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Posts posted by Oreaper84

  1. On 1/10/2023 at 1:27 PM, Ganigumo said:

    Megaboss on foot is looking to be a big winner, Tunnel master + destroyer could be really good. A megaboss could do well with a sworn bodyguard brute or 'ardboy unit too.

    I'm curious how lists without maw-krushas will fare, you can get a ton of wounds on the table without one.
    Maybe something like this?

    You could lean more into pigs or brutes or whatever, or slot in another megaboss, warchanter or shaman, but I wonder if we might see more lists like this show up in the future.

    what I like is that we don't need for anything in the new battalions...we can reap benefits and still go relatively low drop.

  2. wait why are we arguing about S2D rules?....I mean they wouldn't be in the effing book if you couldn't include them. Archy already has the warmaster ability so he doesn't need a clarification...and he's the only innate tzeentch model in S2D. I think its a bit of an asinine argument to try and make that they cant be used in the new disciples book...right?!? Am I being obtuse or does anyone else see this as a non-argument? Can we move on to some better content, like why host arcanum screamers are the best summon in the book?

  3. Question for da Prophets....in Icebone looking for the last couple of units to fill out the list and im considering either Maniaks or Regular boarboyz (I alread have my three battleline either way). My pros/cons as far as i can tell are:

    Maniaks (+) have more attacks to proc mortal wounds, dont give up broken ranks (-) cant help score grand strat or cap objectives as battleline

    Boarboyz (+) are battleline for grand strats/scenerios, better save (-) give up broken ranks

    I am thinking either Waaagh or Hold the Line for my Grand Strategy. What are your opinions on the matter?

  4. 2 hours ago, Mutton said:

    Gutrippas continue to disappoint. In 10's, in 20's; with venom, with croc; they just don't do anything and never make back their bloated points cost. One mediocre-poor roll and they're screwed. I'm considering just removing all of them, replacing them with 3 units of bolts and tons of hobgrots. If I'm going to have a unit that just sits there and dies, at least it'll be 100 points cheaper, and maybe I can insert a couple more mirebrutes (the true paragons of the faction).

    I am finding the same thing...they give up broken ranks like its their job and are ok-ish and only when fully buffed. Also you can't re-poison buff them in combat. I am getting even more hype on the hobgrots recently, which sucks bc id love for the gutrippas to be good

    • Like 2
  5. I am loving the krule kids, in particular their spell lore. However,  a question keeps coming up round where I’m at and we can’t seem to agree. It’s about chocking mist. Does this thing proc a 1 and done debuff to the units near it when it 1st picks the point on the battlefield, or is it a lingering AOE affect from the point declared when the spell is cast. Arguments have been made for both so I look to wider wisdom of the internets

  6. 2 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:


    Trog-Boss is interesting at least, the possibility of 10 R2 D3 attacks is a scary.  A shame his weapon is so lack luster (1" range, it looks 3" long?!?!), will just be fishing for 6s with that.

    Killbow doesn't seem to OTT (depending on points costs): 100 points and it's great, 200 and it's trash.

    The extra stuff revealed is also interesting.

    OrrukWarscrolls Sep09 SupaSneaky

    Amazing if you have choice of first turn. Makes any unit in the army able to Alpha strike. Shame it's  command trait as that means you won't be able to use it with sub-factions.


    OrrukWarscrolls Sep09 NastyHex

    Not so convinced on this one. Potentially great but 12" range and 7 to cast means it's only Gobsprakk who's going to reliably use it (are other wizards don't want to be near the battleline).

    Some nice anti-gotrek tech right here

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, frostfire said:

    It looks like the Mightier makes righter allows you to ignore special objective rule. Dose it mean for example in the  Places of Arcane Power you can capture the objective without killing the leader controlling it first?

    taking an objective from an opponent is different i believe than determining control

  8. 19 hours ago, Moogypies said:

    Must be the Gargant Gods manipulating the dice for everyone to get Focal as their first game :D

    Lol, happened to me to...used dice to determine 1st game, Focal points in Chamon. Had my OBR opponent concede and re-racked after turn 2

  9. 10 hours ago, Scythian said:

    The List is Glogg’s Megamob Battalion 

    Danhold Troggboss with battalion artifact and command trait

    3 Fungoids (1 with Everspring Diadem)

    3 Units of 9 Rockguts 


    Fungusfoot Da Foul and his Big Dummiez!

    i think youd be better served with 3 units of six and a single unit of 9 IMO. Holding objectives will be tough with fewer units. Plus you will itchy nuisance a unit you need to multi-charge anyways. Either way looks like loads of fun

  10. Ran Jaws list against Preatorian Bonereapers last night. Actually really swingy game that game down to the last turns of the game. Suuuuuuper fun.

