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Posts posted by the_prophecy

  1. 4 hours ago, Isotop said:

    How many points are you playing? Neferata´s big problem is her survivability. You have to park her in front of your opponents army to make use of Twilight’s Allure and Nurgle should be able to throw some mortal wounds on her. 550 points (Neferata + 3 CP as you say later) is a hell lot of point "just" to apply -2 to hit in a controlable, shrinking aura around a super fragile monster. Tournaments do not see Neferata because there are simply much better options in Death (I think she could actually be a bit cheaper).

    However, I can see how playing against only one opponent (or one kind of opponents army) can lead you into thinking Neferata is overpowered. I think it is a great gesture from you to actively make the game more fun for your opponent.

    yes your second point is what i am talking about. No tournament meta, just mediocre and fun games. Especially when your opponent is not prepared for such shenanigans. We also played Shifting Objectives so a more narrow Battlefield. Just positioning Neferata in the centre and 15" is almost the entire Battlearea where the objectives are placed. Of course you can try to alpha damage Neferata but when shes at the far end of the field she is to far away. In my Turn i can move her with the Court of Nulahmia Batallion20" and shes back in the best position. Of course in GTs you can easily counter her but ia talking from the perpective of the game design and fun playing levels to mediocre level which i (in my opinion) 75% of how the game is played. Such an ability is far too strong in such a meta i think

  2. 2 minutes ago, Fluttershy said:

    "[..] and a hit roll of 6 before modification always hits the target."

    even hitting on 6s is a big impact especially playing against armies like Rotbringers. With only 3 extra CPs and a Battaltion a could use this ability 3  Turns and it would last for 6 Player turns which is huge and bad game design in my opinion

  3. 5 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    It can't get worse than hitting on 6 (thanks to the core rules) but yeah, it wouldn't be fun. The main problem is, that the ability is actually older than AoS 2.0 and before that only the General could use command Abilities and only could use them once per turn. So some Command Abilities could have sliped through GWs sight. Others were actually updated with an Errata.

    ok thanks i wrote them an email and hope they clear things for us

  4. ok thanks. the problem is, when i have enough CPs i can totally shut down my opponent (which i did in a last game) with -2 to hit for several rounds. That is not fun to play against and it would be better if those things had an officially stated FAQ. Until then i wont use the ability only once just to make it more fun for my opponent.

  5. On 1/13/2019 at 8:11 PM, Malakree said:

    Had I started my Ironjawz a year later odds are I would have quit before really getting into the game. As it is I've gotten good enough with the army to play around it's weaknesses and developed enough of an enjoyment of the game as a whole to stick with it. I've heard to many horror stories of people starting with a friend followed by "It doesn't matter what I or my friend do, my Kharadron's can't beat his Daughters of Khaine and it's ruining the game for both of us" to sugarcoat it to a potential newer player.

    All of that said. I then go into the more positive aspects. 

    BCR do have some solid options, good ol' Thermalrider Stonehorn was a key component of @Donal mixed destruction list over the past ~6 months, that being the only destruction list to actually place on the top tables in strong tournaments. The biggest problem is that the allegiance abilities suck, the battleline are overcosted and you don't have the models to contest on objectives.

    This and the fact you mentioned being a WFB Ogre Kingdoms player are why I suggested Grand Alliance: Destruction. If you've not played it before then the AoS allegiance system is a little weird, when I was looking ~3 years ago I couldn't work out why Ironjawz had so few models. The thing is though that it's designed to try and allow you more options when list building than in the old WFB.

    A GA:Destruction army lets you build a list from the entire destruction range with no restrictions at all, whether thats Ogors, Grots, Orruks or forgeworld monsters. You can pick and choose as you want. The specific allegiances are then you choosing to limit your army choices in order to get access to a more plentiful supply of specific units and/or allegiance abilities which are directly tailored to the army you want to build. This Ironically means that the garbage battleline/Allegiance options become an unexpected boon for you.

    As you lose nothing of note when transferring over to a GA:Destruction build you can augment all the bits of BCR that you like with good solid units from the rest of the Grand Alliance. In the previously mentioned Mixed Destruction list it was ~100 Grots to fill the battleline, hold objectives and just put bodies on the board. 

    In your case I would recommend going for the Ogor orientated destruction build using grots and Ogre Bulls as your battleline, the bulls offer a really nice combination of damage and meat for their points cost, especially with the massive regiment discount of 12Bulls for 400, the last 3 cost you just 40points! Then add in your BCR beasties, some leadbelchers and a butcher. You have a nice classic Ogre Kingdoms force using the models you like, only now you can even throw in some Savage Orcs, Moonclan Grots or a Magma Dragon!

    Hope this helps.

    can you explain why the thermalrider Stonehorn is so good? Is it a realm artifact?

  6. 1 hour ago, Entombet said:

    What you think about this list?.

    Allegiance: Beasts Of Chaos
    - Greatfray: Gavespawn
    Beastlord (90)
    - General
    Dragon Ogor Shaggoth (180)
    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    30 x Bestigors (300)
    10 x Bestigors (120)
    30 x Gors (210)
    - Gor-Blades & Beastshields
    10 x Ungors (60)
    - Shortspears & Half-Shields
    1 x Tuskgor Chariots (60)
    1 x Chaos Spawn (50)
    Desolating Beastherd (150)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Total: 1480 / 1500
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 116

    why 30 Bestigors ? Isnt it better to split them because you than can target them better at enemy units . In the Block of 30 mybe 15 will be in combat at best and its harder to micromanage the unit ? is there something iam missing here ?

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