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Posts posted by Popisdead

  1. Did anyone listen to the AoS coach interview with the guy who went 5-1 at LVO with Phonecium?  


    Pretty good listen (well the guest interviewed well).


    Even recommended trying Rangers instead of PG (for me who has 30 Rangers and no PG i think I wnat to give it a go).

  2. On 1/16/2022 at 11:53 PM, Battlefury said:

    I would like to know your opinion about the state of acceptance due to specific points:

    1. Prices increasing with each new release.

    2. Rules bloated. It sometimes takes more than 4 books / releases to have all of the rules together.

    3. Power level increasing with new releases, leaving older armies behind.

    4. GW basically neglecting certain factions, wich just don't get anything new and up to date.

    5. Models being locked behind paywalls, or big box sets, for a long period of time.

    6. FAQ debacle.

    7. Massive FOMO

    Why do you accept this mess? Looking for individual opinions here.



    Ahhhh the joy of painting models, playing friends, having fun, and not thinking about 1-7 ever because,

    JOMO about things that don't matter.

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  3. Josh Reynolds had a gift for finding a unique niche and bringing that fresh take into Warhammer lore.  Having lost him i doubt I will really read much more about AoS unless it is specifically Beasts of Chaos, Slaanesh or Sylvaneth/Wanderer.  

    However since this is BL anything space ork from the ork point of view is all that really interests me these days.  BL/GW FINALLY figured out people are sick of 921,254,234 books about space marines and could leverage sales into more interesting books, like,.. Eldar and Orks.  The last few novels/novellas/short stories from the Ork perspective are the best.

  4. People aren't good at breaking off the norm.  When something outside a narrow view is introduced or changes generally the vocal minority raises a negative response (such as the pricing change).  

    Two classic examples for me, this century are (40k) Planet Strike and Storm of Magic.  Both created some new different ways to play and at least locally people revolted if they found one instance where it was a game breaking issue (such as a HE dragon mage on that platform thingy).  The games i played were different and fun.  Did I care about balance? No, did i have fun? Yes, was my opponent into it? yes.  

    In the end of 8th ed the game proved so imbalanced and army books had significant cases of internal and external balance issues, when I heard about people breaking off and playing for fun, using End Times rules and enjoying the game over practicing for tournaments, those people where shunned.  AND that was the edition that killed nearly all local player's interest in Fantasy.  

    40k introduced a really good system for Crusade, it exists in AoS I believe and I've heard little about people playing it.  

    It's nearly impossible to get people to play with anything other than 2k Matched Play points.  

    It comes down to asking people to try something and seeing how it worked.  Also not being overly negative.  

    Wasn't there a meme that said "the two things gamers hate are change and lack of change."  Be the change you want.  Find people who will play Path to Glory, make bat reps, promote them, talk about playing the game in a system that isn't strictly 2k MP.  

    I'm all for playing different ways to play and hope you succeed and kudos for bringing this up :)

    • Like 6
  5. On 2/10/2022 at 10:53 PM, EntMan said:

    Even SotW got a 3.0 nerf with the unleash hell related changes.

    They indirectly did, sure.  Not directly.  But any other unit that leveraged Unleash Hell and leaned on it heavy did.  GW didn't directly address those specific units.  

    Again, plays more into GW doesn't really address Wanderers in anyway.  However LC getting a nerf could be likely, Wanderers won't.

  6. 18 hours ago, Mutton said:

    Because then you might as well just lay down, roll over, and die. Do you want to just let them kick you in the head again and again without so much as a peep? If loudly bitching about their immoral practices is all we have, then take advantage of it. Don't simply accept it. Once you learn to live passively with it, you risk becoming its advocate. This goes for many things in life.

    I'm continually astounded to see how many big names in the AoS community perpetuate this idea that we shouldn't be surprised by price increases, therefore we should stop complaining. This is wrong. GW is wrong. Big business is wrong. I won't accept this apathetic, servile attitude towards these massive companies that take advantage of all of us, including their own employees. If there are people willing to pay any dollar amount to get their plastic crack and continue to feed money into the company's deep treasury, so be it; but I'll never stop calling it out, and I'll never try to meekly justify it.

    You have every opportunity to walk away from your luxury hobby at any moment in your life instead of react like a grand tragedy has been slighted upon you.  




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  7. On 1/30/2022 at 6:59 PM, Jaskier said:

     it's a safe bet Living City is about to get a whole lot of scrutiny from the rules team. You can find the full list on AOS Coach's Twitter if you're curious. It's mean. 

    So long as the scrutiny is fixing how weak Wanderers (outside SotW) are then okay.  I'm not sure they will honestly give it much scrutiny, if any.  

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  8. Couple BoC lists did well.

    24 bullgor list (had Shaggoth, Khorne DP, Grashrak, Sphirank) went 4-1 at LVO 


    2 Shaggoth, 4 x Dragon Ogre units and it went 5-0 in some tournament (just saw a 20 second clip on twitter, not sure where but it was on the Honest Wargamer twitch.


