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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. Releasing two abandoned factions in a starter set sounds like a good idea to convince people that they actually learned a lesson from killing WFB. Now all comes to execution.

    Putting really old minis as a Grand Groundshaking Premiere of a new system would look like cabaret imo. It would be acceptable if some of WFB minis would be in the end in those armies but c'mon. You don't attract people with stuff they could have bought years ago even if it's about sentiment. Their feeling are located in the setting not the sculpts themselves.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Cyberpunk haircuts not doing it for ya’? xD 

    I would use a different term for that haircut but I enjoy this forum and don't want to get banned 😉

    I thought for a minute to swap a head from Witch Aelves box but ended up in collecting DoK instead 😄

    • Confused 2
  3. 39 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:


    Really wish she got that face-helm as a second option.


    But at least the Apotheosis banner mask-helm works really well.


    These two minis look so great! If there was a helmet option I probably would have started a Stormcast army myself. I really dislike her appearance.

  4. I expect two new armies in the starter set. By "new" I mean fresh models. It doesn't matter if it's Bretonnia vs Tomb Kings or Cathay vs Kisley as long as new sculpts are shown. If however Old World is going to look like AoS versus sets (1 new hero + book + old minis) and they would like to resell 15 year old minis then farewell TOW. GW either does this job right or better not even start.

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  5. 35 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    I really wonder sometimes how many people, who complain about Fyreslayers, are Fyreslayers players.

    It doesn't matter. There are a lot of people who are Fyreslayer wannabes but will never sign up for this army because of lack of development. It's been like 8 years and still out looks like an army of clones. Potential players will avoid it army until it changes.

    • Like 10
  6. On 4/7/2023 at 10:09 PM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    As far as I can tell, there is no need to be Praetorians anymore if you want to include Katakros, but the counter-charge is a good ability. Null Myriad is highly matchup dependent, but potentially quite good (as it always was). Stalliarch kind of force you into a certain list that I am not yet convinced is as good (or fun) as the Petrifex list. Crematorians are OK for goodstuff. Ivory host still bad.

    I on the other hand think that Ivory Host might be the best legion actually. 3 hits on every 6? During a game it could mean 20 or 30 additional to wound rolls.

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  7. 7 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    My wishlist

    * No dwarf soup. There is no way to do that without losing the identity of at least one Dwarf faction.

    * New Kharadron sets.

    * New Fyreslayers sets with actually different looking models (not heroes).

    * Valaya dwarves.

    * Chaos dwarves.

    * Kurnothi as part of Sylvaneth.

    * New Ogres.

    * Halflings.

    * New FEC

    Defenitely very good list.

    I guess first point is the most important. At this point there is absolutely no reason for mixing up factions and their battletomes. Kharadron Overlords and Fyreslayers have nothing in common other than being grouchy and short. It makes as much sense to combine them as bringing together Idoneth with Lumineth or Slaves to Darkness and Cities (because there are many humans in both factions). They are much better alone with all the attention and space for development needed.

    So far mixed battletomes were used only to give new rules for older factions to avoi the feeling of them being left behind. That's the opposite to what Fyreslayers need. They need models. Desperately.

    For Ironjawz and Spiderfang so far being mixed meant only that these factions are abandoned in terms of further development.


    New Kharadron sets - yes please. Mechs, mechs, mechs.

    Fyreslayers - of course - golems, cavalery, artillery, magma beasts.

    Kurnothi - be it as part of Sylvaneth or a full release, there are many people missing Wood Elves and those with a AoS twist can find home in Kurnothi. Centaur and faun models from Underworlds were really well received. Although I believe that a solo battletome would be more fitting as Sylvaneth already have a really strong and well developed theme.

    FEC, Skaven, Spiderfang and Troggoths, Bonesplitterz, Zombies and Skeletons in SBGL need a fresh start or new models as for now they don't feel as full armies. I think that should be the priority of future releases in AoS. Defenitely NOT Stormcasts.

    Last but not least - Malerion Aelves. In Fantasy Dark Elves were always perceived as one of major factions and a counterweight to High Elves. The latter are already well developed with two waves of Lumineth and arguably Idoneth. As before I believe them to deserve they own spot separately from DoK and I'm sure it could be easily done with GW AoS team fineness.

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  8. 11 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    I was kinda surprised that the Sunblood and Eternity Warden didn't get new minis, but (assuming they survive to the new book and don't get dropped) they're almost guaranteed to be the obligatory single foot-hero release for the next time Seraphon get a Battletome.

    After sleeping on it, I'm still unimpressed with the Dawnbringer armour design, but I've completely come around to how weird the faces look. Imagine you're some elite Chaos Warrior who's plagued the realms of mankind for centuries, backed up by daemons from ****** beyond your comprehension and riding a flesh-eating horse that shoots lasers out of its eyes, and the blokes who rock up to challenge your domain all look like this21d02e5fa93e2c9d3fca4b8b36727c16.jpg.50169e20f9ad0eb1a36acaa1d36a9e64.jpg




    I cried laughing while reading this and sent it to all my friends in the hobby.

  9. On the other hand, what happened to WarCry reveal? Is GW upset because of the spoil the other day? 😉

    As for the Seraphon they seem perfect. Each and every unit shown from the new release is greatly sculptured and fits the army well. I'm grabbing the army set for my 8yo son.

