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Posts posted by Thiagoma

  1. 10 minutes ago, Overread said:

    This is an error we are aware of and is still being resolved. It's happening to the main site even on PC as well. Normally refreshing the page after it part-loads resolves it (at least on PC).

    Oh thanks! I messed around my permissions to the website thinking it was a issue on my end.

    You guys pretty much have permission to take away my miniatures and torch my house and still i couldnt make it work 🤣

  2. Greetings!

    Is anyone else having trouble on Android since the anouncements started?  If i go to any topic and try to go back a page, i receive a page with only the layout of the board and the buttons " go to topic listings" and "next unread topic"  and a "loading" on the end of the screen.

    Anyone else having issues?

  3. 12 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    I hope they have fun and interesting rules that allow them to be distinct as a faction that can hold it's own, but without being so overpowered that they are neither fun to play or play against.  I hope that's not too much to ask.

    Will try not derail the topic, but i think an issue is AoS in general is the Summoning Armies X Non Summon armies.  If an army has no acess to "infinte" troops, they have to be an alpha/deepstrike/strenght to keep itself on the field.

    I think that is one of the biggest challenge in AoS balance nowadays.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Hoseman said:

    Than conversion sounds awesome, and I love the eidolon it's a master piece very beautiful to paint and to watch. On the other side it sounds expensive buying both eidolon and telcis miniatures to make just one... 

    I would like to know if Teclis has a alone version like the Lord Arcanum on Tauralon that you can put it on foot

    While expensive, a good thing is that the Eidolon has 2 head options, so you can easily find the spare one on bit sizes / with other people.

    I secured mine already 🤣

  5. 2 hours ago, kahadin said:

    I was not addressing you friend, just the amount of passion I see against DoT in general.

    Personally I think their only real problem is how much people hate fate dice, but you don't see people really saying that. I'm worried that all this passion will translate to DoT getting the hammer and little worthwhile being left.

    I can't tell you the best way to counter DoT in their current state, but I can guarantee someone will in a few weeks.


    To be honest, and my experience is limited, last time i went on a 3 games tournament and fought Tzeench  twice in a row, i felt lile i could have more fun at the dentist office.

    I never had a fun game against Tzeench.  Hero phase take a lifetime of removing your models from the table while you watch a huge pile of horrors form. In the follow up comes the shooting phase that also takes a lifetime of more models going away. 

    Then it is finally your time, good luck trying to move bettween the horrors and endless spells!


    The boring experience followed by "just kill the heroes!"  is probably the reason people are negative towards Tzeench. When the new book came along all i wanted was "please make then more fun to play against!".

    But  those are only my 2 cents on the subject.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Blightzkrieg said:

    I don't imagine the rest of the army will be made up of T-posing elves awkwardly detached from their mounts, so it should be well received. Looking forward to the rest of the units. With Teclis they were trying to do something unique and I don't personally think it worked.

    Yeah, in general on Whatts app groups people are chating about how to convert Teclis.  A popular idea is replace the head for a Eidolon one.  Some people wanna remove the Sphix and put Teclis on a modified Balewind Vortex.

    The lack of magic on the models is so weired.  No spirals, beams or energies of any sort.


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  7. 44 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    hey, we never know. There could be another pose / head on teclis, almost like Magnus?


    I just want more, and I want it now. I know we got a few good models for now, but I want to know more.

    Indeed! I am pretty sure the Sphinx have an alternative head, remember a rumor engine with similar but forked horns?

  8. 38 minutes ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    He looks like a dude who Gets Stuff Done.  Which I really dig.  I want a Mage-God who is going to get in there and wreck someone's day.

    For me it looks exactly the oposite. The artwork has him in a offensive position, moving foward, weapons ready.

    The model is floating  like a ragdoll with no spells happening  or any kind of action., his cloak have no movement.

    I really wish they would not tease us with that artwork and gone with something so diferent.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    I know mentioned it before, but now with pictures, the Sphinx for me is the High point of the reveals, it really does match the aesthetic of mtg sphinxes, and I freaking love mtg sphinxes....Now I want a Sphnix army with the Chaos Wild Cat as a core and this sphinx as a lord, sigh.

    It looks great without the pesky god on top of it!

    • Haha 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, The_Dudemeister said:

    The way his model is only supported by a small piece of cloth on the wing with the center of mass in front of that construction.

    We'll be calling him Wigglis the Wiggler of the Wiggletower. Mark my words! The moment people first hold this model in their hands and move it, he'll be called Wigglis the Wiggler of the Wiggletower!

    I wonder if he can be attached to the back of the sphinx, with the cape glued to it. Could reduce the issue

  11. 8 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

    New armies usually do NOT get a box on release. I was very suprised when Bonereapers did, It's certainly the exception to the rule. Typically you would see new models show up in a battleforce/vs box / start collecting ~1yr after the army comes out... They want to sell kits at full price first.   That said, their buisness model while mostly predictable is always evolving, so perhaps Feast of Bones was a bellweather. 

    Anyway I think the fact that "Sons of Behemat Warscroll Cards" is a product indicates that there must be some new kits. You're not going to sell a pack of 2-3 cards. I don't think they'll include ogors or models from all these other battletomes that JUST came out. It could possibly be 1-3 new kits,  each with multiple builds. Multiple builds for the existing gargant, could be 10 different units. from those few kits. Would be smaller than even DoK and FEC, but we know how popular imperial knights are so it could work. 

    Gloomspite also got a duel box close to its release

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