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Posts posted by Falandris

  1. Tbh I don't enjoy playing against grey plastic since the immersion is suffering immensely and those kind of players tend to bring the - kindly spoken - "more optimal choices" on every occasion and therefore encourage a general pay to win attitude. So overall I endorse anything that counteracts this kind of play.

    I guess this is where all the trouble starts. It is always expected to bring the live and let live mentality to an event or in these kind of scenarios. Lets say we got the matchup casual vs tryhard and I'm in camp casual. I will focus on a respectful behavior despite playing gainst their grey tryhardcombinations, not moaning ingame about the different expectations we got (keywords being listbuilding, willingness to paint, the struggle to kill even one model etc.), so overall being respectfull, trying to get and maintain a good atmosphere and so on.

    But I feel this is a very onesided approach - where is the gesture of goodwill from the tryhardside? They will have a great game against a fully painted army, with a regardful opponent while having a mostly assured win. They can still achieve their personal expectation and therefore get everything they want without the need to take a step back or even consider the expectations of their casual opponent. But hey, I guess we can wait to get smashed 2-3 times in order to get a chance on pairing against someone with similar mindset, it's ok. And there are plenty of narrative events, aren't they? 😕 (I tell you something: there is no such thing)

    So overall I feel like this: If you wan't to tryhard, go for it, but please show the same respect you demand on your position towards your casual opponents as well. And the first step to meet their expectations is to put some paint onto your miniatures. I seriously don't care for all the expressed reasons on why someone had no time to bring even the minimal Standards of paint onto his figures. Be honest to yourself, it's all about time management and prioroties

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    • Confused 1
  2. Hey guys, is there a way to conveniently drop a Gobbapalooza while avoiding to drop every model seperately? To my understanding every Model should count as a troop-choice, right? So maybe put all into a seperate one-drop battalion? How are you including them right now?

  3. Hey guys,

    is it just me or has the listbuilding become much more difficult these days. Since our cheapest Battlelineunit starts with 140 Points now (not counting Spider Riders - lol), I often find myself 20-40 Points over the 2000 Mark, unable to make an appropriate cut. The new minimumsize of Squig Herds and Hoppers feels like an unnecessary burden as well. Tbh i really miss the old size of 5 for Hoppers since I often played a minimum sized unit to sneak away an objective - I really don't see the application for 10/20/30 sized units, since in terms of pure attackingpurposes Boinggrotbounders outperform them in so many ways. If I choose a Dankhold Trogboss as my General, I seem to find more suitable solutions though.

    I would be very interested in how do you actually approach your listbuilding. 

  4. What I am always asking myself is how does the playtesters influence the actual written rules and how does that affect the decisionmaking of GW?

    Is it something like - here are our suggested rules, dear playtesters - what do you think about them?

    And what is the general approach going into playtesting. Is it mainly from a competitive point of view in mind? Is there such thing as trying to avoid powercreep? And how is the general level of other armybooks considered while evaluating the new rules? If thats a thing that is considered in the whole process - how comes there are such big differences between books like Gloomspite Gitz and for example Tzeench possible. 

    So if we look at the recent releases that had a huge impact on the meta like DOK, Slaanesh Tzeench, OBR and likely Lumineth - so in these cases the playtesters came to the conclusion that these set of rules were a great way of extending the at that time actual way of playing and increasing the overall enjoyment of the game? Or is it more like that a lot of suggested changes didn't make it into the book.

    Im really interested to hear more about the whole thought process to get an overall better understanding of the decisionmaking. If some of the playtesters could give some insights on this i feel like this would avoid a lot of grudge and misunderstandings.

    If it doestn't really fit into this discussion here I can open up an independet thread for this topic as well. I feel like a lot of people would be interested though.

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  5. Salamanders are quite broken will will get a nerf sooner or later. Till then ask him to play without Salamanders and his winrate will drop drastically. If he isnt up for that go full tryhard with Tzeench urself.

    • Haha 1
  6. Hey,

     I like the Idea of sharing experiences with all the armies you play and play against. To give a rough framework – I tend to play solely games of 1250 points - I could play way more but for mee it seems to be the perfect level.


     Experiences with Armies that I play:

     Orruk Warclans

    From my point of view a book with the potential to compete on every level and maintaining the fun for every player involved. I personally tend to fill my lists with a little bit of everything available and feel like these are great for casual play. Bringing a Maw Krusha in a game of 1250 points can be frustrating for several armies, though – so you might be right in your assumption that you could face similar problems as with FEC. In my opinion Ironjaws and Bonesplitters don’t mix particularly well (visually and gamingwise) and most of the time it’s better to concentrate on one of them, leaving you with lesser options than with other armies.

     Gloomspite Gitz

    There are so many ways to design your lists, it’s crazy. Therefore, it should never get boring with these guys. Depending on your subfactionchoice you may struggle to compete with the more potent armies like Tzeench, Slaanesh, OBR, whatever. I would say the effectiveness behaves like this: Mixed > Moonclan > Squigs > Trolls > Spiderfang. I played all of them and can say that while not the most potent they are all extremely fun to play, this army is amazing. And these models… stunning with an extremely high degree of lovely hidden details.


