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Posts posted by Kugane

  1. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    I don't want to panic anyone but the Greater Demons and the demon princes from Forgeworld are all delisted from AoS and 40K at present and only listed under Horus Heresy! I've contacted FW about this however considering that the greater chaos spawn vanished from sale without much warning this might be a worrying sign of restructuring or even impending removals. 

    They better keep their paws off the broodhorror xD

  2. 57 minutes ago, PiotrW said:

    Wait wait wait. So the Steelheart box with the Nightvault logo has a different contents than the Steelheart set from Shadespire? Is it the same with other warbands, i.e. is the Nightvault Skaven box different than the Shadespire Skaven box?

    Good idea! I'll have to ask around if somebody has a spare :)

    And, when updating a warband, I can buy a Beastgrave warband box, snatch the cards and sell the minis... Good, there's a plan here :)

    I don't have friends :( I have one friend who doesn't like complicated boardgames... So, my main venue of playing would be at the LCS - and people there will most probably all switch to Beastgrave rules...

    Anyway, I'm currently pestering the GW / WHU people on FB to get some confirmation re: old warbands. I'd really like to have solid statement of whether they are planning on re-releasing all the Season 1 warbands...

    Your season 1 warbands will be useable (even if not 100% competitive). All universal cards reprinted  in the latest 2 seasons are legal for play. All your warband specific cards are legal for play.

    Since your game store will play beastgrave, why not see if you can read through their rules? Or simply go like "I would love to play, but I only know nightvault rules. Care to share what changed?"

    Just take note and use those rules :). I dont think the game changed too much.

    Either way I am sure you will have enough stuff to toy around with.

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  3. 1 hour ago, PiotrW said:

    Well, yes, it's their company... It doesn't mean doing stuff like this is fair to the customers. Honestly, I feel scammed right now and I think of dropping Underworlds altogether. Heck, I'm kind of wondering whether I should be playing AoS, either... I had my first AoS game last week, it was fun - but now, I'm really angry. Like GW kicked me right between legs. Maybe I should just drop all of their stuff :(

    Any advice on what to do? How to make my Nightvault set and my Champions playable again?

    I think just do what I and my wife are doing and just keep using the old rules to play each other and friends.  As a standalone product the game is still playable. You can discuss with your local game group if they want to just keep using all the cards as well.

    And yeah, I know the scammed feeling. I invested significant ammounts in armies that got scrapped. GW stuff simply has an expiration date =P.

    What we could perhaps do is ask GW if they can make an extended format where all ole cards are available and ask if tules are able to be uploaded digitally for people that do not have the funds for the new boxed set.

    But cheer up! You can always snag the rulebook off a bitz site for a cheap price =).

    • Like 1
  4. I think the way they design these set releases to play competitively you need to buy almost every set for 1 ot 2 cards each. There is always some sort of staple in a box for a warband. I think this would hold true even if they didnt update the rules. So competitive players would have to buy these regardless.

    I am not happy with it, but it seems GW wants to put an expiration date on their products more and more.

    That said: nothing to do about it. Its their company and I hope the changes at least fixes some of the previous issues.

    • Like 2
  5. It may be quite dangerous to invest in morghasts currently. For all we know the rules may change when the tome hits the shelves? Maybe they are a suboptimal unit as well.

    As for conversions, I think you can just take whatever look you prefer and specify it to your opponent. If you model all of them with chest plates it hardly changes the WYSIWYG.

  6. 8 minutes ago, michu said:

    If that's true then it looks like one of Beastgrave design principles was to create replacements for main AoS options that are either in finecast, out of production or available only as a part of expensive sets:

    Icebrow Hunter + Frost Sabres,

    Brayherd Shaman + Beastlord,

    Gitmob Wolf Riders,

    Bloodwrack Medusa (not confirmed).

    The riders from underworlds are useful at least. 3 for ~18 euro with discounts isnt too bad I suppose? The weapons are converted easily.

