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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. I think it would be wise if GW just made interesting spoilers of things to come. I know they sometimes do but clearly that's not enough. For some time I was even considering if they didn't kill AoS because of no news/rumours/releases. Come on it's not national secret what race they are to introduce in coming months. Or at least an info: look for new AoS releases in January.

  2. 2 hours ago, Alcina said:

    I heard on Saturday in a GW shop: 8 Mega bundles, even spitted 40K and AoS, i.e. 4 for Aos.

    For Aos: 1 for each Grand Alliance:

    - Order: Sylvaneth

    - Chaos: Khorne Bloodbound

    - Death: not mentionned

    - Destruction: not mentionned.

    Price would be twice the normal Start Collecting Boxes price (i.e. 100 £ or 130 €), with around twice the minis. But this is not 2x the Start Collecting Box in term of minis.

    It might be released on 19th of November (not sure whether it would be the pre-order day or the final release).

    I also heard that beautiful models are on their way, with, for Chaos, especially Tzeench but also Slaanesh were mentionned. Release date not sure, maybe starting still this year but more probably beginning of next. Next year would be as interesting as this one, or even more.

    It seems also that GW sells currently more AoS products than 40K ones on a worldwide basis.



    Couldn't heard nothing better if that's true.

    Regarding mega bundles - I don't care if they are boring or not. If those minis come at a 60% price than if I bought them seperetely they are interesting enough for me. Sylvaneth mega box - I'm in. If they made it like Alliances mega boxes - like let's say 33% SE 33% Sylvaneth 34% Fyreslayers I probably wouldn't be interested. I like to keep things unmixed.

  3. 1 hour ago, Karlbonner said:

    People shouldn't treat the smaller factions as though they are intended to be played on their own. The intention is that you would not play a 100% spiderfang grots army... they only have 3 models. I guess you could, but it would be very boring to paint. Smaller forces are intended to function as groups in larger armies.

    That kind of distinction is really troublesome. How could you tell which factions are the main ones and which are only for the fluff? Especially when Fyreslayers receive their battletome long before any of the Aelfs? It was one of the first AoS factions so I expected them to play an important role. And what about Beastclaw Raiders? Thats a major faction, small or something in between? They had rather made that clear. It would save many bad emotions and disappointments for many players.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Bjarni St. said:

    Well, love it or hate it the market apparently demands infinite Space Marines and it's hard to fault GW too much for picking low-hanging fruit.


    I can imagine other factions to sell better if they received as many updates. Perhaps some armies are omitted by players because they are afraid those factions are dead and won't be seeing any updates soon.

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  5. I'm truly disappointed with more Stormcasts even though I own an army of them myself. Don't really like the situation where there is priviliged army which will get 3x more models than the others. I mean it's ridiculous - it's a strategy game at it's core. It's supposed to be well balanced and it won't be when one army has much more building options than the other. If they want to give individual models instead of introducing new army there are certainly armies that need them more than Stormcasts - Fyreslayers mostly, followed by Ironjawz.

    That's the biggest thing that pushes me from 40k miniatures - the space marines all over the place. Grey Knights, Ultramarines, Deathwatch, Blood Angels - for me that's a one faction and it doesn't deserve to be put in every single box. I might have even bought one of those boxes - Death Masque for Eldar or Overkill for Genesteallers but why the other faction is always Space Marines which I truly dislike? I played a lot of board and card games set in 40k but they were nowhere as rewarded as in 40k miniatures.

  6. 15 hours ago, Turgol said:

    So I have been told today that new dwarves might be coming this year. This comes from an employee (not design team though) who told me that the earlier rumours were not quite unsubstantiated. No more info than that. Keep in mind that as most GW people, this guy is very passionate about the hobby so he could be just believing his desires. 

    This is a tremendous news. I'm very delighted to hear that. I was a little worried due to lack of news for AoS and that was something I was waiting for. If you can tell anything else please do. :) Dwarfs you mean steamhead or regular?

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