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Posts posted by Aezeal

  1. 9 hours ago, Frowny said:

    They are my biggest worry getting more into sylvaneth. They are more expensive than actually getting the army! And see very hard to transport since they are quite bulky. I'm thinking of buying one and some mousepad material and cutting out several other bases. Possibly magnetize some trees on there so I can transport them more easily.

    I did the mousemat thing and it works great. I got 16 bases out of a 3 x 3 mat (I advice the swamp mat from deepcutstudios). I just drew the circle on there... I mean.. if you put trees on there it'll still be a ****** to transport.

  2. 23 hours ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

    the up to 3 bit seems crazy, so as long as you can fit 1 you're good. But this also means that you have the option of getting more coverage in more open spaces. and that you can just cover the opponents deployment zone with them with the free wyldwood at the start of the game, provided you get the deployment choice of course. the only way to deny objectives from being covered is to get first turn and hope you can run guys up to them first which seems difficult for slower armies like LoN. Now i see why so many people find sylvaneth to be super competitive

    Usually it's hard for me to even play a 2nd forest of more than one base if there is some terrain on the table. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Kramer said:


    Oh they won't shine at all. But If you're looking for opportunities to use the 3" range on the Kurnoth Scythes. Their is more possible than only defensively. Just thought I would throw it in there ;) 

    True it's very usefull with dryads stringing back to a wyldwood. I'm currently playing sylvaneth only... and I can't even find good reasons to include wanderers as allies even when I want :D

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  4. 14 hours ago, Kramer said:

    To be honest I’m just interested in wanderers as a future project but just wanted to mention the above isn’t really the case. 

    Yes defensively would fully protect your hunters. (My equivalent is 2” ironguts supported by gnoblars. )But more often I try to charge my iroguts so the only one touches the opponent. Preferably on a side model. Then charge the gnoblars in so you minimise attacks into the ironguts. This even allows me to select them last as my opponent hitting my gnoblars only gives me options to open up pile in. 

    Tomorrow I can draw something if that helps. It’s hard to describe the move concisely by typing on your phone ;) 

    This is a great strategy nice way to optimize your charging etc.. but it's not a thing that EG is best suited for ofcourse.

  5. On 11/27/2018 at 5:36 PM, Gwendar said:

    In regards to my last list post, does anyone have good experience with Kurnoths? I planned to run them with Greatswords in conjunction with the 2x30 EG, but I am wondering if the Scythes would be a better choice despite math saying that they will put out less wounds on average than swords.

    I'm considering Scythes as they would be able to hit over-top the EG depending on how the charges\pile-ins go and would work better with the Kurnoths 1" pile-in restricting ability. Thoughts or experiences?

    I've only played hunters in my sylvaneth army, but they aren't worse in wanderer: so I guess they'll be just as great. They are probably better at what they do than their wanderer equivalents except for bodycount in objective taking. If you REALLY play them behind EG you should go scythes. I do however thing that EG are great objective defenders and Hunters might be objective TAKERS. And then they are about equal (I myself often take swords or a mix but most seem to prefer full scythes).

  6. 56 minutes ago, Kimbo said:

    Hi again! 

    I got a few games under my belt now and im curious what list/s you have found effective and fun to play at 1000p? 

    Got a small tournament coming up in a few weeks, would love some help! 




    My experience at 1K is almost all loses. I think something with lots of dryads and hunters and a branchwraith will probably be your best bet.

  7. 13 hours ago, Die Gruenhaut said:

    Quick question: 


    Sylvaneth Woods cout as normal terrain, right? So we can add a Knight Heraldor to our Sylvaneth, just for additional d3 mortal wounds when the enemy stands in our woods. Is this possible ? :D 


    and do you guys think it’s worth?

    Yes and probably... been thinking the same.. but I don't have the model and still doubting wether to get it (I like the models of most  stormcast hero's.. but not those)

  8. 19 minutes ago, Lhw said:


    If I have to put the narrative aside, I guess I will. I'm honestly not sure. I'd like some shooting in the list, but the woods kind of ****** that. Might wait until I see other points changes. 

    What do you think? 

    Wouldn't a treelord be good enough then? Those aren't bad now just not as OP as the Phoenix and targets for healing.

  9. I don't think lifeswarm is worth it in a list which already has verdant and regrowth. (In general I think it's a spell sylvaneth can ignore, I prefer some damage endless spells for some more wounds).

