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Kaleb Daark

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Posts posted by Kaleb Daark

  1. 12 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Yeah but they didn't show even a glimpse. I think it is just having an announcement of an announcement rubbed me the wrong way. 

    The little teaser video was cool but it was just that a teaser. If this had all just dropped without the prior warning I would have been much happier. I was also hoping for something aos centric. 

    But it's still a couple of months away, and by the time it lands you'll know all you need to know- which is what AoS should have been so nobody is walking into it blind or kept in the dark.


    as for AoS centric, yes, but our day will come.

  2. 3 minutes ago, daedalus81 said:

    They're going to have a starter box with new minis.  Check the FAQ:


    This is the way they should have transitioned to AoS.  Totally fantastic.



    im super optimistically excited because this is the, new face of the Rowntree era GW.

    end times and AoS was borne under the dark Claud that was Kirby and I still to this day believe that had AoS happened under Rowntree it would have been released with the generals handbook and a smooth transition that didn't alienate anyone.

    of course old codexes will be invalidated, but I bet good money that you'll get the rules in them on the data slate for the model and there will be the equivalent of  battletomes to give fans of the faction all they need.

    for me the question will be how it will work with FW and the Horus heresy, but I dare say it will have been long in discussion as its ugh a lucrative element of the cash flow. :)

    • Like 1
  3. so.. you've got a mammoth with a chieftain in it.

    You happen to have some marauder horsemen.

    in your hero phase you can get the marauder horsemen to roll d6 and move them that far towards the enemy. if you deployed at the 12" line then with the marauder horsemen's move of 12 + an average of 3, that's 15" move with a 9" javelin range at the end of it.  not too shabby especially with their feigned flight ability.

    not exactly sayl bs, but you probably could get close enough to him to turn him into a pin cushion with some lucky javelin throws.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Its been three days, with three people why haven't you succeeded yet? Ugh, okay count me in if we need more peepz ;) 

    But genuinely, I wonder if the Mummak model isn't a bit on the small size to house multiple warriors. As the LoTR range is quite a bit smaller if I remember correctly. I think it might be easier to go for a to mammoth or something. 

    the mammoth is a lot bigger than the Mammuk, which is in turn a lot bigger than a stonehorn.  I'm fortunate in that I managed to shoehorn a mammoth out of my friends' brother's paws, however I know he needed the cash so we left it at if he ever wanted it back he could buy it back for the price he sold it at, and thus, now I have two :)

    I just really want the marks to return to them and the skin wolves for no other selfish motivation than I want all my army mortal khorne.  If not, then hey ho, chaos allegiance it is - because, looks cool.

    I would heckle their FB page but I don't do FB anymore since my old page got hacked, so I'm a bit wary of their 'security' now.

  5. So where does it stop?

    we already have guys that will argue that the second rank always attacks because they squeeze in the gap in the middle of two other models, who when moving a wood out of the way will park models on where the tree was. So this dude makes the fact that a 32mm base shouldn't let him hit a bit academic.

    today it's minutiae of bases, tomorrow it'll be that and the next day it'll be another thing.

    until you have a game with one build and one cheese to rule them all as 8th became, and them those same people who brought it to that will decry the game/faction/colour of cheese as being broken and what a rubbish game its become.

    @Auticus I agree, and like you won't rebase on somebody's say so. One day I will rebase, but it will be a long way off.

    theres a lot of great stuff in this thread but there's also a lot of "I'd win if the rules were like this" bs.  Let's not turn it into what was left behind or go down the road of the CCG's.  everything here in this thread should enrich the gaming and the model ownership experience, not the scoresheet of rank chasers. War gaming and role playing was around long before tournaments and I don't recall struggling to have a great time back then..  but then you just had to use common sense rather than be spoon fed.

    ...and calm.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, wayniac said:

    That sounds like a good idea.  The usual argument I see is that historically archers were trained to shoot over their friendly units to hit enemy units, so you should be allowed to do that in-game.  But this seems like a good, clean way to fix a lot of the issues and keep shooting strong, but tone down the nonsense of being engaged with Unit A and shooting across the board at Hero B.

    or perhaps we say that if unit A is involved in melee, then any troops in unit A NOT engaged in melee are free to shoot over at hero B, otherwise, they cannot shoot at all unless their warscroll says otherwise, and even then, only at the unit they are in melee with  - like chaos dwarf fireglaives, who's melee weapon is also their firearm.

    • Like 1
  7. So the cinematic dream comes closer, marauder raiders battalion warscroll from Warriors of Chaos Compendium

    three units of 40 mareavers because khorne,

    two units of horsemen

    a warshrine 

    and some skin wolves

    ... and two mammoths. :)

    and my campaign is up two bodies, great, we can start piling the pressure on now!  I've sent a couple of emails now we might have to get the big guns out and start heckling on their facebook page!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Killax said:

    Haha sounds great! The Mammoth aspect for Chaos would most certainly be an interesting path to go into. Count me in!

    well in the original Tamurkhan book the mammoth could take a mark and had the choice of being a troop carrier (howdah) or warshrine carrier - which was mentalness as you suddendly had the thing rocking a ward save on top of everything else.

