves gods (at least Teclis and Morathi) will keep the worst offensives of Nagash and Slaanesh in check. Even better if they find common cause with Stormcasts and the Free people.

    After Archaon lost almost half his Arcways, the Eightpoints got breached twice recently : Katakros build a stronghold there and Morathi stole the biggest Varanite gisement, preventing the Gaunt Summoners to breach the Azyr archway. Then Archaon lost trace of Slaanesh.... Can he handle Be'lakor's rebellion ?

    I think with the Lumineth making their play to counter the Soul Wars, and Destruction further weakening Death and Chaos, Order can hold his ground and even mount some counter offensives in many places ! If the Duardin stands united, if Malerion and Tyrion show off at some point, there are still a lot of hope for Order, even if some part of Azyr get attacked.  


    Don't play these kinds of jokes with me, I almost quite the game.   You get a sad face for making me feel bad emotions

  10. 20 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    I have to second that I'm not keen on everything there. Broad strokes are fine and feel like they're plausible based on what's been hinted but some of the specifics - Azyr in ruins, Belakor stealing Destruction's thunder, Stormcast not being eternal  - feel like they're blowing up a lot of the interesting tensions for the sake of drama. Like it's cashing all the chips at once. 

    Having 'order' on the back foot and in disarray is cool, so is the ascendency of destruction, even Belakor getting a win at last, it just feels like it's not leaving much there afterwards.


    Order was already on the back foot, chaos controls 97% of the realms, with near endless corrupted mortal armies(that the dark gods can bring back to life)  and who knows how many daemons . The cities are  constantly being besieged and destroyed.  Then Nagash come in with a near endless ghost army and  nearly unstoppable replicating  Ossiarch legions. Not counting the nearly incalculable number of other undead.  And now Destruction brakes into Azyr.  And now my stormcast eternal  are going extinct.  Sounds like GW is trying to turn Age of Sigmar into 40k 

    • Like 3
  11. 3 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    So. Possible AOS releases schedule (everything is a bit delayed because COVID) :

    WHQ Cursed Cities, end of March,

    BR Teclis + Lumineth Battletome 2, April,

    BR Alarielle May/June : 

    • First part : we'll see Alarielle and Gardus protecting Ghyran from Nagash, more precisely a Nighthaunt invasion (NH are getting a new Hero and didn't get rules in BR : Morathi or BR : Teclis). Then Alarielle will snap and turn on her allies. After a bloody war and few Cities getting destroyed, Sigmar himself manifests in Ghyran to parlay
    • MEANWHILE IN AZYR : Be'lakor appears on the Sigmarabulum (the space station around Mallus) via Eshin Gnawholes (we know there are some already), and while Sigmar and the Sacrosancts Chambers are abroad, he wrecks the Anvil of the Apotheosis. The Stormcast becomes an endangered Species.
    • End : Gordrakk and Skargrot talks to their horde as the walls of Excelsis are in sight. 

    Then, AOS Third Edition (around August*) and new story arcs Destruction in ascendency with Excelsis besieged / destroyed, the Slaanesh Newborn warring with the Aelves, the Duardin on their way to be united again (but CHAOS DWARFS happens), Archaon losing his grip on Chaos because of Be'lakor**, Azyr***being breached by Destruction or by Be'lakor & Co., the Sigmarabulum destroyed, and FINALLY the Stormcast no longer Eternals !

    * Soulblight are "later this year" so maybe October ?

    **between him and the Great Horned Rat in the Pantheon, we indeed have Malal reborn :P

    *** BR : Alarielle or the 3rd ed. Core Book better feature a map of Azyr or else.....


    Sounds terrible, I like my stormcast as they are. 

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