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Warboss Gorbolg

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Posts posted by Warboss Gorbolg

  1. Really enjoying the new ogor. Tons of character. Don’t disagree however that its look doesn’t fit great within the beast claw vibe.

    My first thought when I saw it was that it’s a new take on the old Mordheim ogre, who also had an Empire vibe. I’ll be grabbing this one. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    Whereas I do feel like I've lost my Order Draconis, 120 Greenskins plus Wolf chariots, Snotlings, catapults  ..... I could go on.

    Swings and Roundabouts.

    I’m optimistic that Greenskinz are effectively getting a new life as stand-ins for Bonesplittaz. I believe that they will look better with Ironjawz as a result of the upcoming Battletome.

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  3. 1 minute ago, The Cranky Dwarf said:

    Well the unforged was kind of expected, he never really fit in aos. But the cannons loss is mighty odd. Quarrelers and thunderers I grudgingly accept were redundant and had severely outdated models in a combined force. Still I'm sad to see them go. I forsee it being only a matter of time before the end of the dispossessed however as this does not bode well. I hope I'm wrong but I'm not very confident in that.

    If Dispossessed sell well there is still a potential expansion in the future IMO. GW is first and foremost a business. The pruning opens up room for new, more fantastical kits.

    I expected the warriors to go for some time. They showed their age and you don’t need 3 different options of duardin   on foot with either great weapons or weapon/shields. Thought thunderers were 50/50, and I agree that the Unforged felt out of place.

    I also feel that Dispossessed are really strongly integrated into the setting narrative, more so than other legacy non-humans.

    I don’t expect an expansion any time soon and the demand needs to be there, but strangely I am now more likely to start a Dispossessed force that I’ve been flirting with the last couple of years.

  4. Firestorm seemed like a stopgap to me but I’m feeling like Cities might be the final home and prune for the legacy armies (Wanderers, Dispossessed, Free Peoples, Ironweld, etc.). Was hoping for Dispossessed and Wanderers to be expanded but I’ve slowly come to like the Firestorm approach and associated lore.

  5. 8 hours ago, DinoTitanedition said:

    I think I'll try to play an all out Ardboy list. At 1000 points it looks like this: Boss, 2xShields, 3xGreataxe, 3xChoppaz/Bashaz

    Though I'm not sure if that loadout can keep up with the other warbands. The Ardboys don't have that many healthpoints compared to the Brutes, and their speed an lack of range weapons will likely make them hard to play. Gives "Ardboys" a whole new meaning...


    I’m drawn to the idea of a band of pure Ardboyz out there trying to prove they’re as tough as anyone else as well.

    The really low movement of the IJ concerns me a bit. Makes me wonder if Brutes will be better because when you finally get there, you need to kill quickly since you’re already probably late to the party.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Knight Scáthach of Fimm said:

    Horses are almost universal, and if we're talking about them being mundane and boring, then I'm afraid Free Peoples being human just got cancelled.

    GW seems to have already moved on in the lore from horses to demigryphs for the Free Peoples. The demigryphs show up in a number of novels whereas I haven’t encountered a single horse so far. GW could continue to expand on that theme. Not nearly as dramatic as you make it seem.

  7. In the Realm Gate Wars novel, my recollection is that the Ironjawz were using ships to get across some funky sand ocean or something.

    Also remember that some ride around on sky ships in the Battletome . One of my favorite things about these early narratives was that GW left the door open to Ironjawz and Destruction in general to adopting some tech.

  8. 13 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    Speaking of Grimwrath, better kiss Doomseekers goodbye. Forgot they went oop.

    Granted they and the Grimwrath Berserker kind of do the same thing anyways.

    Noticed that a few weeks ago and grabbed one off of Amazon. Figure I can use it as an alternative Runeson or something. It's a good model IMO.

  9. On 3/28/2019 at 7:50 AM, madmac said:

    I think the text of the preview all but confirms that non-hero Magmadroths will be a thing.

    Aside from making all units viable, my one big ask for the new armybook is to make Fyreslayers a little more elite across the board. They would be much more bearable to both build and play as an army that isn't 90+ models minimum.

    Make the Hearthguard units into true elite infantry, and maybe make the Vulkites a little less dependent on being fielded in blocks of 30.

    Recent armybooks have had much more reasonable battalion requirements, but yes all the 1.0 battaltions requiring 3+ units that are only viable in huge blocks was ridiculous.

