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Posts posted by Mohojoe

  1. 8 hours ago, Soulsmith said:


    That's my work today, frenzied painting to finish the warchanter by Saturday, and 5 brutes and a second warchanter from mohojoe met the great God dettol, and came out clean and grey.

    Good to see the old boyz getting treated well ;)


    I have been working on 1000 points of Ogors for a match I have set up for friday.

    Heres the Tyrant to give a flavour of what I am working on


  2. 5 minutes ago, xking said:


    It's most likely going to be the "ironweld arsenal". Not "steamhead duardin" as that was more of a prototype name for the ironweld, just like when the Fyreslayers prototype name was the redslayers.

    I dunno, Its inked onto paper, seems pretty concrete 

  3. 4 hours ago, Jamie Grinstead said:

    Sorry guys, was off for a couple of weeks and didn't get a chance to check this. I will add the link to tickets to the top post. Thanks @Mohojoe

    Looking forward to seeing you all there :). Depending on number of players, I will either be their with my Ironjawz or will be judging/commentating. Will be our first event streaming games on 6x4 boards but we love a challenge.

    Out of curiosity, if you were watching a game of Age of Sigmar, what information would you like to be able to see on the stream?

    About to buy our tickets :D

    Honestly in terms of streaming I think you need current standings, commentary and closeups of armies and talks with players. No small feat at all. I should probably pop in at some point and get to know the place before the event. Do you have any AoS Ogres instock at the minute @Jamie Grinstead ?

  4. 1 minute ago, Chris Tomlin said:

    Afternoon guys,

    No further reports or updates at present I'm afraid. Did just quickly want to mention the new format and direction I am taking my Podcast;

    So yeh, The Black Sun is now The Black Sun Weekly. Predominately a solo show coming out every Monday for short episodes covering a wide variety of topics. As it's me, this will include plenty of Ironjawz and Destruction chat so I thought it might be of note here. I'll be looking to do some Skype interviews to bring in some other opinions and views for variety. If anyone here has a topic they would like to discuss, please get in touch.

    The first episode isn't the most exciting, but please stick with it as I feel it will work out well going forwards. Also, I can't imagine any regular poster in this Sub Forum will get much from this episode as it's just a very basic run down of the Ironjawz scrolls!!

    I will be sending out a text to a certain @Sangfroid later today as I reckon his journey with Destruction over 2016, culminating in a UK Masters invite is probably a story worth telling!

    Going forward I am quite keen to tie this thread in with the podcast and can use it to show off anything relevant I may be discussing on there. So yeh, I'll be keeping this going in 2017. Just need to wrap up 2016!!


    Look forward to it as always Chris, keep up the good work.

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  5. 1 hour ago, KHHaunts said:

    Tzeentchs palace of mirrors?

    Cant remember id thats what is called exactly but Tzeentchs fortress definatly has something like that and has used mirrors as a theme quite often.

    I also think that the aesthetic fits the past few releases.

    Wouldnt be surprised if they were all linked.


    There are over 17 mirrors in the mirror realm!

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  6. 5 hours ago, AAL said:

    As a dark aelf player I support moving them out of order but personally I think they work better in destruction than death

    I think the destruction mentality suits them more as well, however I cant see them alongside, troggoths, ogors, grots and orruks. 

    I think they are one of those armies where valid arguments can be made for all of the alliances.

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