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Posts posted by Thundercake

  1. “The first inhabitants of Ulgu that we observed came out of the fog like wraiths. The fog hangs heavy in Ulgu and all that we could see from a distance were the men, dressed in rags and carrying axes, drifting around a hull. A hull that looked as if we were on the sea floor and it was close to running aground. The rest of the vessel was lost to the fog above us. As the strange procession moved closer we began to hear strains of what seemed to be part sea chanty, part mantra…..’and we’ll roooollllll chariots along, and we’ll hang on behind’. As the last of the strange men slipped into the fog on the other side of us, the last few notes lingered in the air. And then they were gone.”

    -Excerpt from Horace’s Journal, Chief Foreman, 1st Cartography Mission past the Gate Shrouded Gate, Age of Sigmar.  




    There are three more of the followers (on the right) that need to be built but I realized I didn't have anymore appropriately sized bases after I built these 3. More pictures can be found on my blog. They should get some paint, at least a prime spray tomorrow.


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  2. "Walking through the streets of Chraceroca the rhythmic chanties sung by the Ritus Squadras as they perform the work to keep the city safe and supplied, echo off the walls and mix with the sounds of passing carts and people's chatter. Built upon a spur of rock that rises out of the Spotted Plains and juts above the treetops of the bordering Great Rustlewood, Chracerooca imposes itself on the surrounding land. There are endless pulley systems, winches, and cranks, that lift supplies to the city, pump water upwards, and raise and lower the gates, manned by the Ritus Squadras. In these chanties Samuele and his brother, Yoan, found comfort as they headed towards Kanonroest. They were Fides Pressors and served the Kurnath Militant. Though they no longer saw through their mortal eyes, the brothers did not stumble on their way, deftly traversing the windswept warrens that made up the Windedge District. They had just returned from Spotted Plains but before they could rest, they needed to bring the results of their recently issued hunt to Kanonroest.



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  3. 9 minutes ago, Darth Mustard said:

    I have been living under a GW rock for a few months that turned almost in years but it seems the virus is still active.
    I need you guys' help to know what is aos correct or not (I had to read on Wikipedia what happened to the GW world).

    Few ideas come in mind. Are they aos28 ?
    - Chaos dwarves?
    - A beast master of Ordo Serpentis (dark elves) band ?
    - Middenheimer stormcast inquisitor and retinue ?
    - cathay Tzeentch daemon band ?

    your advices will help me to narrow it down and start a band

    There has been a lot of discussion on what is or isn't AOS28. Some say its grimdark, some say its gritty, some say its the everyday or regular people in the realms in Age of Sigmar. I think all of your ideas will work. I think it depends on how you see AOS28. Maybe there is a particular post you draw inspiration from or identify with. Can you build off of that post to imagine a beast master in their world? Maybe a warband from Greywater Fastness that looks like @bottle's band on page two discovers a realm gate and goes through it to discover a free peoples city that has some cathy influences, and within that city is a cult of Tzeentch. I'm not saying you need to set it in someone else's world, but if it helps you get started use it as a building block. 

    I'll have a blog started up today that will try to show how my idea for a Hinterland's style warband came up. To me, my idea and setting is AOS28, it may not be to everyone on TGA, and thats OK. To me, its about the common people, mixing high fantasy and low everyday life. These people aren't perfect, they have cuts, demons, history, etc.

    Of your list.  I like the last 3 the best.

  4. 13 hours ago, OrfeoCulzean said:

    Deep in the forest, next to a stagnant pool in a rotten copse, dead flesh and wood cling to each other in perverse imitation of life. Some say that they dance according to the whim of whatever killed the trees and poisoned the water.



    bitterhart grove1.jpg

    bitterhart grove2.jpg


    These look great. I have a similar idea for a Nurgle force, but you beat me to it!

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