    Disappointed that there are no new units. However, if the magma guy is "persistent", Fyreslayers become more elite, and the huge stable of leaders are internally well balanced AND have meaningful, unique roles...than the new battletome would make this a much more collectible faction.

    Feel that those are a lot of asks for this release.

  10. Overall a lot of great stuff for AOS to be excited about.

    However, I'll join the chorus that Fyreslayers needed a new kit. I can't imagine expanding my Fyreslayers as there just isn't enough troop variety. My collection will stay at "allies levels". Definitely surprised that GW seemes to consider Fyreslayers to be a complete faction.

  11. Anyone having success with Hoppers? If so, in how large of a unit?  Understand the Bounderz love but I like the Hoppers aesthetics and the idea of additional movement. I'm also hesitant to invest too heavily in Bounderz as they are ubiquitous in lists, and GW has shown an inclination to make points adjustments to such units. Although ideally Hoppers will just get cheaper.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Ghark said:

    Is it me or does the basic moonclan infantry seem to be on 32mm now?

    I'm confident that the basic Moonclan Grots are not getting reboxed to larger than the 25mm that they come with now and we're reboxed to already for AOS. They would be swimming on 32s IMO.

    Overall it's what I expected more or less, except that I'm surprised that GW redid the already plastic and serviceable Fanatics. I'll just buy the new ones for the spore option.

     The terrain is the highlight for me so far. Really characterful. Can't wait for Troggoths to be previewed as well.

    I'm also glad that I've held off building 100+ Grots as I'm wondering if those days are behind us.

  13. 6 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    In regards to my last list post, does anyone have good experience with Kurnoths? I planned to run them with Greatswords in conjunction with the 2x30 EG, but I am wondering if the Scythes would be a better choice despite math saying that they will put out less wounds on average than swords.

    I'm considering Scythes as they would be able to hit over-top the EG depending on how the charges\pile-ins go and would work better with the Kurnoths 1" pile-in restricting ability. Thoughts or experiences?

    No direct experience but within the context of Wanderers, I would think that the extra rend of Scythes would be particularly valuable.

    • Like 2
  14. 2 hours ago, sorokyl said:

    I strongly strongly doubt you will ever see new models released for "Gitmob" or "Greenskinz".  If a new faction, say  Grotbag Scuttlers,  is ever put out, it's possible some of these models are absorbed into that, but the sculpts are all pretty old so I doubt they will take all of them.  KO was such a big hit that I think that they'd be better off with all new sculpts. 

    The basic Orruk still holds up pretty well, even to their 40k counterpart, and the boar boys are great sculpts. Bundle them with the Warboss and a couple of mad max dual-kits and you have a decent new faction. The fact that Greenskinz were one of the earliest SC and they continue to be sold in GW retail stores that have limited shelf space suggests that GW has a long term plan for them.

    Gitmob I agree is likely to become a start from scratch as the existing plastic kit really shows it's age and there is nothing to really salvage.

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  15. 31 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Spiderfang where originally Forrest goblins (with some Native American aesthetics) though, they are more akin to Bonesplitterz version of Grot than cave dwelling Moonclan.

    honestly I thing Gitmobs and Greenskinz are just probably going to lavish forever until they subtle phase them out, like how people predict whats going to happen to Minimarines

    My theory for Gitmob and Greenskinz is that we'll end up with 40k-lite versions of them for AOS. They will be the higher tech side of Destruction.

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  16. I think it's the fact that it is small faction (unit wise) with little variety and is expensive to collect as much as anything. One new dual-kit for Fyreslayers and Ironjawz would make both much more collectible and interesting to play. Ironjawz have remained more popular because there are no real alternatives in Destruction since release. Just my opinions of course.

  17. 44 minutes ago, awcamawn said:

    @Aloth_Corfiser Good eye there, didn't see that but I will definitely have to pick it up now. Is this the first piece of brand new art depicting wood aelves/wanderers for AoS? I think it is. Pretty awesome. We do exist y'all!

    Is the art for the Shadespire Audio Drama new as well or was it recycled?

  18. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

    I can imagine that sometimes the release schedule changes, but changing quite often? I certainly don't want to scare away possible rumour mongers, but each time the excuse is the release schedule changes a lot. ?

    Imo GW plans easly a year ahead... the type of product that GW sells and the logistics that are involved and being an international company simply doesn't allow to be very flexible with release schedules.

    It seems reasonable that book-only releases could move around in terms of schedule a fair amount. I would expect however that model releases are moved less frequently.

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