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Kaleb Daark

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Posts posted by Kaleb Daark

  1. 14 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    Imho they will fuse the aesthetics....Azgorh legion was a specific subset of Daw Zharr empire.
    In Total war they seems to have mantained both...if Aos will not change much the new chaos dwarves i could see them mixing again the two ideas (Legion of Azgorh still has top hats and mesopotamian elements so i don't think they'll change it too much).

    I suppose one could argue that Astragoth is still powerful enough to demand the tithe of bodies and reinforcements from whatever outpost or penal colony he chooses, hence the Legion elements being present ?

  2. 19 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    I sure hope so! My only question is which "Arab" culture are they going to use as a base for them? Are they going with the Abbasids, the Ottomans, the Safavid Persians? It may seem trivial but depending on which one they choose we could get some really crazy armies and characters to build armies around.

    sir needs to cast his mind back to Mad Mullah Aklan'ds death commandos for that answer.

    This was the only araby model set ever really fleshed out. Tony Ackland was one of the kingpins of citadel miniatures back in the day and this was a nod to him back when citadel had a wry sense of humour, and what you could get away with in satire was very different to what would be acceptable now.


  3. 12 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    And that Were-boar spell is a new recent one so it could get picked up on for later.

    More than that the children of the Khazalid Empire could fully reclaim the power of Realm-Craft.


    Realm-craft is a duardin technique to conjure sub-realms. Through realm-craft, the Duardin are able to access and amend the clockwork of the Cosmos Arcane to their own desires. The sub-realms thus created are places where rare gems and materials ran like water.”

    Realm-craft was developed during the Age of Myth by the Khazalid Empire. With it, the duardin created countless sub-realms expanding even beyond the eight Mortal Realms.

    The skill of the Duardin is all that it once was and in many cases furthered by privation and need. Only the means and the materials at their disposal were diminished by the fall of the Khazalid Empire in the Age of Chaos.”


    That would make them the Order version of Skaven who are tunneling through realities instead to corrupt things and could give the Rune makers a bunch of crazy cool stuff like interdimensional mole cavalry that help them dig through dimensions(cousins to the Mustori) and things like troops flying on runebound Storm clouds as gifts from the Six Smiths.

    But on merging I’m staying resolutely against it and preferring they continue to grow separately to at the very least match the aelves.

    Only 3 things in accordance will change my stance.

    1. It’s got to be a proper huge event. Just showing up with a soup tome out of the blue will have me ridiculously salty. They need at least a Wrath of the Everchosen campaign to justify it with new units that actually make the mix look good and not jarring.

    2. Said mix needs to combine their strengths. Fyreslayers with vent armor the Kharadron crafted so they be heavy armored and able to channel their skin fire runes into flame attacks or even jetpacks while Magmadroths get outfitted with laser cannons or copter-packs would be needed At Minimum.


    3.new Order races to justify it. It would be a lot of an easier pill to swallow “Order’s getting too crowded” if there was actually new races. You give me factions of animal people, machine/elemental people & dragon people for Order and we’ll talk since then there would be enough unique original stuff for AoS to take the sting out.



    but on the subject of Duardin I wanted to point out this story in the Kharadron tome. We’ve seen the Stormfort mega-fortress Ark with a mobile Realmgate on it that all the Misthavn ship flotillas make harbor around to form their moving city-

    -But it’s really cool the new tome explains how it came to be with even the shady pirate Kharadron being good on their word.


    Lastly, on Seraphon. Should we start doing bets on what Old Ones the last guys will be named after?

    My ideas:

    Tlanxla sky knights(Cold Ones that are actually Coatls* for flying heavy cavalry) and Xokha Sentinels, Kroxigor armored elites.

    > “Tlanxla - Warrior-God, rides into battle atop a Sky-Chariot.”

    > “Xokha - God of Stone, Strength and Duty.”


    *BoC tome had this bit so I’m curious.

