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Everything posted by MongooseMatt

  1. Well, here is the thing... When AoS came out, I decided to start painting according to the Lore of the Duncan. That meant everything I had done before looked... odd (lesser) next to the new stuff, so I did not bother rebasing or bringing models over to the new game. So, umm, yes, all those were painted since AoS was released... The main drive has been the official storyline and playing through the Battleplans with 'representative' forces (i.e., if they mention a Skull Cannon in the text, a Skull Cannon gets painted up for that Battleplan), and trying to keep ahead of GW's (frankly insane) release schedule for AoS. The recent break has been really useful for catching up! BTW, kudos to the guy who has 10,000 miniatures - I seem to keep selling mine, so I never got quite that far (though 70,000 points of AoS equates to nearly 2,000 models...).
  2. Well, was asked for it So, got the big cabinet - there is another shelf above the top, but the Ironjawz are currently fighting and the Bonesplitterz are being painted up. Below them (top of photo) you gave Order, with the Fyreslayers and Seraphon, below them the two Stormhosts (Hallowed Knights and Stark Hammers). Then we move into Chaos, with Slaanesh and Bray/Warherds, Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle. The Skaven Clans are at the bottom. Then onto the double cabinets, as I call them, Spiderfang Grots at the bottom, Death above - Flesh-Eater Court, Bonerattlers, Fleshwalkers and Malignants, with Soulblight Vampires and Deathlords at the top. Got a single cabinet with the Devoted of Sigmar sitting above Mantis Warriors (nothing to do with AoS), and finally the 'lone cabinet' with the Everchosen and various Chaos beasties. I am running out of cabinets. But work in a pretty cool place...
  3. Without, a word of a lie, and only counting a) models that are fully painted and b) done specifically for AoS (not counting the WHFB lot), I passed 70,000 points last month
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