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Posts posted by tolstedt

  1. 7 hours ago, Electricferret said:

    Question, if we accept that we can spend as many CP as we have on the Ardifst, are we not still capped at 5 units of Ard boyz? Reading the command ability it says that you add a unit of 10 to the battalion. The battalion caps at five, is the unit restriction somehow bypassed during play?

    It would be a possible fix to add an errata "You may never have more than five units of 'ardboyz in this battalion on the battlefield."

  2. 56 minutes ago, Skumbaagh said:

    I haven't tried the ardfist yet but as of calculations one could summon on average 50 ardboys T1. With -1 to hit in the first round, look out sir, cover and line of sight breakers its not very hard to protect the warchanter the first round. In round two one could easily crowd the quadrant were the warchanter is with new boys, if one doesn't summon them in the back of the opponents side.

    With +3 to charge you wouldn't even care if the warchanter died with that many bodies on the board edges turn one.  I wouldn't even bother protecting him after that.  Just swamp the board with 100 wounds and a 4+ save.

  3. 1 hour ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Your opponent's view is the consensus.

    Command Abilities are spammable unless stated otherwise.

    It has a natural ceiling in that it costs  effectively 2 CPs per unit rezzed; it costs you 120 points for the Batallion; those units cannot be in another Batallion (so no Ironfist, which is our only 5-0 list so far); anybody who can snipe your Warchanter shuts it down at the source.  So it comes with costs and limitations.

    But yes, it can be strong if you roll hot.  If you don't, you've basically given away Mighty Destroyers, which is a huge opportunity cost.

    In my third game I attempted to summon a unit of ardboyz with four command points and failed all four, leaving myself with no command points.  And I had an aetherquartz which failed to generate a command point each time.

    • Sad 1
  4. Is there any consensus how 'ardfist works?  At the event my opponents told me I could use the command ability as many times as I wanted when a unit dies, so that a unit of five dying could spawn a hundred additional boys if you roll hot.  I chose not to do this because it seems dumb.

    • Haha 1
  5. In case anyone is interested here are the results from Dragonfall GT outside of Chicago.

    I took an 'Ardfist and went 3-2, losing in round five against Mike in the Ironjawz mirror match.  (I am 0-3 in the Ironjawz mirror.  It is very easy to lose.)  My other loss was a minor loss by 60 kill points to the best overall Slaneesh in game one.

    We both had Ironsunz.  Sunzblessed armor is amazing.  A'ight get 'em!  is amazing.  'Ardfist is amazing if you can roll a 4+.  

    We are spoiled for choice right now for army builds.  The heart of playing the army is balancing command point usage.



    • Like 3
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  6. 23 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    @tolstedt Which hero did you miss and was there anyway you could have zoned his summoning?

    keeper of secrets.  If my ardboyz had survivded i maybe could have surrounded sie with a pile-in to stop summoning, but they would die eventually and open up summoning again.

  7. 7 hours ago, Malakree said:

    It's also one of the few ways to get round slaanesh locus of distraction and they are massive right now!

    I played against a bent slaanesh summoning list last night for practice.  I killed everything I could (two keepers, exalted chariot, 30 daemonettes, 5 hellstriders) and he had 70 depravity and summoned two new keepers and 10 daemonettes back, then piled in twice with each keeper to wipe my brutes and megaboss.  I played my best positioning wise with good charges to overload each hero to make sure I'd always have at least one unit swinging first to go for smash and bash.

    Things that could have gone different:  
    1 - I was not -1 to hit for the first battleround.  I may have had some extra ardboyz on his back objective for an additional turn to buy me another round of scoring.
    2 - I did not get any command points back.  I maxed out at +3 attacks only for my first waaagh.  If I had maybe got to +7 I think I could have killed all the heroes in the first swing.

    But, he was just proxying the army, and I think a good player will always keep one hero safely away wrapped with chaff.  

    Maybe you need the double to take all the heroes off?  I feel okay about the matchup but it's still difficult.

  8. 1 hour ago, umpac said:

    Hi, new to Ironjawz and had a few questions. 


    1) Normally banners and musicians count as having the same weapon as the rest of the unit, but Ardboyz can have different weapons in the same unit. Do I need to model them with GWs/smashas or do I just declare it? Or do they always have a specific weapon?

    2) I see a lot of people running 1 unit of Ardboyz with greatweapons and 1 unit with two choppas. Wouldn't it make sense to run units with a 50-50 split? That way you just place the best option for your current match up in the front (like GWs vs armor, 2 choppas vs ethereals etc) and always have the best option?


    Thanks in advance!

    I always take all the rend on the ardboyz.  The rend gets better the more waaaghs you use.  Some people like the shields.  I would take full shields if I had a unit of 30 with the job of pinning the enemy down for five turns, otherwise always all rend.

  9. 29 minutes ago, Jabbuk said:

    Hi guys,

    I have another noob question and also couldn't find a clear cut answer for it. When do you actually cast the Waaagh!?

    Technically, on the warscroll, it say AT THE START OF THE COMBAT PHASE. However, I have seen some comments here and there and batreps even where the IJ player casts the WAAGH! before teleporting a unit, so in the HERO PHASE.

     In the games I have played, I waited until the combat phase to cast it. This actually makes a big difference because if I can cast it in the hero phase at the start of the game, all my units are within reach from each other and my odds are best while if I do it in a combat phase, later in the game, some units might be away. 

    Could you guys help out with this? Thanks!

    You do it in the hero phase, then count and roll the die in the combat phase.

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  10. 19 hours ago, Malakree said:

    1 drop with the 20 ardboy teleport to pin and setup the turn 2 waaagh! Bomb.


