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Posts posted by Rollcage

  1. The new awakened woods is 3-6 citadel wood models. So technically we get 2 circles for free then each treelord ancient summons 1 awakened wood with is 3-6 more citadel wood models.  So thats 12 trees in a ring for 1 treelord ancient guaranteed. 

    • Like 1
  2. Yeah warcry is shaping up to be really good. The addition of 9 armies outside the chaos selection is going to be really good. 
    Slaanesh daemons look great, finish all 5 gods in chaos now.

    Fyreslayers release was pretty ****** for the army, endless spells and terrain only for an army of clones. I'm in general getting pretty tired of cheap terrain and endless spells from china coming out for every army. Also the original terrain was grown trees with sylvaneth or maggotkin but now they are dragging the equivalent to the black pyramid to the table somehow (magic?). 

    Slaanesh looks amazing.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Minis by Night said:

    Well we found the Darkoaths I guess. People who wanted Conan style barbarians should be pleased.

    But man those Reavers are amazing!

    There not to be confused with khorne bloodbound reavers.

    These are just chaos tribes, all new stuff really. Can colour them anything.

    EDIT: they have no khorne icons at all the only reason you think they are khorne reavers is the chaos warrior similarities and they painted them red. But the symbols are clearly just chaos. 


  4. 1 minute ago, Harpo2 said:

    I don't know where the idea of this being a teaser for a new army has come from when it says: 

    Unless there is also army release coming out with Forbidden Power, then its looks to be a campaign book with more endless spells (they said that more are coming) and other game wide rules (like the Maglin Portents book). 


    Pretty much this. Artefacts and spells updated. New rules for all players. 

  5. Making a Dwarf battletome would be a really bad move, the old dwarf players from 8th edition would likely be very happy with this. But the amount of redundant units would be large as Irondrakes/Auric hearth guard and Thunderers are largely the same unit, So are Ironbreakers/Vulkite Berserkers and Hammerers/Hearthguard Berserkers.  

    The best way forward for dwarves is to do a Kharadron overlords new battle tome and fix the issues with that army, Release more kits for it. It's easily the biggest draw for 40k players and some of the existing dwarf players are fine with them. 


    • Like 1
  6. 56 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Honestly I think that’s probably the most reasonable suggestion I’ve read so far. Treasure Hoards, which this appears to be, tend to be representative of plunder from other cultures, not their own. 

    Hey look what I stole from myself

    Speculation: Idoneth endless spell: Illusionary gold! Distract your enemies on the battlefield with the illusion of gold. Effect: Targets within X" move towards the gold pile in each hero phase.

    More likely: Chaos or destruction related base, either an objective/terrain piece or perhaps less likely a model. 

    • Like 1
  7. 42 minutes ago, Deepkin said:

    The Darkoath in Warqueen worship Tzeentch. The Darkoath in Scourge of Fate are Undivided worshippers. They are the new Marauders, so will probably be able to be marked for any god I bet.

    Yeah they seem to be listed as an Undivided chaos. The Soul wars novel had a tanned barbarian that was a Slaanesh worshiper. 

  8. I don't think duardin are getting a combined book, Fyreslayers should get their own updated tome soon. Although I think the success of Legions of Nagash and Beast of Chaos as compared to newer armies like Idoneth and Daughters are changing the future of army books, so I wouldn't rule it out. I'm surprised that Spiderfang grots got thrown in the Gloomspite gitz tome and I think this was because of the Legions of Nagash success. 

    I still think Darkoath are slaanesh's mortal followers. No other mortals have come up as yet. Rotbringers/bloodbound/Arcanites have already come as mortals of their respective gods. 

  9. I'd be surprised if the Light or shadow aelves sell very well either. This high fantasy mystical beasts they are doing, nobody likes them.

    It's like fielding an army of Dracolines for Stormcast, almost no one plays Stormcast to field armies of magical monster mounted Stormcast. 

    Malerion is teased as a half dragon half Aelf god hybrid. Means that it's not going to be far off Morathi and her Melusai snakes as far as model design goes. 


  10. 8 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

    It's not a every year cycle. New edition does not come out every year. They have multiple games to develop for, etc. Last year was more battletomes than the year before by far..you have to look at the last few years not just the last 12 months. 

    Ok, ill do 2017 release schedule.

    Disciples of Tzeentch (similar size to maggotkin with daemons + tzaangors) Released late Jan through Feb.
    Stormcast chamber through late Feb (Aquilors, gryph hounds etc)
    Kharadron Overlords through April release

    Then a large gap leading into AoS 2 and malign portents in 2018. 

    So far the trend is way less army releases for Sigmar from September to January. With only Beastclaw raiders in 2016 and Beasts of chaos 2018 being in that period and both with no new model kits in the release. 

