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Posts posted by StokieRich

  1. Hmm I see that point of view, and perhaps wouldn't protest so vigorously, however with not having that AOS 2.0 background (I only played a little of it) I would say this reads to be pretty conclusive to me that if you have sub factions artefacts and traits they want you to take one of those first.

    • Like 1
  2. I strongly disagree, at times there are rules that are poorly written and/or could be misinterpreted. This isn't one of them.

    It is very clear to me, let's take them one at a time: 

    1.) "If that allegiance abilities for a subfaction include a command trait (yes) and the general of your army has the keyword for that subfaction (yes), then that command trait must be the one you give to your general"

    How do you possibly misinterpret that?!?!

    2.) If the allegiance abilities for a subfaction include an artefact of power (yes) and any HEROES in your army have the keyword for that subfaction (yes), then that artefact of power must be the first artefact of power given to one of those HEROES.

    On this one there is a TINY bit of wriggle room, but if you REALLY push it and try and say that it doesn't include those with lists because it says "that" rather than "one of those" (and I really think that is pushing it) then the rule still doesn't work at all because you have to apply the rule (you're a yes to both questions)

    I really think this is wishful thinking and I would think it would be VERY poor form to try and game this and say that this would allow you to choose a generic artefact as your first.

    Full disclosure here by the way: I have been running Amulet of Destiny in Soulblight but after reading this rule I am fully of the opinion that I should not be doing so and need to go with one of the Kastelai faction artefacts.

  3. One more from me that is more of a, " is this correct"

    As it stands a character who takes Morbhegs claw can make a Run move as it is only restricted from performing a Normal Move, Shoot, Charge, is this intended?



    Morbheg’s Claw

    This blackened talon is said to belong to Morbheg, father of Terrorgheists.
    In your hero phase, you can say that the bearer will carve sigils into the ground using Morbheg’s claw. If you do so, add 2 to casting rolls for friendly LEGION OF NIGHT WIZARDS wholly within 12" of the bearer until your next hero phase. However, the bearer cannot make a normal move, make a charge move, shoot or fight until your next hero phase.

    When you pick a unit to make a normal move, you can move each 
    model in that unit a distance in inches equal to or less than the 
    Move characteristic shown on the unit’s warscroll. Units cannot move 
    within 3" of enemy units when making a normal move.

    8.2 RETREAT
    When you pick a unit to retreat, you can move each model in that unit a 
    distance in inches equal to or less than the Move characteristic shown on 
    the unit’s warscroll. The unit must end the move more than 3" from all 
    enemy units. You cannot shoot or attempt a charge later in the turn with 
    a unit that has retreated.

    8.3 RUN
    When you pick a unit to run, you must make a run roll for the unit by 
    rolling a dice. Add the run roll to the Move characteristic of all models 
    in the unit until the end of that phase. You can then move each model 
    in that unit a distance in inches equal to or less than their modified 
    Move characteristic. No part of a run can be within 3" of an enemy 
    unit. You cannot shoot or attempt a charge later in the turn with a unit 
    that has run

  4. I played this list on Wednesday night against Sylvaneth in my first game of AOS 3.0 - Really enjoyed it and most fun I've had in a long time, could have gone either way to the end.

    Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords
    - Lineage: Kastelai Dynasty

    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (435)
    - General
    - Deathlance
    - Command Trait: Rousing Commander
    - Artefact: Grave-sand Shard
    - Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions
    Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos (200)
    - Lore of the Vampires: Amaranthine Orb
    Radukar the Beast (315) // Extra 10 Dire Wolves T1

    10 x Dire Wolves (135)
    10 x Dire Wolves (135)
    5 x Blood Knights (195)
    5 x Blood Knights (195)
    5 x Blood Knights (195)
    5 x Blood Knights (195) // Outflanked

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 135

    (Double Battle Regiment - 2 drop)


    I played against:


    Allegiance: Sylvaneth
    - Glade: Dreadwood

    Branchwych (80)
    - Artefact: The Vesperal Gem
    - Deepwood Spell: Throne of Vines
    Spirit of Durthu (300)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Paragon of Terror
    - Artefact: Jewel of Withering
    Spirit of Durthu (300)
    Treelord Ancient (260)
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Arch-Revenant (100)

    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)

    6 x Kurnoth Hunters (380)
    - Scythes

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Spiteswarm Hive (50)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 116


    I didn't take any pictures so won't go through the whole game but overall I was really impressed with the army, I didn't get a lot of value from the MW from the Blood Knights as he has a LOT of stuff I couldn't move over, but they did a few times on the smaller units and discounting the MW, the ability to get out then charge back in was fantastic.

    I gave him the first turn and got the double on turn 2, kept it from then until Turn 5 when he got it back. Scores ended 22-20 to me with the Grand Strategy making the difference.

