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Posts posted by Akylas

  1. 3 hours ago, Kaizennus said:

    There aren’t any limitations for putting any units or characters in any sub faction.

    the only thing is that named characters are stuck with their home sub faction keyword and sometimes lose out on allegiance abilities (example: mannfred can’t re roll casts in a Vyrkos army).

    Thanks. That's good to know. Before I was thinking characters and special units were all bloodline locked. I better get started painting that Vargskyr.

  2. Hey, I noticed a couple pages back there are some lists from different non Vyrkos bloodlines with Vyrkos characters like Radukar. Does that mean I can include something like a Vargskyr in a Legion of Night or Blood army? I'm joining an escalation league and having a single unit like to eat up some points would be nice between bouts of painting zombies and skeletons. Plus, it's a cool model.

  3. 6 hours ago, Televiper11 said:

    The SBGL novel was gone in 60 sec, same with the ltd ed art print set. I really hate their pre-order system that requires lightning reflex perfection.

    I was up early this morning for errands and was able to log in right when preorders went live. I thought I had the time wrong when I saw the novel was sold out and it wasn't even 1 minute past.

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  4. Khornate Chaos Lords and Freeguild Generals have the same stats? Poor Khorne guys.

    The guys from the Crimson Court set are on 32mm bases and gigantic (minus the winged guy), bigger by a head or more than any of the human gw models I own (bigger than Primaris Space Marines even). Assuming vampire lords are similarly sized they'll tower over the skellies and zombies in their armies.



  5. I definitely agree with the idea vampire lords should be stronger, and would be willing to pay more in points for that strength and/or more customization options.

    I bought models in the wfb days but didn't start playing until AOS 2.0.  I think I just always had this idea in my head of Vampire Lords being rare but very powerful.


    Nothing too set in stone but I have some ideas about my army. Some basic thoughts for characters to lead the army. I used Inkarnate to make a map of the cheesily named Valley of Woe, a backwater area that was sacked and forgotten in the age of chaos, and only now starting to come back. My wife's Nighthaunts and my Ironjawz are also going to be tied to the area. 

    If it's feasible I want to be able to field a wight king and skeleton + necromancer and zombie army as well as vamps.

    Once the book's in my hands I hope to get a more concrete idea of where I'm going.

    Are you planning to rework some fluff for your chacters for the new stuff?

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  6. On 5/6/2021 at 8:25 AM, Vasshpit said:

    Are you trying to get her more in line with the main fella and the guy with large mace?

    Pretty much.  It wouldn't have to be as ornate as their's. I'd be pretty happy to get a plain breastplate added to the torso.

    I'm hoping to use her as a vampire lord for my upcoming Soulblight army and like the more armored look.

  7. Hey, has anyone had any experience getting a miniature converted and painted?  I like the pose on Vellas von Fain from Crimson Court a lot, but wanted to convert her to be more heavily armored I had some mixed results adding boots to replace the heels, and was wondering if building up armor with green stuff is something I could get done by commission. I've never engaged a commission artist or converter before so I'm kind of lost.

  8. 6 hours ago, Blueraven84 said:


    That's the terrorgheist build from the dragon kit, isn't it? I didn't know if we'd get to use that unit or if it would become FEC only.

    Pretty happy with the release. Looking at the picture I'm guessing bat centaur lady's torso is out of scale with the foot vamps? That might kill some conversion ideas I had.

  9. On 4/30/2021 at 11:17 PM, nuttyknatty said:

    Hey @Akylas

    I’ve magnetised the wrists on mine. Super easy job. He’s so beefy, I switch his weapons with those I had left over from my bullgors!

    Thanks! I haven't messed with magnets yet so this will be my first. I might practice on a sprue first but it's good to know it's an easy one.

  10. Super pumped to hopefully get more info on the vampires today. Because of my work schedule I'll likely be asleep for the preview, but I'm preparing by starting an Isabella Von Carstein campaign in Total War, having a glass of wine and building my Crimson Court warband. Probably a bit on the nose but still a fun way to hype myself up. 🧛‍♂️

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  11. After wanting it for years I finally had my local store order me a mighty war cabbage.

    I want to give him a sword choppa and axe choppa in his right and left hands respectively as part of a conversion to make him look like Azhag. It looks like all the weapons options attach at the wrist. Would it be easy to magnetize the weapons for when wysiwyg is important? Those wrists look pretty beefy and easy to work with.

    Also, Waaaghh!

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  12. 4 hours ago, MarkK said:

    Hi @Akylas, yes the store will get stock from their supplier and add their mark-up before selling on to you. It will indeed help out your local store! 😁

    Thanks for the info. I wanted to finally buy the angry cabbage/maw krusha and support my local store but I wasn't sure how it worked when they single order items for customers. It's good to know they still get something out of it.

  13. Hi,

    I had a question about shopping at your local store. Does anyone know if a store makes any money if they order something for you?

    If my local store is out of stock for something I'll sometimes ask them to order something for me. I've often wondered if this helps them out at all or if I'm just making extra work for them.

  14. I've only played small games of aos. Can anyone tell me where Radukar up above sits in terms in strength as a character? Strong, weak, kind of average.

    I keep hoping, likely in vain, that vampire characters will be strong but a little rare on the battlefield compared to some of the factions that field a lot of mid price heros.

  15. 9 hours ago, idn0971 said:

    I really want blood knights to be super elite and actually good. Make them 300 points and worth it, give them big damage, 3+ save, and a better aftersave because they are vampires and should be super tough to kill. I don't want them to be reserrectuable just super tough to kill in the first place and hit like a truck when they attack. There is not very many good super elite calvary in the game and I want blood knights to break that trend.

    I agree. I'd rather see vampire units be strong but rare, especially martial ones like blood knights.

    2 hours ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    So this is a bit of a sidetrack from the new Blood Knights.  I just finished reading BR: Teclis last night, and an interesting detail stuck out to me.  While I realize that all things come back with necromancy, they go out of their way with each of the Mortarchs to point out that their mounts are destroyed.  Is this a potential harbinger of new Mortarch models?

    That's a good point. I wouldn't have expected new mortarch models as they aren't very old, but it's an interesting detail to have their mounts destroyed kripke for replacing). New Neferata and Manfred with the Soulblight time and Arkan with a Bonereapers one layer, maybe?

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  16. Glad to see gw keeping to the undead theme they've had lately. So, which mortarch is this one? 😁

    More seriously, I'm glad to see the seraphon get some attention.  Hopefully this means they'll be getting some new models to go with Kroak.

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  17. 10 hours ago, warhammernerd said:

    I AM BEYOND HYPE FOR THESE> perhaps even more than cursed city... which I might have bought two copies of....lol

    I'm excited, too. I plan on doing some converting and using them as vampire lords.

    Doesn't help matters that I've been playing total war warhammer and Duvalle is giving me Vlad vibes 

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  18. 8 hours ago, warhammernerd said:

    Off topic but also not at all.


    What are other people doing? 

    I'm in a somewhat similiar situation having managed to get some extra money this month with overtime.

    I'm getting cursed city, in part for the alternate models and objectives. Alternate sculpts for stuff like zombies and bat swarms is a big thing for me. My spouse really likes the theme of the game and is more interested in playing a board game than a full tabletop battle, so I'll have someone to play with.

    It does mean I might not be able to afford some thing from the big release initially, but I'll get what I can. I've been waiting a long time for these guys.

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