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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. Although there weren’t really any big models for AoS I can rate this show higly.

    Kill Team

    Night Lords

    These models are really impressive, looking scary and cool at the same time. Only thing I would get rid off are the bat wings on the helmets and those models without them look more serious but I get that’s their hallmark.


    Oh, they are so good. I would really want to see them in Malerion’s forces (or DoK). That’s what I love about Dark Elves – shadowy, lean figures, long hair, mean faces, magic and cruel weapons. I think of picking them up to use them somehow in AoS as a proxy.


    Not really. Just a large piece of factory that will be close to useless unless you own some other terrain already. Compare it to Nachmund release.



    Good job here. GW managed to twist NH a bit without losing their identity, though it would be better to alter them more. Commander will be a great proxy for most AoS NH Heroes.Flaming gheists are both scary and cool as NL before.

    River Lumineth

    Cool weapons, Friday the 13th masks, dynamic poses, I’m not sure I like the body armor though.


    Same as with the Kill Team one. Unless you already own a lot of other WarCry terrain it’s pretty useless as a starter. But the model itself is great.


    I own like 1k points of Tau, pure mechs and fireteams and to be honest I’m skipping on this release. I always thought that Core Tau and Kroot mix as well as Eldar and Orkz – they just don’t. I know the lore, I understand how Kroot are part of the T’au Empire but they don’t fit in my sense of aesthetics. I will just expand my Tau with more mechs.

    Kretusa the Croneseer

    ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL. She’s the definition of how DoK should look like. Mysterious, dark, lean, cool. Just looking at her makes me respect her. Definitely buying the model even if it’s only shelf decoration.


    Well done. I was looking for some “normal” zombies (can zombies be normal?). Despite being an interesting team, we have a new Necromancer model which is so much better than the old one. Three zombies and at least one of them can proxy the CC zombie hero (Gorslav was his name?) And lastly nice monster model. This team is on my list.

    Witch Hunters

    I’m not familiar with the books and don’t know which one’s which, but to be honest I like two of these models – witch hunter with the lantern wearing a hat and the old Lady with a cat – better the Belladona. Other models not really.


    Infantry is boring but the tanks are great models. If I was Astra player I would definitely buy into those.


    Great show all in all. Really enjoyed it. Nice that we had a first glimpse of River Elves, some great AoS models and a few 40k ones. It will end up in me doing more shopping than I expected.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    But in general, I'm all for everyone getting everything, I'm mostly complaining about the timing of things. I have no problem with let's say SC or StD having waaay more options than others but everyone should arrive at good level before some get pushed even further ahead. 

    Yeah, exactly. 

    The funny thing is I started AoS with Stormcasts (and Blades of Khorne). I was pretty damn proud of myslef when I painted the whole box and it took me some effort. Like a week later GW announced first expansion to Stormcasts. I already felt overwhelmed. Before I bought this extra units Stormcasts received their first dragon and a book supplement. To be honest I took into consideration resigning from the hobby. I couldn't keep up with this pace. And later those ranger/hunter Stormcast arrived. At that time I was already disliking SC. After Dominion I became Stormcast hater (little joking here).

    It just felt sooo unfair and unwise to pump these golden boys even more when Fyreslayers really had like 3 infantry units two of each were dual boxes. Several other armies in desperate need of new models. And then we get another wave of SC. Seriously?

    I am aware of this "they are easy to paint" argument why they are in every starter set but still think it's just bad. It would be perfectly ok for SCE not to get a single model in the whole 4th edition. Other armies need these model much, much more.

    • Like 4
  3. I really enjoy all the changes implemented in 3rd edition. Heroic actions and monster rampages put even bigger emphasis on these units. I prefer large models instead of cohorts of small infantry.

    The only thing that could have been done better are battle tactics and grand strategies. The system is good and doesn't need fixing on my opinion but individual tactics do. Some armies have much easier goals to obtain while others seem impossible to do from the start.

    To be honest I'm really satisfied with the state of the game.

    Only thing that needs a desperate change is the double turn system. I've had a lot of games that ended just because one player had a double turn and it allowed him to finish of crucial opponents units that would otherwise withdraw, heal or just do something else that would change the current battle. It really needs to be fixed one way or the other. If it really must to be part of AoS give the second player (suffering from DT) to have much more on his disposal. 1 cp more is just a joke.

  4. 13 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    While I absolutely agree that many aspects of various forces got expanded on in a great way (whether it‘s Chaos or Aelfs) that we would‘ve never gotten in TOW, I‘ll always miss mixed Orruks and Goblin/Gitz forces! 😇

    I feel in general that AoS forces should be able to be mixed up without compromising the army in a bad way. With the current rules, you‘re usually shooting your own foot if you decide to use „impure“ lists. That‘s a darn shame in quite a few cases. I‘m not sure how to remedy that but if I was responsible for the rules, I‘d make the basic rules simple like in AoS 2nd ed, would add more customization options to heroes and rely on the warscrolls for units themselves to be effective instead of boosting them via army-wide special rules, so that mixing forces would be more viable. Even at the cost of some thematic flavor. 