    Common to see big releases back to back between January and May every year with 2016 going
    Fyreslayers - Pestilens Tome - Stormcast - Khorne - Ironjawz - Flesh eater courts. Starting on 16-1-2016 going to 14-5-2016

    • Like 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

    Hmm.  Kind of backwards.  They already confirmed Slaneesh for this year, and something related to soul wars (Hysh/ulgu aleves to counter Slaneesh?).    And darkoath is pretty obvious at this point being the last malign portents herald and them having a nightvault warband.  

    Why do you expect skaven so soon and why particularly fyreslayers vs any other existing battletome faction? 

    The problem with skaven is that so much is still metal (not even resin).  Most of the newer  plastic models people have are from island of blood which is oop, so newer players cant buy them from GW.   This is not a BoC situation. There are not enough plastic kits to go in the brick stores. They need a big release like moonclan and I can't see another big release so soon for an older factions. 

    Last year was:
    Maggotkin - Nagash Tome - Daughters - Idoneth before may. 
    Then Night haunt/Stormcast chamber and Beast of Chaos tome.

    I'm Expecting similar this year.
    Gloomspite - Fyreslayers tome - Skaven release - ???? release before june

    Slaanesh is major story, last year the story came out around june with soul wars. 

  12. Well the  theme is a little bit too monotone at the moment. Axes + Hair + Fire is pretty much the only theme. When you look at the new chambers that stormcast have unlocked they have expanded the theme a little bit, adding less armour cloaked rangers and various fast cavalry etc that have a slightly expanded the theme. I think Fyreslayers need a new release with the stormcast releases as a guide. 

    Leaders Lodge (Current Heroes)

    Warriors Lodge (current units)

    New Lodge ideas

    Hunters Lodge (new Ur-gold hunters, Rangers style fyreslayers)

      - The runemasters ur-gold glint mechanic sorta starts this concept, I also like Anti-Monster mechanics here

    Priests Lodge (expand from runesmiter/runemaster, Zealot fyreslayers units)

      - Grimwrath berserker is a zealot like character, perhaps some ur-gold crazy units. Deathblow mechanics again maybe

    Beasts Lodge (expand into more salamander creatures, Vulcatrix inspiration creatures)

      - Small magmadroths, magmadroth cavalry, magmadroth chariots. Small beasts to be prodded into battle.

    • Like 1
  13. I'm not quite understanding of how the 2 new Aelf factions would have anything to do with the Realm of Shadows or Light.

    From the rumours I got the impression the aelves reside in the realm of death. 

    When they get to Malekith and Tyrion I would expect realms of shadow and light aelves


  14. 2 minutes ago, Iradekhorne said:

    In my group of play the dwarf palyers don't like it.


    I dont know wht GW waste his time on dwarfs, they have 2x extra factions 

    Fireslayers-> dwars call it blasfemy, this isn't dwarfs, bla bla bla.

    Kharadron Overlords-> The dwarfs call for a more steampunk and tecnologically advanced dwarfGw throw it,  and now they are more 40k than AoS, they are skuats, bla bla bla. I think GW need abandon the dwarfs, cause his players don't want any new, they can play with compendium units very well. There are a lot of factions that deserve more news than they

    Death have 0 new factions after AOS release (flesh eathers dosn't count).

    I think GW need throw a Death release or his players can dissappear.

    Chaos are the second biggest grand alliance and only have 1 book, they need khorne book (don't need any new stuff, only the book). The Death need 1-2 new releases with new factions. Elves deserves a new faction more than dwarfs.


    This releases are ***** awesome, but dwarf players don't know what they want they pray for this and now they don't like? (I don't know in general, but in my group of play the dwarfs are super-flamers adn "special" people)


    I'm an 8th edition dwarf gamer and this excites me far more then the last 8th edition release ever did. 

    I'm glad that so far the old models (8th edition sculpts) didn't make it into the new dwarf release as these models are far more dynamic then the automaton dwarf posture of 8th. 

    The fyreslayers failed me personally on a rules level as they are not slayers at all. They are quite slow and tanky and suffer from bravery issues. Quite the opposite of a dwarf trollslayer

    • Like 2
  15. Skydwarves are for sure a thing. 

    Most of that Tzeentch range is on a flying disc. I feel its going to be aerial warfare in Chamon with dwarf machines (i think jetpack/helicopter pack) vs the tzaangors on discs. 

    That pic definitely looks like a few different kits too.

    Tzaangor with mixed weapons.

    Tzaangor brutes with polearms. 

    Disc Tzaangors with polearm or bow. 

    Disc Tzaangor hero. 

    Acolytes with mixed weapons. 

    Add a Ogriod Doombull hero mage. 

    That feels pretty darn close to a Stormcast/Khorne bloodbound sized release.

    Super Excited for this next wave though :D

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