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Posts posted by Thebiggesthat

  1. Just now, stato said:

    Your not really helping him are you ?. A quick PM could have avoided any embarrassment and kept a sneaky rumour option for us, youve stomped that now.

    Because I have personal experience of this exact thing happening and it's made me cross. I'll stop commenting now.

    • Like 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    What I meant with it was, that I am unsure, if the person who told me that, was lying,  telling the truth or something similar, so literally said  I’ don not know if it is something to be particularly true.

    No, dig up!


    You said it was 'definitely true' 


    If you want to do the rumour thing, just have a think who else you could be compromising dude. Both the people I have that tell me stuff (and I stress I have no interest in being a rumour monger, I simply pass on what I know) I'm deliberately vague about.  I'll tell you now, if what you have said about the Slaneesh release, you have named the person there, I'll tell you that for a fact. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I genuinely can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

    Imperials and Stormcast got:

    Sisters of Silence/Custodes Wave 1
    Triumvirate of the Imperium
    Triumvirate of the Primarch
    Primaris Marines 
    Stormcast Vanguard
    Custodes Wave 2: Full Army Boogaloo
    New Imperial Knights
    Rogue Traders*
    Sisters of Battle announced*
    Stormcast Wizards*

    Meanwhile, Chaos received...

    Disciplines of Tzeentch
    Thousand Sons
    Death Guard
    Daemons of Nurgle


    When you don't apply the same rules to both list to suit an agenda, you lose credibility, just worth mentioning.

  4. Just now, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well like I said it might be false , but the only way to know if it’s right or not is more or less just waiting until the time reveals it 

    You specifically said a painter that has been contracted to do some work for a release 6 months in the future. That's very specific dude. And GW read this site. 

  5. I'm not 100 percent sure, but i'd bet money the only models that are sent out for pre-release painting are done by the on site team, or one of the very few and select contracted painters like Giuseppe that sign an NDA. 


    So you might have really dropped someone in it here, if what you are saying is true. 

    • Like 2
  6. Oh and heard nothing on a second Deepkin wave, I'd expect someone has seen something similar and put 2 and 2 and got 5. The only thing I've heard is new Ironjaws, and potentially new Sylvaneth, just to flesh out factions. But definitely Ironjaws


    • Like 10
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  7. So the Nighthaunt is pretty obvious, I can even see that as the June release. There's a new box coming, maybe they'll be involved.

    Moonclan is from a GW employee who is pretty reliable. I said that I wanted a new destruction tome in time for BOBO, he laughed, then I said 'or at least this year' and he said, 'well that's a different story then, I won't laugh at that' 

    Slaneesh is from the same dude that gave me the Nurgle details. 

    3 more armies due this year, and we know 2 (nighthaunt and Slaneesh) so I really hope my friend is right for Moonclan.

    Would expect some more Ironjaws as well to flesh out the range, and to kick-start some destruction love. And the new 40k Ork kits are awesome ?

    • Like 9
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  8. 2 minutes ago, Sheriff said:

    Personally I'll leave it for now as GW has supplied plenty of other stuff for now to keep me busy. (Firestorm appeals more as its refreshingly free of Stormcast, and gives goodies for goblins.) 

    Dude, it's huge for Stormcast, the buffs are awesome for order B|

  9. 1 hour ago, ChaosUnited said:

    So it’s what you’ve been told, not what you know ;) hope they’re wrong but thanks for sharing regardless ✌?

    So unless I've seen the models, or have Jez on speed dial? It's decent source with zero need to make anything up. He's been 100% so far, I've known most of the spoilers on the community site as soon as they have been posted up. 

    I'll not bother in the future ¬¬

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