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Posts posted by TheWilddog

  1. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    As for the FEC the new guy will probably be six wounds with a 4 up save. One lucky shot from the Skaven hero and he is dead. End of problem. 

    Also we don't know points yet. 

    They showed his stats in the warscroll card preview.  7 wounds, 4+ (heals 3 in the hero phase), so yea definitely in the squishy range.

  2. 46 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    With an endless stream of rotting corpses beneath and a ruin underneath?

    it‘s a throne, not a lookout Post. And where is a THRONE placed? Right, in the throneroom. Otherwise it‘s palanquin at best.

    they could also hastily put together a bone cathedral, a bone courtroom and a bone kingdom. - makes no sense. At least BoC have Cygors etc. that might easily carry the stone without breaking it.

    *imagining a Zombiedragon carrying a huge unstable bone throne with a wall attached to it xD*

    We play in a world full of high fantasy magic where random shipwrecks and flying sea turtles randomly show up and a magic comet hits the ground and turns into a big moon shaped mountain with a cave under with goblins pouring out and you can not imagine a way a cannibal army with bones and gore all around them can build a bone throne on a ruin.  Again this just does not make sense.

    I get that you don’t like it and think it was poor design but that does not make it not fit in the world.

    • Thanks 7
  3. 12 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Not exactly. I can find annexplanation for those with ease. For the throne? Not at all. There would‘ve been a million better options.


    the Gobbos simply spill forth at such loonshrines, so their army gathers there.

    beastmen gather around herdstones, so that‘s fine since those things can be anywhere in the open.

    the Throne lies somewhere underground in the heart of the FeC empire. So it makes no sense the throne is present at each and every battle, especially not in such a static and solid shape. They should have just recycled kurdoss valentian‘s throne

    That differentiation makes no sense. If Beastmen can build a 20 foot tall monolith everywhere they go, the FEC can throw together a replica of bone throne where they battle.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  4. 5 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    why the heck do FeC carry a Throne-House around?

    the more I see it the more I dislike it.

    This basically applies to most of the new scenery pieces. Who carries a Moon Shrine mountain with a cave in it and a 20 foot tall stone Monolith Herdstone? 

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  5. I disagree about the the throne, I really like it. I think the combination of bones and heraldry works pretty well.  The Endless Spell are just OK, although I have frankly been disappointed with most of the ES sculpts (I am looking at you NightHaunt).

  6. The Abhorrent Archregent command ability seems to read Summon Imperial Guard.  First I am glad they seem to have kept the summoning mechanic for FEC. Second I wonder if they will give Horrors a different stats line and make a new unit called Imperial Guard or something similar? 

  7. Can anyone make out the Abhorrent Archregent rules from that flash of the card.  He is obviously 6 wounds, 4+ save, 6 move and 10 Bravery but I can not make out the special text, command ability or the spell. 

    Spell is ________ Hunger

    The command ability seems to say Summon Imperial Guard. Interesting!!!!!!

    Has something like summon either 1 COURTIER, something something REVENANTS or a unit of 20 SERFS.

    Maybe some renaming, or some changing units.


    6 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

    I really hope there isn't any truth to the idea that people are put off by factions that are too 'weird' - the thing I really like about AOS is how different it is. So much stuff in the fantasy genre is so rote and stale, in miniatures, TV shows, films, videogames, comics...whatever. AOS' flying fish are a breath of fresh air. 

    This is my sentiment exactly.  I love the move away from a historical/Toliken based IP.  The the boardgame and tabletop market is swimming with generic fantasy products. I know in the boardgame market many of the most successful games of the past few years have been those that have pushed more original non-generic fantasy IPs, like Gloomhaven for example.  I think there is a big thirst for new IP in the wider market.  I think AOS is in a good place to tap into this trend.    

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Honk said:

    I hope for something fluffy and balanced, nothing imba over the top and hopefully compatible with my recent 2,5k army...

    the faq pimped army we have right now is pretty good.


    on the other hand I think it was about time for the poor little rats to get some love and I‘m kinda missing a freeguild book more, or classy elves or decently clothed dwarves...

    still excited about a new book!!!

