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Posts posted by xking

  1. 3 hours ago, PJetski said:

    What were you guys expecting...? He can't be drastically different from a regular Lord Celestant

    I want him to be as cool and awesome as he is in the novels. 

    Stormcast are former mortal heroes reforged into demi-gods, their souls are infused with a fragment of Sigmar's very divine essence and their bodies are remade from the magic of the heavens. They are then equipped with weapons and armor made from holy-arcane living metal, forge by six dwarf demi-god created and trained by Grungni himself. The weapons and armor are also blessed by both Grungni and Sigmar.   Then the stormcast eternals are trained for centuries in the Gladitorium , both individually and collectively.

    I want the rule to match the lore, even a little. Please GW

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Yeah, the Silverway.


    It's also notable for being created by Chamon Duardin. So the Realm of Metal can eventually reconnect even without godly or Seraphon intervention.

    The brightside is their souls were taken by Nighthaunt instead of something like daemons tearing them apart. So that leaves an open plot-hook for any remaining Brotherhood Stormcasts or other Stormhosts to crusade to Shyish and reclaim the souls for reforging(if not something more shadowy like bargaining with Soulblight for them).

    Similar hope for the souls blocked from Azyr during the final battle. Stormcast souls are basically living lightning so if not forcibly captured they're gonna keep looking for a place to go. With Order winning the battle that means they're probably being stored in Stormkeeps similar to aelven soul storage strategies.

    A cool twist that could happen is if Kharadron step in to store their lightning souls. Could get Chamon mecha Stormcasts acting as bodies in the trapped metal realm until they find a way back.



    That's fan art baron, Make sure you don't  spread any misinformation. 

    • Thanks 2
  3. 15 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    wow. just wow.

    I never realised that a stormcast needed a realmgate to go back to azyr, I thought they just did in an act of god kind of way.

    And I suppose the only way you could rebuild a realm gate is with the help of a dwarf god with a massive hammer and mining pick, after all, who else would be capable of that sort of skill, magic and arcane knowledge.

    The big question for me is the dynamic between Belakor and Archaon which I think by design has remained beautifully absent from the narrative - which is great as we thought it was going to be about them.  Perhaps Belakor sees his ascension in the eyes of the dark gods, (and the fall of favour of Arky) as something which perversely has nothing to do with ever involving arky, thereby making him look just like nothing more than a blown up slaves to darkness mortal.

    However, I suppose it also means that the gates of azyr cannot be assaulted by Arky, which has always been number one on his to do list, thereby taking away his one great driving goal and ambition.

    And will AoS 3 herald a new period of non reforging stormcast? - I'm wondering if Sigmar has a backdoor contingency to allow the stormcast to get back to azyr by another means, or at the very least the white bearded dwarf has a chat with the sulky lightning god and bangs his head against the wall  and tells him get a grip.

    I'm also hoping that Belakor has double bluffed the floating bedseet woman and will take her soul apart strand by strand for her 'curse' which I hope he can undo / has undone  on the sly by the time that hourglass runs out. (I'm not a fan of floating bedsheet woman).

    I'm very much looking forward to Kragnos, and I really do believe, and these previous two books have shown, that the book will be a massive curveball in terms of who he is and what faction he has sway over, as lets face it if  BR Be'Lakor is anything to go by, nobody was expecting end times lite.


    When a Stormcast Eternal dies, their body transmutes into lightning and shoots up back to the realm of heavens. But Belakor has created a chaos storm that is blocking the lightning.  If a stormcast  Eternal  wants to go back to Azyr without dying,  they have to do it the same way as everyone else. 

    • Thanks 2
  4. 20 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    I’ve just come across some 3D printed models that are screaming ‘Stormcast counts-as’ for me. They’re the Artisan Guild Dragonguard.

    so looking at getting some of those printed to run as a Stormcast army, what do people think of this list?

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (500)
    - General
    - Stormbound Blade
    Lord-Celestant on Dracoth (200)
    - Stormstrike Glaive & Thundershield
    Lord-Arcanum (150)

    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warblade & Shield
    - 1x Grandblades
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warblade & Shield
    - 1x Grandblades
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warblades
    - 1x Grandblades

    4 x Fulminators (440)
    4 x Fulminators (440)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 99

    The Dragonguard Complete - bundle.jpg

    That female dragonkin is something.

  5. Repost my thoughts  form a discord

    I will also say this, BR Teclis is a perfect example of a why you should read a book yourself before you judge it. People were going on for like a week complaining that The Lumineth and teclis just stumped the forces of death. That is not what happened, they struggled a lot in this book and they barely succeeded. And in the end teclis has some weird curse on him now.

    What I'm most excited about from the ramifications of BR Teclis, is that we might see the underworld return to how they once were before the coming of nagash.  I hope that the underworld deities return.

    Another thing I will say, Is BR Teclis has further strengthened my belief that the bonereapers are absolutely overpowered. They just counter everything the lumineth throw at them. They are damn near invulnerable, sun-metal weapons did nothing, shining company did nothing, laser beams did nothing, I don't know why the archers even showed up, they were completely meaningless and useless. The only elf unit that had any success was cow elves and that's stretching it in my opinion. Their hammers were useless, only the diamond pics did something and even with their stoneskin they were still getting cut down. I'm reading this like, this is ridiculous, the bonereapers just hard counter everything.

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  6. 2 hours ago, AaronWilson said:

    Hi all, I have been speaking to a lot of buddies today about Mortal Wounds as a mechanic.  Now I appreciate the answer is more nuanced then yes / no, as most answers will most likely be "Yes, but not as abundant" but as a core rule, a wound that negates any sort of armour save are you fan of Mortal Wounds, yes / no?