    There were leaks about the BoC WD and it's 12 pages.  I'm guessing a few for PtG, Narrative, fluff and maybe a couple paragraphs but the key one was Herdstone change.  EatBrayLove has been hammering WarCom on twitter for a start of 12" range on the terrain 1st turn.  Who knows,. maybe GW will listen.

  9. On 1/27/2022 at 9:33 AM, Chaos Shepard said:

    Well honestly I don't see how we don't win every "best painted". Thou I may be bias.

    Best Painted is most often bright primary colours that catch the eye.  Or something like that.  painting skill in tournaments rarely matter in voting since it's democratic voting.  Most people dont' paint well and most people get easily impressed with bright and shiny.

    20 hours ago, Maddpainting said:

    Its not about hope but it is new and could change my current list. 

    yeah, i'm keen for that too.  Granted you could always just play something outlandish like 6 Doombull lists :P

  10. On 1/26/2022 at 6:28 AM, azdimy said:

    You can t event expect depravity from those poor beasts. 9 wounds on a 5+ save they die in a single round of combat against most enemy units and as a rrsult never get to do their mortal wound rolls either 

    Well,.. you are unlikely to kill your enemy right?  So they'll generate one won't they?  Even if your Slaangors die outright.  They are a "beastmen" unit so always look at them being garbage and how they disappoint then be surprised if they turn that around and impress you

    • Sad 1
  11. On 1/24/2022 at 3:11 PM, Kronos said:

    So what do we think we’re going to be seeing this Thursday/Friday? 

    Additionally - what do you want to see as a wild card or Wishlist?


    Wade and his dog.  A la his twitter account.  A white board from Pete Foley with a drop.

    Orion model as Kurnoth, and pan-elves akin to the Kurnothi Warband from Shadespire.  

    On 1/25/2022 at 1:15 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    We will almost certainly see the Deepkin tome announced.

    I hope we get a combined Dwarf book, but I think a new Fyreslayers book is actually more realistic. EDIT: Going to put my money down and predict combined dwarves.

    Apart from that, there is a chance of the Nighthaunt book and model being revealed.

    With all that said, I think we all know what we should really expect: Idoneth endless spells 😎

    These are pretty sensible and entirely not unrealistic.  Someone has a Palantir :P

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  12. wow quiet thread.

    Another guy in a tournament did well~ish with BoC last weekend.  I couldn't find his list though.  He did win best painted but they were average so I assume it was curb appeal, the painting competition and novelty of seeing goats.

  13. On 1/16/2022 at 3:08 PM, tzarl98 said:

    What are people hoping for with the Tome Celestial? .... So what can we realistically expect?

    Perhaps some battalions or some additional trait or ability.  I haven't read them all, just the CoS one which was okay at best. I was just writing a Warherd last night and forgot about the BR "bonuses" we got.  I got pretty excited then I noticed Razorgors don't have the Warherd keyword.  booo hiss...

    On 1/16/2022 at 7:36 PM, Chaos Shepard said:

    I would like for them to, at the very least, fix the costs for the Primordial Call Points.

    I could also see something like mount traits but for monsters, or special Monstrous Rampage actions.

    Those are good options.  This is BoC.  Just like the hardcore scene,.. we can't have nice things.

    On 1/16/2022 at 9:20 PM, Skreech Verminking said:

    personally I’m hoping that we aren’t just getting some more meaningless buffs on gors.

    TBH I'm mostly worried this will be it.  GW may have noticed they slow trickle of people loving Gor models, buying in then realizing they made a bad unit will hit them and they'll be like "give them more rules to sucker people into buying into a great looking army with terrible rules."

    On 1/18/2022 at 7:36 AM, Maddpainting said:

    Yep, I am going to guess at least a year away. 

    Yeah, if anything it makes it like we've had 2 bandages applied (BR and this) and an AoS 3 book could not be on the books,.. so to speak...

    9 hours ago, Fyrenn said:

    I was thinking one thing they could do is revamp rules to allow marked beast generals that can coalition with gods, or something of that nature. 

    That would just be so good.  I was excited to hear Bullgors were good options in Godseekers and I think Khorne?  Having some way of running a full Warherd army in Khorne with a few buffs would be nice again.  Allow for buffs of Bullgors under Khorne.



    Speaking of which I wrote up a quick Warherd list unsure since I haven't played AoS since August....  

    3 Doombulls (one with Gavespawn trait/weapon)

    8x3 Bullgors

    3 Ghorgons


    It's 1975 points. I have a chimera, LOTS of Brayherd and some Thunderscorn but TBH I want to just ****** around with my Warherd again and this is my collection.

    I think someone mentioned the bull spell and a Sphiranx (i have the former). Is the Sphiranx such a good warscroll I should have it in my collection and work on getting maybe a Tzeentch Shaman in and focus on the ASF options?  

    The other thing I was thinking was Darkwalkers.  I've used Darkwalkers before and they are fun and I have so many units here it could be fairly interesting to have 7 ish units ambush in turns 1 and 2.

