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Posts posted by Kugane

  1. 23 minutes ago, Tibus367 said:

    I am not sure if I agree with your math.  If the Saurus Oldblood attachs a bloodletter unit or flesh hounds and uses their command ability, my quick math shows them doing 6 wounds with their jaws alone.  Then another 3 with their spear, plus 1.5 wounds on the gauntlet shooting.  There is some forlimbs in there somewhere.  If they are not dead by then the battleshock with finish them off.

    Surgical strikes against Slann won't work as it is hidding behind a rock that I probably can't get to and will only teleport away if it looks like I might get there.

    While teleporting does happen in the hero phase and the summon happens in the moment phase, that does not prevent him from teleporting his Slann closer to me and in cover somewhere, and then summon the beast close to me.  The the beast then charges me ruins all my plans.  Another tactic I have not found a good way to counter.

    Slaughterpriests do indeed slow him down (he really hates it when I blood boil him twice in my turn).  Especially if they are near my skull alter, but so far it has not been enough to push him back and get the objectives.


    How exactly is a Saurus Oldblood dealing 6 wounds with their jaws alone? I don't have the seraphon battletome, but looking at the warscroll at the moment I can only see it dealing about 1 damage with its jaws once every 4 attacks or so against a unit with a 5+ save.

    I am starting to wonder if the opponent is cheating. Is there a rule that helps them increase attacks and turn it all to mortal wounds or something?

    Edit: NVM, I was looking at a saurus oldblood on foot, not the one on carnosaur.

  2. Yeah, but "lets all jam 600 euro and 3 months of painting" isn't exactly a 'fix'. Blood reavers could work, their bases are 32mm as well if I'm not mistaken, so you could get a decently long line to deny a lot of area. It is a shame that power-wise you can't really go up against them...

    GW is too busy calculating all the money thats coming in to really sit back and calculate game balance XD

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  3. How to stop losing? Just stop playing. Can't lose if you don't play.

    Jokes aside, are there any units you can ally that can reach the objectives before he can lock you in?

    Personally I think you need to just deny him any area to teleport to. Its a 9 inch bubble, so what you can do is be extremely cheesy and get a cheap unit with lots of models as an ally and create 1 long line spacing the models as far apart as possible up to 9 inch around your army, which will then force him to teleport another 9 inch beyond that. You then just start pushing your line forward and let the rest follow behind, so that your important units can reach their destination without interruption.

    What you want to do is to keep his good units busy for 1 or 2 turns trying to fight off your weak line and in the meantime already get him engaged with yet another cheap unit, if possible, a defensive one.

    I see it happening a lot in warhammer 40k where they create large lines of troops around their army to stop deepstriking from happening.

    If that doesn't work, I think Khorne has a bad matchup against Seraphon... Many armies have a bad matchup against Seraphon and their weird tactics. It may be an idea to talk with this person and ask their advice how they think you could counter their army? You can simply state you have no idea how to handle his combo and are kind of losing interrest at this rate?


  4. 6 hours ago, Myrdin said:

    Been there, done that :D
    I believe there should be some pictures rolling around, however considering how the CoS thread exploded into like dozens of subthreads I cant remember in which mini thread I uploaded them.

    If you want to go with Titan Forge, I would STRONGLY recommend waiting for Christmass as they tend to have a pretty good discount on their stock. 

    I too still need more of the Dragon Cav (2) in order to run 6 man unit of Chocobos, 10 mixed komainu unit for Darkriders, at least one big shrine, 2 more chariots and some 20 more archers/handgunner, plus some battle monks. If I went with the purchase now ..... yeah you can imagine the price.  And I already have a solid chunk of their stuff, so for me its just expanding the army. In your case, if you`re  trying to build the from the scratch I`d recommend waiting for the big winter discounts that ought to come.

    But of course if you have the funds and are short on time, dont let me stop you! :) 

    I would recommend also checking the Cadwallon stuff. They have bunch of interesting miniatures you might wanna add to your collection (for example very nice fox-dragon riding miko priestess, great for Sorc on Bdragon or BatMage on Gryf.... although I`ve been toying with the idea of using her as Hurricanum as well).