    Blood Knights I really enjoyed, feels like they're in a different place now, they hit reasonably well on the charge but the main thing is they're so much more tanky now as I was regularly putting them on a 2+ with All Out Defence when they are charged, to then retreat out and charge back in. For 195pts I think they're a bargain. Still think the Kastelai buffs are a bit gimmicky as normally you'll only really see the +2" speed one, and then you only get it after you've killed a unit so it only really matters late game if they survive. +1 damage sounds fantastic (and it is) but you have to go hero hunting to get it really.

    I think in future I'll go with the run and charge ability instead as the VLOZD was fantastic, he'd be really scary with a Run command point making him 20" before a charge. (26" if you get Pinions off)

    Seen people Poo Poo Dire Wolves with new coherency rules but 10 of them still covers huge space and they're fast so you're able to get them places quickly to claim/contest objectives. 20 wounds on a 5+ 6+ is pretty tanky as well!

    • Thanks 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Reuben Parker said:

    Seem like good ideas, just not sure a whole bunch of added support to an expensive model is the way to go in AoS 3 unless they bring in a generic MW save better than deaths 6+. We now have so many armies that can just overload MWs even soulblight with zombies and attack stacking + necromancer can do insane MW output. With AoS3 seemingly having tanky saves and easy way to add +1 save unless MW get reworked and or a generic save is introduced MWs are going to be the thing everyone builds for as their damage output to counteract all the 2+ and 1+ saves that will be running around. Kruleboyz, Lumineth, Fyreslayers, DoT, Soulblight, SCE are just a few of the armies shaping up to have incredible MW output. 

    I think just a native VLoZD with AoS3 generic abilities and Avengorii buffs will be sufficient and doesn’t make a list that falls apart when the central component is removed. 

    Definitely agree with this mate, Had the *pleasure* to play against DoK with 15 Bow Snakes as well, 60 shots per turn (Hero phase and shooting) at 24" range (32" with a move) does on average 10 MW without even rolling the rest of the hits/wounds/saves! With that sort of MW output at range it feels like a good save just won't help you. You have a good chance of just picking up the VLOZD before he does anything.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, KK9T said:

    Arch-Kavalos Zandtos or Liege-Kavalos? Just bought the box and am wondering how to build him. Who's better? Liege can obviously take command trait and artifact. 

    If you're playing petrefex elite which is certainly the competitive option atm, then you're going to want to build the kavalos.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Kimbo said:

    Looks cool. 

    What do you think about this? (Or anyone else for that matter) 


    You remove the endless spell, remove the batalion and instead add the Liege-K. 

    He gives 2 CPs... to use for the reroll on guard shields. And a decent fighting Hero that has a Nice CA for the guard. So:



    20x guard 

    20x guard 

    10x guard 


    Good or bad? 

    I'm sure it'd be decent mate but I think 40 10 10 is better than 20 20 10 as that 40 is just so, so good. You're also splitting what you have to maintain those buffs on as to buff 2x20 to have reroll saves is 4cp a round, whereas to buff the 40 is just 2 (which you get for free with the battalion) 

    The battalion feels to me like 3rdp a turn for 120pts, plus lowers your drops so I wouldn't want to drop it. 

    Having said that though mate none of us have likely played enough games to, "figure out" what the best is, so go for it and let us know what your experiences are and we can all benefit 😊

    In my experience when a big nasty unit charges the 20 they might kill say 10-15 and your return punch is neutered. If they kill 10-15 of your 40, they're very, very likely to just die in return from the other 25-30 guard with 50-60 rend 2 attacks.

    If nothing else that massively changes how they play the game as they can't really take on that 40 at all in combat. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Kimbo said:

    Hi all! New project coming up and as usual I like to start at 1k, then build up (with the first list as  a base) towards 2k. 

    IF you (anyone who likes to share) would start at 1k and build a solid, good list with units that will always be useful for later competitive play, how would your 1k list look? 


    I have one myself in mind: 

    1x Bonemason 

    1x Boneshaper 

    2x 20 Guard 

    1x Crawler 


    Thank you in advance! 

    For 130pts you could bring 10 more mortek which is more than he's likely to bring back and I'm not sure the extra 10 mortek won't do more than the boneshaper will. 

    At 1k I've been liking this:


    40 mortek

    10 mortek

    10 mortek 

    Mortek shield corps

    Bone shrieker

    Whilst low on rdp the shield Corp gives you 2 free shield walls per round so I haven't felt particularly short. 40 mortek can deal with pretty much everything (killed a frost lord on stonehorn (metalcruncher) with ethereal amulet last time out. The other 2 units of 10 are still legit at that point level and gives you a good chunk of mortek for bigger games

  9. 12 minutes ago, Thamalys said:

    Last thing I want is to come across as critical (I really do hope you don't think that's the case!), but why would you run this list in Legion of Blood? Extra attacks on just your VLoZD, and a scant -1 bravery across the board, that's it... at that point, swap your VL on foot for Arkhan and go for Legion of Sacrament... with 2 wizards knowing three spells each, a viable battalion and a few more perks...