  7. What do you people do with armies you fully painted and finished, but dont enjoy playing? (Or like in my case the original planned army wasnt competitive enough and shifted into something unenjoyable)

    I loved IDK previews. Loved lothan, namarti,  soulrender, aspect and volturos and the playstyle they promote on paper, but boy was I dissappointed with the actual output on the table haha.

    The reason I cant play the aspect is due to fragility. His spear already broke off 5 times during games XD.

    I have a personal rule of thumb that I only play what I painted, so kind of feel stuck with the army now having invested so much painting time into it.

  8. The only possibility I can think of is that they release a wave of terrain and possible models with these battletomes as a surprise release to see if a "flash" sale will increase sales compared to early previews of models.

    Lately the pop up store and flash release business model is gaining quite some success in other fields. There is a slight possibility GW is dipping their toes in similar markets? Make the general public aware there will be a COS/Orruk release and then totally surprise us with a mini wave.

    Also I think they want to line up the bonereapers with halloween (31 october). Hence late october release will likely be on that date.

    Same reason why Gotrek was released on the international beard day?

    GW is experimenting :P.

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  9. 14 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    To me cities and Orruks not being this week is a good thing as it can still mean they are not only a book but could have something more, from a reboxing to spells or terrain. But at least enough to occupy the entire week.

    And who knows, not impossible a start collecting box for cities, although extremely improbable?

    Doubtful. Bonereapers are said to be released at the end of october and COS ans Orruks should be at least a week before that, which leaves only  a 4 week gap for stuff to actually be reveales and the whole "pre order next week" thing to make it out there before bonereapers preorders go up. That feels rushed for GW standards.

  10. 1 hour ago, Melcavuk said:

    Having recently been informed that my spear statues would be too confusing to Competitive players when run as Spear Ossiarch I don’t think that would be viable. More over it would likely end up resulting in comprimises in models and themes just to sort of work

    I see :/. Thats a shame. Regardless looking forward to your progress 😃

    • Like 1
  11. On 9/14/2019 at 1:01 PM, Melcavuk said:


    Cheers guys, still early days with these as my alpha test scrolls for people to try and feedback on whilst I convert models. The aim is two more scrolls including the colossus walking ship and full command, spell and relics

    Would it be an idea to base it around an existing army's warscrolls and just change the  names and keywords of abilities? That way if you ever play the army in a tournament setting you can refer to them as a counts as X army?

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Ghark said:

    That's a shame, you should buy some to build up more clanrats !

    I guess they will go along with beastgrave. But the more time goes on the more I loose hope about dedicated endless spells and scenery for them.

    The chittering intensifies.

  13. 28 minutes ago, Overread said:

    The only word on the street about Battletomes is that Cities and Orruks are coming before Bonereapers. Though its interesting that we've had a Reaper leak long before anyone has leaked either Cities or Orruks. Otherwise nothing thus far; its sounding like they'll be the end of the month (is it me or does GW like releasing tomes in the latter to end of the month period)

    I think its a business decision.  They may be trying to keep a close check on average profit each month to be roughly equal and growing at a stable pace so it looks smooth in the charts for the stock holders. Similar to those buy 1 get 1 free deals you tend to see everywhere in poor selling months/years for products of big corporations. Having a dip in the graph for any particular month isnt good for company image.

    Because of that I think they try to put these big releases at the end of a month in case sales are going poorly or move it up 2 weeks to the start of a month if quotas are already expected to be met.

    Having stable organic growth with no dips lures in potential investors?


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  14. If you can, try and get a hold of empty yugioh mega tins. Many cardstores that sell singles sell them for like 50 cents and can easily be repainted. Then you magnetize the base of your minis and carry them in these boxes. Each tin can easily hold 40x 25mm rounds. I personally transport stuff like idoneth eels in these. If you are afraid they move around you can even glue some sprue here and there to stop sliding.

    These tins are an awesome storage solution IMO

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