    My List:

    Mangler boss / Clammy Cowl / envoy of the Overbounder

    LB on GCS - Loonstone Tali

    Fungoind  /Screamer squig

    Moonjumper / 2x10 bounders/ 5 hoppers / mangler

    MB Squigalanch / 2x12 squig herd / mangler

    Malevolant moon endless spell

    His list ;

    Katakros / soul mason/2x20 mortek / 5 death riders/ harvester /crawler/ 3 stalkers


    I knew i was up against it with this tanky list. Scerio was shifting objectives in Gyrhan.

    Highlights, turn 1 charge with vanilla battalion mangler to explode the 3 stalker. Scored a bunch of points early, but the mortek pushed on one flank and mid. Double bointgrot charge deleted the non harvester mortek. Used mobility and grot shenanigans to stay in the game after the loonboss get merc'd by Katakros himself. score ended 26/23 to the Bonereapers


    Manglers of all variety can smash face with proper support, and turn 1 charges are 100% a thing with this army (6" pregame move, +3" CA, squig lure). Manglers can also suicide missile in to kill. A couple times multiple charges allowed him to mince one of my glass cannon units, so going forward i'll either fit a 2nd shaman (cant give up squig lure) for itchy nuisance, or be much more selective in what charges when. If you dictate who gets the charges and when, this can be a very strong army...but command points are needed to keep the engine moving (eff you Katakros stealing my command points!!!)  

    • Like 5
  11. 23 hours ago, Enwolved said:

    I think its completly right what you say here. 
    But it would be really nice to know how it works because its actually a pretty big deal when your Prophet uses his Fist against like 40 Chainrasps or a bunch of Aelf dudes with Teclis save up :D 

    I have submitted the question specifically several times for FAQ consideration...and it has yet to be addressed. This issue popped up shortly after the tome released and the community consensus was that spells/non attack abilities do not count and they get their after dmg save. Now mortal wounds from attacks (like the artifact that procs mortal wounds) would ignore after saves. Again this has never been clarified...but this is the largely agreed upon interpertation.

    Hope that helps

    • Thanks 1
  12. 25 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    Are you certain about that? I've run into quite a few people who seem to think that the Drakkfoot ability works for all sources of damage.

    And yeah, I know that it is technically possible to get a Wardokk in a Big Rukk list, but I think the cost (losing the maniak weirdnob and boarboy mainiaks) is clearly too high.

    Yes it specifically says "attacks ignore..." and Magic is not an attack whereas shooting and combat specifically call out attacks

  13. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    I was a bit suprised at the Megas price, the Mancrushers are cheaper than buying 2 individually which is very welcome so I'm happy about that, I just thought the Megas would be around £110. Still I agree with you and am picking everything up for the Sons.

    This is pretty steep. Archeon is priced because there is 1 in your army, Teclis...also only one. For those of us that will want/need 3+ of these for an army thats a little nuts. Especially when i know im going to have to pay the Yankee markup in addition to the conversion. God help the Aussies...

  14. 19 hours ago, Andelion said:

    Crazy noob question guys. I used to play orcs and goblins back in the day and I'm looking to start AOS with the Gloomspite Gitz. 

    I've always loved a varied army but I understand that's often not possible in AOS for a decent competitive army. I love arachnarok spiders, squigs and trolls. Is it possible to run a mixed force that is actually decent?


    Just got gifted the squig and troll boxset and all the fw squig stuff. Any help would be really appreciated.


    Any decent guides for the army?

    It 100% certainly is...in fact i may go as far as saying that it makes a better build. Each aspect of the book does different things really well. The core grots gum up lines and cap objectives really well, squigs and spider provide combat support and add speed to an otherwise slow force, and trolls pack the hammer for our anvils.

