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Warboss Gorbolg

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Posts posted by Warboss Gorbolg

  1. On 5/23/2024 at 8:00 PM, Gitzdee said:

    Also Warmachines ! ! ! 

    Are we thinking Pumpwagons? Or something like Gitmob chariots/ artillery?

    Guessing Doom Diver remake, and maybe Spiderfang webflinga? Some sort of squig chucka or flinga maybe?

    pumpwagons would be awesome but I’m still not convinced that we’ll see any more Gitmob anytime soon.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    @DD-Lord Our local prophet has liked several Gitmob posts. And why would they release just one random kit?

    I can't wait to see what they get! I'd love them to be rolled into Kruleboyz somehow but think they'll stay in gsg and that'll get rebranded into a new grot coalition tome or with any luck become their own thing...We'll see. 😁

    If Gitmob is really going to be expanded, and the Snarlfang Riders are indicative of the future, they could draw some inspiration from this bit of 8th edition WHFB. This always captured my imagination and is my favorite bit from that Army Book.

    “Other well known goblin tribes include nomadic traders that travel the wilderness in ramshackle, fortress-like caravans. They trade with all kinds of unsavory types and, unsurprisingly, are known for their thievery and swindling skills.”

    Would be great for Back Library stories as well!

    • Like 2
    • LOVE IT! 2
  3. 4 hours ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    I'm more hoping for an overhaul of the spiders aesthetic to match the concept art:

    Gloomspite Gits concepts for Age of Sigmar. Sneaky photos taken at the recent Open Day by a mystery grot appreciator.
    Gloomspite Gits concepts for Age of Sigmar. Sneaky photos taken at the recent Open Day by a mystery grot appreciator.

    That way we get new weird looking cave squig-spiders with moonclan riders and some scuttling grots like the ones from Silver Tower. Definitely felt like a direction they explored and abandoned.

    Gitmob can get a tome, take the wolves and get the cool stuff like doom divers and all that back.

    I feel like they have done a decent job with lore to keep Spiderfang within the GSG family. Spiderfang just dwell in the dark places on the surface instead of underground, and they both share a proclivity for poison. 

    From a gameplay perspective, I also appreciate the different movement options that Spiderfang can offer. Hope we get updates to them instead of squatting, as I still like them even if they are my least favorite GSG models and theme currently.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  4. 50 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    Harbingers led into trugg.
    But the signs as I see it are:

    • Old world split: We need new grots, and to either get rid of or update spiders, and maybe updated fellwaters
      • If they were getting rid of spiders they would've done it now, but they didn't, which means they're in the index. They only got rid of the resin scuttleboss.
    • Gitz are very popular, and if they started working on a second gitz wave ASAP we'd probably be seeing it around then.
      • I think they underestimated the popularity, look at lumineth/StD releases as a comparison for what they do for popular armies
    • The snarlfang rider kit was a very weird off one-off. There's rumors about it being the AoS team "staking a claim" to gitmob, if so it might've been pushed up in its release date from this release.

    I'm not actually sure if Gitmob will show up, but I'm expecting at least new spider riders, a new arachnarok, new grots, probably a replacement scuttleboss thing (might just be a monstrous cav unit). Gitmob could get fleshed out decently with 3-5 kits so it’s possible since then you'd have a release of 4-9 kits.

    I’m skeptical that we’ll get Gitmob. If there is another grot faction, I think it will be more creative than Gitmob. Grot sky pirates would be my wish but I think any Mad Max version of grots would be great to give Destruction a technological faction.

    Guess I feel like Gitmob is too vanilla and Middle Earth for AOS, and GW is therefore less likely to invest in them.

    • Like 3
  5. 14 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Whoa whoa whoa!

    Was this mentioned here and I missed it? Had spotted it on Discord for a new Omnibus for the Mortal Realms.

    Seems it has stories jumping between the first ever AoS novel “Gates of Azyr” to the newer stuff like Dominion.

    Very nifty to see with how much AoS4 has felt like a big callback to AoS1 so good to get newbies caught up and absolutely beautiful cover. That’s an insta-buy for me! 👌 ️ 

    (Plus anything Josh is a must)

    This is pretty cool, but I’d instantly drop $100+ USD if GW would publish a book that consolidates all the AOS lore up to the end of Dawnbringers into a single tome.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

    I'm kind of impressed that they managed to make the Stormcast helmet design even worse. 

    I guess they wanted more of a divergence from the original model which is fair, but that face ain't it.

    First rule of GW-Club: All models can use more spikes.

    • Haha 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Maybe we get a proper resolution for Kragnos in Dawnbringers 6?…

    Still hoping Kragnos evolves into a chaos character. I can’t look at it and not see BoC. Biggest miss by far for me in the whole Destruction line. Give me something that aligns to the Destruction aesthetic.

    • Like 1
  8. What made Mordheim great to me was that you had a warband that advanced from game to game, through improved abilities, skills, and equipment. You’d have 4-6 heroes that could also suffer permanent injuries, death, or be sold to the slave pits! You would name each model, including your grunts, and could convert models when they obtained new weapons or armor. You’d jump off second story buildings at an enemy below, risking injury or death to both models. I played for a ~decade with a group of 10-15 people, and it’s still my favorite GW game. Imbalance was kind of built into the game as campaigns progressed, but with bigger groups and an RPG-lite mentality, we found it not a big deal or we’d just reboot the whole campaign.