    Thank you so much for the advice! I had no idea they had discounts near christmas so it likely saved me some money XD. Hows the overal quality of their stuff? I saw some people complain about snapping spears and poor resin such during the kickstarter, but I assume that might have been due to the massive overflow of orders they had at that time and people pressuring them to work faster.

    I will go check the cadwallon range tonight. I own a few miniatures from the kensei range already, but they arent really heroic scale and somehow dont match well on an AOS force. I just feel like the titanforge stuff fits right in as if its some sort of fantastic forgeworld XD.

    I am also not certain what to go for tbh, since the stuff is quite pricy I hope to build something semi competitive for local games, so should probably theory craft a bit before splurging. Guess I have until christmas =P.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Emissary said:

    Had several like that.  Looked like the mold likes to get a small air bubble in those areas which make them weaker and more prone to snapping.  

    I assume the same. I keep seeing like a tiny raised area near these snapped spots, unlike the kind that you have when you bend something too far. Slightly dissapointing, I hope the replacements wont have the same issue.

  6. 4 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    Has someone bought the Stazlkers/immortis separatly to the Feast of bones? If yes, could you please share the assembling notice of the Immortis (which is not in the Feast of bones box, what a shame!)

    Thank you in advance from all of us with those miniatures without full plans 😉

    If nobody does, just message GW and ask for the build instructions. They will send you a pdf =). 

  7. I ran some calculations on Katakros. Like stated before, he is much better than given credit for. I may have miscalculated a bit here and there and of course its all in a vaccuum.

    The naked stats:

    In a best case scenario Katakros by itself deals 1 to 1.6 dmg per 100 points spent + up to 0.9 "dmg" in the form of recovered/healed models per 100p + each unit in range deals give or take 20% more damage due to +1 to hit.

    On an entire army his CA can add up to about 10 extra damage each turn considering lots of stuff gets buffed. Extra save on everyone + decreased hit on key opponent units also helps.

    So theoretically Katakros in a 2k army is adds about: 3 to 3.6 (+ up to .9) dmg/100p considering the blanket buff.

    The healed units are likely to grant you up to .9  per turn. It adds up quickly. Not even taking into consideration how much extra board presence you maintain by him making everything survive longer.

    Many have stated he is undercosted, but everything combined makes him a nightmare to deal with. Of course if he gets shot down its going to suck.


    Katakros is worth it in melee heavy armies with lots of guard or riders.

  8. 23 minutes ago, Izikail said:

    I was a big TK player in fantasy so when i saw these guys the nostalgia flooded back, when they were described as an elite army with recursion and we see four of there units are big model low model count units, i was excited. But i am struggling to get excited when building lists, and i think they are in a wired place.

    Due to how there RD system works and there hit/wound and save rolls have good averages it makes them very consistant, the issue im finding with them is normaly when you have consistantce in an army, you eithere pay more for them, or you have slightly weaker things for there cost (effectivly modulating there price or power from the norm to balance there reliability).

    The issue the ossiarchs have to my mind is they did both, they took a 110 point unit and made it the power of a 90 point unit and at the same time charged 130 for it, the morghast do not benifit much from the healing as they can t be resed, or the CAs as they are so few in number so i would have priced them about 160 but even if we are then going to pay the "consistantce army tax" maybe 180 but as its ossiarchs we have to over pay for them as well so there at 210 (i also think our battleline options should have been much more flexible, if katakros then immortis are bl, if nagash or arkhan then morghast are bl)

    This over payment combined with week for there point witch is visable in all units i would even argue the crawler outside of its funky shots (which have limited applications anyway in reality) hampers the army's design space so much, stalkers to me are the only unit worth there points in the whole book but you can use them effectivly as the rest of the army is so prohibative. Its making me sad and kinda feeling maybe these guys arnt so fun as list design is my favourite part l.

    P.S. why oh why did they give the best ability, CA, artifact and CT to one legion? Its so clearly the best. J less that legion was designed to prop up there competative side, with people saying ossiarchs are competative or broken because one legion is overbalanced, compaired to a legion like the ivory guys, the disparity is massive

    Well, it is what it is, all we can do right now is just accept they are a 1 legion faction competitively, and the rest are just memes. Then again, most battletomes end up with 1 thing being superior over another and settling on a single list with 1 or 2 units varying from player to player.

    All we can do now is try and figure out the best list/units to take in it and start playing :).