    Yea that's fair mate and the list doesn't benefit as much from LoB now that those changes have been made for sure. I'd not considered Arkhan and was therefore thinking I had to be in Blood for Nef. 

    Having said that it looks very different in Sacrament. It's not just a case of swapping a 140pt Vampire Lord out for Arkhan, you'd have to lose the coach as well, and you can't run the battalion without it looking like a vastly different list.

    I'd be up for trying Nef, Arkhan, VLOZD though with the 2x10 Hexwraith package and see how that gets on, I think that'd be an interesting one to try thanks mate!


    • Like 1
  10. I get that Legion of Blood aren't top tier but I've been playing them a while and I don't get some of the complaints, they're comfortably mid tier with Nef even before the points drop. Bit of a dump here but I felt these comments about Nef and LoB not being any good are inaccurate.

    This is what I took to Blood and Glory, I didn't exactly smash face but I was happy with 3-1 and a forfeit to watch the rugby day 1:


    VLOZD with Eth Amulet

    2 x 5 Blood Knights

    2 x 10 Hexwraiths

    3 x 5 Dire Wolves


    Since Blood and Glory I've removed the Blood Knights as whilst they can hit pretty hard on the charge they just melt in return to most things. New list looks like this:


    VLOZD with Eth Amulet

    Vampire Lord on Foot

    Black Coach

    2 x 10 Hexwraiths

    3 x 5 Dire Wolves

    It is absolutely disgusting to try and kill. Front screen is Dogs, behind those are Hexwraiths. Most of the time the opponent will be -2 to hit against your 4+ ethereal Hexwraiths with a 6+ death save. Once you've received the charge unless they do 20 wounds into your Hexwraiths you're then replacing D3 models from the black coach, plus you'll likely have 5-7 rolls from Graveyards and Heroes returning a model on a 3+. It's just fantastic at the attrition game. If you need an opponents objective, just retreat with your super fast Hexwraiths over them and sit on it. If they do manage to kill them all, bringing 10 Hexwraiths back for 1 cp is great.

    It comes undone a bit to magic, but against a combat army (and often shooting if you march Neffy up early) it can completely neuter them.

    I'm not saying it's top tier, but it's competitive, and my second list there just went down another 80pts so you could upgrade the Vampire on foot to something else (Olynder, Reikenor or Kurdoss(+ a cp), 2nd Black Coach are all options)

  11. Why the shrieker and Katakros? Seems like you're doubling up on +1 to hit?

    Other than that seems solid, I've been using 40/20/20 Guard with 2 crawlers Katakros and Soulmason and been very strong, I like you managing to get the Soul Reservoir in but I feel moving from a 40 right down to a 10 to get those extras might not be worth it.

    Love the suggestion on splitting Godbone and Archaeossian, I'd never considered that but a great shout in the mirror

    Thanks for sharing!

  12. 9 hours ago, Peter (Age of Miniatures) said:

    I doubt we have seen the last point changes for this round, maybe the rest will be further out. 

    I have been compiling my own notes throughout the evening and the 4chan screendump fits with what I have. There seem to be some contradiction between Azyr app and the Japanese pdf-leaks, so we will see once the technical dust settles.

    I will be updating the points as I go along here (which should be easier on the eyes than grainy jpg's):


    really helpful thanks. I don't think Arkhan has gone down in points though from what I can see? Think it was just Nef and Manny

    • Like 1
  13. 17 minutes ago, Thamalys said:

    Our Beautiful Queen getting 40 points cheaper... not too bad, not too bad. Still a rather tricky pick in a competitive scenario, but it’s better than nothing, I suppose.

    GW seems to have messed with the release/upload/app update of these  Errata to an unprecedented extent, though, hence a tiny part of me still hopes for... well, more.

    I appreciate not in Soulblight but she's pretty solid in legion of blood. Stacking her command ability can be pretty disgusting once things are - 2 to hit. 

    I took her to blood and glory and did OK with 3-1 and a forfeit to watch the rugby. Not saying she's amazing but I think she worked pretty well pre points drop. 

    Having said that I can now get her in plus have an extra command point so I'm not complaining! 

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Zanzou said:

    See where you're coming from but also greatly disagree:

    -If they're likely to be "serious tournament players" as you say, that means that serious tournament players judged this faction to be strong  enough to pickup very early, and are succeeding heavily against other serious tournament players as well.

    -These people have also had the least practice with this new faction yet are still dominating.  Sure you could say the opponents have also not had a chance to practice against them, but their opponents are at least experts with their own faction vs noobs with a new faction.