    "The remnants of ancient tusk-glyphs recovered from Ghur's Prowling Valley appear instead to depict the Gorfather falling in battle against an army of winged serpents spilling from strange sky-cities"


    Well, what can I say... I’m glad we got that sorted. 🙄

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  4. 20 hours ago, Snarff said:

    I don't think Duardin merging should be a goal ever. Just because they are the same species doesn't mean their cultures should be merged up and made less unique. We're getting fewer and fewer books about the individual cultures of the Duardin, and more and more books are starting to feel like 'get rid of what makes these factions unique, it's time to force them together'.

    They've been working together for a long time now, there's no need to make them one and the same to make them cooperate.

    See, now I’ve not got a problem with merging.

    I say this on the basis that I’d rather see merging than obsolescence due to lack of imagination as to where to take them next because they’ve been pigeon holed to early- its what happened to my beloved brets where by the end of 5th edition fantasy the ideas factory had run dry.

    You also bring another important point to the fore though, and its something that makes my gears grind.  Every battletome is shall we say a bit thin.  Thin on lore and stories and content.  Here’s a description and a timeline and some warscrolls, there ya go.

    Ive said it before and in broken record fashion I’ll say it again- give me a big fat lore rich coffee table tome like the tamurkhan or the horus heresy black books and leave the warscrolls to the online realm where they can be updated in realtime if necessary and available for free like they used to be.


    I’d love to see a children of the beard or whatever you want to call them fat book telling me about all of them and how they relate to each other.

    the book would let you do everything the current books do and add some more sauce to those factions that in reality have very little to pad them out.  I mean I’d love to have my iron breakers and iton drakes transported into battle by a kharadron skyship.

    why should the old world dwarves be disposessed and only part of cities ironweld aresnals when they could be part of a dwarven machine that’s forgotten  the old embers of a dying race and instead looks forward to pioneering a new age of discovery and optimism intent on liberating and restoring their old dwarf holds.

    And this is AoS,  I imagine a dwarf hold which at its peak is a kharadron skyport, and in its depths the magma furnaces are controlled by the mighty fyreslayers and the bit in the middle at ground level so to speak is where the elder kin keep the ancient lore and run the day to day and provide a vanguard bulwark.  Clumsily explained but you get the gist.


    Leave the elf hating dying race to the past, these new mortal realms dwarves know that they can lean on their tradition while looking outward and with a fire in their belly as they realise that all three factions can cooperate in the retaking of huge ancient holds and reignite ancient long cold furnaces and skyshipyards.

    And what of the traditional dwarfs?

    simples- they're the rune sons, the light to the dark mirror that is the chaos dwarfs.  The makers if exquisite armour, the strikers of mighty runes that can make the rock statues wake and defend the hold, crafting the magic of the realms by channeling it through weapons and armour and constructs ad opposed to blasting lightening from their fingertips.   They don’t hate magic, they just know that they struggle to channel it as easily as other races but for sure they can still grab it and forge it in a manner that is useable to them as easily as they can trap a soul of lightening into some golden armour.  They don't hate elves, they just know them too well to trust them and know they're far better than anything with pointy ears.

    anyway… I’ll belt up now.

    carry on…

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Mazrick said:

    That they do and who doesn't want a few minotaurs of Khorne.   I've been playing with them in lists as well as knights plus lord on kark/mount as their backed into the scroll as well.

    That would make me just so happy…

    a khornate minotaur lord that lets you take minotaurs as battleline in a blades army.

    I mean they could even call him taurox if they got really stuck.

  6. 5 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Skullcrushers will be super tanks then!  That's interesting; I find myself enjoying more elite and heavy cavalry armies lately.  Guess it's just less to transport that I enjoy maybe?  

    That and heavy cav armies just look the shizzle.


    now all I need is to dream up a nice alternative conversion for the skullcannon instead of the khorne county chopper.

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  7. 14 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

    @Kaleb Daark Ooh, there was a multipart Khorgoroth? On the topic of Khorne (always nice to hear some gush about their favorites), can you tell me if the stuff from the AoS launch box/Start Collecting contains unique Blood Warrior/Bloodreaver models? I don't get to play enough these days, so at this point I feel more like a collector than anything. And I really hate when great sculpts disappear, like the content from Dark Imperium og Shadowspear. So was wondering if I should pick up the Goreblade Warband before its too late...

    Thats what I was told, a multipart khorgorath.

