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Posts posted by DynamicCalories

  1. Thanks guys, it wasn't a sympathy grab I was just really bummed out after spending ages on it, I imagine everyone has the same story with one or two of their models. I will keep plugging away, but I am worried the yellow is getting to the stage where the layers are slowly beginning to obscure details. I persevere.

    I figure if I at least finish it all and with the details it is still disappointing me, there will be more call to strip it then, rather than now which is the halfway stage I'd guess.

  2. WIP on the frigate. Really not happy with how it's turning out. Such a big model with so much intricate detail seems to invite mistakes. 


    Im finding dust and debris to be a nightmare too, adding to the patchiness of the paint work. Almost impossible to get a consistent yellow colour, despite there being at least three layers on. Think i'm going to look into stripping it and starting again. A waste of time. Damn.



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  3. 2 hours ago, Tzaangor Management said:

    Really nice stuff and love those coppery beards, really makes them standout and remind you who their forebears were.

    Thanks! That was the idea, I love the old ginger bearded dwarves and I think there is plenty of gold already in AoS. These guys remember their roots.

    • Like 1
  4. I watched Duncan's Gunhauler video and his trick seems to be that he uses HUNNERS of wash, then covers it all up. I've figured the issue with my frigate though. The pale banding should have only used shade on the rivet area it seems. I have lahmian medium but I think you need to be really experienced to see the difference cos I rarely do.

  5. I think this guy is almost done now? Gonna finish all of them before I get to basing.

    There's one glaring mistake on his beard which needs correcting and I think his green lens needs work, but other than that I am happy to let him take his place in command of the fleet.



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  6. I am still having trouble with my shades. I painted up part of my frigate, and the shading stage was frankly awful. Streaky Wash everywhere. I am going to re-layer to tighten it up, but I am trying to figure out why it keeps happening. I shake well, I try and get an even coat and draw the paint to where it needs to be... but regardless of all that, unlike Duncan's perfect coverage, I get uneven patchiness. I think it may be because the light I use is actually fairly warm, and it might be drying the shade unevenly? 

    Either way, there are two options, either I re base and re-shade, or I layer over and see if some neat layering can fix it?.

    Anywho - it seems like my admiral didn't attach last time, so here he is. Should be finished with him tonight, off out to buy the last few highlight paints it seems I need to get stuff looking tip-top. Someone elsewhere said they look like they're wearing Twirl Wrappers, and I can't unsee it now.


  7. All Nurgle need, IMO, is a unit in between Blight Kings and Plaguebearers - some kind of Acolyte, and Plague Beasts to be plastic, and if we're dreaming, a new GUO.


    Rules wise, maybe re-work the Beasts slightly? Some rule fixes for really dull units like the Herald would be good, and making the Rotbringer better with some Nurgle specific spells would be great. It's a low cost fix, and given the 40k starter is likely to have the new Deathguard kits, I imagine the AoS update won't be far behind. It's pretty easy to assume it'll be July, given the number 7 shenanigans. That lets them get new 40k out in June, and follow up the Death Guard/Nurgle release in July. Seems fairly likely to me. 

  8. Thanks! I wanted my Duardin to at least pay lip service to the traditional idea of Dwarves so I thought copper beards would be cool. The plan as to use Hashut but it seems that Screaming Bell on its own is essentially fine!

    I think the gold works better after its been shaded myself, as seen here:


    I really need to buy a drill to stop these guns looking dumb

    • Like 2
  9. Not to bog down the rumour thread with 40k lore but the current event seems to be positioning the Edgar Death Deity to be laying the smackdown on Slaanesh. 


    Also re: @WoollyMammoth's issue with the game being 99% shooting, my 40k playing friend was saying they're changing Assault to be "who charges first attacks first" instead of basing it on initiatives, which should give Ork Mobs the edge they've needed, instead of having them patiently wait their turn to fight after they've charged. 

  10. I can understand that... but those books are not VERBOTEN. They just aren't going to be the primary mode of tournament play. There's nothing to stop you from playing with the books you already have, with your pals. Just like I can dig out my 2nd Edition Rulebook and play it. It was inevitable it was going to shift.

  11. Open Play and games like Shadow War mean you can buy one box of minis or a Start Collecting box and you've already got two ways to play with them (3 if you count narrative). It doesn't need to be deep, that comes later for matched play and larger armies, but the whole point of playing these games is to put models on a table and roll dice. The easier they make that, the better it is for everyone. You still have the £400 2k point armies, but you no longer need to home-brew solutions to needlessly complex core rules to make a handful of models fun and viable.  

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  12. Does anyone think that the announcement might not be a change in the rules but instead a rewrite of them?

    So they aren't fundamentally changing the core set, but after the last round of FAQs and the consistent questions that get asked around specific things such as Bloodsecrator Stacking, Shooting in/out of combat, and a whole bevy of other issues that come up again and again, they might have considered those as issues stemming from the phrasing of certain rules, and will rewrite them to clarify  certain points/package the FAQs into the core ruleset/add a few things like the Rules of One (maybe a one instance of source buff being an amendment to that)?

    I suppose the difference between change and rewrite is essentially semantics, but wargaming rules are largely a game of semantics (and for you lit grads out there, language itself is of course the biggest and most complex of all the games) and I think there are certain issues that keep coming up and need defining, without necessarily changing the majority of the 4 page rule book.

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