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Posts posted by Chikout

  1. 20 minutes ago, Whitefang back me up said:

    Power level is the number after wizard at the bottom, so Wizard (9) means you have a power level of 9 and can cast and dispel 9 times in a battle round. 

    Yeah that's pretty much what I guessed. Thanks for the confirmation. I think people were just thrown because the level is so high but Nagash has always been able to catch a bunch of spells. He does have the nine books of Nagash after all. Also in third edition he goes to down to six spells when he's taken six damage, which is exactly the same in the new version. He just doesn't degrade further. 

    I imagine that all monster damage tables will change in this way. One stat, or selection of stats gets worse after a certain amount of damage is done and that's it. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

    I think I missed it but where did you see the every warscroll will have a unique ability ?

    It's here. Screenshot_20240406-013212.png.d471a0194ffdfaa54bd631587346fa30.png

    The article also says there are seven weapon ability USRs. I can only think of 4. Mortal wounds, exploding hits, auto wounds and ignore save modifiers. Anyone care to guess what they all are? 

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  3. Thoughts. 

    1- they've clearly referenced the old scrolls when making the new ones. The 3s to hit and wound are the same as they were on the old scrolls. It doesn't indicate the homogenisation of AoS. 

    2. Every warscroll gets at least one unique ability. That puts to bed my biggest worry about USRs. 

    3. Colour coding doesn't work for the colour blind. Hero phase and charge phase look identical to me. Fortunately there isn't much overlap between them. 

    4. I'm really glad hand of dust is staying. A little bit of weird flavour is good for the game Interesting that it is a rampage. I wonder if there will be abilities that turn it off. 

    5. Nagash can't heal himself anymore, he can bring back a whole unit but only once per game.

    6. What's up with the shield option on liberators. Just cosmetic or different warscroll? 

    7. The only icon I couldn't guess immediately was control but since it's the only one, there's no problem. 

    8. Even though I'm colour blind, I like the presentation. It's super easy to find the spell and the rampage on the warscroll. 

    Overall a solid improvement but not a complete reinvention. 

    • Like 2
  4. For the first time ever, I'm out of reactions. 

    @Whitefang back me up has been right about pretty much everything. Beasts are gone, scenery is in the launch box, everything is an ability etc etc. The tg rumour came out several weeks after Whitefang back me up's posts on here where they said there were par reforging Stormcast and that the setting would be the realm of fire. Where the rumour differed is where it's wrong. No new bonesplittas no Beasts move to slaves to Darkness. That means the stuff about Fyreslayers, cities and Ogors is just guesswork. It also means that if @Whitefang back me up says we're getting a cogfort, we're getting a cogfort. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Whitefang never confirmed this. The only indication we had was that SG Warhound cry reacted to someone asking if beasts were staying. 

    That's not entirely true. They liked the post from @Whitefang back me upwhich said beats were getting cut. It's natural not wanting to believe it. I certainly didn't. 

    Despite having quite a lot of minis affected by this change none of it upsets me too much except the beasts thing. 

    It is an undeniable truth that GW is struggling to manage it's huge range of miniatures. You only have to look at the state of the web store. With third edition they hit upon a design of Stormcast that was very well liked. It wouldn't suprise in the least if Sacrosanct sales dropped off a cliff during third. Of course the weak rules haven't helped. The writing has been on the wall for Bonesplittas for a while, especially now that Kruleboyz has been eating into their territory. 

    With Underworlds I think they want to keep the whole range available for two or three years then drop them. That way they can keep the overall stock level constant. I don't think we'll see underworlds warbands in battletomes again. 

    I think that warcry is moving to a kill team model with units like the chameleons and gorgers that can be easily integrated into mainline AoS without leading to bloat. Warcry plague monks and gutter runners here we come. I absolutely love those cultist models. The corvus cabal might be my favourite infantry unit ever but I do understand why they are going. So long as I can still play them in Warcry, I'll be happy. 

    The BoC change is meaningless and isn't good for anyone except people in the studios who want to have **** measuring contests about which game sells more. 

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  6. Cypher lords - Tzeentch arcanites.

    Untamed beasts - Khorne bloodreavers

    Ungors-  blissbarb archers

    Bestigors - Tzaangors

    Centigors - whatever the new mounted marauders are. 

    Tuskgor chariot - chaos chariot

    Bullgors and doombull- ogroids.

    Gors - marauders

    Beastlord - chaos lord

    Lord arcanum on gryph charger - lord Aquilor. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    I feel only Ogors are the army currently in the danger zone of being taken out of AoS. There also mini factions like Spiderfang and non human CoS that are in the same category

    Stormcast are kind of an outlier army where they can get a lot of update and things can get discontinue to keep them fresh every three years. I wouldn’t use them as a bases for what may happen to other armies.