    Whether that’s still on the cards though god knows, and I do stress that particular one had been doing the rounds for dome years so keep your salt shovel close!

    Admittedly, you can take khorgorath in multiples but you cant buy it outside of the box set so its always been very incongruous.

    as for the box, that was the models from the original aos box, so you had khorgos Khul / mighty lord if khorne with hound : the monopose khorgorath and the bloodsecrator and mr whippy.  The reavers and blood warriors are the usual.

    I can’t imagine that they’d withdraw khul, whippy and the bloodsecrator without some form of replacement or single blisters, so it would be daft to remove that box from sale.

    well you’d like to hope not anyway.

  8. 2 hours ago, Praecautus said:

    Will be interesting to see what they do re khorgorath, khorgus Khul, bloodstoker and bloodswcrator as I assume the goreblade war and box is being replaced with the vanguard box.

    They actually did have a separate multi part khorgorath kit done years ago as far back ad aos 1.  This might be the chance to release it.

    khornegors would also be very cool, but as we know, what we want and what we get will be very different..

    I’m only going to ask for one thing… oh dear god please don’t give me yet another bunch of marauders in party frocks… sorry cultists,  or a plastic valkia unless shes been exalted big modeldom like sigvald was, and in so doing make her influence khornewide as opposed to being a nanny for said marauders in party frocks.

    As an utter khornehead I’m justifiably nervous  about the release.

    As for Khul, the secrator and mr whippy, separates are fine by me, or alternatively a rethink on those models would be welcome in so far as the original ones can become the unique bloodbound characters that they started out as.

    however everything I’ve said you can ignore as i like my khorne very hitty and very scary- given their sheer size and power I’d not be giving them a conditional to getting a charge off attack, id be making them one of thise armies that you pray you can thin them out enough before they hit you as that hit is always going hurt… alot.

    my khorne aren’t bloodthirsty loons, they’re martial, accurate, mercilessly efficient sledgehammer hard rapier accurate murderers.

    I’d not give them allies as anyone with a brain would never ally with them as they know that they’d be next after the battle was over, but I’d make them one of the only armies that could kill its own units in order to gain advantage if it wanted to.

    anyway… I’ll clam up and stop gassing and dust off my brushes and painting thread, as however dissatisfying the book may be, they’re ma boys.


    oh and lord on dragon… please…. Pretty please…

    • Like 4
  9. 21 hours ago, OG SCE said:

    I doubt these boxes were part of game development like the old Dogs of War.  I guess they are marketing's response to the economy.  

    GW don't do discounts, sales of price cuts.  So, their solution is selling in bulk with more boxsets.  The same is true in 40k - there are so many battle forces, combat patrols, boarding parties these days. However, after Dominion, GW are perhaps cautious of flooding the AoS marketplace so a limited range for each grand alliance is a smart business move.

    Our nostalgia for the Old Dogs of War range probably clouds our judgment.   I hope this range will be well received by average customer because it may encourage more of these boxes in future.

    Im going back way before dogs of war, back to 1st and second ed fantasy battle.

    ….but yea what you said.

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  10. On 3/4/2023 at 5:06 PM, Tervindar said:

    Tbh, these just feel like a lazy way to sell some models that may not be selling as well, by adding a name that has nostalgia to many people. RoR is a concept that could have been extremely awesome, had they gone a proper mercenary route; similar to the older days. I would imagine that there would be some really cool design space for mercenaries in the realms. 

    Totally agree.

    the old regiments of renowned used to have unique models with a nice back story.

    as you say, nothing special about these other than to flog some existing stuff.

    Now a modern take on mordini’s doomed legion, the knights of origo or the black mountain boys etc, that would be something.

  11. well, this thread has been very interesting.

    Reading all your insights has hopefully stirred some motivation in me, but for some time life has taken some turns for me that have made my mind just seem like a fog at the best of times and motivation just seems the most distant thing on my mind.

    here's what I've got that is still boxed and unmade and still in celophane.

    As you can appreciate, I'm hoping for some major enthusiasm injection soon as I still find myself wanting and buying.

    The shocking thing is that I've got warscroll cards and things from previous editions that are still in their celophane and unopened, and are now obsolete!






