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Posts posted by Mohojoe

  1. They are pretty cool, I am hoping the blood bowl dwarf aesthetic is a good indicator of the quality as those sculpts are really pretty. If the rumours are to be believed my pay day will tie in with the release and I may be pre ordering a whole bunch of stunties.
    The titan forge guys would make some great alternate models though it feels odd to be saying that having not even seen the standard models yet

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  2. Tomorrow? Maybe tomorrow...though I'm sure they don't want to ruin the Primarch release either.

    Don't tease me with your flirty words Dez! I would just love some sort of concrete evidence of them at this point as everything else is Chinese whispers

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  3. I've settled on a list to bring on Saturday.
    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    Lord Celestant On Dracoth (220)
    - General
    - Tempestos Hammer & Thundershield
    - Trait: Consummate Commander - Stormcast Eternals
    - Dracoth Trait: Savage Loyalty
    Knight Heraldor (120)
    Knight Venator (120)
    - Artefact: Luckstone 
    Lord Celestant (100)
    Lord Relictor (80)
    - Prayer: Bless Weapons
    Lord Castellant (100)

    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bow
    - Stormcast Eternals Battleline
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Boltstorm Crossbows
    - 1x Thunderbolt Crossbow
    - Stormcast Eternals Battleline
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers

    5 x Paladin Decimators (200)
    - 2x Starsoul Mace
    5 x Paladin Protectors (200)
    - 2x Starsoul Mace
    5 x Paladin Retributors (220)
    - 2x Starsoul Mace
    6 x Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers (200)
    - Celestial Hammers
    - 2x Grandblade

    Total: 1980/2000

    Never played against stormcast and from talking to the guys in the shop I'm not looking forward to it!

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  4. I've got them all on lava bases with hair and skin complete with mixtures of weapons leather and runes done throughout the army so they look ok on tabletop just really going to struggle to get all weapons and trinkets etc finished up for Saturday :-/ 

    I went through my army and got it all table standard. That's all that is needed. After that when I had time I have added highlights and bits and pieces if I could. Don't sweat it mate, the rule is usually there to stop people buying a filth list and doing the minimum to get it on the table.

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  5. Are you requiring all models completely painted or will being based with 3 colours be ok? I'm struggling with this 100+ horde and really don't want to just rush it all 

    When I spoke to Jamie in store he saiid three colours for standard table top. From what I understood it was to show effort rather than people spraying one colour and that be it. I feel for you, I'm struggling and I only have ogres. Fyre slayers must be crazy hard

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  6. Cannot wait for this event. Will be my first tournament and am very much looking forward to playing against some different armies and meeting other gamers. 
    Anyone know how long it will take to walk from St. Andrews car park to Athena?

    Takes 5 minutes at the absolute most. It's pretty much opposite. Just before St. Andrews is the Shakespeare building carpark which I find a lot easier to park in and is literally opposite the store. If anyone is not sure where it is I'm happy to meet up in the car park in the morning and lead the way, though no one should have too much difficulty finding it

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  7. Thanks very much! I shall try and take it all on board! We have managed to get about 7 of us going all different armies! Can't wait now! 

    I am still trying to find time to finish my army and get games in! Looking forward to meeting some local players :)

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  8. 57 minutes ago, Jamie Grinstead said:

    I have just updated the first post with some of the prizes! I will post below for clarity. As this is our first tournament for Age of Sigmar, I would welcome any feedback that you may have on them.

    Prize Structure:
    Participation: Acrylic Measuring Gauge

    The following prizes also come with an associated trophy.
    1st Place: £50 store credit.
    2nd Place: £30 store credit.
    3rd Place: £15 store credit.
    Most Sporting: Warhammer Age of Sigmar Hero Bases.
    The Wooden Spoon: Khorne/Stormcast Dice & Shaker.
    Best Painted Army - Judge's Choice: £20 store credit.
    Best Painted Army - Player's Choice: £20 store credit.

    As for feedback on the prizes, this really is far better than anticipated.  Its nice to see a range of awards also rather than just winning the tourney. Really knocking it out of the park so far. 


    Also, I dont know what you have for your gaming tables, but if needed we can bring our tables neoprene battlemat if needed or you are short. 

  9. Are you asking for lists ahead of time or on the day? Thanks for clarifying on the Fyreslayers pts, on the positive side it means I have a little less to panic paint. Looking forward to this event and meeting you all.

    On the day I believe fella when you check in. I'm super excited!

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  10. Im going to have a bash at converting some warriors from the storm cast. Like i said in my previous post ive been waiting some time to see some. My idea though is using the tissue-paper/newspaper plus pva to make some large and tattered cloaks for my tzeentch warriors.
    Im thinking of using the Shadow Warrior helmets due to the sleekness plus they have the neck part of the cloak ready sculpted. I dont see warriors of tzeentch being too grim as such, more like fallen warrior scholars. Similar to the Heide Knights from Darksouls. Im also waiting for the sisters of silence miniatures to be readily avaliable for other conversion ideas.

    Love the heide knight aesthetic, was wondering how long it would be until someone ran with it :)

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