    That's why GW revives The Old World 😉 To satisfy nostalgia AoS can't.

    Mixed lists probably would be to much of a burden in terms of balance but friend can turn a blind eye. My gaming group usually plays with a "no double turn" house rule so maybe yours can allow more mixing 😉

    • Like 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Well as a StD player and MoN and BoK collector I have the opposite feeling. The WoC armlist in the Ravening hordes book feels more unique and immersive "armylist" wise than what I can do with my StD army in AoS. And there still has to come and Arcane journal for WoC.

    It's strange to say but StD in AoS is more bland and limited compared with TOW WoC. 

    I really hope for AoS 4th edition they find a way to add more options game wise for various armies that go further than a command trait, an artefact and sometimes a mount trait.

    To be honest I'm not a fan of Slaves to Darkness to start with. In my opinion they should have stayed with 4 chaos armies, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh and work with them each in different direction. StD was created probably due to large wfb fanbase. Currently I own some minis from each of the 4 Chaos gods and don't see any way how StD would fill any holes in my Chaos collection.

    Again, this is only my opinion but I would leave StD just in the lore remaining minis as reinforcements for 4 remaining Chaos armies.

    Cities of Sigmar on the other hand was needed because Stormcast alone don't represent humanity well enough in this universe. 

    • Like 1
  6. 47 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    But... skavens do work? People already love the diferent clans, and are willing to commit on 100 hours campaigns with each one on Total Warhammer 3. Why fix what doesnt need to be fixed? Making skavens generic rats would put them at the same level of other generic-rat races on fantasy settings, what people love about the skavens is the big flavour that the diferent clans bring.

    Skavens already have an identity, and a bigger one that most of the Fantasy and AoS rosters as they are right now, even with the minis older than me. Again, they're more culturally famous than like 80-90% of 40 factions, even including some space marine chapters, and that's not something that can be easily be said nowadays. And a grand part of that flavour is what the clans bring to the table.

    They just need all of that to not be neglected in favour of another army of elves.

    Also, lol, nowadays GW can hardly keep their stock for 2 damn hours on just a book to now just pop out of nothing 5 new armybooks.

    That could have been said about every other WHFB faction. We had Chaos United, now we have 4 very thematic and well developed chaos gods armies and 5th universal (StD). We had tolkien-like dwarfs now we have original and popular Kharadron Overlords and Fyreslayers. Four well developed Death armies instead of two. Ironjawz, Kruleboyz and Gloomspite Gitz (which can again be split into 3) instead of Greenskinz. Four Elven factions (yup, I will always include Sylvaneth here) instead of only two and probably at least one is on the way (Malerion).

    In my opinion all of these moves proved to be well depicted and better than their WHFB versions.

    You are free to disagree.


    "They just need all of that to not be neglected in favour of another Stormcast army."

    Fixed that for you 😉

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Glutos said:

    But there's a lot of armies that deserve a bit more flesh,, it's impossible for GW to work that fast though


    my hopes for skaven are more skyre stuff, I think the chaotic rat scientist are the most unique and fun of the skaven roster, add some abominations created from Frankenstein like experiments and I think we'd have a nice start

      Yup, Skryre has the most potential. We have only one other hightech army, Kharadron Overlords, and with Skryre GW could follow a different path, as you described more Frankenstein. Stormfiends are the best example, just expand them into basic infrantry and some monster level models.

    34 minutes ago, SilentSentinel said:

    As someone who's been waiting for Malerions faction/army to be released since AoS first launched I admit I would be somewhat disappointed if they just get souped in or share a book with DoK. Mostly because I think I'm concerned that they would end up in a similar position to Kruleboyz where they don't quite feel like a full army because they lack a few extra units/options. Granted there's a few armies that have their own solo tome that have that similar lacking feeling so It may happen regardless of whether they get their own individual tome or not.

    With that being said I do understand the merits of combining them.

    Same here. Waiting for TRUE Dark Elves Naggaroth style, with spiky armor since lunch. One day. One day...

    33 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Thats simply not gonna happen. Globadiers, Rat ogres or grey seers are just one of the many reasons why people LOVE skavens for them to get an oversimplification. Its their moto, some of the most iconic units in warhammer. Would be like taking Basilisks away from the Imperial Guard, or erasing Phoenix lords from the eldar roster.

    Would be a very stupid move. Alltho, granted, they already killed the council of 13 to not be plotwise relevant ever again, so, who knows at this point.

    All the previous "legacy" armies keep their units somewhere in the background, like Orruk Warclans or Gloomspite Gitz. Spider riders, night goblins and stabbas are iconic and haven't been canceled but the core is now highly thematic - Squigs, Mushrooms and Troggoths. And in my opinion it helped them a lot as product. Now they have an identity. Previousl goblins were just orks caricature - smaller, more funny, more silly. Now they are perfectly distinct. They really have nothing in common with Ironjawz. That makes them more attractive.