    I'm also not sure on Battalions.  I could just run Hunters of the Hearthland 8 times and a couple Linebreakers.  Try to find things for the other Doombulls.  That might have legs.  I want a single Doombull, Ghorgon, and 1-2 units of Bullgors to pair up as a "node".  So I see no reason for the Alpha beasts battalion other than maybe the Cygor and some extra Bullgor units.

    I know this is a losing cause but I'm not hitting up tournaments.  Oh also on that note, I saw on twitter some Irish BoC player go 3-0 or 2-1 in a one-dayer this past weekend?  I didn't see his list or which tournament.  But neat.

  14. On 1/13/2022 at 1:58 PM, Feorag said:

    In 6th I always ran Nurgle minotaurs for the most part as the 4+ save really did help with survivability.

    I did that too.  I recall someone saying with Scaly skin and a Shield they had a good save vs say,.. poison skinks which were pretty rampant but then I only had 6 minotaurs.  I have 24 now so more options :D  In fact that unit was the one thing that hammered my buddies unkillable Grave Guard.  oh lordy... i do NOT miss those editions one bit.. hahah.

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  15. 10 hours ago, Feorag said:

    I have an aim of trying msu bulls but I think it may fall flat due to them suffering from anything at all swinging at them first! 


    Back in the day (6th ed Fantasy) there was a couple guys who used to run Khorne MSU Minotaur lists.  I think 4-5 with Dual HWs which was like 20 attacks?  But they had better WS.  

    I ran MSU bulls in AoS 1 (with points but pre 2nd ed book) and liked it.  I would love to run it again.  I just wish that as elite troops they didn't hit on 4s but instead 3s.  I hate how they are so subject to dice spiking.  Granted a Doombull, Ghorgon and 3 Bullgors should be able to do some dmg.

  16. Just now, Maogrim said:

    Thanks for the answer. The same goes to @Arzalyn of course! :)

    I find Sylvaneth really hard to access right now. It's quite a steep investment because of things like the Wyldwoods, multiples of Kurnoth Hunters etc. Then there's how scattered their rules are across different bioks and FAQs. And of course how bad their reputation is from a competitive standpoint. But my lord, those models are gorgeous! 

    I'm not looking to play tournaments, but I've learned that I just don't like the feeling a losing a game after feeling the whole time that everything's way easier for my opponent. Which is why I do look into these meta analysis'. I'd like to play 'good' units and subfactions but without spamming Sentinels and the like. But I also don't like to play what everyone's playing. It's complicated. 😅

    The woods is a hidden cost in the army and one that hits long time players hard who have previous had upwards of 9 Citadel Forest kits and now needing to buy 1-3 of the new forest kits and a higher cost than a year ago... 

    I would recommend buying one forest kit and using it as 3 individual pieces nad start small.  Crusade is a VERY good system so if you could find some people to try Path to Glory it might be a decent starting point?

    Yes it's complicated.  I recommend getting games in at small points levels.  Hence Path to Glory too.  Learn your units and what they do.  But it's not bad to lean towards a few big guys.

    • Thanks 1
  17. On 1/5/2022 at 10:02 AM, Chaos Shepard said:

    Mass Warherd is more viable now than it was before. I would recommend bringing the Taurus or the Sphiranx to manipulate the attack sequence to offset the units' lack of defense.

    Oh yeah? hmmm interesting.  Got any suggestions?  I was reading the Hedonite thread and someone had Sigvald work 12 Bullgors and a Doombull but,.. i mean,.. that's kinda on part for points and stats...

     I bought a Sphiranx and returned it for something else.  I quite like the model.  

  18. On 1/11/2022 at 7:38 AM, Gaz Taylor said:

    That sounds feasible although I’m not sure about the new faction. Personally I suspect the release schedule is in tatters for AOS due to various things and they are currently working out how to get stuff to shops. This is why I personally doubt a new faction this year. 

    I hope I’m proven wrong but that’s just how I can see things playing out. 

    I think this is on point.  Let's just assume we will get some stuff for AoS and GW will try to find ways to continue to do product development and distribution with some success.  All too many people between a chair and keyboard have opinions how they would run a global corporation better in a pandemic with a supply chain issues being one of the latest issues.


    I hope and predict Beasts of Chaos get a broken OP book that dominates the scene and becomes the biggest bandwagon hopping army in the history of Wargaming too and GW sells so many BoC kits they change the name to Age of Beasts of Chaos. :D  Morghur ascends, Krakanrok beheads every other godhead and makes their heads pillows in his tree fort while eating candy and watching the 1980s hit Monster Squad on Netflix.

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  19. On 1/6/2022 at 3:00 PM, Feorag said:

    your collection does have some legs but we're all having a bit of a struggle finding what works against most right now.

    5 hellstriders and 2x1 seeker chariot would be a solid battleline base to start off with your godseeker host.


    I really want to like soulgrinders! 

    haha me too.

    On 1/6/2022 at 9:21 PM, CeleFAZE said:

    Hopefully this gives you somewhere to start.

    It does indeed.  You both helped solidify some direction for certain.  Thanks kindly.

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