    In arcanum the skin wolves were again allowed the options of being marked.

    I do believe that the only reason we don't see more creatures of chaos in armies is because they potentially break allegiances.

    I'm currently working on the marauder army I always wanted now that the bloodreavers are here, and hence my warshrine conversion and mammoth work.  The final touch will be skin wolves.  I so dearly want them to be able to keep khorne mortal allegiance but currently the best I can hope for is chaos. as even the skin wolves will break Slaves to darkness. :(

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  9. 1 hour ago, Killax said:

    He's very solid but also much more dicey as some of our other mega-'rocks'. Be certain to use him if you have the model or a very cool Lord of the Rings Mumakil alternative and he fits your theme.

    I like him but as a Khorne fan don't have anything that fits my theme for it. Though if you do, you can obviously go all out :D

    don't worry, I'm running a one man campaign to get FW to return the marks on the mammoth and skin wolves!

    if we're really lucky it might become a two or three man campaign one day ;)

  10. 3 hours ago, Killax said:

    Do you like Bloodpriests?


    I've just read and re-read that battalion.  they don't even have to stay near him, just be in range when he opens the portal... epic.  I'm looking forward to this book. If we could have marked beastmen, minotaurs, skin wolves and mammoths life would be complete... well on a nerd level at least :D


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  11. I think you're doing great :)

    Firstly those shields.... where did you get those shields! (and helmets)

    Now to capes, like Davariel I really don't think they need them.

    iIf you do want to greenstuff some cloaks it might be worth you finding a cloak on a model you like, and roll out some greenstuff and then mould it to the model's cloak. When it's dried you could then carefully peel it off and glue it onto the warrior. - naturally coat the model's cloak in a  water based lubricant first so that it comes off cleanly but also then you can just wash it off.

    Perhaps you could do a pennon or back banner instead to mark them?

    Metallic stuff is quite easy - it really just depends what you're trying to go for and what level of richness in the colours.

    For my bronzes I generally start by washing the base colour with a brown wash, something like agrax or devlan mud as was.  I actually use Daler rowney inks for most of my work so my washes are never exact  from one batch to the next, more relying on what feels and looks right.

    then griffin gold dry is very good for that final glinting edge.

    When I last did Slaanesh I used hellstriders on marauder horses - well worth getting abox for all the slaaneshy bits like heads and arms on them.

    I started with a base of an aluminium colour and then did a wash of very thin dark blue. I then drybrushed the base back on, then griffin gold, and finally used the necron compound with some silver in it to pick out the final highlights.  the blue bled through the layers.

    Those shields on your guys would look amazing in rich bronzes and a freehand sigil would just finish them off beautifully.





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  12. 1 minute ago, Allornone said:

    Now they have the bloodbound keyword... and their melee damage is 2. They literally doubled their melee output.

    B'Jaysus!!! :)

    Might have to get a box of khorne farmers after all to take advantage of the skulltake battalion

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  13. 8 hours ago, Nico said:

    They might have to have an FAQ question as to whether you can attack your own models. :) It's an open question in the core rules (surprisingly).

    I played a very fun game today with this... I decided to play my khorne host (open play), so I had a skullgrinder and an aspiring deathbringer. In the first round when I couldn't do alot, I killed my aspiring death bringer - the killing blow being dealt by the skullgrinder.   I thought it quite fitting for a khorne host.

    In fact with a khorne army I think sacrifice is quite fitting as the exalted deathbringer can inflict mortal woulds on a friendly unit to enhance his command ability, 

    • Like 1
  14. 10 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    I'm pretty stoked for the new Khorne Battletome - it makes perfect sense and should hopefully bring people who play a pure Khorne list back into the fold.  I had a game yesterday against Stormcast and they're able to do quite a few nice new things, so keeping my fingers crossed that we'll get the same treatment.  I'm hoping we might get more warscroll changes than Stormcast did as I think there are more units that need clarifying or improving than the Stormcast did - hopefully we won't need to wait long to find out :)

    I think the only thing that I went "oh" on was that there are no new models - I'm not meaning new units but more the models only in the starter set such as the Khorgorath and Bloodsecrator.  However GW have surprised us before and given us odd surprise releases.

    Fully expect to see Nurgle out in the next few months as they could also be done using existing models.

    I've always played pure khorne since Slaves to Darkness back in 3rd, so I'm super excited.

    I really hope this battletome not only gives the obvious but also brings in more of the slaves to darkness faction as well, encompassing khorne as across the entire face of chaos. 


    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, daedalus81 said:

    Taking bets on whether or not this is the balloon for the 'jump infantry':


    Reddit rumors developed a little further - the image is a zeppelin with the tail on the right side of the image.  The duardin on foot look like 'steam punk trench fighters'.

    I'm going to go even more out of the way and go for it being a  big duardin piloted automaton thing- a dwarf dread knight thingy- steam powered of course.

  16. beautiful work and very inspirational.  I've always looked to my Slaves toDarkness book for inspiration so I totally get where you're coming from with these conversions.

    I've got nearly all the original Slaves to Darkness Slaanesh warrior models so if you want me to photograph them close up for you as a reference I'd be more than happy. :)


    Big banners and funny legs for the win :D

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