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Posts posted by choocheelo

  1. 4 hours ago, XReN said:


    With all that, Stalkers are more fighty than Morghasts whille Immortis are more resilient - both for 10 less points raw. The niche roll for morghasts is to be flying flanking assassins, you would need a very specialised list to make them into shock troops.

    untill your stalkers are not primary target of skaven cannon or something similar

  2. 2 minutes ago, relic456 said:

    Morghast Harbingers and Morghast Archai have the same offensive stats now, so you'd just be comparing Stalkers vs Immortis Guard and Stalkers definitely do more damage.

    Wipe out unit has no damage:)

    Those 2 battalions vs 10 evocators math maybe?

  3. 18 minutes ago, Primes said:

    Another Question: Morghast vs. Stalkers for our "Hammer".

    Everyone seems to be saying that Morghast are trash, but why?

    When comparing a Unit of 4 Morghast and a Unit of 6 Stalkers for all but offence:

    - Morghast are 3" faster and fly without the need for a RD Point

    - Morghast can be way more tanky with an additional 5++ or more reliable when charging (3D6 > Reroll?) without the need for a RD Point

    - They give a Bravery debuff (not worth much, but might help against IJ for example

    - They have 6 Wounds a Piece vs. 4 Wounds for Stalkers, making them easier to heal, especially with their better defence

    Offensively I would compare Halberds with Spirit Blades in Precision Stance:

    ... Haha never mind. Offensively Stalkers blow Morghasts out of the water, only redeeming quality might be that you get to attack with all 4 Morghast vs. maybe only 4 Stalkers (thanks to higher move and 2 " Reach for Morghasts)..which might also be offset by basesize.

    Still: Might Morghast be useful in a role similar to Harassers or even Mini-Anvils with nice Output?


    The problem is that Stalkers have 1 battalion with morghast without 5++, morghast  archai with immotris. And u need one to take +1 to hit bubble from helm in any sub-faction.

    Anyone can do math harbringers+stalkers vs. archai + immortis guard?

  4. 1 hour ago, Scurvydog said:

    You can't do this though, as the first artifact needs to be the petrifex one, ignoring the first wound in each phase, so you need another hero to get the helm of the ordained. With just a lot of mortek guards you will have a lot slower army too. It will be a bit tougher to remove from the table thanks to mortel reroll saves command, but will be less mobile and have less of a hammer with no kavalos. 

    An easy fix for the artifact problem is to split the 40 unit into 2x20 and remove 1 unit of 10 and get a boneshaper. The additional magic output, his healing and being able to use the +1 hit helm should easily be worth it.

    hmm.. miss that, thx.


  5. 2 hours ago, Scurvydog said:

    Ok new attempt, my calculator betrayed me, and warscroll builder has spoiled for for too long ;)

    Petrifex Elite

    Arkhan: 360
    200: Liege Kavalos - general (+2 wounds trait), Helm of the ordained (+1 hit 12" bubble)
    130: Boneshaper - forced ignore 1st wound artifact

    200 - Immortis guard
    200 - Immortis guard
    210 - Morghast Archai
    360 - 2 x 5Kavalos riders
    260 - 20 x Mortek guard

    80 - Aegis battalion

    Total: 2000. 112 wounds. Generated 5 discipline points per turn + 8xd6 rolls on 6+.

    The shaper can handle the endless spell, his own are not that hard to cast, take one of the easier to cast spells.

    Arkhan is free to use curse of years and the 2 last spells for damage and debuffing for example, with access to all the spells he will be very flexible. With his morghasts bodyguard and +1 to saves they can also go in as a hammer in combat without risking Arkhan too badly.

    The Liege is expensive, but decent hitting power, generated 2 points per turn and has auseful +1 attack command and can get the 12" +1 to hit bubble, which can all make the Kavalos terrifying. Add in the +1 to rend command from petrifex and they will rip through stuff.

    The immortis guards can go where needed, they might be a bit too slow to keep up with the riders, but they can also create a front line along with the mortek, which is a very hard to kill combo. Keep Arkhan near enough for his passive 3 wound heals, and this line will be rock solid to break, as each healed wound will have a great value.

    This list will push out rend 2 or 3 all day, can cast 4 spells per turn and 4 dispells, with Arkhan having +2, so a tough spell defense, everything with 3+ or 2+ saves. Some ok healing with Arkhan and shaper. On average quite mobile and fast, and access to average 6-7 discipline points per turn, will allow for a nice amount of movement uses, while also having enough for offensive commands. The helm will give a nice chunk of units +1 to hit to end up on 2+, which is why I did not go for the skrieker spell in this list. The mason can hand out reroll 1 to hit, so hitting things should be fairly reliable.