    -The reason this high win rate pattern of new factions is a thing is actually because of the general power creep of GW's releases.  It is pretty self-evident, even if some releases are not quite as OP as others.

    Disagree due to reasons in my above post. Yes they're playing other serious tournament players but they're also playing non serious players, I'm not sure I get your point (not trying to be rude maybe I'm missing something here?) 

    I don't think there really is any "new to this faction" - there may be some nuances but we can see what's good and why. 


  15. 1 hour ago, dekay said:

    Not necessarily.

    From what I see, CoS are pretty unique in that respect if we consider a few factors:

    1. Many CoS players had their armies already, from WFB times, and could basically immediately switch to the new faction. So there was never a state when only hardcore tournament players were playing it.

    2. CoS may, realistically speaking, have fewer new players than other factions. Models are old and mostly direct only, so more expensive than buying a typical box from an independent retailer, so it may forever have lower percentage of players just starting to learn how to play it than any other faction.

    3. Most important one: For now, from what I see, many CoS players aren't playing CoS at all. They are playing Wood Elves. Dwarfs. Empire. Whatever. Not CoS, with CoS optimised synergies and compositions, they are trying to make thair old army work and failing, because that army doesn't exist anymore. I'd assume that as soon as they either give up or learn to use the combined arms style the book is built for, winrate for CoS might jump up a bit.

    Yes this, the OBR players are all players who've smashed that army out to take it to tournaments. There are no casual players at all and I think it's a fair assumption they'llall pretty much be taking what they feel are highly competitive lists. 

    Other armies such as ogres and cities will have a lot of hobby players who are happy to be getting their toys back on the table, therefore will likely be much lower as a result. 

    To be clear I'm absolutely not saying that the OBR aren't great, but let's give it some time before saying these figures are representative of a good selection of the player base

  16. One thing I've not seen mentioned anywhere is that I would think that anyone who has actually painted and taken OBR to an event so far is pretty serious about AOS.

    You've pretty much removed any casual players from the stats by the fact that they've only very recently come out. We are likely to see those win rates drop considerably once more casual players start getting their armies fully painted and taking them to tourneys.

    I definitely think their powerful (specifically PE) but we can't make judgements on their current win rate as all of those players are very likely to be serious tournament players.

    • Like 1
  17. 12 minutes ago, Death1942 said:

    I hope for a drop for vampire lords, maybe even a drop for some of our named characters.  Vargheists could probably drop 20 or so points and be a lot better, blood knights as discussed should be dropped considerably.  I suspect they will remove bats and other really old kits (if you look at the rest of the leak they are removing models from other armies in this FAQ)

    What leak mate? 

  18. 2 minutes ago, ChrisNoAnts said:

    Guys, how do you handle your standard bearers in large units?

    A 40 piece blob of Mortek Guard can have 4 banner bearers. I think it looks crappy, causes a lot of extra work and (most importantly) does not feel fluffly to me. 

    Not building the maximum number of banner bearers is a clear disadvantage though. At one point you might have to remove that one model. 

    My playgroup is probably fine with a "pick up the banner if the bearer dies, up to x times whereas x is the number of maximum allowed banner bearers"-houserule, but I also dislike the level of bookkeeping and explaining out of regular playgroup games.

    I'm fishing for your opinions here. How will you handle your banner bearers? 

    I think it looks silly having more than one in the unit so I'll keep playing with just one and accept that it's not optimal. 

    Having said that, if it gets sniped out you can use one of your "heal 3 dudes" abilities to put it back in the unit. 

  19. Yea that's cool mate I get that. I agree to me also they look better and you're right, if 20 of each are attacking you're only getting approx 3 more wounds through from the blades so it's not as if you're taking a huge hit. 

    Max potential output is a fair view as well, personally I'd value the free extra wounds a round more (they get more value out of +1 attack as well) but I can see a solid argument for spears instead!

  20. 1 minute ago, Overread said:

    How many casualties you take doesn't actually make any difference because swords or spears has no effect on the mortek saves. So if you had 20 with spears and lost 10 getting to the enemy; you'd also lose 10 if you had swords in the very same position. 

    For units of 10 or so the difference is only around 1 wound dealt in favour of swords. Meanwhile for a unit of 40 (again remember this assumes ALL make it into close combat range) then its a favour of 5 additional damage making it through for swords over spears. 

    Yea but the only advantage the spears have is they get more attacks in because of the reach. If my opponent kills a decent number, I just take them from the back and so the swords end up with just as many attacks as the spears in some situations. 

    I like that I can afford to lose 10-20 of my mortek with absolutely no loss in combat effectiveness, and they're likely to kill whatever just charged in and did that with a huge amount of rend 2 attacks back. 

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