    It will be very interesting to see what approach they take with the BT, just a consolidation with some tweaks and added stuff, or a complete overhaul.   I hope they keep our core summoning mechanic, I have actually become quite fond of it. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Honk said:

    Now you only have to get 60 of them 🤣👍

    😂The 10 Cawdor I have mocked up will join my existing 110, bringing my total Ghoul count up to 120.  Sad thing is I can envision a couple of lists that could use a few more! ! ! ! 😂 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  11. 11 hours ago, ReAnimate Studios said:

    Pretty much calling these guys done. Have decided on the basing theme for my army! A not so nurgle garden of nurgle lol.

    What do you guys think? Any suggestions would be appreciated before I start mass producing bases .

    I really like the basing overall and they work really well as is.  The only observation I would give is that the green dominate color composition of the bases blends into the greens of the minis a bit.  I tend to like a to have my bases contrast more with my minis.  Maybe add some differing color tuffs and foliage to break up the greens and yellows.  Again this is a minor suggestion and overall your work is top notch. I am enjoying the pics.    

  12. 53 minutes ago, Glaurung said:

    Guys, GW is asking for advice in units points for GH 2019!

    we should discuss here what could be changed:

    ghouls: cost too much compared to witches and skeletons. One needs to take into account the wide variety of buffs these last two have. If they don’t go down, I think we could justify having ghouls at 70-90 points

    horrors: I think they are fine

    flayers: if they stay as they are, I think they should cost less, like 140-150. Horrors are almost always better and the -1 to hit just makes them useless as their scream attack

    ghast courtier: I’d like to see him go down, as he is very fragile and “only” brings back ghouls. Compare this to a Hag Queen and how she can empower its units...

    haunter&infernal courtier&varghulf: I’d leave them as they are

    GK on foot: I don’t know, maybe 140 is fair

    mounted kings: fair pointed

    then we have batallions... I’d bring almost all of them down, as they are not usually ideal in units composition and don’t give many buffs (I’d leave ghoul patrol at 180 though)

    If they also want comments about the allegiance abilities, well I’ll write another post...


    eveything above is just my opinion. what do you guys think?

    Nice post and good idea to brainstorm some of our ideas here. 

    I agree Ghouls should come down, I would say to 80 and see how it goes from there. 

    I agree that most of the battalions need a reduction.  I think this is true across most armies and is a system wide problem that they will hopefully address with this GHB. 

    I think they need to fix the battleline issue.  The fact that Horrors and Flayers are only battleline with their respective courtiers make no fluff sense and makes for awkward builds. I say just make them both battleline for FEC armies.  You have precedence with Brutes in Ironjwazs having a similar situation. I think its a good perk for small range armies. It will open up more builds and if you lower Ghouls they will still be enticing as an option.  

    As for our Allegiance abilities they are a mixed bag.  The Feeding Frenzy ability is mostly useless, just way too random. It would be nice if they actually made it useable. The Delusions are great fluff and flavor wise, but honestly Crusading is soooooo much better than the rest that it's not really a choice. I would like to see the other abilities pumped up a bit to allow them to be built around as well.   


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  13. @JatorI think you hit the nail on the head when you worry about the lack of calvary. Speed and movement are the name of the game in AOS and I am afraid that this list can not get the combats you want and will have the terms of battle dictated by faster armies.  I personally think our best lists right now are cav heavy lists like the one that Ian Spink did well with at Facehammer. Something like this:


    This list really turns  hard into our current strengths, our speedy cavalry units and our awesome magic. I have run something similar in some local games against good opponents and have been quite satisfied.  I think the list is pretty solid.  

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Glaurung said:

    I think this shows that Arkhan is the key, the focus of the list. He is extremely powerful and enables the monsters to do what they want.

    I think Arkhan is important to the list, but I believe that our monsters are the key.  As I said they are SO mobile and the fact that they summon means they bring a lot more value than they did before. That hidden value in summoning seems to be the only way our faction can compete so it makes sense that lists that maximize that value are our best option.  

    I also just think it has a lot to do with the current meta. With the general decline in shooting, our monsters are staying on the table a little longer and we get to use our synergies more, that is very important to our army and has definitely helped.  Also magic is pretty huge right now and with all the AGK with have access to being decent casters that are mobile and at least have a chance of disrupting our opponents magic phase. Arkhan obviously super charges this and takes it to another level.  