    I’m grateful for Warcry but calling Warcry the spiritual successor to Mordheim is really inaccurate from my perspective.

    I’d throw lots of money at a true Mordheim remake. Like, all my hobby money.

    • Like 4
  9. 3 hours ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    It's still gonna hurt to say goodbye to my runners 😥.

    On a totally insane wishlisting note I'd love to see some kind of Veskit look-alike reimagined from Mordheim to AoS in the new design style with over the top magitech roborat treatment.
    Let's call him... Tiksev! 🐀

    Gutter runner theme seems like a great candidate for a future war cry band.

    • Like 7

    36 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    Except event exclusive items are really good at driving engagement with your product, be they tournament promos, or convention exclusives etc. They foster an interest in the game beyond it being something people just horde. I get it's frustrating to not get something but end of the day they serve a really good purpose in the hobby ecosystem.

    Living in the US, there are pitifully few GW stores and it’s common to live hours away from the closest one to you. The exclusive miniatures do not drive positive engagement, only frustration. I’m confident many other countries are similar.

    • Like 6
  11. Guess I’m late to the party but the Dark Oath look amazing. In the 30ish years I’ve followed Warhammer, I’ve never collected any Chaos until now (probably). I bought a Warriors of Chaos army book out of curiosity; I’m guessing it was 5th edition (black cover I think). What I loved about it was that a fair amount of the background focused on the tribesmen as opposed to warriors, etc. Some tribes followed Chaos willingly, some out fear, and many because they knew nothing else and had no other options. The stories really sparked my imagination and made the tribes more complex and interesting.

    Unfortunately, Marauders looked the way they do, and they were a small part of the range. This'd new release has me excited to explore those stories again, and I’m pretty confident that I’ll be getting my first Chaos force.

    • Like 2
  12. As a kid in the 1980s and a big fan of D&D, I started buying and painting one off minis. Believe Ral Partha was my favorite brand. 

    I didn’t encounter GW until college, around the year 2000. Think my first GW purchase was a metal stone troll. Another early purchase was definitely a box of metal black orcs.

    • Like 1
  13. Chorfs as a stand-alone are wishlisting IMO. Active and loud fan base but GW already tried them twice and sustained neither effort. They will continue to make cameos in Warcry, and as Chaos add-ons I think.

    Fimir are dead on arrival as they are simply WAY too dark for what wants to be a mainstream company and game approachable by kids. Can’t reboot them as fimir either as people will come across their history. Feel pretty confident that we will never see fimir.

    Really hope the next grot army becomes the highest tech Destruction faction. As a long time O&G collector, grot sky pirates or something else tech focused would be way more interesting than wolf riders+. 

    • Like 2
  14. The statue made me think of the old dwarf miners that wore candles on their helmets. Likely a coincidence. 

    I also think that the feet look avian and therefore maybe Tzeentch related. Could also be playing off the Tzeentch and KO rivalry, however the statue looks more Dispossessed.

  15. Guess I’m getting old as those guys will always be temple guard in my brain.  My bias is also probably getting in the way as I could see myself collecting FEC with new basic ghouls with more dynamic posing and a smattering of gear, but I’m not willing to take the plunge with their core ghoul unit showing its age and ranked up roots. Too much potential character could be added to a new unit based on AOS lore.

  16. Saurus Guard are getting replaced but basic skinks are not. STD seems similar as plastic Warriors were replaced but Marauders were not. Seems like 50/50 chance for ghouls.

    I do think that new ghouls with visible hints of their delusions, and more weapons, will really help sell the faction to new FEC players so I’m pretty optimistic regarding an update to ghouls. I also think that FEC will remain a smaller faction in terms of number of kits, but maybe that increases the odds that lackluster current kits will get updated.

  17. Basically a copy of the white dwarf. Just really feels like GW has no creativity for Fyreslayers. A shame as this is one my favorite factions lore wise, but just like WHFB dwarfs I’m not collecting since they seem so one dimensional.

  18. Seraphon are out of this world, and I’ve never been interested in the lizards. Among the best GW model lines now.

    Death heroes are cool but hard to get excited about.

    Stormcast have been incrementally increasing my interest, surprising myself. Really liking the newer models.

    I’ll never be a good enough painter for Tzeentch…

    Still processing how I feel about Cities. Those are some homely dudes. Wondering if they will grow on me. 

    Wanderers being squatted surprises me as I feel that they have been featured in the narrative and novels quite a bit.

    • Like 1
  19. Thanks for the batrep! I’ll be trying Warcry soon and will be playing Gitz as well. Going to use it as a narrative beginning for my Grots, so will focus on flooding the board with grots.

    • Like 3
  20. Was wondering what people think of how Dracoth look on the gaming table. They seem kind of static looking online and not as dynamic as most AOS models. 

    The general design is cool but they remind me of the awkwardness of Fyreslayer models for instance. Never seen them on a table in person however.

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