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Blog Comments posted by Guru_Swami

  1. Hi Everyone! My name is Sameer Patel and like Mark, I also reside in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Warhammer Fantasy world has always been captivating to me and as such, I was really looking forward to the new world with Age of Sigmar. Orcs & Goblins in particular were always interesting because of their kunnin’ yet brutal ways, but also the humor that surrounded their fluff. Thankfully they made it into the new Realms of AoS!

    I’ve always been more of a hobbyist than a gamer but with big events of life came a sudden halt to my hobby time. Several years and a few moves later, a new home on the other side of the country, and my vast collection of Old World O&G all found their own new homes. With AoS and its more skirmish style of game play, i found a new way to get back into the hobby and of course, rekindle my love for the Greenskins!

    Going with the Ironjawz was a no-brainer for me. Their Brutal but Kunnin’ way of bashing in ‘eads brought back some good memories. Not to mention I have piles of Orcs that survived the cross country trek with me. I dug out some of my old metal Black Orcs and newly christened them ‘Ardboyz. Added in a newly acquired Warchanter and set of Gore-gruntas and its the start of a new faction of Destruction!


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