    • Like 1
  15. I played a local 3 game event today with the Souza style list:


    Went 2-1 and came in third.

    Game one I got a win verses a Seraphon list. Arkhan was absolute aces allowing me to go toe to toe with the Slann in the magic phase. 

    Game two I won against a standard Stormcast Alpha Strike list with Gavriel Sureheart and all his Evocator and Sequitor friends. I deployed with my chaff ghouls protecting my fatties. He dropped in anyway and cleared them out.  I summoned and then countered with my monsters, proceeded to get the double turn and rolled to a pretty big win. 

    Game three I lost to Daughters.  I had no real way to break up their synergies and a buffed up block of 30 witches barreled through my army. I tried to chaff it up and play the objective game because it the Better Part Of Valor battle plan but it did not work out. I held the early objective lead but by turn three got steam rolled and did not have much left to score.     

    Overall I was pretty impressed with how the list played.  I was worried that without my normal big Ghoul blocks the list would struggle to play the objective game.  However, with all the summoned units you are able to manage objectives better than I anticipated. Also the big monsters we have are so mobile that they really let you put a lot of pressure where you need it when you need it.  Also, I was doubtful of Arkhan but he was awesome.  As I said he basically won me game 1 and he always seemed good.

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    • Thanks 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Jator said:

    Hi, guys.
    Indulge me on some theory crafting, if I may. I realized that my stash of miniatures includes a Wurrgog prophet, a Wardokk and what looks like a savage boss from an unknown manufacturer.

    Since bonesplitterz' boxes are pretty generous in miniatures (which almost made it up for the lack of an SC! box) I tried to make a functional list with a small number of boxes (4 in this case).

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz

    Wurrgog Prophet (140)
    - Artefact: Ju-ju Wotnotz
    - Lore of the Savage Waaagh: Squiggly Curse
    Wardokk (100)
    Savage Big Boss (120)
    - General
    - Granite Choppa & Shield
    - Trait: Prophet of da Waaagh!
    - Artefact: Lucky Bone

    30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (280)
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (280)

    2 x Savage Big Stabbas (100)
    2 x Savage Big Stabbas (100)

    Kunnin' Rukk (200)

    Endless Spells
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Total: 1800 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 5
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 153


    I'm clueless about how to fill up the remaining points. Maniak weirdnob? Trolls? Anyway, let me know what you think.

    I think the Orruk Warboss on Boar is an auto include as an ally in a list like this.  He rides with the Boars most of the time and for 140 his banner gives re-roll to all wounds of 1 for Orruks and his command ability spams extra attacks for Orruks. (Note it says models make 1 extra attack with all of their melee weapons, meaning you get 1 extra choppa and 1 extra boar attack). Really helps just throw a wall of attacks at a target. Also pretty good to buff up the Stabbaz if you need that and with 9 inch move can be where you need it.

    Its pretty easy and fun to mock up one from a normal Boarboy.

    • Like 1
  17. 11 hours ago, XReN said:

    Sooo, have anyone converted Vargulf courtiers? (couldn't find SCE-wannabe court here, but their Varghulf looks cool)
    From GW minis or not, doesn't really matter, I'd like to do something with him because I dislike the model (or build completely new one one from whatever), so any suggestions will be appreciated 

    I converted a GW giant. Looks like a bigger Crypt Horror and fits in pretty well.


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  18. 2 hours ago, Heroflegend21 said:

    So I'm considering getting into FEC. I plan on getting two of the SC boxesand the feast box that comes with 20 ghouls and 3 crypt haunters and probably kitbashing a crypt ghast courtier and crypt haunters coutier. I was wondering going down the ghouls and haunter route: 1. Is it worth it? 2. What battalion out of attendants of the court, abatoir and ghoul patrol is better? Or if I should just model spam and forget the battalions? 

    I think Ghoul Patrol is our best battalion by a wide margin. The two main strengths of this current iteration of FEC is our board control with attrition and our big baddies that can summon.  Lists with a combo of big monsters and hordes of Ghouls seem to be our best builds right now.   

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