    Two of the main people in charge of AoS are big Ogor fans, namely Phil Kelly and Jes Bickham. I'm not sure who it is that makes these kinds of calls but I'm pretty sure Ogors are safe. 

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    So they exist in the lore but not as a Faction? 

    This is already true for loads of stuff. Grotbag scuttlers are a good example. I'm reading Yndrasta and the story is about a group of humans that certainly aren't cities of Sigmar. There's a giant six legged bear that doesn't have a model (I wish it would) and lots of other things that aren't in a battletome. I'd actually prefer if the lore and the miniature range were separated somewhat. It allows the authors more freedom. 

    • Like 3
  9. 7 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    I'll never burn by army but I do feel the need to cynically ask what they kids are supposed to do with them? D&D I guess? Plus I don't want to encourage anyone to get into a game run by such a... company.

    Ok. Genuine question. Anger at GW is warranted but is there another game company that keeps their minis and rules buyable and useable for longer? 

  10. 1 hour ago, Pizzaprez said:

    Bad news: I like them a lot and already own two boxes. I'd keep an eye out for the worst version of the "duardin soup" lol

    Those of y'all who still have playable armies will forget about this, yes: because you weren't impacted. My cursed city models are now only frostgrave NPCs because GW doesn't want me to play with them.

    You could quite easily make an alternative command corps with the cursed city heroes. It's something I've been thinking about doing. With a bit of light conversion you could get them pretty similar.

  11. 21 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    To those saying it had to happen due to production capacity, that is entirely untrue for BoC who are still being sold. Which is somehow worse because it's just a flat out middle finger from GW to AoS players.


    It may be true for the others but it feels like that isn't their reasoning when the biggest cull is based purely on their desire to... not print a battletome? Separate ToW and AoS but not when it comes to most of the StD and GSG and also cities dwarves? (Literally what is their reasoning cause that's 3 out of 9 armies that are in both but Beasts being in both is UNACCEPTABLE!)

    I agree with this. Having to make cuts is logical and understandable, but the BoC thing feels like the result of ridiculous internal politics. The whole philosophy of completely separating the two lines is exactly the opposite of what I think they should be doing. 

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  12. Ok here's an unreservedly positive post. 


    was a big surprise. How much like actual battletomes are these books going to be? Losing these units sucks but this is more work than they ever done on retiring units before. If the initial work is good enough, it could be all you need for the edition. 

    • Like 4
  13. 11 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:


    • Be mad and post insults at GW on TGA about it ? Very uncool, you shouldn't do that.

    Being angry at GW is fine. They're a massive company. They won't even notice. I draw the line with getting angry at other users for not being angry enough. I don't think there's much of that here thankfully, but I've been called a shill in other places simply for having a balanced opinion. 

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  14. Maybe it's a bit early for this post but here it is. 

    This situation is something that's going to continue happening and it's not entirely GW's fault. Even accounting for these cuts and the cuts from cities earlier in the edition, the number of AoS kits has grown this edition and we're about to get another 30 or so kits with the new edition. 40k is the same. Kill Team warcry and underworlds are each getting 8 new kits a year. The recent orc and goblin release had more than 20 kits not counting made to order. Multiply that by 9 and you have almost 200 kits for the old world alone.  This is a major issue for GW. Their warehouse space is already pretty maxed out and their factories can't keep up with demand. 

    I'm more than a little miffed to say goodbye to my Sacrosanct Stormcast and even more to the disappearence of the opportunity to expand my collection. I was definitely planning to buy another unit of evocators and another unit of Dracolines as I love both  those kits.  I only have 4 of the warcry warbands that are being cut and would have loved to get the rest eventually. 

    I would have loved to do all those things but I also love new stuff. I'm really not sure how GW can balance things in the future. They have done a lot of one to one swaps in the past. They didn't just resculpt the tactical marine kit 5 times because it was popular. It also meant they could introduce something 'new' while discontinuing the old one and keeping the overall product range manageable. But these days people want new factions like Emperor's Children, dark Mechanicum and Malerion Aelves. That means either growing the range or discontinuing less popular ranges to make way for new ones. 

    I'm really not sure what the best solution is. I don't think there's a perfect world where GW can add ten kits to each of the smaller AoS factions while still keeping all the old ones in stock, especially as AoS is not the most popular product GW makes. 

    Maybe the answer is to keep the old models playable for much longer. They promised to balance the older factions for a year.  Why not the whole edition or indeed forever? They can definitely afford to hire a couple more people to the rules team. Doing balance updates for the legacy factions could be part of the training. 

