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Everything posted by Baz

  1. I am holding out for a sylvaneth/Kurnothi warcry warband as well. Ogors and sylvaneth were mentioned in the loremasters episode of the gnarlwood with ogors getting their release very quickly afterwards. We are due a death v order warband next year now so fingers crossed.
  2. Yes that's my view as well. He's keeping his memory alive.
  3. So excited to see the belthanos model and hopefully the first of many for a Kurnothi range. On a side note it makes sense of some of whitefangs emoji reactions particularly when I asked about Kurnoths return and I got the laughing emoji which definitely meant something similar was coming and that it would be a happy time.
  4. I think OBR will be a Warcry release as we have a death v order warband to be released next year.
  5. Heavy armour thralls or crab cavalry as heavy cavalry could be an option. Also some new akhelian heroes based on the souls morathi gave to volturnous in broken realms. New troop types can really help invigorate armies and change the playstyle like how the sylvaneth bugs have done so.
  6. So this image was there just before warhammer fest preview last year where they showed off the spite bugs. Definitely was a teaser. Think we might have seen something similar in yesterday's pic. Maybe something more like a mini wardroth beetle rider.
  7. To be fair it's because whitefang said they were coming.
  8. I think the bugs on the promo pic and whitefangs trophy emoji on the comment re more bugs could probably lead to the theory that we will see something like a giant bug in the same vein as the giant pig or even a hero on bug. Could be a herald of Kurnoth as a redesigned Wild rider?
  9. We are W.A.S, the Whitefang Appreciation Society.
  10. Could be with regards to the army of renown comment rather then the bugs?
  11. In the same boat, heart says kurnoth return but head says maybe a couple of troop kits.
  12. You're all wrong, it's clearly the new spear of kurnoth!
  13. Yes not many leaks recently with regards to previews. Will have to rely on the images that Gw will be posting on social media in advance of the preview.
  14. Tau would be my guess, kroot and vespid probably as they've been popping up on the rumour engines.
  15. Laughing emoji reaction from whitefang for this post.
  16. It's the basing for the kurnoth model right??? 😜
  17. Makes sense to not show off anything new until next week.
  18. So most of the Nova reveals have been released or up for preorder which means that the stuff previewed in a couple of weeks will be up for preorder after the cities preorders.
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