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Posts posted by Mohojoe

  1. Horrible truth is gutbusters are possibly one of the lowest tier competitive army these days. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play them but compared to the new shinies it’s a handicap. That being said we can still run some aggressive lists and hopefully the new spells might even the playing field slightly. 

    As already said, bulls with iron fists are a must. I had great fun running units of 12. 

    Leadbelchers never worked for me, though I tried to run them most often as MSU units. The standing still rule didn’t do a huge amount for me, though that could be due to my own poor placement. 

    One of our main combos is a huge unit of gnoblars and use Bully Of The Firs Degree from our tyrant on them, to ensure they aren’t wiped by battle shock. 

    Battle shock is one of our worst enemies. Every time you lose a model it’s a large chunk of your points. 

    Thunder tusks for reliable character sniping. 6 mortal wounds on a 2+ is the best thing we have going for us and it’s from an ally haha. 

    I like using gargants with my hordes as they tend to draw fire but can also do a bit of damage if they make the fight. This could just be because I love the models though. 

    Really keen to see what new combinations people find with the new version. May your hunger be sated and your bellies grow vast! 

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  2. Was the Thunderers change the only warscroll update?  I was hoping we'd see more frequent changes due to the fact Warscrolls are free PDFs and available for free in the app.  It could be a great way for GW to adjust things beyond just tweaking points.  IMHO they are missing the main benefit of free scrolls; that being you can update them as often as necessary to bring things back in line with how you intend and adjust things that are too weak/too strong where it really counts.


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  3. Putting the first coats on is lovely, it's all the finicky after care painting that takes its toll. I have three piggies on my table but I have no clue how to even tackle them yet or if I will even put them in a list.

    Was that discussion in a separate thread or in this one? Will have to have a search.

    I have no events in yet. Sold my 2k gutbusters army after my last event foolishly due to being skint and I'm now working my way into getting 2k of ironjawz. I bought a shaman warband and a start collecting just to get the ball rolling.
    Would like to get to blood and glory potentially this year but dependent on when army is ready.
    I'm in Norwich so I find most events are a fairly intimidating drive away. Definitely want to get on it though especially with GHB2 on the horizon. That's the impetus to get my orruks going anyway

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  4. Glad to hear you finally hopped that horrendous spiky hurdle that was your second pig unit. They look fantastic and well worth the effort.
    Few snap questions for you

    What's the megabrutes unit that you allude to in your thread? I'm guessing it's when you nominate one to be your general but I'm not certain.

    I'm currently building a pure ironjawz force myself and though I'm not aiming to win tournaments I want to have as efficient a force as possible. Do you think with (theoretical) point reductions in GHB2 we will see a shift to double Maw Krusha as a staple tournament list for the reliable mortal wound output or do you see army composition changing in another direction? Possibly ally related.

    Anyway, always a pleasure to read your threads and listen to the casts. Hope to see you at an event soon, keep up the good work

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  5. The tournament is now less than a week away and there are still spaces for anyone wanting to attend!
    Everyone attending will receive a token that they can use as an objective marker, on top of all the prizes!

    Hi Jamie, unfortunately things have gone mental at work and I'm not going to be able to attend. Apologies and I hope you have a great event

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  6. Hello all,

    Sorry for the long hiatus, however this is currently the busiest time of the year for me with work and university. 

    I recently received some very nice private messages from people about the thread and it reminded me that I have not updated it in a long time. 

    Hopefully I will be able to add some additional information and their tips and advice soon.

    Happy Hobbying!

  7. Event Title: Doubles Event: The Orthrus, 19th June - Norwich

    Event Author: Jamie Grinstead

    Calendar: Events UK

    Event Date: 06/17/2017 09:30 AM to 06/17/2017 06:30 PM

    Battles are not just won by a single being, it is achieved by a group working together to achieve an overall goal. This is what the Orthrus tournament is here to honour as we welcome you to take part in a team based Age of Sigmar tournament.

    Each player in a team must select an army based upon the “Preparing Your Doubles Army” in our rules document. Only Warscrolls and Warscroll battalions with a Pitched Battle profile may be used in this event. The most recent Warscroll for a character or unit must be used.

    All models must be fully painted and based on either square or round bases. If you have a model which is unfinished then we will politely ask you to remove it from the table.

    You can find the approximate schedule for the event below.

    8:30am Doors Open
    9:25am Welcome and event briefing
    9:30am–12:00pm Game 1
    12:00pm–1:00pm Lunch and painting judging
    1:00pm-3:30pm Game 2
    3:30pm-3:45pm Break
    3:45pm-6:15pm Game 3
    6:30pm Results and awards

    Entry Price: £20 per team (two players).

    Rules Document: We are still finalising the rules pack, however here is the "Preparing Your Doubles Army Section" to help you plan:

    • Each player may select a Force worth up to 1,000 points. Points don’t carry over between players.

    • Warscroll Battalions must be fully contained in one player’s Force.

    • Each Force is selected individually using the restrictions laid down in the “Vanguard” bracket of the General’s Handbook.

    • Each player may select a General for their Force, and each may use their command ability in your team’s turn. Each command ability can only affect friendly models from that General’s Force, or, where applicable, enemy models.

    • The Rules of One are in effect across the team’s Army.

    • The Forces do not have to be from the same Grand Alliance.

    • Allegiances (and therefore Traits, Artefacts and Battleline units) are determined individually for each Force.

    • Any Pitched Battle Profile that specifies that it can only be taken once in an army can only be taken once in your team’s Army.

    • Battle and Command Traits are determined for each Force individually and can only affect enemy Warscrolls and friendly Warscrolls from your own Force.

    • Triumphs from the Pitched Battle are determined based on the difference between each team’s Armies points value.

    • Reinforcement Points are determined individually for each player’s Force and reinforcements must be summoned from the same Grand Alliance.

    • In all Pitched Battle battleplans, replace all instances of the word “player” with “team”.


    Doubles Event: The Orthrus, 19th June - Norwich

    Damnnnnnnn! Count me and Damien in. Hopefully will have some sky Dorfs! Will pop in around the 18th to get a ticket and pick up some models fella. You gonna unleash the waggghhh! This time?

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  8. Tell me about it! Going to be getting some of those dwarfs myself.
    Just drop us a message when the preorders for them come out and I will pop you down for it. No need to pay until the stuff comes out. The only things we can't typically get are the webstore exclusive collectors books that they sometimes do with releases.

    Lovely stuff, cheers for that bud

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  9. We should have the tournament for the Age of Sigmar doubles going up in the next couple of days. We are currently looking at Saturday 10th June, just to give you a date for your calendars!

    Argh!?! Better hurry up and get me some of those fancy new dwarves in store bud! How does preordering work with Athena? Do I need to come in store and put down a deposit or anything?

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  10. 8 minutes ago, daedalus81 said:

    Thank you.  I shall name him Sigmar the Second and you can be assured that he will be fed a healthy diet of plastic, super glue, and paint.

    " Following in the footsteps of PETA, the NSPCC have begun campaigning for Games Workshop to take more responsibility with the welfare of children after a forum post went viral today"

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  11. 19 minutes ago, Turragor said:

    Sounds more like Necromunda's rebirth possibly

    It does actually, however it does feel like you just peed on my cornflakes haha.

    Though Necromunda's rebirth would also be amazing, that is a real blast from the past

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