    I really think Alarielle brings a lot for our army though I admit getting more hunters for her might be a good idea (probably the only units worth trading her for).

    Probably a good move to drop the sisters IMHO


    • Thanks 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, JP1 said:

    @Lanoss for the Gnrallroot list, 8 or 9 spell slots is good, but i think you are going to run out of viable things to cast. I would consider finding a way to get a few more (offensive) endless spells in there; Swords, Geminids and Pendulum spring to mind (although not sure what you can cut if you are attached to swarm and sisters to fit these in, maybe 10 dryads?). Also puts you in a better position if you take the first turn, then get double turned, which often happens to me!


    More of a general question, iv'e never run Treesong before (prefer ToV on my Wych to boost unbinds and sprites) - i assume this is purely for the rouse effect? or do you foresee wood movement shenanigans as well? just curious.



    I have noticed this in my 9 spell (TLA, wych, wraith and allariele) list with only 3 hunters too and it's a reason I'm trying dropping gnarlroot.. however when you take more hunters (which is than an option) you'd love to have that spell back... and while I don't really need a 3th item (however nice it is) I DO like to have 2 items. I personally don't one drop my army in friendly games (which is basicly all I play) and like to deploy in reaction to opponent - having said that.. I really DO like to go first to be able to place forests and get troops on at least 50% of the objectives if possible. On the upside it means you don't need to get a wych and TLA, both of whom are not as needed anymore. 

    I'm currently looking a trying a list with Alarielle, Drycha, 2 wraiths at least 1 unit of 20 dryads.. then fill to min battleline with dryads and maybe 5 revenants and get in as much hunters as possible and maybe a few endless spells.

    Still looking at what batallion might be viable to get a 2nd item (I NEED ranu's - or possibly an acorn)

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  11. On 11/13/2018 at 7:00 AM, overtninja said:

    Yeah, we have good tools in our arsenal, it's why we can actually play as a cohesive force. Our melee is lackluster, so we end up being the Tau of AoS, which isn't as fun for our opponents, I think. I like being a ranged-focused faction, but I'd like some melee infantry options that are more mobile. I honestly think Wardancers would be a great fit, but they'd need new models. I'll still keep the old ones I have for the time being of course, but they could really use them.

    As it stands, I generally ally in my Dryads, and later on I'll throw some Kurnoth with swords or scythes in to do some heavy lifting in melee, or possibly an Ancient and a Branchwraith for Wildwood summoning shenanigans.

    The difference being that Tau have ranges of more than one charge range... ow I know.. MOST regular troops would need a high roll to move and charge 18-20 inch.. but PLENTY of melee armies can get into the fight from way past our average shooting range.

    I'd not expect too much from TLA and branchwraith... it's a bit much of an investment for a 4+ summon roll and a 7+ spell. Even in Sylvaneth games it's often hard to place the dryads ideally.. in this case I think it's gonna be near 400 points that won't have too much effect a lot of the time: Kurnoths for heavy lifting seem a better idea.

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  12. 11 hours ago, romhi said:

    Isn't that 10 cast / 10 dispel +1 cast with Cogs?


    Used a similar list not so long ago (used more dryads instead of revenants and skipped lifeswarm).

    I had two big problems: I was unfortunate enough to play against a Tzeentch army. This dropped my successful casts to a laughable level.

    My other problem: I did not have enough useful spells to cast during the game.  I feel like this list is seriously neutered in the event you have no access to realm spells or these realm spells are limited to you. In my case we had a house rule to roll two d6 to get two useable spells from the Chamon table. Curse of Rust and Glittering Robe were both quite lacklustre against a spell-heavy list.

    I blame my lack of experience with Gnarlroot  for that loss.


    Also, does anyone have any experience with Emerald Lifeswarm? My gut tells me it is too much of a risk.


    It's a lot of spells an in my gnarlroot (9 spells)  I often run out of (usefull) spells to cast.. I'm actually thinking about dropping gnarlroot so I can drop the TLA (and take drycha who isn't in my list).  The main draw of gnarlroot if you already have a ton of spells is getting the spell to regrow hunters ( and that is mostly  useful if you have a few hunter units), the one drop  and the artifacts... I'm currently thinking that since most of the other benefits of gnarlroot don't seem to do that much for me I maybe shouldn't pay just for all those artefacts and the onedrop.