    Yes, No invulnerable units

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  7. 4 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Sorry you've got such a limited imagination and poor understanding of the background I guess. Being incapable of understanding the difference between relatively fixed aspects of AoS and the space for imagination - do you believe that dwarves are literally all clones and share the exact same personalities, attitudes, beliefs, desires? - is a sorry way to be.

     I'm just messing with you. 

  8. 14 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    It's not about personal preference - personally I don't even think that's necessarily the most interesting angle to take with dwarves in CoS - it's that coming in here with a firm "dwarves could never act that way" attitude is a deeply limited way of thinking about the background and, to my mind, a complete abrogation of the imagination and rejection of the interpretative freedom deliberately built into AoS, i.e. the 'Your Dudes' principle.

    My khorne deamons are pacifist and like picking daisies and frolicking through all the flowers. They love building hospitals and being nice to all the little children.  

    I agree

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  9. 3 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    That fundamentally shows that there are Dispossessed who would take a harder non-cosmopolitan line and break from Sigmar's vision, even if they're a distinct minority. 

    It's also very clear that the Free Cities aren't all perfect orderly places free from political manoeuvring and internal tensions. It's easy to imagine a particularly hot-headed or embittered clan or enclave not accepting the judgement of a Free City's leadership. Maybe that leadership is genuinely biased against them or unwilling to hear their claims, maybe these particular Dispossessed are sufficiently embittered that they don't accept its perfectly fair judgement. Either way, maybe they decide to break away and exact (what they call) old fashioned duardin vengeance on a settlement that they believe wronged them. Maybe it's coloured by ethnic tensions, maybe that's just a surface level gloss on a deeper political rift within the city's Dispossessed clans, some of whom support these guys, some of whom vocally don't.

    And then maybe the Free City censures this clan and you get small-scale civil war. Maybe a Stormhost decides to intervene and bang heads together, so it sputters out as a minor forgotten episode in the city's history and everyone gets on with their lives. Maybe this disunity festers and weakens the city, becoming a factor in the city's destruction. Maybe that all becomes a grim parable Grombrindal relates to some other dwarves centuries on. There's lots of ways it could be taken. There's no sense in being ultra-prescriptive about factions only ever acting in a particular narrow manner.

    Fine, do what you want. I think Dispossessed burning down a settlement over one coin is dumb sh*t.  So agree to disagree.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    If it was an Aelf, I’m sure they’d have no problem burning down the village, even if the aelves actually paid them - the coins are probably tainted by the horrible smell of aelf hands or something 

    I mean the lumineth were trapped inside slannesh for eons. Who knows if they have some corruption in them or not. 

  11. 1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

    I now clicked back long enough to see that this was about Disposessed.

    The rest of the way Duardin or dwarf was used, so I lost track of that.

    Disposessed had a battle trait Grudgebound, a command trait Grudgebearer and an artifact Grudge rune in the 2019 GHB. I'd say grudges are still part of their being.

    I know the dispossessed  have grudges. What I'm saying is they have better ways of resolving a grudge then the drawfs of the old world when it comes to the cities of Sigmar. The dispossessed are far more cosmopolitan, They have lived with the other races for centuries now.  Grombrindal even chastises the dispossessed that tried  To make an ethno-state In this month's white dwarf. 

    They could just go to a legal body in the city  of sigmar to resolve any issues they had with compensation or an offense to their honor. Before trying to burn down a bond settlement of a city.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

    In Order, we have Idoneth raiding coastal villages to use their souls, Daughters of Khaine that would do that just for the murder and even Kharadron would "Always take what you are owed". I also wouldn't short-change Fyreslayers. Order doesn't mean nice.

    If your village doesn't have a name, it's bound to be raided, razed, burned and otherwise bothered by just about anyone.

    It would not be out of the question for other dwarves to be similarely miffed when cheated out of their rightful pay.

    I know order does not mean nice. when I said dwarfs, I meant dispossessed(sense this argument came out of old world dwarf talk, I am sorry for the confusion) .   It is not that someone burned the village down that is the problem,   It's why and who  burned the village down , the dispossessed live in or build there strongholds around the cities of Sigmar.  They almost always have a seat on the grand conclave, as the CoS are meritocracy.  They could  just say that they were shorted and get compensated. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Deepkin said:

    Says who? The realms are vast. Don't impose your limited scope of ideas on a setting not your own.

    I actually read the lore and novels of AoS, And it does NOT make sense for dispossessed to just burn down villages when they could just go to any one  of the legal bodies in a cities of Sigmar. Not only that, they tend to always have a seat on the grand conclave.  

  14. 2 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    Honestly, burning down villages because they paid a coin short is the sort of "turned up to 11" that befits AoS.

    No it's not, AoS Is Mythic fantasy, Epic Fantasy and Heroic fantasy.  With a splash of high and low fantasy. Unless you are some chaotic evil dwarf corrupted by the abyss.  Nobody is burning down entire villages Because a noble was short one coin on his payment.  

    Marauders raiding a village to steal money, supplies and slaves makes sense. Orderly Dawrfs doing it  because of a coin short  on payment  does not. 

    • Confused 1
  15. 10 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    A GRUDGE IS A GRUDGE YOU ELGI LOVER!!! Besides we have confirmation that The Old World is coming back, so your argument is invalid.

    This is Age of Sigmar.  Mounted Duardin  are cool and no to the ridiculous grudges, burning down villages because they were a coin short on your payment was beyond dumb. 

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