    • Like 11
  15. 21 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    If that GW move doesn't make this community angry nothing will.

    I'm not exactly delighted by this but you sound like you want the community to be angry. One of the reasons I like be the tga community so much is that we can discuss things without losing our minds all the time. 

    Downside, the warcry warbands aren't playable anymore. Upside I now have a whole bunch of alternative sculpts for my marauders. They aren't Iron Golems, they're marauders from Chamon. I might need to do a bit of rebasing though. 

    • Like 16
  16. 4 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    Interestingly, Horns of Hashut band are out too. Maybe because they may join another battletome later ? After all, they're not slaves to "darkness", more "bulls, fire and ashes"... ;)

    For Cities of Sigmar...maybe they'll make another annoucement soon when the TOW dwarves will be close to release....

    The dwarfs will probably be out before 4th edition so it would be weird to wait to announce those cuts. I think the Duardin are safe. 

    As for Stormcast, I'm sure we'll see updates for the warrior chamber but I think the Sacrosanct are just gone. I really hope they are doing more cavalry. I really love those Dracolines. 

    On the Skaven side, I think that list from @SG Warhound is looking more and more accurate. 

    I am somewhat happy that GW are doing what I asked and doing digital battletomes. They are even keeping them tournament legal for a year which is more than they've done for the legacy old world factions. 

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  17. 1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

    I see your point. I still think there should be more than one poster boy but I'm not the one pulling the strings.

    Do we actually have some checked data on how SCE are really popular? That info would still be corrupted by how hard GW pushes them but I'm just curious. 

    There's very little concrete data. The only things I can find that are quantified is tournament data and Instagram activity. 

    In the latest woehammer stats Stormcast are back as the most played army despite not being the strongest. Interestingly Stormcast were the most played army from launch of first edition until they were dethroned in second edition by Skaven. 

    Instagram is a weird one but it does give an idea of popularity. As it's tags on photos it's mostly saying which factions have been painted the most. When it comes to tags it's not even close. Stormcast Eternals have about a third more posts than the next most popular faction which is Skaven perhaps due to their name not changing since the old world. To give a comparison to 40k, there are about a third more uses of the eldar hashtag than Stormcast Eternals. 


    This all does suggest that Stormcast are popular but to what extent that is a catch22 situation is impossible to judge. 

  18. I think Stormcast make a good starter faction. They are a relatively low body count army that is easy to paint and should also be fairly easy to play. 

    Here's what I'd like to see though. 

    My perfect world is a new edition every 4 years with Stormcast in the box but a mid edition battle box with all new minis for two factions that aren't Stormcast. That way you get 4 factions with the big box treatment and Stormcast get updated every 4 years instead of the current 3. 

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  19. Lots to unpack here. Skaven are winning the popularity contest because they have been waiting ages for an update and now many of the new models will be useable in the old world too. I chose Skaven even though I’m a Stormcast player who is very much looking forward to the new models. I have shared this a few times but if you head over to instagram you can see how many times a particular hashtag is used. Stormcast externals are number one but Skaven are the second most used hashtag. I have a feeling this is going to be a very popular box set which makes me worry about availability. 

    As for the new force organization system, I’m seeing some weird takes. No unit in the game will be auxiliary only, especially since they’ve already said that certain key heroes will,be able to take any unit. I can see an interesting tiering system for heroes now. You get low level specialist heroes that are designed to be power paired with particular units. You get heroes that help to emphasize a particular theme, a Skyre hero with skyre units for example. You get heroes that emphasize a particular play style; a fast hero that can take fast units. You get generals who kind of work like before; they can take what would have been the old battleline units. Finally you get the special characters like Teclis or Gordrakk who can take anything. 

    This is all just guesswork but it seems a logical way to go and  helps to give heroes more diverse roles. 

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  20. The only example we have so far is Lumineth. There are already three ways to have wardens in a regiment and we haven’t seen all the heroes. Almost all armies have more heroes than non hero units so I’m sure there will usually be more than one way to get the unit you want in a regiment. 
    I feel like most people won’t be getting many auxiliary units unless they want to get weird. In a hypothetical paring you could have a warlock engineer and 4 doom wheels in your list without going outside a regiment. Your only issue might be if you want a bunch of doom wheels but don’t want any Skrye heroes. 

  21. The new system sounds potentially interesting. I hope the incentives they mention encourage players to continue to use regular units. My worry about the sub factions is the loss of lore. I don’t want to lose 4 pages of lore from every battletome. I hope they keep them in even if they don’t have a place in the rules. 

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