    Underworlds models as always bring some fine proxies for heroes on foot of Age of Sigmar. The Tzeentch band also is great in design bringing all these twisted demons.

    The new Ossiarch hero is a rip off from Boneshaper which is a great model but still. Vampire hero is ok and just ok.

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  10. 1 hour ago, KriticalKhan said:

    Ironic that the old designs lifted straight from history are more original than the "AoS-ified" versions that look like they could be from any generic fantasy setting from the last twenty years. And those are some of the worst faces I've seen come out of GW (due to painting or sculpts regardless) in a long time.

    But! 100% positive on everything else. I'm all-in on Seraphon once I've completed my backlog (or sold it to get to the lizards faster...) and even if I'm against the idea of loyalist Primarchs in 40k on a thematic and conceptual level, Lion El'Jonson is a DILF. That is all.

    Exactly my thoughts.

    I'm not surprised to be honest but I still hoped that CoS would get at least some AoS twist. These 3 models could easily fit any fantasy / medieval setting which for me is a downside as one of the biggest AoS strengths was its original design of armies. Maybe some other units will be better but if I were to guess next stop is some generic medieval horse cavalry.

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  11. 22 minutes ago, Praecautus said:

    Saying that, some games developer could do an amazing job with the Warhammer IP or even simple reskins. Memoir 44 would make an amazing mini Warhammer game, nemesis would make a great looking space hulk type game, betrayal at house on the hill just oozes chaos corruption, eclipse or twilight imperium as a 4x simulation of the galaxy at war. Heat is squig races and so on. I think this is a more likely route, assuming these manufacturers want to get into bed with GW and some of their practices.

    So let's hope GW will return to lending their IPs. I think we all agree that there were some great Warhammer board and card games in the past.

  12. 1 hour ago, Cmidrfti said:

    There is a short and simple answer to this. GW don't print cardboard. 

    They'll make money printing rulebooks sure, but that's because they want you buying new books every 12-18 months. 

    They do print plastic. With the way they have been performing as a company lately, if I was a shareholder, I don't think I'd want that to change. 

    Best we can hope to see is more licencees for the IP. 

    Couldn't they just outsource printing cardboards? They already do for current games like Kill Team or Cursed City.

    It's not a matter of a forced choice: plastic or cardboards. They could do both. There are many board game companies that produce board games that consist of cardboard, cards and plastic miniatures. 

  13. 34 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    I may be biased, but I don't think GW is all that good at making games. They make good models have good artists and their lore is really popular, but the games themselves aren't all that brilliant.

    Valid point to be honest. Yet only it would take to be successful at this new field is to hire people  already working in the industry. I'm sure people designing board games for a living come and go from one company to another. GW has all the resources necessary to fund such a team of people.

    • Like 1
  14. My Warhammer entry point wasn't Age of Sigmar. It also wasn't 40k. I have started my journey with ffg's Warhammer Invasion - a living card game that each month received a new pack of cards. It introduced 6 playable factions, it was fast and easy to play. Without a doubt I spent hundreds of hours playing it with friends, almost every evening after college. Than there were titles like Chaos in the Old World, Forbidden Stars, Relic, Conquest... I really miss them.

    Now you might say that GW does release board games like Blackstone, Cursed City or Silver Tower. Yes it does, but these kind of games require a lot more of dedication due to the need of assembling and painting minis.

    What's more it seems to me that it requires less development and resources to create mentioned board games or card games. These games were insanely popular in my country when they were published. Even now if one would want to buy a second hand copy of Forbidden Stars or Chaos in the Old World it takes at least 3x the initial price compared to when it was firstly published.

    Board games might also explore genres different to what GW released so far. Think of an economic game of Kharadron trade routes. Or a Netrunner style card game set in 40k.

    So what do you think? Will GW eventually move into those areas? What about Talisman?

  15. 8 hours ago, willange said:

    I don’t actually have any issues with the 1 hero plus book approach. Especially because they so often use it to bring us plastic versions of resin heroes. The fact that we’ve had several decent sized Army updates already in this edition (sylvaneth, nighthaunt, slaves, stormcast, kruleboyz, sons of behemat), I’m actually feeling good about what we’ve gotten since third edition. I mean, i wouldn’t mind having more, but I’m really not sad about this at all. Yes, there are armies that still could use updates, but I’m confident most if not all those updates will come in time. 

    There are factions and we all can name them that DESPERATELY need more than 1 foot hero + book. And we have silly examples like Fyreslayers who have more than double the number of heroes compared to infrantry.

    I wish GW prioritized some of these armies with low unit count and treated them with at least 2-3 units +1 hero, like they did with Sylvaneth.

    • Like 4
  16. I just have to say this: what a disappointment.

    I'd say like 95% of Gitz players wanted new Spider Riders with a Boss on a Spider and GW publishes generic goblins on wolves that fit LotR rather than AoS...

    These are literally the last post End Times models I'd be willing to paint.

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  17. 19 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:




    These are one of the best models GW created this year. On par with Gossamid Archers and Revenant Seekers imho.

    They REALLY need to refresh the grave guard for AoS  in this matter. Just give 10-20 possible builds of the guys above.

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