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Warboss Gorbolg

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Posts posted by Warboss Gorbolg

  1. My issue with Kruleboyz is the new aesthetic. War clans is now 3.5 different aesthetics (ardboyz). I’d argue that it would have been much better for Destruction and warclans if GW expanded the small IJ and Bonesplittaz ranges to make each more complete.

    I am still not convinced that the various Orruk aesthetics look good when mixed together.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Kramig said:

    New battletome doesn't mean new models. Actually in that list it is named only battletome, not other boxes for skaven. So, if that is a clue for the new battletome, it seems there will be no new miniatures, otherwise the actual model would be in that list

    The fact that there are no models on the list is not relevant IMO as GW stores stock very few COS and Skaven models currently, and those models that they do stock are the more current sculpts. 

  3. Perhaps it’s more likely that they get some type of significant terrain piece instead. Another option could be a new and large war machine ala an AOSified goblin hewer. Wasn’t there a spiked steam roller a long time ago?

  4. WHFB was replaced in part because it became a highly complex game with a huge buy-in (both time and money). These were at least some of the contributors that led to the game's declining popularity and sales. Will be interesting to see how FW tries to address this while keeping it similar enough to not alienate the former player base. TOW seems tricky to execute from my perspective. 

    I still hope for an updated Mordheim frequently. I will not be playing TOW but maybe Mordheim will make a return at some point as an offshoot of TOW.

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  5. Thanks for the replies. I'm a slow hobbyist and therefore try to find the subjective intersection of fun narrative, build/paint, and effectiveness. As a result, I avoid repetitive or skewed lists. Perhaps if I continue to collect GSG, eventually I will be able to play those lists as my collection gets bigger and bigger.

    Right now, my thought was to build around 40 stabbas, 24 herd, 10 bounderz, and 6 troggoths as the core of a 2k army.

  6. Honestly I don't understand the TOW push. Seems like it and AOS will just split and already smaller player base and make finding games even harder. I mourned the loss of the setting much more than the game, but have now invested in AOS and have neither the time nor energy for TOW as well. Even in GW stores it can be tough to get AOS games if it's not prearranged. Hopefully this doesn't make it worse.

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  7. I’m not sure that NH need to be featured prominently for a new book alone. For new models, yes I would agree however.

     I think that NH is already a healthy model line could work in its favor, as a new book in isolation could come at anytime. I’m hopeful for GSG for the same reason, not models truly needed, just give us a new book.

    Biggest issue that I see is that so many factions think that they need a new book, and obviously they won’t all come at once. @dmorley21 didn’t even include the rumored, combined duradin book in the already lengthy list. Most of the forums seem to think that whatever faction they are playing are deserving of an update. Then of course I expect that some new factions will show up over the next few months as well.

  8. 4 hours ago, Dreddships said:

    Don't know if anyones seen but the new Kill Team reworked datasheets look suprisingly similar to Warcry,

    Right down to inflated wounds, X/Y damage weapons, battlefield roles

    GW seems to think the Warcry ruleset is definitely worth it with this overhaul

    I do wonder though if this means the 'second edition' Warcry rules might be pushed back?

    If the rulesets have been imported - and with the way the new kits look, the elements of choice within a 'Killteam' look eerily similar to the equipment choices of Warcry warbands - then one can assume it's the same team.

    Excited to see if my suspicions are true and Killteam does get bespoke 'Killteam' boxes - because if so, I would most certainly call the Warcry 2.0 a likely future release and the 'Warband' box model quite certain to return

    I hope this is the case. GW is no longer selling physical copies of the Warcry core rules and according to my local GW they will not be restocked. Just getting into the game recently and hope that it continues to be supported.

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  9. Any rumors regarding the rank-and-file warriors being replaced with new, more dynamic ones similar to the Start Collecting? I'm a bit surprised that it didn't happen a long time ago as the warriors are so iconic.

    Similarly, is it frowned upon to use Untamed Beasts as marauders? Can see how that might be a bit confusing but the marauders have not aged well.

  10. 1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    They're meant to be throwing axes I believe. The Vulkites have similar sized ones on their belts.

    Problem is they didn't model his... actual axe.

    Perhaps you are correct. I assumed that the one held at the waste was supposed to be the ancestral waraxe.

    Just got a magmadroth and box of hearthguard. Going to start with the Runeson adventuring with his War Cry warband and then expanding to Path of Glory if I'm enjoying it, culminating in the promotion to Runefather and full army if I can stay motivated.

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  11. Crucial question: Why does the Runeson get a mini-axe? I get that they have to prove themselves to get the mega-key one, but the Runeson axe is even duardined (dwarfed😜) by the vulkites’ axes, and they often wield two!

    What have some of you replaced it with?  A vulkite one is an obvious option but was interested in some other ideas as well.

  12. 3 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

    Did GW discontinue some of their spray paints or is it just suffering from shortcomings? I can't find Mechanicus Standard Grey anywhere.

    It's a production issue I believe. I'm in the US and just last week my local GW store was talking about how they couldn't get primer specifically.

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