    Petrifex Elite

    Arkhan: 360

    200: Liege Kavalos - general (+2 wounds trait), Helm of the ordained (+1 hit 12" bubble)

    200 - Immortis guard

    200 - Immortis guar

    210 - Morghast Archai

    130 - Mortek guard  swords

    130 - Mortek guard  swords

    440 - 40 x Mortek guard spears

    40 -  endless spell N.predator

    80 - Aegis battalion

    1990pts, 116w

    • Like 1
  6. Has anyone think about competitive ossiarch roster? Two days that question broke my mind. 

    Only what i think is 

    Null miriad+aegis immortal bat.

    Archai 4+ 5++vs magic, 5++ from warscroll 5++ from AE 6++ dm.

    Immortis guard 3+ 5++vs magic, 5++ from AE 6++ dm. 


    Petrifex elite+aegis immortal bat.

    Archai 3+ 5++ from warscroll  5++ from AE 6++ dm.

    Immortis guard 2+ 5++ from AE 6++ dm. 


    Too bad what Stalkers haven't "battleline if..."

  7. 7 hours ago, Souleater said:


    I am wondering if we'll see 'female' OsBos. The Mortarch has gone all in on masculinity (even down to the posing pouch) with his body. Plus GW seem to be keener to add females in.



    *about archers. I love SCE.

    Kill it with fire 

  8. 5 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    I really hope we get more models like that Samurai dude, he is badass. 

    Anyone know what this could be? I thought it was a catapult but the big banner on top throws me off. Reckon it could be something new? 





    Look at the background behind left dude. There are a rumor part Nagashs tentacles, so there are terrain or a monster.

    • Like 1
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  9. I dont like things like this, but i think it is interesting to someone.. 

    Today i read this on ours ru_aos_community:

    #Rumors_lampPost #AoS


    "Hello everyone, so I've been a long-time lurker, first time poster. So, for the past half a decade (been in the hobby for 10 years), I've been collecting and cataloging rumors in my spare time for fun. Literally all rumors I come across from any source, trusted rumor-lords to even /tg/ ones just to piece things together because I like making predictions based off the data. Most of its 40K related, so not much AoS (Attached so you can see I'm not lying lol). Anyways, I come today because in the past few years I've had a friend who has been telling me things that have increasingly come to pass. Now, to be honest a lot can be considered "obvious", but a few stand-out examples was when he told me shortly after the release Legions of Nagash that Warherd and Brayherd were being combined into a battletome in a similar format, and 2 years ago he told me in a couple years we'd get a Keeper of Secrets and daemons seperate from an Emperor's Children release (something else he says is coming next year but has been repeated by many). Now, the thing is, most recently, he has come to me with a very particular rumor. I trust the guy complicity, but even I had to swallow a bit when he told me. Going through my collection, only one other non-4chan rumor-lord that I know of has posted anything similar, and that was over a year ago in the comments of Naftka by a person that hardly posts rumors. (Which I attached with info redacted as I don't think the person wants to be put on the spot). So I've decided to post my friend's rumor, because if it comes to pass he get's bragging rights. The following is from my friend paraphrased by me: 
    "Tomb Kings" are returning, being re-done not as a new army, but a "new " one. In the same manner as Daughters of Khaine and Gloomspite Gitz, with a mix of new and old models and re-named. So, they won't be "Tomb Kings" they'll be AoS-fied Egyptian army in the vein of Tomb Kings. He also heard about some more Deathrattle, of which The Sepulcharal Guard are a preview at how some of the new skellies will look. Of this part he is not certain, but in his opinion the two are one and the same. 
    I personally have a Tomb Kings army, so I have to be honest and say I'm very biased in my belief in his info lol. He has no info on date, but from my personal experience his rumors have come to pass as soon as 6 months to as far as 2 years so who knows. So maybe its the upcoming Death Battletome or maybe we'll see it after all the tomes have been updated. That's all I've got on that. I don't have much else AoS-wise, I've got a collection from various 40K rumors but its all just stuff I've screencapped like I said. An interesting tidbit though regarding the recent rumor engine pics that look like dinosaurs: I have a couple screencaps where Atia said a few years ago that we may get Exodites (for 40K) in a few years (from that point in time). My friend has also said that Seraphon were not getting a major release of models outside of spells, terrain, and tome for a while, so maybe a correlation."

    • Like 1
  10. Guys, how work 

    2 Lens of Refraction: This lens channels 
    malicious spells away from the bearer and 
    their allies. 
    Each time a friendly unit within 6" of the 
    bearer would suffer any mortal wounds from a 
    spell cast by an enemy WIZARD, roll a D3 and 
    reduce the number of mortal wounds suffered 
    by the result.

    With curse of years?

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