  13. On 10/19/2018 at 11:24 PM, Twh30 said:

    I am trying it in a winterleaf battalion here’s the list I’m trying.


    Personally I'm often not happy with the efficiency of 10 dryads (I always run one unit of 20 and usually because of other goodies my battleline will then be another 10 dryads and 5 revenants. I'm often not happy with both those smaller units... so I can only cry when I see 3x10 dryads...

  14. On ‎10‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 10:16 PM, Hoseman said:

    Hi all. I would like to put my list and hope to get better, I have not finished yet but this is what I'm going to build:

    Allegiance: Sylvaneth

    Alarielle the Everqueen (600)
    Treelord Ancient (300)
    Branchwych (80)

    10 x Tree-Revenants (160)
    10 x Tree-Revenants (160)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)

    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Greatbows
    6 x Kurnoth Hunters (400)
    - Scythes

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 103

    I'm thinking first turn Alarielle summons 20 dryads cause I have the models. 

    It's an aggressive list because everything has rend -1 at least and very mobile. I could change 5 tree rev for Wanderers Eternal guard for more tanky. 

    Other option is changing kurnoth w bows for 20 glade guard for more distance attaks and change 10 tree rev for 20 eternal guard but I like more a pure army list.

    How do u see it? Yes to wanderers help? The spells I will go for sure regrowth and the other things I don't have decided yet

    My opinion is:

    Say no to wanderers help.. also: say no to tons of tree revenants.. Say yes to units of 20 dryads.


  15. On ‎10‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 11:15 PM, adreal said:

    Yeah it's pretty clear that you cannot have further exploding hits from the fast shot ability,  I know I had the same thoughts until i actually read the rules

    Yes, and saying anything else makes people just look stupid.. the rules are clear and they are stated in previous answer clearly... 

  16. I think that it's odd that a stormcast character is larger than a stormcast grunt. It's a thing I only associate with non order guys (Orcs, Chaos mostly). I think there is size creep but that it's fairly limited. Should Idoneth be regular sized elves? If so how do they match up.. and Kharadron/Fyreslayers to old dwarves.

  17. On 10/10/2018 at 8:52 PM, oscisi said:

    Thank you mate! Let’s hope more people join this merry band of nobles and peasants!

    My question, though, is what IS the normal human size in AoS? Maybe Blood Reavers can be used as a benchmark?

    Sizewise I'd say reavers yes.. they should be human just starting on the bloodbound path and while being muscular they should be normal lengthwise. How do they compare to old elves or empire guys?

  18. Stormcasts are big... bigger than normal humans sure.. but relative to their size are they really that bulky.. I mean... completely armoured guys ARE bulky. Especially the less armoured stormcast don't seem that bulky to me.

  19. Well the main selling point of our army is that it's the only one with this aesthetic and if you like it then you have no alternatives... I personally like playing magic heavy so gnarlroot helps.. even without gnarlroot all our characters are casters so that's a nice thing.

    I don't think we have anything really special that other don't have either..

    we are durable.. but so is nurgle

    we play around our terrain.. but more armies do that these days (nurgle amonst them).

    I tend to play with 2-3 behemoths more than anyone else I know.. most armies often only bring 1 behemoth and I usually bring at least 2.. but yesterday I brought 3 and summoned a 4th.. I like seeing my big stuff on the table.. but it has to be your thing...


    PS I think Nurgle is the stronger army

    • Thanks 1
  20. I usually try to place a wood, as big as will fit in the centre near or overlapping with one of the objectives on one side. Usually the opponent will give you that side, rightly being afraid of MW due to magic if he positions near there. If that happens I'll put 20 dryads next to it. It's not often I get to place more than 2 woods and sometimes I'll have to do with one... teleporting is something that happens surprisingly few times in my games... you usually deploy to counter enemies and then you'll need those troops there to keep or take a certain objective. Having said that sometimes stuff goes to hell and you'll need reinforcements or once the table gets a bit empty in turn 3 a teleport in turn 4 and then a move and charge in 5 to claim an objective can give you just the points you need to win. 

    I don't play dreadwood myself

    Deployment is so dependant on everything (your army, enemy army, enemy positioning during deployment, terrain) it's hard to give general advice. I myself often play with 3 units of dryads and I'll try to keep a unit near objectives since most other stuff I'll take will have less bodies so dryads will be important in claiming objectives.