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  12. 1 minute ago, Overread said:

    I don't mind them not costing points, it does make them rather a no-brainer purchase; but the game has plenty of those already. You need troops and a leader to play so those are also forced purchases and such. That's the nature of a miniatures wargame. 

    If anything done right I'm all for terrain that's more involved in the game.


    My issue is more that some factions got them and some didn't and that some of them are fairly tactically dull. 

    Eg the Gnawhole is tactically interesting because you have to think about where to place them in the game and they have a good impact.

    Many others are more of a "this appears and does something that affects the whole army/battlefield" so it doesn't matter where you place them. Which to me is just a bit tactically dull on something in the game and on the table. 


    But the biggest issue was, well, the size issue some had. Huge bits of terrain that chocked up segments of the board. Thematic yes, but so big that they are just not practical. 

    You wait till the mega gargant sun shelter comes out, it’ll have it’s own terrain board segment.

    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Reveals of already leaked models are the worst.

    Edit: Dont like the armour paint job, something is off about all the heavy blue lines everywhere. The point of focus shifts from the mount or the rider to the armor plates imho.

    Edit2: Model is great. 

    Its to distract you from realising that gw still cant model feet to save their lives.

    the mount’s feet look as awkward as the original storm cast star drake thingy.

    other than that I’m loving the belakor green kaahhniggit.

    Dont get me wrong, I’m buying him whatever as you cant have nearly 10k of slaves from across a decade or two and not have this dude.

  14. 30 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Has enough of the book leaked to know if they all make it into the new tome?

    Nope. The plastic chaos lord on dragon hasn’t arrived.

    Very upsetting, very sad, very oh dear.

    much upset and missed opportunity sat right there.

    • Sad 2
  15. 16 hours ago, Still-young said:

    No, it’s the Chosen Exalted on the previous page. 

    I'll take that.

    I'll take two in fact, the new slaves stuff looks really good.

    I'm also very much liking the Votaan Grimnyr - so much Nick Lund vibes about it, and that can only be a good thing.

    And nice to see that Khorne has bagged King Brodd to do his work even if he doesn't realise it.

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  16. 5 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Is it weird to be saying I think AoS won this one?

    The Terminator looks great, but his pose and style don't seem like they'd mesh well with anything else. Too blocky and static and obviously designed as a reference to that classic art I'm sure someone will link any second now.

    By comparison the Sorceress looks like an alternative Sorcerer sculpt and not out of place in a StD army. Also the little acolyte minion thingies are a cute touch without taking away from her model.

    Scroll bearer and warrior one are both one of the original chaos familiars you once used to get.

    nice to see them back, ill definitely be fetting that model :)

  17. On 8/10/2022 at 6:18 PM, Clan's Cynic said:

    My guess is Cogfort will scale down to the tabletop somewhat even if it looks like the W+ animation, but in lore they'll be closer to that video.

    They could also do the same thing as the Kharadron vessels, where there are some variants which are too big for tabletop and are 'off-screen' during the actual battle. 

    Or just redo and update the marienberg landship in plastic, in fact you could probably cobble one together from an arkonaut ship

  18. 3 hours ago, novakai said:

    Apparently, they sold really badly even by fantasy standards, and the whole line was axed completely along with Brettonia during their reboot into AoS.

    they probably also felt it wasn't their strongest IP or iconic asset design among the other Warhammer fantasy armies and decided to not build upon it.

    Yes to an extent, but sales spoke volumes.

    don’t forget that they said that anything that didn’t sell wouldn’t be supported or carried forward.

    For TK’s Its as simple as the usual story of being bent as hell when they came Out and everyone played them, and so next edition they got so nerfed that nobody looked at them anymore.


    4+ years of no sales of note and the writing was on the wall.


    Same as brets. No update in any form since 5th edition- 12 years of nothing, niet, nada.

    nobody wanted to touch a one trick pony army, especially one who’s one trick had had its day in 5th and was already dead in 6th.

    Couple that with no rules writer to have the imagination to move them forward past the king arthur / norman britain trope and once again, the writing was on the wall and the death a slow and painful one.


    ultimately its there to make money. If it doesn’t pay its way its gone.

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