  9. So I have been crunching numbers quite a bit to try and figure out what I want to do in this army, not counting leaders since they are situational. I might have made a mistake here and there, but I've tried to narrow down to average damage output per 100 points spent when facing a unit with 4+ save. 

    These are the numbers I've calculated:

    Harvester with Bludgeons on average 4.6 damage /100p, of which partly mortal wounds. (Sickles are slightly better against horde armies, but not enough to just go for bludgeons instead.)

    Stalkers with precision stance 5.1+ damage/ 100p. Because of the precision stance you could increase the average damage of these units slightly by not using falchions.

    Kavalos Riders with swords - 4.2+ dmg / 100p, not counting the command ability damage, which may or may not be broken due to stackability. The damage per points is also higher if you take a unit of 15 due to the points reduction.

    Halbert Morghast - 3.0 damage / 100p

    Mortek Guard with swords - 4.4+ dmg / 100p.

    Immortis - 3.7 dmg / 100p, partially mortal wounds

    Crawler - 2.1+ dmg / 100p when undamaged. The special shots are additional damage on top of that and I couldn't quantify it properly, hence the +.


    My thoughts:

    It seems for battleline, Kavalos riders may be the more durable option than Mortek Guard when not considering the shield wall ability on the guard. I think therefore that Mortek Guard are best used as a bubble wrap and while escorting your wizards or artillery across the battlefield. Having battleshock immunity makes it less scary to bring riders in our army as well, since we don't have to fear models running away.

    Crawlers are less scary on paper than I initially thought, but if you take them you will likely have to run at least 3 for consistency, especially if you plan to use these to delete a hero or two. I'm not sure if at that point cost they are even worth it.

    Stalkers seem to win in terms of damage output, but also have much less mobility. In comparison to riders however, they can swap to a +save stance in the opponent's turn, which sort of mitigates the fact that they have less wounds. The mobility, even with their command ability, bothers me. Its likely that these won't see any combat for the first 2 turns, especially if the opponent tries to kite them. At 10+ damage per combat phase they will likely slaughter hordes and due to their rend, monsters and heroes.

    Morghast, both Archai and Harbinger seem very poor for what you get. Their wounds total are low, their damage output is low. Their points should go down to at least 150 or 160 to be worth taking if you aren't going for a battalion.

    Immortis damage is respectable and consistent, even lashing out mortal wounds against high save targets. They even have some extra damage with their CA, but I'm not sure if its worth using the ability. Personally I'll use a unit to babysit my wizards since they can soak wounds, but, at 200 points I might opt to just get a second wizard instead. They are quite slow after all and don't have access to extra movement through command abilities either.

    Anyways, with these numbers in mind, we should probably start putting together a decent list and figure out which ones are auto-include and which are an auto-pass. I think all the Morghasts are an auto-pass for sure and will just take Riders to do their job instead.

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  10. 20 minutes ago, DioRa said:

    In the general discussion there is this hilarious thread going on how OP the ossiarchs are.

    We could be OP as the claimants say if our point costs were not so high xD

    The thread ends in a question mark for a reason though :P. Its to provoke discussion.

  11. 4 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    Is it too early to start a...

    Slaves to Darkness, hideously overpowered! Oh god GW are such idiots they’ve ruined the game for the 50th time this week alone, I hate everything to do with this game, it’s such a load of rubbish, GW are hateful morons that wouldn’t know how to create a decent game, Archaon is too powerful, Chaos Knights are too strong, typical stupid power creep. AoS won’t make it to 2020 at this rate, in fact let’s just put it out of its misery now because if you like this game then you’re an even bigger idiot than GW. Anyway why can’t I find anyone to play with?

    ... thread yet?

    The black colour scheme of the models is clear powercreep. You cant see equipment properly in a poorly lit room and this leads to cheesy WYSIWYG builds.  

  12. Sloppy design is limiting my purchases a lot as well. I love the riders for example, but if they get nerfed I am not sure if they are even worth it. Same with the harvester combo.

    The time it takes to play out a game probably limits their ability to betatest stuff. So they should hire people to test stuff for them. 

    Regardless, its a discussion we have had in other threads recently, so we should probably just return to the OBR discussion itself before we get sidetracked too much.

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