    And to be honest that's what happened with Cities of Sigmar. GW focused the release around Humans. Not leftovers of elves and dwarfs that are still in the book. 


    If united Skaven were to work, GW would really need to release like 12 new boxes of models, 3 for each masterclan. That way it would be possible to run thematic Clan armies without the need to buy and paint the same box of units multiple times. 

    • Like 2
  8. 16 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Personally I disagree with you there.

    but I think skaven are one of the faction that’ll have a wider audience of people who are split on both our opinions.

    personally I’m quit happy they chose to put skaven as an army together and I do hope it won’t get split again.

    but that’s just my opinion 


    I think that Skaven united would work when they were updated as often as Stormcasts are, which we both know it won't happen.

    I was THAT close to starting Skryre army but resigned due to not many model options and didn't want to make a mixed clan army. I'm not a fan of spam armies either so running dozens of Stormfiends was not a solution.

    We will see what the future brings to Skaven. If I was to bet I'd say they will center on Skavens just being overgrown rats with one unit here and there but the core will be just rats with swords.

  9. 48 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Skaven are already combined back together to skaven.

    there’s no need for beastmen to be a part of our army.

    it was tragic enough that the skaven got split at the beginning.

    don’t need the empire beliefs to be manifested in aos

    In my opinion they should have split Skaven BUT with an appropriate support. They have as much potential as Elves, Orks or Dwarves to have several distinct and well themed armies.

    I would personally made 2, optionally 3:

    1. Hightech Skryre with mechs and guns

    2. Moulder as current armies don't really cover mutation theme well, as Genestealer Cults

    3. All the rest, focused on high numbers.

    IMHO Pestilence should go. Nurgle is enough.

    Skaven left as a whole probably will never be supported enough to have a strong theme. It will always be like 3 units per Clan making it hard and boring to make something thematically consistent.

  10. 9 hours ago, Ragest said:

    This edition we had 7 big releases :sce, kb, s2d, seraphon, Cities, Fec and ironjawz and 4 small releases: sylvaneth, nighthaunt, gloomspite and gargants. 

    I don’t think those are few armies.

    I specifically said THIS YEAR. Throughout 4th edition I would expect several armies as well.

    Now I really get the impression that every other army, even some minor and long dead like Chaos Dwarfs are getting their releases before Malerion. Dark Elves always were among the main WHFB factions. I hope this means that DE will get major release like CoS, Nighthaunt or KB before them.

    • Like 1
  11. The longer the game is continued the fewer armies get full releases. I think we used to have 4 new armies a year at the beginning of AoS. Last year we had only 2 large releases, correct? (Seraphon and CoS). Expectations listed in previous posts seem too optimistic. I wouldn't expect more than Skaven and Stormcast starter set in June and maybe Chaos Dwarfs later this year. There will be some smaller 3 model releases like Orruks with the big Pig and berserkers or Sylvaneth with Lady of the Vines and some flying models but that's it.

    • Sad 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    He has probably the opposite opinion. 😀. You are free to start your own YouTube channel, attract leakers and share some nice AoS info with us. 😉

    I highly value your advice. You changed my life. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  13. 17 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

    He just truly does not care about anything outside Space Marines. Like even other 40k factions take second place to the great Space Marines. I been watching a lot of his videos for the new Tau units and it has been painful.

    That's inexplicable. How can somebody be obsessed with 21st lieutenant for Space Marines and doesn't care about other, actually great designs. What a waste of information... If I knew his insider I would tell you about everything but SM. I can't even tell the difference between those models.

    • Like 2
  14. 16 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    You have a point with how to make them different between Kharadron and Fyrseslayers. The one has technology advanced weapons and the other is close combat. I guess Chaos Dwarfs will probably combine those elements. Weaker shooting than Kharadron, but better close combat and worse close combat than Fyrselayers, but better shooting + a big one is that Chaos Dwarfs are excellent wizards. Which is something big for dwarfs.

    Oh right! I forgot about the magic. Dwarfs using magic is something unique even outside of Warhammer do that's something they could rely on. Season it with some cruel technology and it might be something.

    • Like 1
  15. I've browsed through chaos dwarfs units in TW Warhammer 3. God, how ugly they are, seriously. Little fellas with overgrown fangs and silly hats. They are much better with their faces covered with helmets. Centaurs are the ugliest I've ever seen, same goes for the lammasu, both looking like a caricature of these mythological creatures.

    If they really are arriving to AoS I hope they receive the biggest makeover so far. Personally I'd just keep the name and change everything else. I'm afraid it will be the other way around.

    There's no need for another firearms dwarf faction or furious close combat dwarfs.If they really are a thing, it would be better to stick to something more original, like mechs or mech-demon hybrids.

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