    I usually pick first turn because running dryads will be able to claim midline objectives and I've noticed those points during turn 1 are often crucial.... and we don't hit THAT hardbut are relatively tough so if the opponent does the same it's not easy for us to remove them while if we do it's it's not easy for them to remove us. (today on border war I was able to take 5 points for 3 turns against Khorne because of dryads  bodies near the midline objective.. winning me the game).

    Keep positioning in mind.. most importantly dryads and wyldwoods…. -1 hit is great.. it's worth sacrificing nearly anything else in positioning even sacrificing cover to take that. 

    For the rest for me the most tricky stuff is to remember all the abilities (and we don't even have that much compared to some armies). Remember to stomp, remember the -1 to hit, remember the +1 to hit in your own combat phase. ( And.... referencing to my game today.. remember to keep Alarielle in range of the regrowth spell if you have a caster that is supposed to heal her.. and not have drycha run of somewhere else when alarielle gets a beating … she survived btw).

    Alarielle and a TLAwill not be worth their points if only used for support usually. They need to fight to get the most out of them... pick those fights carefully. Enemies WILL pile up on them and a double turn even if she's just fighting some battleline units could kill her (I got 12 wounds in 1 round of combat against 10 bloodwarriors today,  ****** big sword thing mauled me for 8 wounds). 

    AoS in it's basic isn't rocket science obviously... and I'm not a great player but I can't really give more general advice than this.


    • Thanks 1
  21. 23 hours ago, Kimbo said:

    Hmm. So swords are better at 4-6+ saves. While scythes win on 2+ saves? 

    I do not own the model yet..but is it possible for them to fight 2 ranks deep with Scythes? 

    Still not that convinced on the scythes however. I like 2 dmg flat and being better on 4+ or worse saves...I mean..there are monsters/big targets that have 4+ saves...like a great unclean one for example...tricky one..



    Yes.. not taking possible rerolls in the equation which would make scythes better again and not taking scythe range into equation either.

  22. 17 hours ago, overtninja said:

    I'm trying to scheme out my wanderers army now that I've got my models again, but before I start painting all my dudes I'd like to ask - If I take a pile of Sylvaneth as allies, is it possible to get a Sylvaneth Wildwood as well as part of the force, or would I have to do something like take a Treelord Ancient and summon it in? I'm thinking that having a Wildwood to start with is part of the Sylvaneth allegiance ability, but previously you could pay some points for them (last edition I believe).

    Ideally, I'd like to field a big pile of Dryads (because I have a ton from being a WFB WE player) and a Branchwraith to summon more from the woods, but if that's not possible from the outset I'd be better served with a different roster of Sylvaneth allies.

    Pay points and get a TLA for his 4+ ability would both be needed. So that won't fit with a big unit of Dryads. 

  23. 2 hours ago, Yoshiya said:

    I don't think you need to drop the wych necessarily but if you do I think Revenants would a good pick to add another small mobile objective grabber. It's pretty important to have ways to take objectives in smaller games where you have less units.

    Scythes and swords are both good options and depend partly on personal use. Scythes have an edge against higher saves and if you take large units you get more in range to attack (I personally run 6 in a unit so I go for scythes), swords are more consistent and better aga++ inst mid to low saves.

    My personal thoughts behind Kurnoths is that they are my anti-elite and large monster so I want them in fights against high saves more often than not. As such, I'd personally take the scythes. However, if you know that the big threats in your area are massesd mid-range infantry or there is a lot of Nighthaunt players then I'd go with the swords.

    At the end of the day both are viable options and the difference between them isn't huge so you can also just go on an aesthetic judgement too (which I again like Sycthes) or even get both when you expand the army and mix and match depending on the army list you're making :)

    Against 3+ it's equal... lots of monsters don't even have that.

  24. 1 hour ago, Kimbo said:

    Hi everyone! Would love some feedback on this 1k list. It is not supposed to be optimal...but atleast ok to start of with! Would you change anything?  


    also, what spells and Artefact would you use (and on who?) 

    Drycha Hamadreth 

    30 x Dryads 
    5 x Tree-Revenants 
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters 
    - Greatswords

    Total: 990 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 70


    Thank you! 

    I think this could be very good for 1K actually. I'd probably loose the wych though  if you have someother stuff you'd like unitwise. 

    I think Drycha, hunters, units of 20+ dryads and a single wraith are good choices from our army list. Maybe going 20 x dryads would be a good idea.. but not sure it's that much better really.

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