    The other nice thing is that there is overlap of strengths for these various units, so its much easier to "go with what you like the look of/background for" because adding in the complementary other units shores up a well balanced force. You can put all your eggs in one basket, but often the flexability of multiple tools wins out in a game.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 32 minutes ago, hurben said:

    I though they were better in small units.
    15 maniaks  in one unit range 1" with no save will be easy to get down, no ? Ok they'll have 8 attacks each and I can buff them as much as possible. What's your vision about that ? Should I play them with save bonuses and breath and let them engage 2/3 units and let them strike everything they can ? Split them in 3x5 units to grab objectives ? Split them 1x10 (go hit and have a better immune for battle shock ?)  & 1x5 (go to objectives)

    With GM's Warcry you can take 2-3 boar units into one unit and combo kill if needed, also would allow the flex of capping multi objectives. The Large Maniaks get an extra attack at 5+ so even though they have a 1" range the extra bodies keep that bonus rolling. I usually run Maniaks in 10's. best with double move/fly spell and exploding 6's spell or +1 to hit. They become a super fast surgeon strike  where you need them (jumping the line to kill those pesky harvesters behind the OBR line and such). So id either go 3x5 boars or 1x10 Maniaks and something else. A battalion may help too that way you get an extra artifact for the handy +1 to cast on the Prophet

  16. 1 hour ago, hurben said:

    What do you guys think about this 2k list for a tournament next Saturday ?

    Main goal is to buff Arrowboys for explode on 6, reroll 1s on hit and +1 to hit.
    Give +2 save with the Wardokk and breath spell to my Rogue Idol or my 15 boars to impact Round 1 and tank with a mystic shield.

    Keep objectives as long as possible with my savage and arrow and cast some anti-horde spells with the Wurrgog.

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz
    - Warclan: Drakkfoot 


    Maniak Weirdnob (120)  - General
    - Artefact : Burnin' Tattooz
    - Lore of the Savage Beast : Breath of Gorkamorka

    Maniak Weirdnob (120) - Lore of the Savage Beast : Gorkamorka's War Cry
    Wardokk (80) - Lore of the Savage Beast : Kunnin' Beast Spirits
    Wurrgog Prophet (160) Lore of the Savage Beast : Brutal Beast Spirits


    15 x Savage Boarboys (390)- Stikkas
    30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (360) 
    30 x Savage Orruks (300) - Stikkas

    Rogue Idol (400) 
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    I think you have the right spells and Heros, but i think that when it comes to Boars....Maniaks are best in large units, standard Boar Boyz are better in MSU bc they dont have a large unit bonus. You already have a tarpit in the 30 block...i think you should either split the boars, or make em maniaks for more punch

  17. On 1/17/2020 at 3:20 AM, Wengiel said:

    We are looking for scenarios in other books than of ours battletomes, since we cannot fulfil those yet. So yea, probably pitched battle.

    The biggest problem I have is with artefacts, since as I understood you can have only 1 artefact at all and only general who is a wizard can either pick battle traits or magic traits. Im still learning so those things are a bit confusing.

    I also struggle to pick a right warclan for this. It doesnt seem luke any warclan could be effective here so I might just skip it. However Bonegrinz seemed to be somewhat reasonable choice.

    Another problem is that I still have 10 unassemblied units at my disposal. So I wonder what would benefit me better: another 10 units of archers, 10 units of morboys or 10 units or shield boys with choppas?

    Right I have a pack of 10 of each

    I have been having a similar difficulty with 1k lists. All I can say for sure is that you want Arrow Boyz and a Prophet, season the rest to taste.

  18. 4 minutes ago, HarbingerGaming said:

    It isn't so much that it breaks the game, but it creates a lot of bad play experiences. You're right, you could just do Fold Reality on other units...but before this book, where was the value in doing so? All those units you listed were never considered for competitive play in the previous battletome, and the Daemon keyword carries a lot of weight nowadays. Skyfires and then Enlightened were just amazingly efficient units that with that Keyword, could just mitigate a lot of their flaws. Fold Reality regenerates the unit. Locus makes them harder to kill in combat. There's a multitude of ways of getting -1 to hit in shooting between some spells and Eternal Conflagration. Taking it away let's them keep certain avenues of mechanics open for the army overall without it getting out of hand and creating a one dimensional archetype. 

    Everything you mention applies to all other units in the book. Talk about negative experiences then we need look no further than Horrors, which i would argue are WAY more abuseable and spawn countless more when they get folded. going last was the enlightened's thing. adding debuffs is the mechanism to get them there. The only thing this did was take variety out of the book. 

  19. 1 minute ago, Sinfullyvannila said:

    They wanted to get rid of Fold Reality cheese and didn’t want Locus of Change to apply to them.

    Yeah but why?...Does it really break the game that much? Sure you give a unit -1 to hit in combat, tons of things do that now anyway. Sure you have a  D6 rez, other things do that too. and please dont say that its bc they are multi wound... you can do it to flamers, exalted, screamers, flame chariots, too. They simply decided arbitrarily that Tzaangors needed the nerf. Leets also remember the heavy price tag in all the units it effects 180/200 respectively. 

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