    Did you find the 20 was enough to hold for two combat phases?  Are you letting the opponent take first turn or are you taking first turn?  
    I've been putting 30 in my list and am unsure if it is needed or if 20 is enough.

    Also, super thrilled someone else loves brutish cunning as much as I do.  I think it should be an innate ability on the megaboss scrolls.

    • Like 1
  11. Last weekend I played strong Brew City Brawl.

    First game against tzeentch on better part of valor.  Shot the maw krusha in and killed 23/30 tzaangors turn one.  He didn't have enough killy stuff to stop the rest of my army slowly get into position and win by a few points.  He stole foot of gork and stomped three of my units at the end.  Major victory to me.

    Second game against stormcast gavbomb on border wars.  I gave him first turn.  He came down and charged me instead of going on an objective.  He put the stardrake on the left objective.  I survived the gavbomb by charging him in his charge phase, holding up one of the units of evocators he dropped.  Ironsunz kunnin' plan helped me survive and ignax scales helped me survive and I deleted everything from the gavbomb next turn, walked onto objectives, and won a grind against the stardrake eventually.

    Third game was against skaven on knife to the heart.  Lost this on strange rules.  I charged everything first turn.  Maw krusha was only out of position, and rolled 2 sixes on 3 waaghs.  Only one bonus attack came out!  I killed 20 rats, thanquol, grey seer, 2 warp lightning cannons, and started to make my way towards his warpseer and objective with only 40 more clanrats on them and none of my models lost yet.  He skitterleaps to my objective with the warpseer, gets good spells to kill both casters that are holding it, and wins because he controls both objectives at the bottom of turn 2.  So I win priority, ready to wipe the rest of the army, turn around, and go get the warpseer, but because you see who controls objectives at the end of every player turn, he already has it, so he immediately wins as soon as turn 3 begins.  Not much I can do to stop this without a teleport of my own.

    Fourth game was against gristlegore on places of power.  I lost by one point.  Gave him first turn, he moved up, and I killed everything in his army except the two kings on terrorgheists.  I couldn't get to the general without letting it attack first.  Then they kill everything in my army.  It's dumb because you can't charge them.  We had ten brutes waiting to kill the big dude, but we never get to attack.  The best way to change this rule would be to have the ghoul king attack at the end of the charge phase instead of beginning of combat.  This way, you can charge it.  So the best way to win against gristlegore is to smash and bash off a unit of chaff in front of the general, and then pile in with the brutes or maw krusha once the chaff is gone.  This way it can't attack you.  I would like another shot at the list, and on another battle plan I believe I can win this same game easily, as all his models except the two unkillable heroes were dead!

    Fifth game was against fyreslayers with a big chunk of berserkers on blood and glory.  The story here is the same.  I killed everything and he popped up the berserkers and started slowly killing me.  They strung between two objectives so I could never even get the minor.  It's really hard to beat a huge tanky block that does'nt start on the board with Ironjawz, especially on a map like this with lacking bodies.

    I think if Ironjawz get a big of power and the waaagh becomes a little easier to deal with they can be solid.  

    Foot of gork did 20 wounds to my own units this tournament.

    • Like 2
  12. On 4/26/2019 at 1:22 AM, Scurvydog said:

    It states at the start of the combat phase of the turn, not "your turn" and nothing about using it in the hero phase, it would make little sense using an ability in a phase where it does nothing and "triggers" later, nothing supports that here. It clearly states you do this at the start of the combat phase of a turn, so I dont know where that interpretation comes from, did GW address this anywhere?

    You are correct that it makes little sense.  You use it in the hero phase.

  13. 7 hours ago, Warfiend said:

    Ironjawz could have a rule where instead of counting the models in range of an objective you count the total amount of wounds of all non-hero models. 

    This is coming for beastclaw as an allegiance ability and it will be called "Large and in Charge"  @heywoah_twitch has the deets.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 hours ago, newsun said:

    I saw pics of your game against Tony, two very pretty armies for sure. You have more of yours?

    Just the ones from the aos shorts post.  I think jimbo took those pictures and they are on twitter.  I don't have a quality photo camera, but maybe someday.

  15. I managed 2 games at adepticon.  I'm going to do one three game tournament next month and then the ladz are goin on the shelf.

    I was so thrilled to get top 16 for painting and hope that I did well to represent destruction for painting.   Really happy.  Played five great games.   Please take a look here at the best armies.

    My first game was against Richie's emerald knights who is also in the top 16 and my second was against Tony's flesh eaters who is also in the top 16.  Nothing is better in this game than two beautiful armies on the table and adepticon is the place to get it.

    The flying thermalrider megaboss (Megaboss Blackaxe Mother Father) was so ****** fun I am never going without him again.  One game he moved 24 inches and charged ten dryads and turned them to firewood.  I have purchased Archaon's cloak from ebay to put on the flying megaboss.

    • Like 6
  16. For Adepticon:

    Allegiance: Ironjawz
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy

    Megaboss Rustfoot on Maw-Krusha (440)
    - General
    - Choppa and Rip-tooth fist
    - Trait: Brutish Cunning 
    - Artefact: Ignax's Scales 
    Orruk Megaboss Blackaxe Mother Father(140)
    - Artefact: Thermalrider Cloak 
    Orruk Warchanter Grizznutter(80)
    - Artefact: The Golden Toof 
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman Waaaghdaddy(120)
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman Borlax Bonetaker(90)


    10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    - Pig-iron Choppas

    Ironfist (180)
    Ironsunz (120)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 122

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