    I like the variety of lists they offer. The community of this army is so unique and amazing as well. But since you excluded them because of their visuals I won’t get further into detail here.


    Mentionable experiences against armies I played against and which might interest you:


    Before their actual tome they were on an average level and everyone seemed to play Stormfiends-heavy which wasn’t much fun to play against. With their new book I agree to what @Neverchosen said: depending on your list they can be a bit frustrating to play against.  When I played against them it was a lot about Verminlords, Jezails, Plaguemonks and such stuff... I guess there are ways to build less frustrating lists but to be honest I never faced one of those.

     Tzeench + Slaanesh

    It seems to be an impossible task for players to create a list that doesn’t feel way above the curve. It’s just so frustrating going up against these guys whithout optimizing your own list. From my point of view I wouldn’t recommend going into them since it won’t help you in your current situation.


    Their tome is similar to the Gitz-one since there are so many ways you can play them. You mentioned that you like the big monsters so they could be very suitable for you. From my perspective most of their stuff is playable which includes the greater daemons as well. For example, I don’t read too much positive things about Skarbrand but in the games I faced him I always got crushed relentlessly. The other Greater Daemons feel strong as well, there is even a list consisting only out of these greater daemons, which even was fairly competitive – maybe not the right one for your group though. Over the time I faced several different Khorne lists and most of them were pretty fun to play against.


    There are so many ways to build your army but most of the time you only see one specific build which abuses some weird rule. I feel like there is much potential but haven’t played them in a while.


    Before their actual book book they always felt so annoying to play against since nothing died, there always was a special rule for everything and their woods most of the time felt like a negative playexperience to me (including discussions about pre-deployed scenery). With the new book they seem to struggle a bit to compete, though.



    To conclude: From what I've read so far, Gitz or Khorne seem like the best fit for your request.

  7. @Overread

    While I can see the point on number 1 and 2, I don't think teaching is the right recommendation in this case (see "Since I'm new to the game - I don't know all mechanics"). There is nothing more awkward than a dude who is playing several month starting to give lessons primarily based on the fact he luckily chose an army that's some tiers above the others. Calling it greater skill on number 1 would sound quite arrogant to me as well but maybe wasnt meant in that way. 



    I share the attitude about finding a balance between you and your gaming group /gaming partners so that everyone is getting an enjoyable experience. So here would be my take on improving the situation:

    • Maybe you could tone down / tailor your lists.  I'd imagine that some machups will be quite daunting anyways, though - no matter how much both of you tailor - its a warhammer-system after all. Adittionally OBRs and FEC are both armies with little variety so there shouldn't be too much room for tailoring.
    • Go for a mid-tier-army while not trying to copy the most successful netlists.  Tiers change minimum twice a year, though... but if you aren't chasing the actual meta it should be fine.
      • For me it would be gloomspite gitz since they are a great contender for the fun-spot. They are a blast to play and there just aren't many things in it that generate negative playexperiences. Overall the book is well written on an enjoyable powerlevel (the latter depends on your expectations obviously). 
      • Furthermore Seraphon were always a fulfilling army to me. Most of their warscrolls are kinda meh but their streghts come from synergies. Because of that you are always in a good position in terms of tailoring and therefore you are able to control the powerlevel of your lists fairly easy. The look of that army is not for everyone though.
      • Honestly I guess most armies with a greater variety of different units should do the trick (SCE, CoS, Khorne, etc.). In the end only you can decide which army is suitable for you. Do you have any preferences?


  8. Hey guys,

    I decided to finally give my dust-gathering Shadespire box a try and realised that me and my wife are having surprisingly much fun with this set. Since playing fully painted is always more fulfilling I painted up both warbands.

    And here they are:


    Tbh though, I'm quite hesitant about investing more into this system since im not interested in buying every warband to get card xy. But time will tell ;)




    I realised that I've painted some more warbands in the past. Not necessarily because I planned to play them in WHU but rather because I tend to collect everything that's WHFB-Greenskins alike where everything fought under one banner.

    So here are my other Warbands as well:


    That should be everything I got laying around ;)



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  9. 17 hours ago, JonnyTheKing said:

    Need a good 1250 list for next week, throw your ideas my way 

    Allegiance: Destruction

    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (420)
    - Boss Gore-hacka and Scrap-tooth
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
    Orruk Warchanter (80)


    5 x Orruk Brutes (170)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    20 x Orruk Ardboys (280)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    - Pig-iron Choppas

    Endless Spells / Terrain
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 1250 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 96

    This List is absolutely great to play, since there is so much synergy. Every part of it feels somewhat important and has a purpose. Having a lot of fun with it.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Ollie Grimwood said:

    I'd quite like to see a bit work done on how the reinforcement pool works. It's a nice mechanic but not particularly viable at the moment. Maybe a reduction in points for units in it or perhaps releasing summoning spells from the rules of one. Just to make it a bit more viable.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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